View Full Version : tv series Heroes inspiration

8th October 2012, 01:44 PM

Can everyone receive thoughts ?
Can everyone send thoughts ?

I believe that psy abilities are real.
Tv shows like "Heroes" (telekinesis, fly etc) has inspired me.
my body reacts in a way ( heart beats change ) so that I can detect kind of energic waves from others peoples.
I use the word "waves" because I believe that our bodies react like a transmitter of microwaves. It is like wireless network.

I can receive because whenever someone try to use psy abilities on me, my heart beats become fast , but they don't know ?
how can I do to develop psy abilities ?

Thank you for your answers

9th November 2012, 07:05 AM
When we receive the waves from someone then how our body reacts like normal or gives us energy or what?