View Full Version : Some profound questions...

3rd November 2012, 11:58 AM

I have some questions to ask you (I'm using my cellphone to view this site). I'm trying to have an OBE for almost a year now without much success.

Here are my questions:

1. At some point in your book (higher level projection), you mentioned seeing a purple light. When I close my eyes, I can usually (and easily) see purple color, more likely a purple-colored liqued. Does it have any significance? Is it important?

2. I've been practicing auric sight for some time. When I gaze at my hands, I can see a blue aura but when I gaze at other people, I see blue aura too! It's like eveyone has blue aura! Am I seeing the after image of skin color?!

3. I've read some of your works. Based on what I've read so far I believe the quantinity of souls (conciousness units) is definite (absolute), meaning there are an exact number of souls out there. Am I right?

4. After almost a year, strong itching sensations (cobwebs?) still plague me. It's the main problem that prevents me from exiting my body. What should I do? No matter what I do, I still can't make it go away. However I don't feel pain anymore like before.

5. What do you think will happen to people who commit suicide? (Based on your karmic law)

6. You said that because there are many religions, there must be many different heavens ans hells but divine religions all are (should be) the same. If there is no heaven or hell, what prevents one from doing bad things? If there is no punishment, why do you think we should prevent ourselves from commiting murder (except the law)?

Thank you for your time...

Best Regards,

Robert Bruce
3rd November 2012, 05:18 PM
1. The purple light is a portal into an astral plane. It also indicates that you have clairvoyant potential...which will also explain your excessive cobwebs.

2. The blue you see is the health aura, which is the same color for everyone. There are more layers. The best way to see a human aura is bare skin against a mat black background, with dim light coming from behind you.

3. I have not counted them. Have you? Therefore I have no idea how many souls there are, or even if this is a consistent number. There is also the question of just what defines a soul as a soul. Do animals have souls? If humans have souls, then yes, animals also have souls.

4. These will reduce. But they never fully go away. I still get them. Its best not to scratch them and to develop the ability to ignore them.

5. I visit the spirit worlds regularly, and have followed the afterlife process of many people, including suicides. Nothing happens to suicides that does not happen to people who die naturally. Everyone has a similar afterlife process - different themes, but essentially the same.

6. I do not have any direct experience with karma, and so I really do not know if karma is real or not. Logically, not. So there is nothing beyond our own belief in repercussions for wrong doings holding us back from doing bad things. Conscience also plays a big part here, which I think is a feeling of right and wrong that comes from within us, from the higher self.


4th November 2012, 12:01 PM
Thank you so much for shedding light on my questions. I have some more to ask you if I may...

A) I can sometimes smell beyond the physical (I forgot the name for clair sense of smell). It's usually mixed with real smells. For example when it's raining, I can smell a soothing perfume beside the rain and I've always had a strong sense of smell since childhood. First, I want to know if it has anything to do with clair sense of smell. Second, I'd like to know what you think about this clair sense. What can it be used for?

B) Although I don't normally feel pain anymore (itching has taken its place) but if I take "too" long I get stuck in waking conciousness and feel a sudden massive pain in one of my elbows (left or right arm). Let me explain more. I am deeply relaxed and my mind is reasonably clear. Everything is in place for projection and I go into trance and execute an exit technique. I don't feel any heavy sensation (like falling or vibration); the only thing I feel is itching and a bit heaviness. I can't feel my body at all. But that's as far as I can get. I often stay in this state for a very long time, like two or three hours. And when I pass the one hour and half threshold, the pain builds up in my arm(s) and I start to come back to my physical senses. If I still insist on leaving the body, the pain becomes intolerable and then I'm forced to abort. The pain usually goes away very fasy after I give up. What should I do?

C) This may sound a bit strange... So far I understood that everything has a kind of energy. Generally negative for demons. I've also found out that you could damage some entities (like demons) with your own force/energy. So here's my question: Could you deliberately consume astral entities/beigns and merge their energy with your own? Like how we eat animals as food. Can you somehow "eat" astral entities? If it's possible then we can also try to consume hitchhikers (demons). What happens if you consume a demon? Do you absorb its negative energy or will it energy transform/convert to your energy (positive) and then get absorbed?

D) Considering the fact that we're all immortal, what is the absolute worst that could happen as a result of projection? What is the worst mess we could get ourselves into (by interacting with demons i.e.)?

E) Is some form of complex or simple "ritual" really "required" for banishing or getting rid of an entity/demon? I mean isn't there an easier (and less noticable) alternative? What if you don't want anyone else to know what you're doing? Isn't willpower alone enough? Also where do these rituals/spells come from (given by spirits i.e.)?

Thank you so much and have a nice day.

Robert Bruce
14th January 2013, 10:51 AM
I'll answer these in the text below....

1. At some point in your book (higher level projection), you mentioned seeing a purple light. When I close my eyes, I can usually (and easily) see purple color, more likely a purple-colored liqued. Does it have any significance? Is it important?

This is an expanded sense of smell that enables you to smell things into the astral dimension, and smells produced by spirits.

Its main use is to detect and identify certain spirits. For example, deceased spirits generally each have an identifying scent. This will be something related to their recent lives.

2. I've been practicing auric sight for some time. When I gaze at my hands, I can see a blue aura but when I gaze at other people, I see blue aura too! It's like eveyone has blue aura! Am I seeing the after image of skin color?!

You are seeing the basic health aura. The strength of the pale blue aura denotes vitality. Keep practicing, and using affirmations, and you will start to see more colors.

3. I've read some of your works. Based on what I've read so far I believe the quantinity of souls (conciousness units) is definite (absolute), meaning there are an exact number of souls out there. Am I right?

I do not know. The universe is infinite and so does the potential for the number of spirits. Also consider that things like this are generally beyond the ken of mortals.

4. After almost a year, strong itching sensations (cobwebs?) still plague me. It's the main problem that prevents me from exiting my body. What should I do? No matter what I do, I still can't make it go away. However I don't feel pain anymore like before.

Cobweb sensations do ease with practice, but they never entirely go away. You need to learn how to ignore them. Keep your mind off them and they usually ease. Move in slow motion and scratch them if you need to.

5. What do you think will happen to people who commit suicide? (Based on your karmic law)

Exactly the same as what happens to people that die naturally. They die, they process their lives, then move on.

there is no special fate for suicides. To think otherwise results from religious programming.

6. You said that because there are many religions, there must be many different heavens ans hells but divine religions all are (should be) the same. If there is no heaven or hell, what prevents one from doing bad things? If there is no punishment, why do you think we should prevent ourselves from commiting murder (except the law)?

Why do we need concepts of heaven and hell, and eternal damnation, in order just to be nice to each other?

We have free will, to be bad or to be good. This means we have a choice. Choose to be good and nice to others and life will be better. And you will evolve spiritually. Choose to be bad and harm others, and life has its own consequences. You will not evolve spiritually. But hopefully bad people eventually learn from their errors. Until then, us good people are presented with many challenges, and opportunities to learn and evolve through fighting evil.
