View Full Version : Over 90 days and nothing

4th October 2012, 06:36 PM

im not sure what's going on but I did the 90 days on the program and still have not projected. I did everything as stated in the book. I've gotten close, felt the sinking feeling and vibrations but haven't left my body yet. I'm not nervous or overly excited, just calm and relaxed. Has any one else ever experienced this and what did you do to finally get out of your body?



4th October 2012, 08:22 PM
Hi Tea.
The program is designed to allow for a projection to happen in 90 days, but it doesn't work for everyone exactly at that schedule. Some people project before that, and it takes others longer- even years.
Specifically about you: Would you please describe how often you attempt? Time of day, frequency, how you split your practices, and what happens when you try?

4th October 2012, 09:18 PM
I attempt once a day, usually around 9 PM, I don't split my practices, I do it all at the same time. I've had my arms leave my body, I've also felt distortion with my body, like everything turned. When that happens I do the roll out technique and it stops. I sleep on my back but I've only once almost projected that way. What's odd is that I used to project randomly before the program. I've been out of my body before, I've had sleep paralysis many times, but it stopped when I started the program. I've been doing the program for 8 months now and I should be farther along considering I've done this before. I get to the hypnagogic state often and I get so close. I'm just frustrated now.



4th October 2012, 09:44 PM
I think it took me five or even six months. Don't get hung up on timelines--there's so much to learn about yourself along the way, and I always recommend people keep looking within when stuck...the answers are there.


5th October 2012, 12:40 AM
A few more things to add here...

Think of MAP as a guide to help you develop the grandest AP goal: conscious projection. But there are other ways "out." Lots of folks have a tough time projecting without having at least a few hours sleep first, and that's why other methods like Wake Back To Sleep are a good alternative if you're getting frustrated in your current routine. I'm not suggesting you abandon MAP--DO NOT CHANGE COURSE YET. MAP is an incredible guide, but go easy and don't let the mental game turn sour. When you're hitting walls, stop and take inventory:

1. Are you relaxed enough? Don't kid yourself here--you MUST be beyond relaxed physically and mentally while keeping awareness present, but not so present that you kick in any adrenalin. Your conscious mind has a job to do, that of keeping you awake, alert, and "in" your body. It's your job to learn how much to let go while not falling asleep.

2. Are you entertaining limiting beliefs? (It's too tough, it can't be done, it's going to take me forever, etc.)

I could go on, but I think it's best that you keep your expectations very low right now with progress, but high on finding your way to a successful exit. This whole thing is like operating a machine with many knobs and levers, but as you progress you'll find them dissolving.

CFTraveler's advice is golden and usually more specific than mine, so hopefully we'll get some more from her as well...


5th October 2012, 02:53 AM
Thanks Soul. I do get completely relaxed, to the point where I'll start to hear things. Last night it took about 45 minutes but I was at the stage where even my head was numb. My stomach turned and I heard a loud boop. I started the roll out technique and I don't know what happened, it just stopped. I thought this would all be easy because I've naturally projected before. I'll keep with it, it's just frustrating sometimes.


5th October 2012, 03:56 AM
Hey tea,

Can you be more descriptive on what you're doing when you try the roll out technique? Specifically...

1. Do you feel any "turning" sensations other than your stomach?
2. Do you sense physical resistance?
3. Exactly what's going on in your mind at the attempt? (this is a *biggie*)


4. Have you tried other exit techniques?

From reading your original post it seems your earlier projections were happenstance...you basically found yourself out during sleep hours or nap times. Naps are fantastic for triggering sleep paralysis, but not the sort we want. Avoid. And know that MAP is leading you down a totally different road.

Again, MAP is sort of the Holy Grail of AP since you're attempting to consciously launch yourself during a wake period. This is tough for many, myself included. I've pulled it off but with serious split perspectives that were confusing to say the least. My point here is that you may be mixing apples and oranges with your previous outings and practice-induced projection attempts now. You may want to at least mix it up with other techniques while you continue MAP.

Have you tried Vigil?


This is my favorite. I use all the skills and practices I learned in MAP, but I work the exits after sleeping a bit, waking, and then doing anchor/drift stuff. Since you've projected by chance before, this method may give you an early win.

Also, have you given an entire day off work or school to just prep, practice and focus? If not, try. From the moment you wake set your intent, repeat it, believe it's already happened and you're feeling the success. Do some yoga, energy work, repeat. Just go all out for an entire day and attempt before too late at night.


5th October 2012, 04:24 AM
For the roll out technique, I imagine I'm in a hammock and its swaying side to side. I do the rope climbing technique sometimes as well as rolling down a hill. Rolling down the hill has given me the most feelings. My stomach will turn and it will fell like my legs shift out of my body with this one. I've taught myself to clear my mind, I focus on the blackness behind my eyes and my breathing. There really are no thoughts in my head, just the image of the chosen technique. I've never sensed physical resistance while doing this. I have not tried vigil but I will now.


5th October 2012, 05:53 AM
Hi there tea!
Im one of those people who have been on and off doing MAP for over 2,5 years now. I like the exercices and they let me experience all different kinds of stuff that I don't get while not doing it. Im a person who can't seem to find a good routine and stick to it. I'v tried different stuff almost every month. And I have never projected conscioussly either. What I have done though, is experienced OBE's. Not earlier in my life (although some memories Im certain is OBE's) but after doing MAP. So MAP does work in the way that CFT writes about. I had my experiences in between the practices even, as though my higher self was saying "keep it up and you'll be able to do this". I'v had thoughts about that I needed some grounding before practising again. I write this to try and give you some comfort in that we are all different and yet the same. I think that if you really want to experience an OBE you will do it eventually. Be patient and try some new stuff if you haven't already. And as Robert Bruce points out, its better to practice alot than to read alot and not practice. To read gives you the information on how to do it, but you are not doing it. Just a heads up if you aren't already.

PS. regarding this:

Thanks Soul. I do get completely relaxed, to the point where I'll start to hear things. Last night it took about 45 minutes but I was at the stage where even my head was numb. My stomach turned and I heard a loud boop. I started the roll out technique and I don't know what happened, it just stopped. I thought this would all be easy because I've naturally projected before. I'll keep with it, it's just frustrating sometimes.
I think this is due to the mind-split effect. Have you trained yourself with affirmations that you are keeping your OBE's very very short? It might be that you actually exited but have no memory of it at all. I sometimes feel that I'v been away, but I have no memory of it. The mind-split effect is elusive.

Good luck!


5th October 2012, 01:08 PM
Hi Tea.
Wonderful dialogue that's going on between you. Just a couple of things to add:
What do you do when you believe it didn't work?
Are you practicing in the morning or at night?
Would you describe yourself as a visual person, or as a tactile person?

5th October 2012, 08:35 PM
I lay in bed for about 10 minutes, trying to get the vibrations back and then I give up. I think I get frustrated that after an hour I'm still not out of my body.

I usually practice at night, when everyone has gone to bed.

i am definitely a visual person.

5th October 2012, 08:38 PM
You lay down for ten minutes and do what?
Do you do any type of trance routine, breathing techniques, energy body loosening, before the exit attempt?

5th October 2012, 09:13 PM
Sorry, I do the relaxation method in map, then I do rhythmic breathing for about 10 minutes, energy body loosening, activate primary center, trance (usually the elevator method), then I move on to the exit technique.

5th October 2012, 09:37 PM
Then I recommend that you don't do primary center stimulation as part of the routine, although energy raising is ok, and after trance incorporate energy body loosening, and don't do an exit technique until you're very deep in trance- and even then, do something passive, like listening or watching the blackness in front of your eyes before you try an exit technique.
And when you finally get to the exit tech, commit to it- keep doing it until you either pass out or wake up completely. If you wake up, get up and walk around, don't turn around and go to sleep.
Good luck.

5th October 2012, 10:22 PM
And my last bit of advice on this thread...

Frustration and/or disappointment are powerful emotional cues. They have an important role and message here so spend some time considering why you're frustrated. If you're bringing just one ounce of expectation beyond that which is needed, beyond what can adequately fuel your intent, you're bringing too much. Expectation is the enemy of bare experience and reality itself. And you're on a mission to experience what really IS if you take this road. So when we drop all our expectations on timing and what *should* happen, we then leave room for everything to unfold in its own way, on its own time. Make sense?

You'll find I take a philosophical view on these things, but I believe such views are just as important as the practical methods and techniques we adopt.



6th October 2012, 05:13 AM
I am no expert since i haven't come close to astral projection. But in anything you do the one thing that will either make or break your is your focus and concentration.

You need to develop those facilities to their highest level. focus on an object or a mental image for 1 complete hour. If you cant do that then work up to it. Add music or turn on the tv to make it harder.

This is the key that is missing and i know from personal experience. I have read allot on these forms and this is basically were the problems starts for everyone. We just cant focus properly.

6th October 2012, 05:53 AM
Frustration and/or disappointment are powerful emotional cues. They have an important role and message here so spend some time considering why you're frustrated. If you're bringing just one ounce of expectation beyond that which is needed, beyond what can adequately fuel your intent, you're bringing too much. Expectation is the enemy of bare experience and reality itself. And you're on a mission to experience what really IS if you take this road. So when we drop all our expectations on timing and what *should* happen, we then leave room for everything to unfold in its own way, on its own time.
I just thought that bore repeating. And I'll add: Yeah, what he said.

And, yes, while techniques and so on can be helpful, stepping back and looking at the bigger picture is usually helpful when there's some sort of block. You can't see the extent or the nature of the wall when you're banging your head against it. This is know from many years of direct experience. ;)