View Full Version : I'm having some issues with inducing trance

2nd October 2012, 08:34 PM
Hi everyone! I've been practicing entering a trance deep enough to oobe and I seem to be heading the right way however I do have a problem.
I find it considerably easy to induce a trance state below the neck but I can't seem to extend it to my head!
It comes to a point where I am paralysed and feel myself floating, except in my head...
At this point, I had to focus my falling techniques solely on my head for it to start working a little bit. I even imagined putting all of my body weight over my head and pushing it down into the deep darkness. Doing that has some effect but I still feel a lot of resistance and after 1 hour trying, I still can't get my head deep enough into trance.

Has anyone dealt with this before? Any solutions?

Thanks in advance :)

2nd October 2012, 08:49 PM
When you go into trance, you will not become paralyzed in the head- the feeling of numbness (or rather, the signals made to paralyze you) only affect your arms and legs, so that your parasympathetic system continues working and you breathe, etc. So do not expect to 'feel' trance in your head- in fact, after doing your energy raising and basic breathing exercises, you should not continue to monitor your body at all, and switch your focus on what you observe, hear, and feel in a passive way. Even when you do energy body loosening, you should approach it as if things are happening around you- if you do 'bouncing' loosening, you feel yourself being hurtled back and forth, or feel the room getting smaller and bigger (balloon method), etc- but do not continue 'feeling' for body cues, because that just anchors your conscious awareness on your body, when what you are doing is the opposite of that.

2nd October 2012, 09:17 PM
Thank you CFTraveler! I will keep that in mind.
So I should stop trying to actively induce a trance and just focus on breathing and merely observe everything else that might happen?
I see I have been trying to control it too much.. Well, I have noticed that sometimes I start to dive into sleep for brief seconds and as soon as I do that, something starts to happen and awakens me again. As I lose focus, something happens by itself. Some sort of energy movements.

2nd October 2012, 09:19 PM
Yep. Keep that attention on attention itself.

2nd October 2012, 09:26 PM
Also, I recommend you put your focus on the back of your eyelids. That black space, when given adequate, stable attention will slowly begin to come alive with colors, patterns, scenes and all manner of things. You can get a "temperature" on how deep your trance is, and how ready your attention by simply keeping focus there and watching the scenery unfold. Once the imagery starts taking shape you want to passively observe...don't roll your eyes into position to track images as they come and go or you wind up sending too many signals to your brain. Eventually, an image will settle smack down in front, open, and many can enter the astral by doing a point shift into the very scene.

Just keep it simple (ESTD)...


16th May 2013, 08:02 AM
Soul, isn't what you describe here the "Phase" technique? Does this require a perfectly silenced and focused mind?
I've tried this before without success as I can't focus and keep my mind silent for that long. Any tips and tricks for this technique?