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13th November 2012, 05:37 PM
This is older article of mine, I just thought I might share it here :).

What is Magick

Magick is knowledge of interaction of higher planes and knowledge of manipulation of these planes to cause change that can be seen as miracle by non-magicians. The end.

Path of Magick

Magick is like an ocean with all its hidden beauty and mundane people are like crabs living in the bottom seeing no beauty of the ocean for all the sand they have to walk on. When practitioner enters his Path it is like he is trying to learn how to swim. When he learns how to swim, he can explore the beauty of the ocean, the mysteries of Magick.


Good swimmers tend to help the others that were not so lucky and are trying to learn them how to swim.

For that purpose they write down their notes, ideas, experiences and teach the non-swimmers what they swimming style is. This might look like good and generous idea, but poor execution is sometimes used and dogma is created.

Dogma seems to give a solid and concrete base for the practitioner and ease their practice, but in fact it is the same concrete that makes shoes of the same practitioner and make them sink. Practitioner held with dogma has to work much harder to learn how to swim together with his concrete shoes, but there is always the same point where he will lose his energy and get back down.

Do you remember the first time you have learned how to play chess? Did you learn how to move the figures or names and definitions of millions of styles of playing chess? Did you learn the french defense or how to move a pawn? Dogma teaches on how to win the game in french style, but will hardly show you what the pawn is.

How to differentiate good system from dogma

Starting from scratch is maybe an interesting idea, but we always have to follow some solid base, it’s in human nature. So how to find out which system is the right one? How to find out which system is the wrong one?

Simply enough dogmatic systems present their ideas as the only right ones and down-size others. Dogmatic practitioner will tell you all great things about his system and what it did for him and will force you to strictly follow his instructions to gain the same feats. Whenever you hear something in sense of “my way is better than your way” you should raise your caution and be prepared to be thrown to the unknown because that’s the only thing that happens when dogma is broken.

Human ego is scared of unknown. Ego is scared that there will be something it doesn’t know and has no way of understanding it. That’s why we search dogma. Dogma gives the clarity of knowledge, solid and concrete rules and ways which we can follow.

Do this to gain this, do that and you will have this, etc. This is common asiyatic behavior of ego. Asiyatic view is not completely wrong, just too limited because whatever is beyond limits of Asiyah is challenging for ego and ego doesn’t like challenges.

Ego doesn’t like challenges because these challenges can show uselessness of the ego which could result in ego’s destruction. In other words ego is scared of its own mortality.

The same thing I have just said could be taught by dogmatism, too. And that dogmatism will also tell you to be the lowest of low and to serve to public good, etc. This basically means you have to force yourself to do something and you have to force yourself to be something.

This path is blind and full of mistakes. True path of Yetzirah, just one world beyond Asiyah doesn’t mean you will force yourself to be something, you will become something.

Let’s say you want to reduce your weight. Asiyah will teach you that by moving more you will reduce your weight. You have to fight for having your reward. You have to do something and you will get something in return.

Yetzirah shows you why you actually are over-weighted and work in Yetzirah changes you. It basically means you don’t have to force yourself to move more, you will simply move more.

How to find a good teacher

Why to search for what isn’t lost? You are just like the crab not seeing the ocean for all the sand on the bottom. Forget the sand and look above, stay amazed for a while and feel those emotions that raise within. Accept these emotions as yours. Not as ego challenging, but as cure for your ego. That is the first step.

Personal thanks

I would like to take this part to thank all of my friends and Veritas members for having patience with me and my ideas. I also want to publicly thank my personal HGA for listening all of my babbling and supporting me during every of my success and failure. I also want to thank him for allowing me to speak with him before the time has come for that and giving me insight that no dead or living practitioner could ever give me.

13th November 2012, 05:52 PM
Magick is knowledge of interaction of higher planes and knowledge of manipulation of these planes to cause change that can be seen as miracle by non-magicians. The end.

Ego doesn’t like challenges because these challenges can show uselessness of the ego which could result in ego’s destruction. In other words ego is scared of its own mortality.

dogmatism will also tell you to be the lowest of low and to serve to public good, etc. This basically means you have to force yourself to do something and you have to force yourself to be something.
