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View Full Version : Raising a child to maintain their OBE activities

28th June 2005, 10:17 PM
I’m a firm believer that as newborns our ability to project is near enough unhindered. But as we grow, and our belief systems are formed through interaction with the physical environment and its inhabitants, the ability is buried in most of us.
I’m curious if anyone has bought up a child in a way which maintains this innate ability? If not, if anyone has any suggestions on how such a thing could be achieved?
I guess one method would be to focus on a child’s dreams, make them actively interested in them so they maintain a fantastic recall of their nighttime’s activities.

28th June 2005, 11:33 PM
you should read The Door to December (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0747237050/qid=1120001617/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl/026-9488532-6134000) by Dean Koontz ;-)

28th June 2005, 11:56 PM
you should read The Door to December (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0747237050/qid=1120001617/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl/026-9488532-6134000) by Dean Koontz ;-)

I'll check it out. My friend has been badgering me to read some of Dean Koontz books for some time now :lol:

29th June 2005, 12:11 AM
The book "The Celestine Prophecy" is the only one I've read that talks about both working with energy and how to help children to develop their abilities. It is written as a novel, which took some getting used to for me.

1st July 2005, 10:27 AM
I have a vivid memory of a number of projections I had as a child. I used to fly around my house out the door.. up into the sky... I would always be afraid not being able to get back.

To think if i had a parent who understood projection and could have taught me more about it, i can only imagine where i would have been now.. projection wise..

4th July 2005, 09:57 PM
I’m a firm believer that as newborns our ability to project is near enough unhindered. But as we grow, and our belief systems are formed through interaction with the physical environment and its inhabitants, the ability is buried in most of us.
I’m curious if anyone has bought up a child in a way which maintains this innate ability? If not, if anyone has any suggestions on how such a thing could be achieved?
I guess one method would be to focus on a child’s dreams, make them actively interested in them so they maintain a fantastic recall of their nighttime’s activities.

Hi Chris...
Similar hypothesis was coined by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa (TLR) at his books. Giving attention (advice of TLR) to childs instead of condemning its "fantasies" would be of great help in order to avoid the natural psychic abilities squashing.
Best regards,
Natalia Parker

Aunt Clair
17th July 2005, 11:42 PM
I’m a firm believer that as newborns our ability to project is near enough unhindered. But as we grow, and our belief systems are formed through interaction with the physical environment and its inhabitants, the ability is buried in most of us.

I’m curious if anyone has bought up a child in a way which maintains this innate ability? If not, if anyone has any suggestions on how such a thing could be achieved?
I guess one method would be to focus on a child’s dreams, make them actively interested in them so they maintain a fantastic recall of their nighttime’s activities.

this is a novel and interesting topic that i have never posted on or read a post about ....hmmmm

i have 7 children aged 8 to 23 , two of which are adopted . I believe that children need to be taught protection during sleeptime as does Robert Bruce btw . He strongly advocates teaching children to defend themselves against negs and so do i . I believe in giving only enough information as required about negs so as not to frighten the child but to empower them . I agree with Robert that children must be believed when they speak of night terrors and should not be dismissed as telling an imaginary monster
tale . Faith and prayers are a huge part of protection and should be part of night time routine . Children have enough fears so i tell them as they are ready according to their questions and experiences . We all need FAITH not FEAR as fear attracts negs . Robert Bruce has spent countless hours over the last decades assisting children's parents to rid innocent children of night terrors . I would go to the source and ask him directly on this account . So we should teach all children protection definitely .

But should you teach projection ? I do . I teach my children meditation and protection and prayers and projection. I began teaching them when i became aware that all children project at night in dreamstate with guides and angels . I believe that positive happy projections are a part of a child's healthy emotional state and belief system . Saying that , not all of my kids do project with control and recall . This can not be forced . This is their life their dreams their personal time . 4 of my 7 children regularly relate projection experiences .

23 yo male chooses to be involved in church and prayers but not meditation or projection .

21 yo female was an avid projectionist as a child wrote stories and illustrations that amazed her teachers in year one and two but gave this up as she did her writing of music when she hit puberty and found boys .

21 yo male recalls few dreams and has little faith he is adopted and an atheist sadly

19 yo male sees spirit has precognitive dreams projects irregularly with help of angels and guides , has great faith and little interest in development

17 yo adopted female can project with control to any rtz destination and does so often, she projects to any realm she chooses and has deep faith .She can heal . She can meditate , she is psychic clairvoyant and clairaudient but also is tempted to hang with neg infested mates and has been burned . She is a headstrong teen that feels immortal .Robert Bruce has been helpful in teaching her discernment and protection .

17 yo female projects with control to realms in meditation clairvoyant , clairaudient , healer and clairsentient, taking warrior lessons , is quiet in all things and does not speak much about experiences , can manifest alchemically at basic level , strong protection of self and others does not project to rtz

8 yo male the strongest of all the kids spiritually , projects , protects self and others travels in rtz and in realms ,has a strong faith life ,is a good healer , enjoys visiting with archangels , takes warrior lessons in spirit , is clairvoyant and clairaudient , and can manifest alchemically and enjoys his spiritual abilities . When my daddy died ,i got the call at work . I had to leave early to pick this kid up from daycare and then go home to arrange a flight . He was 5 yo. He said , "I have bad news mum your daddy was here and he died but he told me to give you this flower and a hug and he is happy now ." This son had never met my dad who lived overseas . This was a jawdropping event for me.

As you will note the younger ones are stronger . I find this is typical in families that as the parents develop so do the children . As any of us raise vibrations all those around us are lifted somewhat . The older children were not living in the home when i came into my greatest growth spiritually and they are not as keenly interested nor do they exhibit such skills . The younger ones ask questions and i allow these teaching opportunities . They sit in meditation with me weekly if they choose . The youngest three also teach me . We are all students and teachers of everyone we meet upon the path .

6th August 2005, 04:27 PM
If any of you have read my post on this forum and on the new comer forum you know that as a child I was a strong Astral Projector(strong enough to create a Astral Kingdom from what I understand in Astral Dynamics). Somewhere as I grew I turned my back on all of it and it wasn't a slow process from what I understand. According to what I am finding out lately something happened in my past that made me turn my back violently on all the metaphysical stuff(astral projection, aura sight and anything else "magik").
According to Shasha an Astral Dragon that was a friend with me when I was younger and is helping me through one of my friends now I wouldn't even acknowledge her after this point and made a point in telling her this in the process. Now I am trying to relearn everything and fix myself.
My point in telling all of this in this post is that I do agree that people should help their children with anything that has to do with astral projecting and anything else related to it. If I would have had that help in my past I think a lot of things could have been prevented. As it is I have to relearn to believe in it all. As Shasha has told me along with my friends I need to learn to "Let Go". Weather that mean let go of all the stuff I have learned or something else I am still trying to figure it out. That is one reason I am on this forum and trying to get help in any way I can.


7th August 2005, 12:19 PM
This is interesting stuff.

I used to rock a damned lot when I was a kid. I used to go onto my hands and knees and if I rocked long enough I could see "stuff" in my bedroom. The rocking was so pleasing to me. One common experience I used to have was rabbits and birds hopping around in my room. One morning I saw a skeleton in my room and it freaked me and I told my mum and she put a stop to the rocking.

thought i'd share that :? :wink:

8th August 2005, 05:00 PM
whats that?

i used to have a lot of night terrors and am still prone when i get really sick. it makes me think something is really wrong somewhere, and like something is after my family, really quite crazy and beyond reason. i have no idea what this something is, but i cant help myself from freaking out about it. i am 19 years old now and it still freaks me out. and i get this very very strange feeling. i cant describe it, but i will say u feel large. i got it the other day and i tried to examine and study it. i was studying and noticing how it felt on my fingers. in short i had to stop very quickly or my fingers would explode. at least thats what i felt. crazy huh.

16th August 2005, 02:26 AM
There is something to Chris' original posting. I remember when I was a child I used to experience the exact same thing - a sense of "floating" over areas that I knew in my town, but over certain objects (bushes, etc) so I never thought it was dreaming (as surely this would stick to roads, paths, etc - the way I've traversed these routes in the past). It's been some time since I've experienced (or remember) such activity, but I do remember there being a specific action I did throughout... I have a permanent light ringing in my ears (I've always wondered if everyone has it, or whether it's just mild tinnitus - but it hasn't negatively affected my hearing) that I can make very loud by setting my jaw a certain way or doing the childhood "move your ears back and forth" thing, but keeping them back.

Reading the above it looks very weird, but this is exactly what I did - either using the jaw or the ears to increase the ringing - to maintain my nocturnal childhood flotations. Does this sounds familiar to anyone, or shall I save time and call the men in white myself? :shock:

I have also had such an experience in my adult life, though I neglected to write it down so have lost the detail forever. Suffice to say it was about 10 years ago, and after I'd pretty much finished uni. Which came as a surprise to me - doing science/engineering should have battered away all remnants of activity in the other half of my brain. :)

In addition, I have had a conscious OBE without the above "framework" (replacing it with one of Robert's), so it does make me wonder if they're the same thing and whether one is a more natural or evolved form of the other. Either way, I'm sure that if I'd thought to have mentioned this as a child to my mother, then she would have likely encouraged it further. My point being that it just seemed like one of the many "oh, so that's normal" parts of being a child. What certain people see when they close their eyes is another of those things, too.


16th August 2005, 11:55 AM
Thanks for all the interesting replies.
My reason for posting this topic is that I also had a lot of OBE type experiences as a child. But as I got older these experiences were almost forgotten, and I only understood what they were when I started to taken a renewed interest in AP/OBE.
I remember that I used to feel great excitement at the prospect of going to sleep (due to what I would experience). Also, in childhood my visualisation skills were immense. I could literally lie in bed with my eyes open and create scenes as vividly as if I was really seeing them. Somewhere during my adolescence this ability has diminished greatly. I believe I still have the ability to do this; I've just got to find out how :)

Bali Bob
23rd August 2005, 05:38 AM
I also use to fly in my dreams as a child. I know when I was younger I culd fly at will but as I got older I had to really focus if I wanted to fly. I can remember being in the air and slowly coming to the ground, like I had run out of mental juice to keep me up there. I too have only recently returned to thinking about these topics and feel I have to re-learn things I once new.

26th August 2005, 08:04 PM
u know i have that ringing in my ears too but usually ignore it. never really gave it much thought i guess. i thought everyone had it. i read something about meditation and concentrating on this ringing i believe (at least im assuming this is the sound they were talking about)

31st August 2005, 11:17 PM
I projected quite easily as a child and one experience was so spectacular that I told my mother about it (I was around 7 years old at the time) and she seemed interested, and I believe that that helped me continue to have these experiences and to be able to separate them from lucid dreams, etc. I haven't projected in a while (reasons in another section of the Forum) but have noticed my 8 year old son, starting to have "flying dreams", some fun & some scary. Since I do not want to influence him as to what these experiences are, I have supported him when he tells me of the fun ones, and have counseled him to "remember" that when something is scary, he can change the content of the dream, and even make himself wake up. He has reported having been able to do this, and I don't press the issue. This has seemed to even stop his nightmares (or helped him navigate them if they were a phase of growth.) The church we attend is a Metaphysical Christian church, and he already knows how to meditate (or as much as an 8-year old boy can), so I believe he will probably be projecting soon or already has. I do believe that children do this naturally, but something happens at puberty, in my case I became more externally focused, (boys, etc.) as it happens to everyone (possibly), and of course, would have been embarrassed to let on about a lot of the adventures I had, so I kept them to myself, and only told my mom the most basic of them. I do believe we all do this as children, and if supported, can continue for the rest of our lives.