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30th June 2005, 10:14 PM
Hello, I'm just wondering...While reading the NEW tutorials (on tactile imaging, right now when it was the most apparent, but also the other excersises) I began feeling the sensations, and not imagining, feeling, mind you, before I actually consciously attempted the excercise. Could it be that my subconscious is performing these energy movements withuot the actual excercise, and if so, how could I be sure?

I'm just wondering because I started feeling it quite strongly about a minute ago while reading this, to the extent that I kind of physically giggle (it kind of tickled). Just wondering.

30th June 2005, 11:14 PM
Dear Sachiel,

Thoughts are things, is the old saying. Everyone is born with different strengths. For example: Some authors are able to go into 'the muse' instantaneously and completely visualize the scenes in their storyline. Other authors struggle their whole life to attain this. Seems like you have a knack for focusing energy with thought. This will help with NEW but every blessing can be a curse unfortunately. People with this nature ability need to watch their thoughts. In other words, be careful what you wish for. It is totally weird when you realize how easily life can change with a single thought or wish.

Very Best Wishes,

30th June 2005, 11:20 PM

I knew I was good with energy, trying and believing since I was like 5, but I was just wondering if this was real...Thanks.

And thanks for the advice too. I started just generally working the Occult before I was directed to this site and all too much since then have I found the situation, I don't wanna have a violin lesson" and bam, all the doors are locked to the building. Stuff like that. So thanks.

30th June 2005, 11:20 PM
OH, wait. How exactly is it a curse?

1st July 2005, 01:03 PM
Dear Sachiel,

Just that you need to be much more careful with your thoughts than most people. Be careful what you wish for.

Best to you,

1st July 2005, 05:36 PM
Heh, all I really want to do now is project, so no problem there. Thanks for the warning.

2nd July 2005, 09:25 AM
I get this too. Whenever I read about tactile imaging, especially in the NEW pdf, I immediately start feeling the sensations where I'm reading about.

This can happen with stories and other things I read. If the author is portraying emotion, I can get pretty emotional just by reading it. I can seem to feel whatever it is, and it's quite bad sometimes. If there's a mention of some sort of physical contact, I end up feeling it to some degree, if i'm immersed in the book well enough.

2nd July 2005, 01:17 PM
Yes, me too. It was only a problem when I started thinking like Necromancers in Abhorsen.

The evil ones, you know?

But otherwise I rather enjoy it...makes it more vivid.