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10th July 2012, 07:22 PM
Misconceptions in Magick
Post in RoE forums by Frater Akenu

I liked it a lot, and agree with all of it. I didn't just go ahead and copy it because I didn't ask for permission to do so.

10th July 2012, 11:26 PM
OMG i love love love love love loved it!!!! it's exactly the kind of article that makes my day ; i will re-read re-read and re-read till i'm saturated.

this article was in a word? -->YUM<---

10th July 2012, 11:55 PM
my initial reaction was a strange giddy happiness for some reason ; but on further reading after i dived in it appears to me that the author is infact a very potent entity in "self empowerment" but isn't for some odd reason clued in to that particular fact (which makes it a very swift resonation)
If you read with attention and get "tuned in" - you will find your self liberated (yes just like that) , which explains my first intial reaction : that of feeling loved , liberated and hmmmm....well oddly enough you have to read the article it's both refreshing and has a taste of emancipation it leaves you feeling.

Imagine if we had the OP in AD.

11th July 2012, 07:05 AM
Ohh, I like the avatar you use there, CFT. ;) :D

Very sensible post. I like that. And I agree with it, too, though I'm not much of a practitioner of magick, per se (but that's another discussion, entirely, i.e., how do you define "magick" and how does it differ from other magickal-style rituals, wishcraft, LOA, etc.). I have done considerable study into various kinds of magick, and practiced a bit of it, so I'm reasonably well-versed in the theory, anyway. Which is how I can say I agree. :)

Neil Templar
11th July 2012, 01:34 PM
Yep. Agreed on all points :)

11th July 2012, 03:29 PM
Ohh, I like the avatar you use there, CFT. ;) :D
Nice, isn't it? A good friend made it for me. :tongue: :-D