View Full Version : Time Travel Through OBE-Solving Past Mysteries?

26th December 2012, 03:07 AM
Okay, I just read another thread regarding time travel via OBE, and the possibility of actually changing past events in ones own life. I have another question in a similar vein. I would be curious to visit historical events and see them first hand. For example, I have a fascination with the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. I would love to be able to actually go there during OBE and see some of the things I've read about. Or finding out answers to mysteries...who really killed JonBenet? What really happened to Hoffa? Who was actually Jack the Ripper?

Is it possible to do this? Has anyone here done this? Can you tell me about your experiences?

26th December 2012, 07:24 AM
I am a history major, as in, that's my academic speciality as well as my almost-lifelong passion. I'm very good at it. Partly, this is because I have a knack for being able to kind of "go to" a specific era and pick up on lots of details of the culture, sometimes the clothes, peoples' attitudes, etc. I just "get it" in a way that most people don't, because I just go and have a look in a metaphysical way. I don't think I'd consider this OBE, but more a specialised kind of remote viewing, but the thing is, the difference between phase-style OBE and remote viewing is quite minimal, anyway, in my estimation.

So, is it possible? I would say yes, to some extent, but you do need to have fairly good control or you can easily start weaving in your own "stuff" to the story, so that's something to keep in mind.

Also keep in mind that unless you're very good and you know the period well, you may not be able to make much sense of what you see. There are lots of customs and technologies from eras past that seem very foreign to us now. Also, finding out something like who committed the Ripper murders (personally, I feel it wasn't all the same person, but that's another topic for another forum, I think ;)) could be tricky, beause even if you saw a/the perpetrator, how would you know who it was? Same with any other crime or similar event. You might be able to go and have a look, but unless the criminal is wearing a name tag it can be hard to tell. ;)

You may as well give it a try, and learn how to focus on specific events, though. Start with a general place and time, and then get more and more specific as you develop the ability to focus. I've picked up some amazing insights this way (to the point that my instructors have often remarked on my insights and ability to understand a historical situation), so it does work. It takes some practice, though, and some pre-knowledge of the era is very, very helpful.

26th December 2012, 10:23 AM
As I see this topic is that when travelled back in time and see the origin happening to change it in now is the understanding totally how and why it happened, I have noticed that either it is karmic or then ignorance and when understanding the level of why it had to happen this way, and when understanding it totally the forgivnes is possible and also gaining the knowledge Deep down, because this is the ground understanding for manifestation.

26th December 2012, 06:44 PM
Right; I'm only wanting to observe, not change anything-especially with my World's Fair example. Books and documentaries are great, but I would love to be able to actually see the sights, hear the music, see how people reacted to the innovative technologies that were on display. How fun would that be! :) But changing things-no. Even if I could, I wouldn't. It's not up to me to change the course of history (I mean, who wouldn't want to, say, stop Hitler? Or the Manson family?), much as I would like to.

One other question/point...have you or anyone on the boards here tried to go far back and observe the lives of Christ/Buddha/Mohammad? I wonder what that experience would be like.

26th December 2012, 06:49 PM
Interesting comments. I would definitely not want to weave my own ideas into what I observe; the point would be wanting to see events unfold as they happened. And your point about people not wearing name tags-LOL!-good point!

I am not greatly experienced yet, but I am learning and gaining every day. I guess what my real question is, what are my limitations? I find it more than a little mind boggling that I may actually have within me the ability to find the answers to questions I've always wondered about or to observe historical events first hand.

I have a lot to learn and probably shouldn't get ahead of myself...

26th December 2012, 07:33 PM
What is have served me to go back to the origin happening, has helped me so much to understand like my mother, why she did as she did, and also to see what blockigde it did create in me, and how I have put layer by layer through my Life and how the origin fault have curved and twisted to un-recognizeble and total il-logical behaving/feelings in me...I really have had the opportunity to se, if I do not change my behavings in now (that I has bean able to do by understanding the origin) it will keep on manifesting the twisted and un-wanted reality. At Writing moment I am in total Peace, it is fragil the knowledge, so I have to go slow to manifest stability and from now on have that reality I want, peaceful and loving surrounding, with only people who care and love me, I have this just now, and I will keep it this way :-)And yes it was very interesting to manage go back to origin happening, it is mindblowing I can tell, and it giveĀ“s really knowledge on very Deep level, so keep going to your desired destiny or happening :-)

26th December 2012, 10:16 PM
Thank you so much, IA56. I hope someday I can achieve the level of peace you are enjoying.

27th December 2012, 02:06 AM
It's not up to me to change the course of history (I mean, who wouldn't want to, say, stop Hitler? Or the Manson family?), much as I would like to.
Indeed. Sometimes even the smallest change might completely send consensus reality another direction. (Well, I actually do perceive the "multiple realities" model, so I suppose what it would do is put you into a different timeline/reality, but, again, that's an esoteric distinction and probably another discussion.) I've done some work with my OWN timeline and I've always been very careful with it, but I do, again, have a sense of what not to change, of what's important (a bit like Dr Who, I guess :)).

One other question/point...have you or anyone on the boards here tried to go far back and observe the lives of Christ/Buddha/Mohammad? I wonder what that experience would be like.
I've done some work in the ancient world (because the degree I'm currently pursuing is in ancient history), and in and around the times of the first century. I have tried to have a look for the random Jewish prophet sort who ended up being the centre of a world-dominating religion, but I can't find him, and the one I HAVE found is very, very, vastly different from the guy who gets painted on the dome of churches (the famous Christs as Pantocrater, for example) and draped over crosses and so on. I mean no disrespect at all, but the Christ of later centuries and the guy who was walking around Jerusalem really have nothing to do with each other. I doubt that the street prophet would recognise the deity-figure as himself, to be honest.

Being far less familiar with the Buddha, I haven't really tried to pinpoint him. I don't know the era/places involved well enough to focus, to be honest. It's easy to find various through-form version of the Buddha, but the actual guy? Much more difficult for me. I'm very familiar with the ancient world and the situations and places of the time Jesus lived so it's not that difficult to go and see, but it's much harder when I'm not as directly familiar with the place/time/era/etc.