View Full Version : TV medium Graham Bishop stabbed daughters

15th August 2012, 03:10 PM
The TV medium Graham Bishop, from the Danish TV-shows Åndernes Magt (Power of the Spirits),
Ånderne vender tilbage (The Spirits return) and Klarsyn (kind of "clear view" or clairvoyance),
has stabbed his two 4 years old twin daughters with a knife. They have been seriously hurt.

G Bishop then stabbed himself and jumped from a window. Somehow he survived and is now
taken care of by the Danish police.

The assault happened at Sunday 2012-08-12 at the largest hospital in Denmark, Rigshospitalet,
and the closeness to hospital care may be the reason to why the daughters seem to have
survived. The family was at the hospital because of a serious illness of one of the daughters.

One reason to why he stabbed his daughters could be that Bishop's wife said she wanted
to leave him and take her two twin daughters with her, but one other source says that
the police doesn't know any obvious reason. Somehow G Bishop was alone in a locked
room with his daughters when the event happened. His wife alarmed the police.

G Bishop is English speaking and poor at Danish.

The Danish TV shows have focused on clearing out spirits/ghosts (negs?) from peoples'
homes by help of various mediums, among others G Bishop. Many TV-shows have
had Ibi Støving (http://www.bt.dk/krimi/rystet-ibi-stoeving-kendte-faderen-det-er-dybt-tragisk) and Thomas Breinholdt as program hosts.

There are several youtube clips of Åndernes Magt and Ånderne vender tilbage, but I
think they all are in Danish, with the exception that G Bishop is English speaking only.

I found one English article here (http://www.cphpost.dk/news/local/man-who-stabbed-his-daughters-english-tv-medium).

Some articles in Danish are here (http://ekstrabladet.dk/112/article1807282.ece) and here (http://www.bt.dk/krimi/psykolog-om-graham-rablende-sindssyg). Clicking inside further links may take you
to older articles.

Google translate makes a mess at translating those articles, so I refrain from
posting links to any such translation engine. What could be noticed is that both
articles are from the two most sleazy newspapers in Denmark.

G Bishop is a trans-medium and often channelled 'Dr. Karl’ (born 1848). In 2011
G Bishop said he was exhausted, which often resulted in him "forgetting" his body.

During trance G Bishop "leaves" his body to the channelled spirit and G Bishops doesn't
remember anything of the trance event himself, when he returns.

When G Bishop got possessed, some TV participants and news reporters have mentioned that
not only does G Bishop's voice change, but his face also changes, becoming more wrinkled,
making G Bishop seem 10-20 years older.

The speculations in Danish newspapers are that G Bishop was never channelling any spirits,
instead he was schizophrenic and made his money on turning psycho in front of cameras.

Regardless if he suddenly became insane or got possessed by a serious neg entity, it seems
to me that something went terrible wrong.

Any info above may not be correct as I only have newspaper sources to read.

15th August 2012, 05:01 PM
Disturbing. Wow.

18th August 2012, 07:55 AM
The media isn't going to accept spirit possession as an excuse but I wonder if the medium wasn't as well-protected as he thought. I listened to this recently http://psychicaccesstalkradio.com/archives/a20120621.mp3 and so much of what this medium says rings true to me.

18th August 2012, 12:37 PM
intense :shock: .

18th August 2012, 12:43 PM
Bishop is 58 years, his wife is 29 years. Here is an English updated article (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2189331/British-TV-psychic-tried-kill-twin-daughters-4-kitchen-knife-Copenhagen-hospital.html)
on the incident. Two Danish papers have written that Bishop (or Bishops's
lawyer) has declared him innocent in front of a Danish judge. He was in
physical pains when he meet in a preliminary hearing with the court
and his face was bruised. He is kept by the police.

The English article states that Bishop partly healed his daughter at a
previous event and according to himself did so with risks of his own.
Exactly what those risks were are not clear.

I remember him from the early 2000 - 2001 where he seemed much healthier
and relaxed. But in his later TV appearances he seldom smiles and looks very
tense and depressed, something seems wrong to me.

In the following youtube clip in Danish (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Xpb_vXa52RQ), where Bishop speaks English, I think
(in the first 5 minutes) I can see that something is wrong with him. He is a
very controlled person it seems, so his act must in my opinion, at least be
a result of insanity, but what do I know. The female host is Ibi Støving, the
owners of the home first arrive a little later into the clip.

Bishop manages on his own to make the old lady spirit leave. But the mean male
spirit won't leave, so G Bishop lets himself become possessed, starting around
11:40 into the clip. His voice changes, but by some reason I can't see as much
physical change in Bishop's face as there used to be.

Also notice in the clip that the section where Bishop is possessed is cut short, almost
like the TV series' producers don't want people to see something, which I think is
kind of disturbing. G Bishop finds two spirits in the home. The subtexts are in
Danish. At times I think Bishop's head movements remind me of Michael J Fox.

Also in the TV series there are used other mediums, so Bishops role in the TV series is
not that big. I think most of the other mediums are females, the skilled Frank Munkø (http://www.selvet.dk/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=125&id=42188&Itemid=2250)
was one of the males, but he passed away of cancer in 2004.

There hasn't been any reason to Bishop's act presented by Bishop himself in Danish media.
I'll update when I find anything to report.

19th August 2012, 02:07 AM
Good grief. First the NDE researcher waterboarding his daughter, now this...

Most psychics I've known have difficulty with emotions, anger issues for example. I wonder if it has something to do with picking up on other people's emotions and problems and not really knowing how to handle it.

29th August 2012, 05:09 PM
I found the following video clip where G Bishop's face change (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=euodDB0SbWI) is more pronounce.
He starts his channelling about 4:40 and ends it about 12:50. Some parts are
in mixed Danish/Swedish with some Swedish subtexts. It's from about
10 - 12 years ago when G Bishop was in a much healthier state and I think
he speaks English all the time.

Notice that the clip was uploaded by a sceptic who kind of uses it as an
example of fraud. I think it's one of the best visuals of channellings I've

The clip is not the full episode, which I think is about 45 minutes.

What is strange to me is the spirit's problems with the time scale, almost
like Bishop is not possessed by Carl Stromberg, but by some other kind of
entity which doesn't use our human time system. Special when he gets the
birth year to be 1792 and death year 1808.

13th February 2013, 12:29 AM
There has been some silence about Graham Bishop, but I've now discovered an
article written in Dec 2012, by a Danish newspaper (http://ekstrabladet.dk/112/article1886220.ece).

The Court and the doctor think Graham was 100 % sane when he attacked and
stabbed his two daughters, before stabbing himself and jumping out of a window.

But Graham Bishop declares himself insane during the stabbing act, where he also
stabbed himself in his stomach. He also was on several medical drugs when the
events unfolded.

Apparently it seems well know (according to the paper) that the doctor, who did the
mental evaluation on Graham, on a personal plane dislikes Graham Bishop, but the
Court doesn't seem to think that's important to invalidate the doctor's mental report,
which states that Graham was 100 % sane during the knife attack.

One argument from the judges of the Court against making a new mental evaluation,
is that such (a second) mental evaluation is very costly.


Here I found the next article from the Danish newspaper (http://ekstrabladet.dk/112/article1888403.ece), stating that Graham Bishop was
sane and not mentally ill when he (first) stabbed his two daughters and then stabbed
himself in his stomach, before jumping from a window and hurting himself in the fall.

The newspaper articles are from 2012-12-18 and 2012-12-21.

The doctor also states that Graham's hallucinations (? - not specified in the article - ?) didn't
effect his knife attack.

Do I feel something is fishy..?


Of the two stabbed daughters, one is still in serious condition at the hospital.

According to the paper, a board of doctors will approve the mental report somewhere
in Feb 2013, and then the Court can continue. It will be up to Graham to prove that
he is (was?) insane.

13th February 2013, 01:44 PM
I guess when (I hope she recovers) the surviving one recovers, she'll have something to say about it.

13th February 2013, 04:42 PM
Both daughters have survived so far, but they are too young for any say.