View Full Version : Can everyone Awaken Kundulini?

12th August 2012, 10:34 PM
I was wondering if it was possible for anyone to awaken this energy? Im just a girl from nowhere, USA whos never had anything out of the ordinarily ever happen and I am interested in this, indeed Im not sure or not if im already on the path. I do get alot of random muscle spasms, pain and I do sometimes feel electrical like crackling on my head, but it doesnt hurt.

I also wonder if it is safe for me, at this point in my life I dont care what happens, yes I've heard the horror stories and if it kills me so be it, but I also have great tenacity and spirit, I've survived such pain in my life most can never relate and I mean both physical and mental and even through all this my will never let me loose consciousness against my will only if im put under for one of my many surgeries or falling asleep.

So many the question is two fold, can anyone awaken this energy, and is it reccomended for someone in my state to do this? Unlike many others who go through this and take the chance, I really have nothing holding me back from risking my life to do this.

12th August 2012, 11:10 PM
Lena, Kundalini is just another word for 'energy body'. Your kundalini is as active as you want it to be, and if you do want it to be active, you will get to the point in which you will do something about it. Chakras are part of the kundalini system, for example.
I am getting the impression for some of your posts that you get the impression that there are many 'should' and 'shouldn't's in metaphysical exploration, and there are really not- everything is about choice.
Yes, some people have it rise (which is not really the same as 'awaken'- an awakened kundalini can be as simple as having an amazing peak experience or developing clairvoyance)- the process that causes traumatic things is really a kunalini rising/raising, and that is much harder to do.
Can anyone have a traumatic serpent rising episode? Yes, but usually it's people that have been doing pronounced and deliberate exercises while not being ready for it, or people who agreed karmically to undergo this transformation- it's really not easy to rise it by accident.
You may want to read the following article (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?1260-An-Article-by-Robert-Bruce)written by Robert Bruce; it may help with the distinction.

12th August 2012, 11:47 PM
Thanks for clearing it up, and your right, the way people generally talk about it especially those unprepared or not even knowing what this is, it has made it seem like it wasnt a choice, and more a condition that can be forced on someone.

Though I disagree about choice, I mean yes some people can choose to have these things happen, Im sure many have. I've chosen many things too and honestly most have not come to fruition no matter how much energy, effort and drive I put into it and I mean over the course of years.

Sometimes I honestly feel Im imprisoned and caged and my choices dont matter because nothing comes of them regardless of how much I persist. Maybe its a topic for another thread, but has there been any confirmation a persons life could be a punishment for past transgressions, that they are denied any sort of emancipation and must instead endure suffering to learn a lesson Its honestly how I feel often.

13th August 2012, 02:38 AM
I personally don't believe in Karma in that way, so I can't help you there.

13th August 2012, 03:20 AM
Sometimes I honestly feel Im imprisoned and caged and my choices dont matter because nothing comes of them regardless of how much I persist. Maybe its a topic for another thread, but has there been any confirmation a persons life could be a punishment for past transgressions, that they are denied any sort of emancipation and must instead endure suffering to learn a lesson Its honestly how I feel often.

I suggest you throw out the idea of punishment. This whole matter of existence and being is about experiencing what you need most in order to grow closer to God/Source/Truth--whatever term you like best. CFT used the word Karma, because that's what this sentence suggests your getting at, but Karma is simply the configuration of all forces that make this very moment what it is, whether good or bad. Think cause and effect. Better yet, think about cause and effect being blind, amoral concepts if that helps. You're not being punished, you're learning to pick the lock on your cage and sometimes it takes a lifetime or more to just figure out you've been using the wrong method all along. Keep going.


13th August 2012, 03:40 AM
I suggest you throw out the idea of punishment. This whole matter of existence and being is about experiencing what you need most in order to grow closer to God/Source/Truth--whatever term you like best. CFT used the word Karma, because that's what this sentence suggests your getting at, but Karma is simply the configuration of all forces that make this very moment what it is, whether good or bad. Think cause and effect. Better yet, think about cause and effect being blind, amoral concepts if that helps. You're not being punished, you're learning to pick the lock on your cage and sometimes it takes a lifetime or more to just figure out you've been using the wrong method all along. Keep going.


I see what your getting at there, and CT might be right, I think I was describing Karma. Maybe it doesnt exist, maybe it does but sometimes I just cant help wondering if I my purpose in this life is suffer to learn something. It brings up alot of uncomfortable questions like if I can ever change that fate, or if my only liberation will be when its time for me to move on from this plane.

Either way, I wonder if anyone else has ever been angry at their higher self? I know I am, it'll be a interesting conversation if I ever get a hold of her.

Still back on topic, do I have the right mindset to work on Kundilini? Can it even work on me if I meditate and listen to Chakra binaurals?

13th August 2012, 03:56 AM
anyone at all work with kundalini and there are absolutely no exceptions to the rule - everyone* responds to shaktipat

Kundalini work involves a lot advanced energetics and constant assidious devoted application of hardwork

Kundalini isn't a once awaken problem solved process - upcoming waves arent always as easy to deal with previous erruptions and bring their own set of problems

The Hallmark movement of serpentine movement upwards in the spine isn't the sole defining criteria of a Kundalini experience , variations are dime a dozen , not everyone who AP's gets the buzzing.

Kundalini itself isn't enlightment nor does it immediately land you in a pool of siddhi - there are many in between stages

Ultimately IMO it all comes down to hardwork , discipline , practice , determination and singular scrupulous applied focus - and trust me all that isn't easy to sustain.

13th August 2012, 03:58 AM
do I have the right mindset to work on Kundilini?

here's the answer :

at this point in my life I dont care what happens, yes I've heard the horror stories and if it kills me so be it, but I also have great tenacity and spirit

13th August 2012, 04:06 AM
this addresses some of the important issues , worth a read for the Kundalini Inclined.

RB's musings on Kundalini (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?12110-RB-s-musing-on-Kundalini)

13th August 2012, 04:10 AM
* "I have energetic sensations along the spine and associated areas".

* "My basal/sacral chakras are very active i definitely feel Kundalini".

* "Am I kundalini active if i feel something moving upwards my spine?"

* "I'm seeing a lot of "Serpent" type Kundalini "Snake" visions - is an awakening immiment?.

* "I'm particularly third eye sensitive - is this Kundalini?"

* "I'm very prone to depressions and mood-swings is this Kundalini induced "psychosis"?

* "Do i have to lose my marbles to let Kundalini rise?"

* "I'm a stay at home wife with two great kids , will Kundalini fit fine into my routine?"

* "As as advanced practioner i might be ready for Kundalini as the "next upgrade"-what should i proceed with".

* "What about Kundalini resorts? - I'm spirtiually inclined and this might be spending time productively for me"

* "Where can i get a shakipat and how long will it last?"

are addressed here : Going for Kundalini. (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?12328-Is-Kundalini-Sexy-Should-I-go-for-it)

13th August 2012, 08:39 AM
Honestly, I think Kundalini awakens, rather than you awakening it. There may be apparent triggering events (or not), and there are things that can facilitate it, but it seems to be rather like conception. It happens when and if it happens. You can prepare for it, do what you can to encourage it, etc., but it happens because it's meant to happen the way it happens, you know?

I know that's not very helpful, but that's just what I see now (after a couple of decades of working through the consequences and effects of an awakened Kundalini that completely and utterly destroyed me and my life and rebuilt same). It's okay to look for it, to look forward to it, but it will happen when and if it will happen.

13th August 2012, 09:52 PM
I think I agree with your assessment ButterflyWoman. It seems to me 'everyone can awaken Kundalini" is a Misnomer. Maybe every human has the potential for it happening, but it seems like if you took 100 people and put them in a seminar to awaken it, only 30 people or less would manage to have it happen.

It seems to be luck or fate based more then anything else.

13th August 2012, 10:52 PM
I think some people are just constructed in a way that makes them better conduits or vessels for that kind of awakening. And, this is just a personal reflection, I don't think that Consciousness wants to awaken everyone or within everyone, anyway. Then the game would be up! ;)

13th August 2012, 11:59 PM
I think your right :) Goodness knows my Counciousness is kicking and screaming it seems all the way on my journey into spirituality. I get the real feeling it does not want me to learn these things, and I feel guilty like Im 'brute forcing' my way in the back door to enlightment ;)

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14th August 2012, 04:56 AM
Sorry CFT, I didnt realize that was considered an illegal substance, its in over the counter cough medicines all over the USA (and produced naturally in the pineal gland).

Dextromethorphan is not the same as DMT- it can be used to make it, like meth. Anyway, the policy is in place to discourage this kind of 'reasoning'- metatonin (endogenous DMT) is made in the pineal gland, and endorphins are made in the brain, but it doesn't mean we talk about morphine or heroin because of that.
The point is that it is illegal in many countries, and AD policy is international.

14th August 2012, 01:32 PM
i can pick up 5 loopholes in the neurotransmitter theory off handedly , the whole argument comes with the premise we have already subscribed to the darwinian evolution and now its merely a matter of stepping up the game and "taking it to your brain".

i ended up looking "the spirit molecule" (crass advertising yes i know :roll:) for a biochem class essay only to toss it in the can after 30 mins of a read.

I looked up Rick Strassman's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Strassman) credentials appearently his stellar intellect is only outdone by his unchecked penchant for conspiracy theory.

oh well before this ketamines were all the dissociative rage , and that too fizzled out sadly.

but whatever floats your boat i reckon.

14th August 2012, 08:45 PM
I ended up looking "the spirit molecule" (crass advertising yes i know :roll:) for a biochem class essay only to toss it in the can after 30 mins of a read.

That's just about far enough to miss 99.9% of what the book offers.

I looked up Rick Strassman's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Strassman) credentials appearently his stellar intellect is only outdone by his unchecked penchant for conspiracy theory.

I respect your right to use Wikipedia as a source, but realize that judging Rick Strassman's mind and accomplishments based on what's been posted there is sort of like reading a child's doodle sketch of an elephant, accepting the doodle sketch as an authority, and characterizing the elephant based on one dimensional crayon marks. I recommend you read some actual PubMed studies or at least one or two peer-reviewed scientific papers he's written (over 30 now). Dr. Strassman's reviewed plenty of psychiatric research journals, so taking a look there might be worthwhile as well. After all, his startling success rates in helping people recover from refractory depression, anxiety, and end of life fear situations without stuffing them full of mind-numbing narcotics and sanctimonious platitudes on death (that's what most get today) deserve more than a casual glance.

oh well before this ketamines were all the dissociative rage

With ravers, yes. Kids looking to find transcendence without lifting a real spiritual finger. No similarities between Strassman's study subjects or studies in the least.

but whatever floats your boat i reckon

Authentic science, discovery, and people willing to leave convention on the curb now and then in order to help the human race float my boat, and that's not a rage that's going to fizzle soon.


15th August 2012, 03:05 AM
I think some people are just constructed in a way that makes them better conduits or vessels for that kind of awakening

i agree with the prepresent sentiment ; lets analogize an awakened kundalini with a smiliar energetic construct say an activated chakra?

some people already have the energetic clearence and flow so as to render a chakra right into over-drive ("conduit" phenomenon?) while others work and work only to end up with a headache.

I doubt if chakric awakening for any two people are exactly the same .When Ajna opened for me i had flu sinusitis and constant headaches with severe headpounding , no symbols no colors no probes no nothing - that came later on.

Similarly i reckon an "awakening" could just as well be different and have variations in between.

16th August 2012, 03:09 AM
I've attempted to open my Ajna Chakra for several months now with various meditations I've found on You tube, Yoga practice and the internet in general and all I get is a headache. Which makes me living proof of the dynamic between people natural constructed to allow proper energy flow and everyone else who just cant catch a break like me. I've even tried Binauaral Ajna chakra stimulation and I just get the same headaches as I do from normal meditating but no other effects.

I'd really love to see someone prove the idea everyone can do it, and its not just an idea perpetrated by people who have a natural affinity. We see this often, you can talk to experts in various fields, like IT for instance, and they will claim its easy to do and anyone can do it. Which is an effect I attribute more to natural human ego rather then any proven facts to support it.

I should actually see if I can find a Guru willing to conduct an experiment using me to just see if its possible to truly awaken just anyone.

16th August 2012, 11:54 AM
Allow me an opinion:
When something happens to different people at different times, this shows something can happen to anyone. It doesn't mean it will happen to everyone.
Many people try and study and never attain what they (think) they want, and to others it pays off, and yet to others it happens apparently without trying- so I wouldn't take this to mean that the people who do 'it' easily simply assume that it can happen to anyone- if anything, an ego oriented person would think that it only happens to them because A, or B, or C (something that indicated they're special in some way) and not the opposite-
I suggest that the idea that it can happen to anyone is a logical conclusion from the data given- just because it can happen to anyone it doesn't mean it will happen to everyone eventually.

29th October 2013, 08:58 AM
Kundalini is not something you can accidentally awaken, this is a mistaken assumption made by many pseudo-occultists, unfortunately a lot of people are making money off of this lie, it's a distortion of the truth.

The truth is that Kundalini can awaken, not accidentally but through a specific manner which involves conscious effort. In the past it was a heavily guarded secret which only initiates and adepts of the white lodge knew about. Nowadays, because we are in the age of aquarius, it has been unveiled to the public. The Gnostic Master Samael Aun Weor unveils it in his books, more specifically in the book 'The Perfect Matrimony'.

You can order the book from amazon or read it free online here:

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If you are genuinely interested in spiritual matters, I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with the books written by that author (and that website), there are also many other true initiates of the white lodge who give us clues, Manly P Hall, Rudolph Steiner, Aberamentho, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky to name a few, although due to the age in which they lived, they vibrated in harmony with the law of their age, thus it was veiled and only hinted at.

Most of the information that you find on the net or in the bookstores have no clue about the positive development of the Kundalini, worst case is that they are showing us how to develop the inverted aspect of the Kundalini which Gurdjieff names the Kundabuffer organ (tail of the demons). This is tragic and only serves to rapidly degenerate ones spiritual development, thus the human soul tumbles into the abyss with such teachings.

And yes, everyone has the potential to awaken their Kundalini, provided they follow the correct procedure (and are not missing some vital organs)

29th October 2013, 05:44 PM
I am pretty sure many people have spontaneously awakened kundalini. Also how would you know this by reading a book? It is about self experience like the experience of Robert Bruce!

27th April 2017, 12:37 AM
* "I have energetic sensations along the spine and associated areas".

* "My basal/sacral chakras are very active i definitely feel Kundalini".

* "Am I kundalini active if i feel something moving upwards my spine?"

* "I'm seeing a lot of "Serpent" type Kundalini "Snake" visions - is an awakening immiment?.

* "I'm particularly third eye sensitive - is this Kundalini?"

* "I'm very prone to depressions and mood-swings is this Kundalini induced "psychosis"?

* "Do i have to lose my marbles to let Kundalini rise?"

* "I'm a stay at home wife with two great kids , will Kundalini fit fine into my routine?"

* "As as advanced practioner i might be ready for Kundalini as the "next upgrade"-what should i proceed with".

* "What about Kundalini resorts? - I'm spirtiually inclined and this might be spending time productively for me"

* "Where can i get a shakipat and how long will it last?"

are addressed here : Going for Kundalini. (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?12328-Is-Kundalini-Sexy-Should-I-go-for-it)

that was worth a laugh

poke and prod at it , it will SNAP you into 2.