View Full Version : Vicky Short, book(s) - Persephone's Journey

18th November 2012, 12:43 AM
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest).

Persephone's Journey, 2010, Vicky M Short

GRADE: 9.0

Short's book is somewhat different from other books on astral matters. The book
is not only attributed to the astral, but also describing paranormal happenings in
the physical.

The book is also different in the sense that it doesn't describe experiences mostly
from a technical view.

The book contains a lot of Short's life, her upbringings, marriage, raising children,
love stories, deteriorating husband relation, layoffs & work, friends, connections
to the band Barenaked Ladies and eventually her meeting with Bruce Moen.

At the end of the book, Short becomes kind of *-ish, when she states that we
are not IN our bodies. *cringe* :)

Short brings up some eerie paranormal phenomena, one which is a sort of "Neg"
related problem, altered physical reality states, mind-split effects and predictions
of future events.

It is a different book with some unusual OBE experiences. Short is able to convey
the Moen method of experiencing the astral in her alternative way. She has a deeper
and broader style of writing than I think is common for this kind of books. The book
has so many new aspects to me that I give it a high rating.

18th November 2012, 05:58 PM
It sounds like something I'd like.