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View Full Version : Why does mind hacking work?

Donald McGlinn
1st October 2012, 02:14 PM
I did a mind hack recently. It took a few minutes. Simply put, it worked. First time.

I have done the whole motivation, growth, think and grow rich stuff for 30 years. I am even a huge fan of The Secret.

None of it worked as simply and quickly as mind hacking.

Why does mind hacking work so effectively?

you can watch it below. It's ten minutes, five of which is telling you why you should do it. Start at 3 minutes if you want to skip the prelude.


1st October 2012, 04:55 PM
Funny you should post this- as you may have figured out, I'm a bit compulsive- because I often think like the guy in the video, it's how I 'normally' think. The other day, my ADD brother asked me how I got so much accomplished in one day and kept a clean house, and I told him it's because I think in the terms of what the guy describes. Before I do anything, I don't think of how to do it, I visualize what it would look like after it's done. I can't tell you why that is, it's just how I think, and I often do things like cleaning on automatic, expending no emotional energy on it whatsoever.
I don't know why it works, but I know it does, it's how I live my life.
Maybe it engages your reptilian brain, without engaging the conscious mind and all its judging and measuring and attaching emotion to it? Hmm.

24th March 2021, 01:08 AM
That link doesn't work anymore. Is there a YouTube link? I'd love to see this mind hack. 😊

30th March 2021, 08:02 PM
Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY1gFA9jUwU

31st March 2021, 11:31 AM
Thank you CFTraveler 🌺😊🌺