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22nd August 2012, 01:57 AM
I'm trying to make sense of a vision I had this morning. Much of what I "saw" and "communicated" were in the form of ROTEs, and I find it very difficult to translate NVC into verbal form, so there may be... inaccuracies?... in what I say. If that makes sense.

My family and I were returning from a 24-hour test that my son had to undergo at a doctor's office over two hours away form our home. We were on our way back this morning. I was in the passenger seat.

All morning I had the image of an elongated face in the back of my mind. It was kind of like having a song stuck in your head. One side was light and the other was dark. I noticed its presence probably a hundred times, but it was subtle, so I didn't give it too much thought. However, in the car I decided to "confront" it, feeling that it could be of some importance.

The dialogue started with me asking, "Who are you?"

Response: "I am the spirit of -----------" (last part incomprehensible by my poor little brain). The response was instantaneous NVC before I had finished asking the question.

Many things of interest happened at this moment. I will list them in no particular order:

- Feeling overwhelmed by emotion; wanting to sob and fall face down with... gratitude?
- Feeling "unworthy," not necessarily in a negative sense, more of a "Wow I'm so small and insignificant" sense
- Mental impression of great age and wisdom, masculine presence
- Headache on the right side of my head, radiating outward from two points
- The name/ident of "Niburu", image of a river
- Feeling of friendship, companionship

I then asked what the occasion of the visit was, and the instant-NVC response was "You are now ready for the next phase." A bit of background info: last year when I was really involved in giving "psychic readings" I had similar visions, where I was told that I was to remain in a certain "bracket" of development for a while, and to enjoy the phase rather than longing for further development. I was frustrated at this stagnation, but ended up accepting it.

The rest of the exchange is largely incomprehensible NVC type communication, but I will do my best to explain.

The spirit's face in two halves, one light and one dark. The light side gave the impression of bumpiness or bone. Looked like a shaman's mask. Image of a small shaman's drum in hand.

The spirit pushed knowledge into the hole in the top of my head, though I'm not sure what knowledge I gained, I feel changed somehow.

The spirit told me, "You now have the ability." To do what???

A thread or trail leading out behind me, I'm being pulled upwards along it, I break through the veil into a white city of light. (This is not an OBE type experience, more like a vivid daydream)

A feeling of verification, then being led across the Atlantic to... Africa? Asia? There's one continent, it's all whole, the impression of ice, a man stooping down. Africa I think.

All the while, I was sitting in the passenger seat, probably looking completely normal.

After the vision ended, I was mentally and physically exhausted. The headache was pretty strong, but has now gone away. Yet I also felt alive and charged with some kind of energy.

A note of interest: I can now initiate a feeling of falling or going down a roller coaster. It's like my belly has butterflies, but times one-hundred. The feeling attempts to move up, and creates a gagging feeling in my throat. What is this? I've felt it before, but not for a while.

I've been trying to do a little research on the verification. The word "nibiru" is a babylonian term meaning "crossing over," which is quite appropriate for my experience. It is also some sort of planet X type phenomenon. I've looked into Nubian and Numibian culture in Africa but nothing really jumps out at me. I wonder if the shamanistic traditions of these peoples may be the key, perhaps I have a past life among them.

Any advice on the verification? Thoughts in general? I'm still reeling from the experience, and not sure what to think about the falling feeling.

28th August 2012, 09:27 AM
It seems to be a valid, powerful experience. What do you need verification for?

Give yourself time to process it.

28th August 2012, 03:56 PM
- The name/ident of "Niburu", image of a river

... The word "nibiru" is a babylonian term

Do you mean niburu or nibiru?

I would try to go to the Monroe F 27 Park or to F 27 TMI-There and see if I
mentally could pick up any impression during "daydreaming".

29th August 2012, 01:32 AM
It seems to be a valid, powerful experience. What do you need verification for?

Give yourself time to process it.
My inner skeptic is restless, unfortunately. I haven't really had much luck with verification so I may as well just go with the flow.

Do you mean niburu or nibiru?

I would try to go to the Monroe F 27 Park or to F 27 TMI-There and see if I
mentally could pick up any impression during "daydreaming".

I saw that niburu is a sort of "planet x" concept that is popular in some new age circles. I should probably look into it.

29th August 2012, 02:06 PM
Nibiru would be the planet that Zecharia Sitchin hypothesized as his interpretation of Sumerian/Babilonian Mythology.
Planet X is the planet predicted by a psychic (can't remember her name, she took down her website) about a planet that was supposed to appear in 2003. When it didn't, she apologized and took down her site.
They are separate 'planet naming' events, one by a historian, the second by a psychic, and had nothing to do with each other.

1st September 2012, 07:38 AM
Sitchin's interpretation itself received a lot of criticism.

I would go with the image of the river and see what it gives you.