View Full Version : The Hot Water Chute

25th June 2012, 05:24 AM
I "watched" this dream sequence, through the eyes of a woman (not myself, & was simultaneously aware that I was in bed, dreaming) who went into an apartment to look for her foster son. She was told by someone there that he had gone down the "hot water chute" as he was very upset.

She opened 2 small doors in the wall, which lead into a huge, parking-garage type of place that appeared to be made of stainless steel, with warm water gushing over the floor. She slid down a steep incline, nearly lost her balance, & then saw the little boy just as he was about to be swept into the deep, hot section off to the right, which was like a swimming pool. With great difficulty, she caught up with him & snatched him up by the collar of his shirt & held him close to her, crying.

She said something to the effect of, "I had to save you, but I don't want to force you to stay, just come back with me now, & if you still need to, I'll let you go free."

He was also crying, but seemed resigned, saying, "No; I know I'll never, never be free in this place."

The whole thing was very detailed & real. . . .

25th June 2012, 09:22 AM
Somehow reminds me of the birth process.

26th June 2012, 06:26 AM
Aha, thanks Korpo - I was thinking along water=emotions & lost inner child or something, but this fits better. . .only, WHO? My inner masculine side? Am sure it will become clear in some other dreams, am overwhelmed by too many dreams lately. . .