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4th October 2012, 04:19 AM
I was inspired by Soulsail's aura pictures to post this; I have no idea what it actually is, but I accidentally tok this picture with the camera lense facing myself (!) instead of the flowers I was trying to focus on. It looks rather the way "I" appeared on occasi494ons in the astral. . . .fwiw!

5th October 2012, 12:47 AM
Whoa. That's wild, or just a cam oddity. Dunno.

I think Robert's got some stuff here on how to see your aura. I've now seen mine a handful of times and it is in fact emerald green. For a quick look at yours, get in a room with low lighting, rub your hands together and take deep breaths. Then hold your pointer fingers up in front of your eyes, about three inches apart from each other as you point them at each other. You want to look beyond them, and when you do you'll notice a third little "sausage" finger illusion forming between. Look carefully at the color around your fingers. If you can't see anything, make sure you've got a white wall for your background. Color will show eventually.

There are plenty of folks who'll tell you this is just your eyes doing wonky stuff and not your aura at all. You have to be the judge, but I can tell you I've seen my aura at different times, and in different ways...always green.


5th October 2012, 03:55 AM
Yes, I have seen my aura on a number of occasions; it seems to be white around the body, then like yellow, flickering flames, followed by a turquoise layer. . . but in the astral it is more mauve-purple. I think the colours change depending one one's mood & on the "body-sheath" one inhabits at the time.

5th October 2012, 04:03 AM
True, mine goes in and out green, turqouise, to blue and then orange and red the more cognitive I become.

Your pic, however, is intriguing given the description of what you've observed fits what's shown. Have you tried repeating the exact steps with another shot?


5th October 2012, 09:10 AM
No, I haven't. . . .maybe I'll give it a try this weekend! But it seems my "weird" pictures always happen without my intending to take them.