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9th June 2006, 01:58 AM
Well I fnially let go of the fear yoga people seem to put on you about kundalini and I actually consiously tried to get a little bit of it going today. I've been using NEW for quite awhile and consequently every time I use it my sacrum and around my tail bones gets nice and warm feeling. A symptom I recognise as kundalini beggining to "activate"?

I've also done some meditations using symbolsim like walking into a cave at the base of the spine and awakening a giant serpent/dragon.

Last night and today were both good energy body "work-outs" but I feel a bit ungrounded so I'm taking it slow!

The really intense thing is I blew a fuse that shut off all the lights in our bathroom and my room! I jsut flicked off the light switch after using the washroom after some energy work and there was a crack and everything went out. I knew it was me though, although my dad is still confused :p hehehe.

grounding... :roll:

10th June 2006, 12:08 AM
Dear Zak M-K,

Yup! Grounding. I would slow down a bit if this is happening. It is an indicator you need much stronger grounding.

I strongly recommend you do way more grounding exercises and take a break from raising kundalini before you proceed. A light bulb and fuse or breaker can be cool but a computer, a TV or other electrical appliances...perhaps not so funny. That can be expensive and a big problem. MORE importantly holding that much energy in you without grounding it can be destabilizing. So learn some basic grounding techniques. One I use is meditate on the earth's core and visualize energy roots going down from your root chakra right to the center of the earth. This has a powerful effect on the energy body and helps it grow as well as balancing it. The energy of the earth can feel VERY heavy and some people find this uncomfortable but it is important for balance. Sitting under a tree or lying down on the ground to do this is even better but you can do it from anywhere in your house and it will be affective. Put both energy and intention into this and even try to feel the consciousness of the earth and send pleasant thoughts to this and you will be very surprised at the results. It should help to ensure a more gradual healthier kundalini process. Fast and WOW is not the goal. That can land us in Alice and Wonderland and psych wards. It is slow and steady and blanced with lots of stops to readjust a long the way that is likely the wiser route.

Have you done a lot of inner work? Meaning are you past brooding when upset with people and situations. Are you able to easily and quickly let go of emotional situations and move into trying to understand versus reacting? Why these questions. Think about this. When you carry a lot of energy after raising kundalini when you get upset it will carry one HECK of a kick to the poor person on the recieving end. People who don't have their emotions undercontrol could be considered 'evil'. Just food for thought. Self control becomes paramount as you climb the energetic ladder.

Very Best Wishes,

10th June 2006, 12:39 AM
:D Thanks.

Hmmm you seem to have picked up something that runs deep through me. I got past that brooding thing awhile ago. In fact I don't think I ever was much of a brooder. But yes losign control of emotions can happen and has... The psych ward is not where I want to be... Already been close.

There is someone I am in touch with that might be able to help with this sort of thing exactly. I will contact her right now. :o