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26th November 2012, 05:28 PM
" Why?! ", asks the officer. The convict replies, " We rape, murder and steal for if we do not, there would be no need for you. You'd lose your job and wouldn't be able to feed your families anymore. We are the ones keeping you and your families alive... ".

" Why?! " asks the janitor. The employee replies, " We throw junk and spit on the floor for if we do not, there would be no need for you. You'd lose your job and wouldn't be able to feed your families anymore. We are the ones keeping you and your families alive... ".

" Why?! " asks the scientist. The driver replies, " We drive in personal cars and polute the air for if we do not, there would be no need for you and your research. You'd lose your job and wouldn't be able to feed your families anymore. We are the ones keeping you and your families alive... ".

" Why?! " asks the humanitarian. The rich reply, " We take everything for our own and don't care about world hunger for if we do not, there would be no need for you and your lectures. You'd lose your job and wouldn't be able to feed your families anymore. We are the ones keeping you and your families alive... ".

" Why?! " asks a starving girl in Africa. The rich reply, " If we help you, wouldn't you become just like us? ".

Who is right and who is wrong? There is no perfection, perfection is a lie. What is morality? Is murdering by knife worse than murdering by starvation?

You can't make the world a better place for there is no better. If there was, it would have already been. Why are you fooling yourselves? Can't you really see the point? The point is that there is no pioint! Take it or leave it, in the end it's the same...

" I have free will, I can be anything. I have the freedom to be! ". Dream on, you already are. There is nothing more. Absolution is from within. Sure, you can choose what to eat today or which girl to take on tonight but can you choose which "you" to wake up as tommorow? You're stuck with the consequences of your choices, there no denying that and there's no escape.

You don't have "free" will because you've already made all the possible choices and there's no more choice for you to make. Read about parallel universes or use your mind for once in your lives.

" The created will always create in the image of their creator. ". Can't you see the similarities between what we made and what "God" (choice of words) made? We are one and the same but for some reason it is impossible for most to comprehend.

Who is a good actor? A good actor is someone who can forget that he's just playing a temporary role and become it; live it. Who is a successful person? A person who can forget he's just playing a temporary role in this life and become it; become rich or ... . A millionaire skeptic who stumps on the truth is considered successful by the mainstream.

Conciousness is like a CPU, it consists of units, cores and threads. What do you think we are? What is the function of multi-core CPUs and hyper-threading technology? CPU threads can function independently (from each other) while using shared resources. CPU can play a chess versus itself. Sometimes white wins, sometimes it loses. See anything familiar yet?

Believe in a lie for true knowledge brings suffering. Your call; doesn't really matter in the end. "Do" good or "make" good. Your call; they're one and the same. Be a skeptic or a spiritual guru. Your call; both are roles, essentially fulfilling the same purpose. Go insane because it's too much to take. Your call; sanity is an illusion.

Be a player, be a spectator or press Alt + F4 and quit the game. The choice is yours, but know that all three are the same. The game goes on with or without you and the game is a part of you. But don't bind yourselves by the self-made rules, there are no achievements for doing so; only pain.

I only ask one thing from you; whomever might read this. Open your eyes for once in your life and look into the bright darkness, even if its light blinds you forever. It's sure worth it.
