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View Full Version : Last nights expierence

7th September 2012, 06:00 PM
Ok so last night before going to lay down i was reading some things on ad-pedia. Came across an article about misconception of the ROPE technique. so i went to lay down and focused only on the rope technique. i relaxed for a while and got to the point where my hands had that numbness to them and started focusing on the rope technique. with every breath i pulled up to one more knot higher on the rope. i would get distracted every now and then and re-focus my attention on the rope. every now and then i would here a noise that i knew wasn't from any where around me. ( i wear ear muffs to help with distraction and cancel all outside noise.) well i wouldn't let the noise distract me from my rope for long. and once i focused back on the rope it would go away but when i hear the noise it excites me and i can feel my heart rate increase. then it will subside when i focus on the rope again. This was the first time that i knew that i was slipping into a dream state. and i would "wake myself up" and go back to the rope, as I'm going up with every breath i am only able to go up 3-4 knots before slipping back off and losing my focus. i knew i was on the edge. then this image appeared like i was there and it was blurry at first and all i can see was this dark hole surrounded by a framework... the image became clear and it was a pistol in my face and the black hole was the barrel. so i focused back on the rope again. until i was just ready to go to sleep because i kept going back and forth and was tired. but sometime before i started hearing the first noises i started feeling really warm. the warmth turned into hotness but i just ignored all of it thinking it was just mental. but when i decided to take off the ear muffs and sit up and move around my sheets and pillow were damp with sweat and i felt really clammy but was starting to cool off. i have read about people saying to have a blanket on hand because sometimes your physical body would get cold while projecting. so i covered up with a light blanket and even the air conditioner blows right on me. i havent read anything about being hot as a symptom. just curious if any one may have any insight.

p.s. sorry for the big wall of text im not the best writer. just trying to get my thought across to you guy's the best way i can.

7th September 2012, 09:28 PM
Interesting. When I used to get symptoms I'd have visuals and sounds, and the sensation of weight on my heart center, but never temperature. So I guess heat can be a symptom. Me, I get cold.

8th September 2012, 03:15 AM
that is the typical answer i find... being cold that is. that was the second time by the way. i dunno, to each there own i guess.