View Full Version : Some Notes on Paul Foster Case's Hermetic Alchemy

Aunt Clair
16th December 2012, 05:57 AM
Title Hermetic Alchemy: Science and Practice - The Golden Dawn Alchemy
Volume 2 of Golden Dawn alchemy series (http://www.google.com.au/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=bibliogroup:%22Golden+Dawn+ alchemy+series%22&source=gbs_metadata_r&cad=4) Author Paul Foster Case (1884-1954) Contributors Darcy Kuntz, Tony Deluce Edition reprint Publisher Rosicrucian Order of the Golden Dawn, 2009 ISBN 0982352115, 9780982352113
Some notes concerning Hermetic Alchemy from my reading of Paul Foster Case's book first published in 1931;

p.11 The "First Matter" in this text is the Alchemist himself and the alchemical process described
is the transmutation of the subject's own body and consciousness into that of the "Philosophers' Stone."

p.15...a fundamental tenet of alchemy is the declaration of the Emerald Tablet:"That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, for the performance of the miracles of the One Thing." There can be little doubt that the Emerald Tablet, as we have it, is a relatively modern work, although it is attributed to Hemes Trismegistus; but exactly the same doctrine is taught in the Hindu Katha Upanishad: "As below so above, as above so below; he passes from death to death who finds here the least shadow of variety. There is no variety in THAT. It should be grasped by the mind alone. He, indeed, passes from death to death who here finds the least shadow of variety."

p.15 Swami Vivekananda writes: "In India there was a sect called the Rasayanas. Their idea was that ideality,knowledge, spirituality and religion were all very right, but that the body was the only instrument by which to attain to all these...For instance, a man wants to practice Yoga, or wants to become spiritual.Before he has advanced very far he dies. Then he takes another body and begins again...

p.18 Authorities disagree as to the derivation of the noun alchemy. Plutarch supposed it to be a combination of the Arabic definite article a1 with the Greek chumein, signifying "to pour." An opinion prevailing today is that the true derivation is from Khem, an Egyptian noun meaning "black, fertile soil," in contrast to barren sand. Khem was the name given by the Egyptians to their country, and even Plutarch knew this, for he mentions it in his Isis and Osiris. The derivation of alchemy from Khem is further confirmed by the fact that old alchemical books allude to Hermetic practice as "the Egyptian Art."

p.19 In Hebrew the word is ALChMH. It is a combination of the Semitic god-name AL, El, signifLing "strength," with ChMH, Khammaw, the Hebrew poetical noun for "sun." Thus "alchemy" may be interpreted as meaning "strength of the sun," or "God the Sun." Both interpretations are in harmony with alchemical doctrine.

p.21 letters of ALChMH that the essential meaning of the word is summed up by Key 7, The Chariot.

One purpose of Alchemy is to prepare the consciousness and the merkabah light body called the chariot as golden light to ascend to the Higher Planes to work with the Mahatma in Shamballah as discussed by the Buddha.

p.26 The alchemical metals bear the names of the sun, moon, and the five planets known to the ancients,
p.27 The seven stars are the same as the seven chakras, or lotuses, of the Yoga philosophy. They have been identified with seven centers of the human nervous system, as follows:
.................................................. .................................................. .(implied chakras)
LEAD ......................... SATURN .......SACRAL PLEXUS............red
IRON .......................... MARS ...........PROSTATIC GANGLION..orange
TIN................... ...........JUPITER........SOLAR PLEXUS .............yellow
GOLD..........................SOL or SUN...CARDIAC PLEXUS .........green
COPPER or BRASS...VENUS............PHARYNGEAL............... .blue
SILVER ....................... LUNA or Moon.PITUITARY BODY...........indigo
QUICKSILVER............. MERCURY......PINEAL BODY.................violet

p.28 By projecting his own state of consciousness upon the mind of another, he can raise the level of that person's consciousness. Of such spiritual contagion there are many examples in the Bible, and in the sacred writings of other nations, An actual force is projected. The alchemists call it the powder of projection, by means of which, they say, the baser metals may be changed into gold. But Ripley
warns us against misuse of the powder. He points out that the metals upon which projection is made must first be properly cleansed.
The magickian can attune their peers and raise their vibration by working together.

p.35 It is illustrated in Key 10 of Tarot, Concerning it Ripley writes:
"But first of these elements make thou rotation,
And into Water thy Earth turn first of all;
Then of thy Water make Air by levigation;
And Air make Fire; then MASTER will I thee call
Of all our secrets great and small:
The Wheel of Elements thou canst turn about,
Truly conceiving our writings without doubt."
--Compund of Alchymie, Sec. I: 17

This is the recipe for projection to the Higher Planes; Flush Earth from the body with Water. Drain remaining Water. Draw in Fire to heat remaining AIR and taking the consciousness to the crown project upwards.Aunt Clair

p.35 The preparation for the practice of yoga is the same in all essentials as the preparation for the practice of .al-chemy...Again, the fire of alchemy is said to be a secret fire, which is often compared to a serpent or dragon. Likewise in yoga, the active principle of the operation is a fiery force coiled in the Saturn center at the base of the spine. It is known as Kundalini, the coiled serpent- power. The aim of all yoga practice is to raise this serpent-power, stage by stage, through the seven chakras which we have identified with the alchemical metals.

p.49 "As concerns the matter, it is one, and contains within itself all that is needed. Its birth is in the sand. It is the distilled moisture of the Moon joined to the light of the Sun and congealed."--Anastratus, The Crowd.

Using the power of Ching ; the treasure from the Earthstone or belly project out of the SunStone or Chest as the Higher Self and in bi location project out of the MoonStone or head as the Guardian Angel. Walk these two aspects; yellow HS and blue GA into each other to unite them as the green HS/GA. Once united the magickian may project the HS/GA at will from the brow.~Aunt Clair

p.50 "It is a stone and no stone, Spirit, Soul, and Body; which if thou dissolvest, it will be dissolved, and if thou dost coagulate it, it will be coagulated, and if thou dost make it fly, it will fly, for it is volatile, or flying, and clear as a tear; afterwards it is made citrine, then saltish, but without shoots or crystals, and none may touch it with his tongue. Behold, I have described it truly to thee, but I have not named it.' Now, I will name it, and I say that if thou sayest it is Water, thou dost say the truth, and if thou sayest it is not Water, thou dost lie. Be not, therefore, deceived with manifold descriptions and operations, for it is but one thing, to which nothing extraneous may be added." --Amoldus de Villa Nova.

MoonStone Head ..Blue.. Water Luna Moon.Guardian Angel ;.Spirit
SunStone ..Chest Yellow Fire... Sol... Sun ...Higher Self;......... Soul
EarthStone Belly.... Red.. Earth Earth........ ..Guardian Demon; Body

p.54 "I am a poisonous dragon, present everywhere, and to be had for nothing. My water and my fire dissolve and compound; out of my body thou shalt draw the Green, and the Red Lion: but if thou dost not exactly know me, thou wilt with my fire destroy thy five senses. A most pernicious quick poison comes out of my nostrils, which hath been the destruction of many. Separate therefore the thick from the thin artificially, unless thou dost delight in extreme poverty. I give thee faculties both male and female, and the powers both of heaven and earth... I am the Carbunole of the Sun, a most noble clarified earth, by Which thou mayest turn copper, iron, tin, and lead into most pure gold."
--Quoted in Vaughan's Coelum Terrae, from a Rosicrucian original.

The old way of sensing is destroyed and the magickian becomes enabled of new senses; clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, evocation and projection through the power of the dragon of Kundalini. ~Aunt Clair

p.74 The subtle principles of the Yoga philosophy are sometimes called ethers, as in Rama Prasad's book, Nature's Finer Forces, where we read that tejas (fire) is the luminiferous ether; that apas (water) is the gustiferous ether; that vayu (air) is the tan-giferous ether; and that prithivi (earth) is the odoriferous ether.

FIRE .....luminating clairvoyance (shen ,sight )
WATER gustiferous clairgustient ( chi, flow, healing)
AIR ........tangiferous clairsentience (ching; power, lifts , hear, speak, clairaudience, evocation)
EARTH.. odoriferous clairgustient again? (xie; manifestation)

p.103 Sattva means literally, "illumination material," or the essence of enlightenment. In his translation of the Bhagavad-Gita, Charles Johnston calls it Substance, and renders the sixth verse of the fourteenth chapter as follows: "Substance, luminous through its stainlessness, and free from sorrow, binds by the bond of pleasure and the bond of knowledge." He translates the eleventh verse of the same chapter thus: "When light shines in at all the doors in this dwelling, when wisdom shines, then let him know that Substance has prevailed." Again: "The hit of works well done is stainless, belonging to Substance.. . From Substance is born wisdom.. . Those who dwell in Substance go upward." Johnston's translation of Sattva as "Substance" is valuable to us...

p.117 The Kundalini force, or serpent power, coiled in the Saturn center at the base of the spine, is the electric fire which fuses the brain-sand in the pineal gland into the crystal which is the true Philosophers' Stone. Subtle modifications of the blood-stream by the internal secretions of the gonads, under the rulership of the Mars center, and of the pituitary body, or Moon center, are a necessary part of the Great Work. So is the charging of the blood-stream with certain elements derived from food in the region of the body corresponding to the operations of Mercury in Virgo. Indispensable to the success of the operation, also, is the function of the Sun center near the heart.

p.215 From the tiny diatom to the lordly lion, and thence up to man, the alchemical Woman works with the same patterns. Wherever there have been wise men, they have
seen these patterns and have left records of what they saw, records in books, like the words of alchemists and magicians, and the mysterious diagrams with which they illustrate their writings; records in the pictorial symbolism of Tarot, which have power to initiate and keep going the formative process which carries these patterns into human embodiment, thus changing an ordinary human personality into an adept; records in stone like the pyramids and temples of the world.

p.235 Neither do we mean by "metaphysical," in these pages, the various modern cults which have appropriated that name. For us, the term represents direct experience of rates and characters of vibration in octaves of manifestation beyond the range of the physical senses, or of instruments meant to extend the range of the physical senses. Man has an inner sensorium, which success in the Great Work gradually develops. He sees, hears, tastes, touches and smells with the metaphysical senses just as definitely as he does with his physical senses.

Furthermore, the same centers in the brain which register the physical sense-impressions are those which register the metaphysical sense-impressions. The organs
which receive the metaphysical sense-stimuli are not the same as those which receive the stimulation of physical vibrations - but the brain-centers which record and
interpret the metaphysical sense-impressions are the same as those with which we exercise the physical senses. The alchemists, when they speak of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or touching are referring to the metaphysical senses.

p.252 Ashmole tells us, furthermore, that the finest aspect of the Stone, which he terms the Angelical Stone, is so subtle that it can neither be seen, felt, or weighed; but tasted only. This is the "dew of heaven," the nectar of which the yogis speak so often. Yet that nectar is made when the woman tames the lion, or when the serpent is
transformed into the eagle. The sense of taste is a metaphysical sense, developed by continual practice.

p.278 In magical texts this stage of Incineration is often called "The knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel." Thus in the various versions of Key 14, the angel is always shown as performing the alchemical work. In some versions the angel looks like a winged woman, pouring water from cup to cup. In others she stands before a moon-shaped cauldron of silver, from which the smoke of incense rises, and pours from her right hand the flame of a torch upon an eagle, while from her left hand she pours water from a cornucopia upon a lion. In our version, taken from one of the most ancient esoteric designs, the sex of the angel appears to be male, and he wears the solar disc on his forehead. Hence the vase of water is in his right hand, and the torch in his left. But the water falls on the lion, and the fire on the eagle.

p.292 The water is the woman the earth is the man.
The body of the magickian colours up Hermetically ;
In the beginning...Gen 1:4-5 And God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.;

female left side night black & male right side day white

Gen 1:6-9 ;And God said,“Let there be an expanse 1 in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” 7 And God made2 the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. 8 And God called the expanse Heaven.3 And there was evening and there was morning, the second day;

Female left side blue arm seas & green leg heavens

Gen 1:9-10: 9 And God said,“Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth,4 and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.;

female left side blue water & male right side red earth

Gen 1:14-19 ; 4 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons,6 and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. 16 And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day;

female left side negative indigo arm water Luna & positive chartreuse green leg air
male right side positive orange arm fire Sol & negative salmon red leg earth

p.298 The alchemical water, remember, is the fluid substance we know as mind-stuff. It is the water of life. It is the astral fluid. It is the living, conscious, electro-magnetic energy that is the true substance of all things. Its currents flow through our brains, and meditation, or alchemical Solution, is simply the right direction of
those currents.