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View Full Version : Pyramids and Energy work

10th June 2006, 05:22 PM
Has anyone out there experimented with energy work in a pyramid?
Any feedback would be most interesting.


10th June 2006, 10:55 PM
I think Ole Gabrielsen has and that it worked well for him.

Aunt Clair
12th June 2006, 04:41 PM
Has anyone out there experimented with energy work in a pyramid?
Any feedback would be most interesting.

Yes I have meditated and raised energy in a metal tube pyramid with a group of people . We placed four sitting in the centre and four more around the outside . One can feel the energy in the centre and if one touches the backs of those in centre a gentle push backwards occurs that is amazing . There are benefits in this to raise energy , heal , trance easily and it is especially helpful to raise energy of new students in a circle . There is a pic and some information on pyramid meditation at the site Crystal Links . You can also project to the pyramids in Shamballah . The kings chamber of the Great Pyramid is a great place to start . If you have specific questions please ask .