View Full Version : grounding capacity

28th October 2012, 06:35 AM
Increasing grounding capacity of earthing/grounding device , would have greater impact on the neg
entity but unfortunately , grounding through electrical wall plug has limited grounding capacity. In this case, my question is , is there any way to increase the grounding capacity through other way of grounding
source? How about connection to water pipes? Is it possible to increase grounding capacity of the wall plug
by applying transformer device?

28th October 2012, 10:24 PM
I am not Robert but I am an electronic technician by trade (or used to be) so I will tell you a resounding 'NO!' Never put a transformer in a wall plug 'for increasing grounding'. If done incorrectly, in can double your input voltage and blow up stuff. If nothing bad happens, all it will do is decrease grounding, not increase it. So, NO. So now that's out of the way:
If you want to increase grounding, the best way is to go to a hardware store, get a grounding rod, drive it into earth ground, and run a wire to where you want to ground yourself. This is the most direct, and don't even bother with electrical plugs or anything like that.
First of all, since you're not a professional, you shouldn't be messing with wiring, and secondly, electric circuits work because the grounding wiring has to be connected to earth ground, which is what you're doing in the first place.

Robert Bruce
3rd November 2012, 04:37 PM
CF traveler gives some good advice here.

Keep it simple...

I find a 'metal' water pipe provides a generally better grounding.

Driving a spike into the earth will work, but if you are in sandy dry soil, you'll need to drive a steel star picket 4ft or so into the earth to get a good electrical earth.

A bare metal water pipe is probably the best option.
