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View Full Version : Energy surges - already projected?

21st May 2006, 01:25 AM
Here's the scenario:

1) I'm in a trance (light to medium, trying not to go too deep or I fall asleep)
2) I feel surges of energy
3) I feel a pulling sensation llike something is drawing me ... somewhere, very urgent feeling, not unpleasant though

And here's the question:
If I project, which I can assume is always possible when I am relaxed enough, and I am waiting for my energy body to return from its adventures, should I still be able to feel the energy surges and pulling / drawing feeling?

Or do the energy surges and pulling / drawing feeling mean I haven't projected yet?

And another question:
I have a great imagination, and can picture myself floating above house, down the street, even flicker between 2 different viewpoints, but it seems to just be my imagination. I don't get any new info from the experience, just what I put into it. So that means I'm just wishing, hoping, right? Not actually projecting. Projecting really feels like an experience, right?

I'm confused but having a great ride.

21st May 2006, 07:36 PM
Projecting really feels like an experience, right?
Right. To seems it feels like a lucid dream, to others like waking reality.

22nd May 2006, 03:49 PM
Thanks so much, CF and Michael B. Very helpful, and I think I understand two things now.

1) imagination is not projection

2) imagination can be helpful for projection, and shouldn't be thought of as a hindrance.

Thanks again and happy oob-ing to all!