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View Full Version : How long does big blockages take to clear?

13th September 2012, 10:44 AM
The more I do energy work, the more I notice the blockages. Some of the small ones doesn't take much effort to remove, some are quite the opposite. I've always been aware of a big blockage unlike the others at the base of my left thigh and during the 4 years that i've practiced energy work i've focused on and off at removing this blockage by energy raising, wrapping, saying affirmations etc. The sensation when I do this gets very intense, both burning, freezing and aching have been felt as well as a feeling of intense heavyness/pressure.

Other stuff in my life has constantly prevented me from having the energy/will to do energy work though so i've taken long breaks which I assume allows the blockage to rebuild itself and thus taking so long to clear. But i've been focusing very hard to get rid of this blockage as of late and i'm determined to actually make it happen this time.

What i'm curious about is how long you guys had to work on bigger blockages before they dissolved and what were your methods? I realize everyones experience is different but I feel it would be pretty motivational to be able to make a comparison.

13th September 2012, 12:31 PM
It's kind of subjective- I find that some blockages recur due to 'doing the same thing' or 'thinking the same way', but most of the time instead of recurring they appear in different places depending on what I'm doing.
I don't have a 'time it takes' because it's too individual and subjective, but some big blockages took a year to manage positively, and others dissolve right away.
Think of it as fat- it took me a long time to get this fat, it's going to take longer to get rid of some of it, and since I have to eat every day, some of it just gets replaced. Something like that, lol.

ps. I recommend adding to your repertoire (not replacing, but adding) some Inner dissolving, it's very effective, at least for me.

14th September 2012, 08:48 AM
Thanks for the reply CFTraveler! You've given me alot to think about. I read up on inner dissolving and the idea is very interesting. I will definitely give it a try and devote time to it in my daily routine.