View Full Version : Ethereal Flying and Corporeal Hawks...what???

30th December 2012, 10:13 PM
Okay, so my DH and I slept in very late today; we are on vacation so what the heck. I woke up before him and suddenly got "that" feeling...the feeling that I was about to separate and have an OBE. It was wondeful. This time I made it out of my house and into my back yard and floated/flew about for a bit then returned.

A short while later I got the feeling again and flew much further. I went to the front yard this time, flew around my neighborhood for a bit and then just took off. I don't know where I went but I had a blast just flying really, really fast all over the place. Part of me wanted to stop and explore, but the flying was so fun I didn't want to stop. This went on for a while, but I didn't time it so I have no idea if it really was as long as it seemed to be.

A couple of things I have noticed:

1. No more fear. I though fear was part of the process, but apparently not. I felt no fear at all-just happiness that I was separating and that it was easier than in the past.

2. I know this is probably just a coincidence, but when we got up later, DH went outside to take out some trash. He came in and told me to throw on some shoes and come look. It was a baby red-tailed hawk, hiding on the ground under our bushes! We were afraid it couldn't fly, and talked about calling the raptor center. Just then if flew out from under the bushes and landed on the fence where it remained for a while.

What do you think? Mean anything or coincidence?

ETA: Strange. A dear friend died suddenly the day before yesterday. The wake is tomorrow (no funeral). I went to his Facebook page a few minutes ago just to look at pictures of him again and what did I find...pictures he had taken of a red tailed hawk that had landed in his back yard. I'd never seen those photos before. Another weird coincidence, or maybe he was telling me goodbye for now?

31st December 2012, 09:07 AM
Well, the hawk synchronicity is certainly a strong one!