View Full Version : Heart, and Hands What is too Hot?

11th June 2006, 02:02 AM
I have been meditateing one to one and a half hours a day I mostly used the NEW energy technique and felt/feel a tingleing sensation with "spirit hands" from time to time. I was working on Kundalini after about 6 months of the NEW energy system, and visualization of chakra's as flowers. One day when not even doing the Kundalini energy center I felt an explosion of energy from my heart chakra, while siting and mediateing my heart's temperature shot up and I began sweating from my chest and palms of hands while my heartbeat remained slow. Over a week or two I found that I could "cut on" this energy from heart chakra in about 2 seconds, even while walking, listening to music anything except talking and when I wake up the first thing I feel is my heart chakra energy. What is that sensation and what happens if I concentrate more and make it hotter is that a bad thing ? I won't electrocute myself or anything will I ? This first time it happened, I could only keep it "on" for a few seconds, but gradually got to where I can hold it for half a minute but it gets more and more hot. I think the reason I even want to do that is that at the lowest amount of heat from that energy center I feel closer to everything around me and a peace that I have never felt before. When I get hotter from concentrateing it that energy seems to flow out into everything near me.



In case it's important, my little crown chakra is open more than not currently feel tingly sensation on top of my head even though makeing no effort at all, third eye: I used to visualize it as being really small, now when I think about it it's a ball of light the size of an apple, throat chakra: hard to tell what it is doing, root chakra and the two above it: are not open except during meditation.

11th June 2006, 04:55 AM
Dear WanderingNomad,

Before the central channel awakes there are two energy pathways around the central channel that tend to get much more active. These are called the Ida and Pingala. The pingala is a hot energy while the ida is a cold energy. These energies to run up the right and left side of the body respectively though (in myself) I feel like they move in a spiral around the central channel and they affect the entire body irrespective of where they supposedly run.

Anywho, what might be happening is that the pingala pathway is getting over stimulated. Normally our body cycles through running more on pingala and then more on ida energies throughout the day. This can cause us to sometimes feel hot then in an hour to 90 minutes feel like we need to put on a sweater.

Now one thing that affects the amount of pingala and ida energy activation is breathing. If you have nasal dominance (one nostril is more open and easier to breath through than another) than you might be prone to this problem. One solution is to block off the predominant nostril with a kleenex plug (or something) and try breathing through the less dominant nostril while you meditate. Not as deeply relaxing but now that you see where I am going you can think of something that will work for you.

Even if you do not have nostril dominance blocking off one nostril would allow you to experiment to see if it makes your problem worse or better. This would at least help provide some indication that it is excess pingala energy that is the problem. Breathing through the left nostril stimulates the cooler ida energy so it would be the right nostril you would want to try to block.

It is important to work on attaining a balance between ida and pingala before proceeding with kundalini awakening. Please read the following link. Now, there are inaccuracies on this website page and the author seems to be using eastern terms without a full understanding or experiencing these energies BUT I like how they broke the process of kundalini awakening into 6 major stages. Stage 2 discusses ida and pingala.

Here is another helpful website on breathing techniques related to this.

I used to go through periods of being very hot and then cold when kundalin first started awakening in me. But they seem to cycle normally in me and evened out over time. The nice thing is that once you become aware of these energies and how to stimulate them or lessen them you can keep yourself warm or cool yourself down at will when environmental temperatures get extreme.

Very Best Wishes,

14th June 2006, 06:53 PM
Thanks that should help, I have meditated for the last couple of days to get an idea of just how hot my hands and heart get when opening the heart chakra. The result, not much hotter, than the first time, in fact maybe even a little cooler though I am concentrateing and opening the chakra a lot more than I have ever been able to before.

Long story short: apparently I have a long way of going with the other chakras to open them, especially everything below the heart, and I don't have to worry about it getting too hot because apparently it does become less severe with time.

Still haven't noticed that cooling sensation you mentioned, but I'll keep my eyes open for it.