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17th January 2013, 09:15 AM
I´d like to ask a question about RV. I have always have RV here on our level, and I have compelled many people by this seeing, but for sometime ago it changed, I do not see anything on this level (earth) as I tried before and I did not see anything but other sences did start even it was not any truth in it...but my question is...now as I have started to really see/feel/sence the other bodies development, and I think developing seeing in those bodies, is it why I do not see anything on this level anymore??..I think this is for now, and when all is seattled it will come back, I think....what do you think??..and what is happening to me as you may know something I do not and need to know, so please give as many sudgestions as possible, please.

17th January 2013, 11:40 AM
Have you seen movie The Men Who Stare at Goats? It's hilarious and one of my all-time favorites. It uses Remote Viewing as one of its gags. And RV is not anything like what is portrayed in the movie - at least to me.

I’ve had best success dreaming for the object. That is, simply prime the subconscious for the mystery object and pay attention as you dream. Of course the trick is Knowing what object in a dream represents the target object. I think you can get clues, maybe the general shape of the object or the color of it.

Years ago Matt @ Saltcube (now Nick Newport) ran an experiment and the object was an orange ball. I went to my graphics program and used the colors to nail-down what I had seen. I had no more than a swatch colored orange and brown. Turned out the object was a dirty orange ball. For me, anyway, that’s a score.

That’s the way I’ve gone about it in the past but there may be as many techniques as there are experimenters.

17th January 2013, 01:06 PM
I´d like to ask a question about RV. I have always have RV here on our level, and I have compelled many people by this seeing, but for sometime ago it changed, I do not see anything on this level (earth)

I'm confused. To see something on this (our, Earth) level one needs only open his eyes. You would use your physical eyes to see physical things. On the other hand, the Physical precipitates from the astral and therefore physical things have astral representations and it is in the astral that I search for a target.

I know you're talking about development of other bodies and understand that we evolve over time (with some effort) to perceive reality on other planes. But I have not heard of anyone that doesn't still experience dream imagery.

Wonder if you are talking about images such as produced during hypnagogic trance. I don't get much of that anymore either. Used to be quite entertaining, but I am just now coming out of a drought and that's why I've come back here to try to revive my meditation and dream work.

17th January 2013, 01:43 PM
LOL :-)...sorry for my bad expressions...what I meant by our earth level RV seeing...is that if I focus on on person..total stranger to me..I do not know anything more than the first name and town the person is living...I can as I call it earth RV to find the person and I can tell how he/she look likes and other signifigant about like health or other issues what is like blocking the person to have a good life...and by this I can give advices....like...you need to make apointment to a doctor/psykology or in many cases they only needed to be comfirmed and acknowledged and they could know what to do to improve their life´s...so for me RV is also see beyond earth level...and this I mean has started for me...but the last session on energy judgments..my RV or third eye was blocked...it was like a black space infront of my view and I felt it forsed me to go beyond this abillity...like to another body seeing or RV ....this is only guessing because I do not understand what happened and why I can´t RV earth level anymore...I could see if I focused people when I did give distant healing...I had asked them to lye down for an half hour..but I could see they did not go to bed...one did sit infront of the computor all the time...and one did go to bathroom...one lady did have her cat on her chest during the session..etc etc....but this is gone for now from me...as I tried last time to RV and the target was Titanic..and I did not see anything..my other bodies did say something what I do not now remember but it was not the right target...so this is compelling me...what is going on ??

I'm confused. To see something on this (our, Earth) level one needs only open his eyes. You would use your physical eyes to see physical things. On the other hand, the Physical precipitates from the astral and therefore physical things have astral representations and it is in the astral that I search for a target.

I know you're talking about development of other bodies and understand that we evolve over time (with some effort) to perceive reality on other planes. But I have not heard of anyone that doesn't still experience dream imagery.

Wonder if you are talking about images such as produced during hypnagogic trance. I don't get much of that anymore either. Used to be quite entertaining, but I am just now coming out of a drought and that's why I've come back here to try to revive my meditation and dream work.

17th January 2013, 02:43 PM
Ok, I'm getting a better sense of what you are saying (I think). Which brings up a question I've wondered about a long time. Where does psychism fit into the RV model? Or maybe that's not it at all. Maybe your brow chakra is occluded. I've been taught (though I can't right now remember the whole excerise) to put a 'bandage' on it. This is imagining a gold mesh covering your 3rd eye. Leave it on a few days then take it off. I have no personal experience with this however.
I think best of all is to not be too concerned as this energy will only amplify and perpetuate the problem. Give yourself a determined amount of time and KNOW at the end of that time you will see clearly. Back off for now.

I feel silly trying to help as you are a gifted 'seer' and will certainly work this out for yourself.

17th January 2013, 03:01 PM
Please, I wouldn´t bring it up if I didn´t need help, so please do not underestamate your self...The thing you meansioned about psychism fit into the RV model...I will also ponder on that.... I think I am not paying right attention and this "blindness" is hitting me to take another take on it...so thank you and please if you have more idéas let me know about them, so I can take more views from all the directions so to speak..Thank you for now.

Does occluded be the same as blocked??

Ok, I'm getting a better sense of what you are saying (I think). Which brings up a question I've wondered about a long time. Where does psychism fit into the RV model? Or maybe that's not it at all. Maybe your brow chakra is occluded. I've been taught (though I can't right now remember the whole excerise) to put a 'bandage' on it. This is imagining a gold mesh covering your 3rd eye. Leave it on a few days then take it off. I have no personal experience with this however.
I think best of all is to not be too concerned as this energy will only amplify and perpetuate the problem. Give yourself a determined amount of time and KNOW at the end of that time you will see clearly. Back off for now.

I feel silly trying to help as you are a gifted 'seer' and will certainly work this out for yourself.

17th January 2013, 04:13 PM
Does occluded be the same as blocked??

Yes. But listen to me: Understand you do NOT need help. You must not shrink from this passing challenge. Take it head-on and visualize your success beating down any limitations you may think you have at this point. You are wavering and that is not YOU. Repeat, back off for now and if the problem persist then look to the open door that leads to your 'new model' of your growing and evolving self. Fear not. There are no accidents here.

As the doctor says: take two aspirins and go to bed. Hehe. I don't want to sound insensitive but mental will always prevails and I don't think your energy work has caused this problem. Maybe it's not a problem at all. Maybe you are through with the work you were doing. I don't know. Just walk through the door and see what you find. You may have to re-think some things, but that's what it's all about!

I've stuck my neck here a little far and may lose my head for it, but I am a firm believer that the only counsel we really need is not of this world.

Let's just play at an RV experiment and see how it goes. OK?

17th January 2013, 04:28 PM
I do hear you and I do understand exactly what you are saying. Thank you!! :-)

And yes let´s just play an RV experiment, I am on it totally, and I will not fear or feel stupid what ever come´s with it. Okay!!

Yes. But listen to me: Understand you do NOT need help. You must not shrink from this passing challenge. Take it head-on and visualize your success beating down any limitations you may think you have at this point. You are wavering and that is not YOU. Repeat, back off for now and if the problem persist then look to the open door that leads to your 'new model' of your growing and evolving self. Fear not. There are no accidents here.

As the doctor says: take two aspirins and go to bed. Hehe. I don't want to sound insensitive but mental will always prevails and I don't think your energy work has caused this problem. Maybe it's not a problem at all. Maybe you are through with the work you were doing. I don't know. Just walk through the door and see what you find. You may have to re-think some things, but that's what it's all about!

I've stuck my neck here a little far and may lose my head for it, but I am a firm believer that the only counsel we really need is not of this world.

Let's just play at an RV experiment and see how it goes. OK?

17th January 2013, 04:32 PM
OoooKaaaay! Now who's going to set it up? Me? I suppose so, but I'm not so good at it as is Volgerle. In two days we'll decide.

17th January 2013, 05:23 PM
You and me could do own experiment :-)...Tomorrow like at 18.00 swedish time...I do not know where you are...so I do not know what time it will be when it is 18.00 in Sweden...It would be nice to try I´d like you to have a thing...not a picture...like a tea cup or something like that...a thing....and I´d try to spot it....and then I could pick a thing and you try to spot it...okay??

OoooKaaaay! Now who's going to set it up? Me? I suppose so, but I'm not so good at it as is Volgerle. In two days we'll decide.

20th January 2013, 06:23 PM
I'll set it up. Tomorrow I'll select an object, a real object, not a picture - but of course I'll take a picture of it. The object exists in my house and we'll see if anybody can find it, in anyway whatsoever. It has a lot to say and the trick is to sense it in its many aspects. No one will identify it per se, but some will react to it.

Experimennt begins tomorrow. Rev up Seers.

The object will be centered in a pentagram, so look for the pentagram if you choose.

The object will be revealed Friday - a rather long time but we're just getting started.

21st January 2013, 11:53 PM

This is the target hexagram. It is in my house and an object will be placed on it for the experiment. As you see, objects can't be awfully large though they may be larger than the star of david under them. They will fit on a table.

Good luck!!!

22nd January 2013, 12:03 AM
So. RV2013-1 is underway. This is not NOT a contest, merely an experiment to learn more about the art of RV'ing. There are NO LOSERS, and hardly any winners, but we can learn something from everyone willing to give it a stab. Don't be shy, be bold and let the thread know your efforts.

I anticipate closing the experiment Friday, but we'll see.

22nd January 2013, 01:05 AM
I'll join this. RV2013-1. I'll return on Thursday with what I see.

22nd January 2013, 01:40 AM

22nd January 2013, 11:53 AM
Cool. I'm in and give it a try.

I am not good at all at RV (actually I don't even know how to do it) but I have maybe 'my own' method of data retrieval and would give it a try.

Shall we post our results here or better via pm til Friday so as not to influence other participants?

22nd January 2013, 05:06 PM
I don't really think sharing our guesses matters. Keeping the chatter up is part of the fun.:P

A person may guess as many times he/she likes. So you think of one thing one day and something else another day. It's all good. Like I said, the odds of actually naming the object are almost nil, but we can perceive this and that about it. Say it's a hammer, which it isn't, but we can say it's hard, has a handle, a tool etc. Anything about it is interesting.

22nd January 2013, 06:21 PM
Sometimes people will 'read' something of it's history. I can't think of the word right now, but holding a possession and reading the character or events of it's owner.

Just getting the gestalt of the object - hard, soft, long, round etc. is helpful and counts as a score.

22nd January 2013, 07:08 PM
Sometimes people will 'read' something of it's history. I can't think of the word right now, but holding a possession and reading the character or events of it's owner.

Just getting the gestalt of the object - hard, soft, long, round etc. is helpful and counts as a score.

As I wrote to you in PM after that there has not bean much I have seen...as I wrote to you, I do not if you had picked the object at that time...but when I thought of you and this RV the first thing I saw was a face of a smiling man...then it turned to a laughing Buddha and I got the impression of Shiva...like many arm´s and a protector...I now undertand that feeling must have the pentagram given..because it is a protection sigill....Today when I did try to see I did again see like a arm or a holder with a white round like a ball but transparant like a lightbulb, the arm was like brown or bronze colored.......but it did give me a feeling of keeping a distance....I can´t quite understand the feeling right..but I will continue my babble :-)

22nd January 2013, 07:29 PM
Yes, Mr. I Can't! Keep it up and thanks for posting. You have the spirit of the game.

22nd January 2013, 07:49 PM
I don´t know if you ar refering to me about Mr...because I am an old lady :-)..but if you are then I take it as a compliment :-)

22nd January 2013, 10:24 PM
I don´t know if you ar refering to me about Mr...because I am an old lady :-)..but if you are then I take it as a compliment :-)

Pardon me. I'm an old man and it just doesn't seem to make any difference anymore. :P Bless you and keep on truckin'.

22nd January 2013, 11:28 PM
Ok. Back to the target object. Let's hear some chatter. What are you thinkin'?

23rd January 2013, 10:19 AM
sorry didn't get anything valuable tonight, just remember a dream when locked in in a bathroom and managed to open the door with a screwdriver (turning the lock with it) ... screwdriver, a tool? honestly I myself don't think so, huh?
other dreams are hardly remembered, just that they were bad so far maybe because I also had a headache all night, now I'm up again and it's getting better, I might try a 'waking session' during meditation later and see what I get when I visualise your hexagram and see what 'materialises' in it
cheers, v.

23rd January 2013, 05:00 PM
Pardon me. I'm an old man and it just doesn't seem to make any difference anymore. :P Bless you and keep on truckin'.

No :-) it do not make any difference anymore :-)...but for me it help´s if you did feel my male energy, more than my female...then there is work to do for me to balance it more...so thank you :-)

23rd January 2013, 06:04 PM
My hands, rather tongue, is tied being the experiment moderator, but we're going to have a good laugh when this closes.

23rd January 2013, 06:04 PM
Ok. Back to the target object. Let's hear some chatter. What are you thinkin'?

I did try to go to your energy when you did Place the oblect on the table...I still do not see the pentagram...but I did stand behind your back..and the item seam to be when you placed it on the table ...almoste your hight??...Is the oblject that large??

24th January 2013, 10:30 AM
I am asking my dream to reveal it to me, or to get lucid and ask 'directly' to be shown the hexagram with the target in it. So far it did not work. Did not see a hexagram with the object.

I remember this: I asked Walter about something but don't know what (maybe the target). Walter was the crazy scientist dad in the TV show "Fringe", never dreamt of him before. He told me it is a 'puzzle' and also that it has to do with a laser. I remember one arc of this show was that he had a puzzle of a plan revealed to him step-by-step by multiple videocassettes with recorded messages.
Later I was looking at the sky and as always seeing UFOs. Also chess-board-shaped clouds. I went to get my cam to fotograph it. Then I also saw cars moving along the sky. Then there was also a very large truck (black or brown).
Then I might have gotten lucid and was lifted up by hands into the sky (which happens often) but lost sight, I asked the hands (not seeing them) something but had forgotten to ask for the target.
(Didn't matter too much since no answer came this time anyway.)

So I got:

- chess / chessboard, checkerboard
- a truck
- a laser (light beam? light source - lamp?)
- a "puzzle" (is it something to put apart and together easily?)
- video(cassettes)
- a crazy scientist
- a "fringe" ?

.... anything of relevance anyhow?

Could we prolong the deadline? Wanna try again.

24th January 2013, 12:01 PM
I also got more than one target. I'll mention them in order of
most clarity.

The one most prominent was a long/tall item with two leaves
moving up and at the top, slightly out to the left and right sides.
It could be a vase or some kind of tall/slim container for water.

The other item was a left, brown shoe with shoestrings.

24th January 2013, 04:58 PM
Could we prolong the deadline? Wanna try again.

Yes, that's what I singed on to do today. Ya'll are doing great! A little fine-tuning will help maybe. Those using the dream technique need to concentrate on an image that really stands out. Or a feeling that an object, or objects gives you that may indicate "that's what I think I'm looking for". Seeing the hexagram? It may be pretty covered up. I only use it as a compass. That of all the things you might see it's where the object is. Saying it may operate as a non-seeable pointer.

I've used it before and not sure if it helps, but can't hurt. For me it is symbolic that this area is the one we're interested in.

Keep it up and when there is a general consensus we'll close the experiment then. :P

24th January 2013, 05:04 PM
I'll give you a hand today - I'll explain later.

24th January 2013, 05:48 PM
I'll give you a hand today - I'll explain later.

Today when I concentrated I did get the feeling that you where sitting if not on the table so very near the object??...I was very near to get a clearer look, but then it did elude me.....but I sure did sence more exitement like real energy, and if it was you then I understand :-)

25th January 2013, 01:31 PM
Yes, that's what I singed on to do today.

Keep it up and when there is a general consensus we'll close the experiment then.

You'll have to explain this as you sort of are altering the experiment in a way
which may be unclear. I could accept small alterations, but to just prolong
the time (with no limit) is poor in my opinion.

When I participated in this kind of experiment on another site, things were
so poor (my opinion) that I actually got a message during my RV session:

"It is as important for the viewer to put effort into the activity as it is for
the target person."

That site had an experiment where the target person was thinking on a subject,
but in a very unfamiliar way, which made things kind of obscure.

I would suggest finishing this experiment and start a new, keeping the conditions
with as little alteration as possible.

25th January 2013, 02:46 PM
to just prolong
the time (with no limit) is poor in my opinion.

Ok. Was just thinking some other people might join in for a last-minute guess. I think you're right though. I'll note, however, that I have extended RVX's in the past and didn't get any flak for it. I only wish to serve!

But this has been a pretty long one by any count so we'll wrap it up. I'll be back with the 'reveal' sometime later today.

25th January 2013, 05:26 PM

It's my Pooh-bear, c. 1953. That pretty much nails my age down. :P

Even though we only had three players this one was a lot of fun for me. Everyone scored SOMETHING. RVX's in the past have revealed that sometimes objects near the target are 'seen' but not the target itself. I think this is the case when Volgerle made his list: Screwdriver/tool; yes, not far (<3 meters) from the target is my studio where two yellow & black handled screwdrivers are prominent among other tools: Chessboard/checkerboard; the hexagram is on a square piece of plexiglass with tape lines - easily confused with a game we used to call Chinese Checkers: Truck (brown or black); yep a large brown object on a black background: a Lamp; I hoped this would not be a problem because I knew the floor-lamp dead level with and right next to the bear might be confounding, and there you go, it was: a Puzzle, something to put apart and together easily; I don't know how many times the head and arms were sewn back on with carpet thread by Mom (I had a combo named Puzzle years ago, but doubt that figures): Video/Cassettes; Ha! the bear is a virtual Akashic record of my life: a Crazy Scientist; yeah, I've been called that but that's no score: a "Fringe"; might refer to its fuzziness. (BTW, the bear is wool! Hard to believe my toddler skin could love it compared to today's ultra-plush soft fabrics.)

PauliEffect didn't offer much and wanted the experiment over. But his single post deserves some real attention:

The one most prominent was a long/tall item with two leaves

moving up and at the top, slightly out to the left and right sides.

It could be a vase or some kind of tall/slim container for water.

The other item was a left, brown shoe with shoestrings.

He got the sense that the target was on a pedestal, that the hexagram extended beyond the pedestal, that it had 'leaves' or maybe arms and that it was brown with sewing thread (shoestrings). With the bear's left arm down and right arm extended it has the general shape of a shoe. Pretty darn good in this game, bravo!

IA56 blew my mind like hitting a fast-ball homerun on the first pitch! We had been 'talking' about her 'I can't' attitude. That she wasn't 'seeing' like she used to and I countering that she was simply evolving, and better to accept what she has, than to think something, some talent, was lost (as briefly as I can summarize it). And then, BANG! she sees so much I'm startled.


As I wrote to you in PM after that there has not bean much I have seen...as I wrote to you, I do not if you had picked the object at that time...but when I thought of you and this RV the first thing I saw was a face of a smiling man...then it turned to a laughing Buddha and I got the impression of Shiva...like many arm´s and a protector...I now undertand that feeling must have the pentagram given..because it is a protection sigill....Today when I did try to see I did again see like a arm or a holder with a white round like a ball but transparant like a lightbulb, the arm was like brown or bronze colored.......but it did give me a feeling of keeping a distance....I can´t quite understand the feeling right..but I will continue my babble

when you placed it on the table ...almoste your hight??...Is the oblject that large??

I can't say too much about this as she caught me right at the time as was trying to decide what the target would be and don't want to spoil a future target. Though I may already have.

"...like many arms and a protector" - a teddy bear is a child's consoler and protector; it has arms. "...the arm was like brown or bronze colored" - yep; ...did give me a feeling of keeping a distance.." - maybe too personal for you.

"When you placed it on the table ..almost your height??" - the pedestal is almost my height.

I did get the feeling that you were sitting if not on the table so very near the object??

This was posted just after I said I would 'try to help'. Meaning, I stood by the pedestal and sketched the bear, finishing it in my arm-chair close by. I've come to believe that if we can sketch the target it buttresses the object in the astral plane. It's a theory.

25th January 2013, 05:29 PM
I had trouble copying 'reveal' from Word to the Reply? Hmmm.

25th January 2013, 05:32 PM
It could be interesting to know that Ingo Swan had a 6-step program to learn people to remote view
during the SRI time. After 18 months the program was closed down as none of the pupils had
improved. At that time they had only reached step 3 in Swan's program.

You probably either are good at it or not from the start. :)

25th January 2013, 05:39 PM
CFTraveler said something about 'tactile' people and ??. Can't recall what thread, I'll try to find it. But I think she has a point. What I gathered is sometimes 'seers' may not be good with the OBE and vice-versa. She may clarify before i can find it, but I'll look.

25th January 2013, 06:51 PM
A child's teddy bear, how nice. Thanks, e1b, for the well-done and very interesting experiment.

25th January 2013, 06:59 PM
Thank you, Volgerle! Let's do another one, maybe we'll gain some momentum, get others interested. It's possible.
I'll post a new target tomorrow I think. You'll know when I do.

25th January 2013, 07:54 PM
Thank you eyeoneblack :-)....I must ask you to understand my own symbolism....Are you a easy smiling man?? Do you keep Buddhas teachings as something you have followed, or do you have own experiences of enlightment as Buddha does ??...Shiva...do you feel Shiva is like opposit to Buddha or a balancer??..If you do not want to answere open please PM me...Or did you have some of these aitems (Buddha or Shiva) as a thought to take as the object for the RV??...I am happy I did feel or see this much...but as I told you Before I have seen as clear as looking at TV...and now all is so difficult..but as you say...I feel also I am evolving and something new are arising .....I am happy to be here with you all. Thank´s :-)

25th January 2013, 09:06 PM
Hi All,

I'd love to some RV experimentation with another, so please feel free to ping me here and we'll set things up. More, I'm always interested in doing thought experiments, meaning, "Hey, I thought about you at 1:00 today, did I come to mind?" That sort of thing.



25th January 2013, 09:11 PM
Thank you, Volgerle! Let's do another one, maybe we'll gain some momentum, get others interested. It's possible.
I'll post a new target tomorrow I think. You'll know when I do.
Ok, I'm in.

26th January 2013, 11:32 AM
I´m in it too....

26th January 2013, 03:50 PM
Great! I am putting a new target in the star on the pedestal now. I'll plan to reveal Tues.

I also moved the lamp, Volgerle :)

[This is RV2013-2]

26th January 2013, 05:10 PM
Re: PauliEffect - It occured to me that your description of the 1st RVX fit closely with the floor-LAMP, and I think that's what you saw. The shade could easily be interpreted as a vase or vessel, and like I said, it is tall.

Sorry I missed that.

26th January 2013, 05:16 PM
Great! I am putting a new target in the star on the pedestal now. I'll plan to reveal Tues.

I also moved the lamp, Volgerle :)

I did try to concentrate on the object...but my heart did start to behave strange and my ears reacted too...so my thoughts go like this....is the target a high radiating object...maybe of metal??...I must let this first impression settled, I´ll try tomorrow again.....

26th January 2013, 05:25 PM
Purple flower. I just read this (didn't really try, but they say in RVing trying too hard is counterproductive) and it just came to me, so I'm writing it quick before it leaves my brain.

26th January 2013, 05:29 PM
Thank you, CF!

As we all know, at about any given time there are ~30 people browsing these boards. This is a call to everyone: Play with us!:)

You have nothing to lose and it's just plain fun...:party:

26th January 2013, 09:10 PM
I hope that Beekeeper and Neal will join here again, too. 2.5 years ago (my goodness ... how time flies!) they really performed outstandingly in my Gizah-Sphinx experiment (next to you E1B of course!).

26th January 2013, 09:24 PM
(my goodness ... how time flies!) they really performed outstandingly in my Gizah-Sphinx experiment (next to you E1B of course!).


26th January 2013, 09:34 PM
And YES: Beekeeper :heart: and Neal; where are you?

26th January 2013, 09:59 PM
In RV-Pwychism thread I thought it was Volgerle, but at the mention of Neal, I think it was he that rode his bike through the sand avoiding the deep pits that were the 'eyes' in the feathers of the 'Peacock'. Correct me if I'm wrong. :P

27th January 2013, 11:13 AM
In RV-Pwychism thread I thought it was Volgerle, but at the mention of Neal, I think it was he that rode his bike through the sand avoiding the deep pits that were the 'eyes' in the feathers of the 'Peacock'. Correct me if I'm wrong. :P
I do not remember any recent dream or whatever with peacocks. Actually never dreamt of them before. Sometimes I ride bikes or drive in cars in dreams, but so do many people I guess. So yeah, for what it's worth, I assume it wasn't me, sorry.

Regarding AD Target 2: Dreams with rather personal content tonight, which means all are interpretable in other ways but not as to the target set (I do make affirmations and dream programming attempts in order to see the target with or without the hexagram around it).

Just one thing maybe: In one dream a friend gave me what I identified or remember as a kind of Pepsi or Cola can, which was white (diet coke?) but also bigger than usual, rather a soup can size. I do not like Cola or any limonade at all. So it was rather strange.

Anyway, just for the sake of checking on it: is it a can or other open/closed vessel for any food / beverage, or a metallic can? Is it white?

27th January 2013, 11:37 AM
Last night I did concentrate before sleep and suddenly Robert Bruces face did appear so I did supringsingly say...Hallo Robert Bruce but no reaction then when I looked more closely it was like a picture of him??...I have seen before RB and it was different because it was his energy I saw....so this was more like a picture???

27th January 2013, 02:07 PM
I have to ventilate these questions what have distrubed my concentration...

Did someone els put the target on the pidestal then eyeoneblack??
Is the pidestal moved to other location than before??

27th January 2013, 05:21 PM
Did someone els put the target on the pidestal then eyeoneblack??
Is the pidestal moved to other location than before??

No, IA56, but I can answer this. I put the target on the star 'board' and on top of the pedestal. I have not moved the pedestal, but I did move the floor lamp that was next it to the other side of the room.

Hope this helps and happy hunting.:)

(I just realized that the lamp and target have switched places. When the lamp was next the pedestal, the target (before it was a target) was next to the place the lamp now is. Curious. That may have confused you.)

27th January 2013, 05:49 PM
No, IA56, but I can answer this. I put the target on the star 'board' and on top of the pedestal. I have not moved the pedestal, but I did move the floor lamp that was next it to the other side of the room.

Hope this helps and happy hunting.:)

(I just realized that the lamp and target have switched places. When the lamp was next the pedestal, the target (before it was a target) was next to the place the lamp now is. Curious. That may have confused you.)

Yes, that can be the confusion, but then what also will not leave me is...maybe the target is not yours??..You do not have to answere now, but I have to get out of my system so to speak....I have the big big trouble not trust my own sences...I am so unsecure and not trusting my own seeing.....so this helps me to say open and show my unsecurity maybe I will get more trusting to my self ....when being as truthful as I can.....I hope I will not confuse other´s...please tell me if this is anoying then I stop.

28th January 2013, 03:24 PM
Eyeoneblack....I do not know if the target is dark, and therefor not easy to see because of the black board it is placed on??..is there possible to put a spotlight on the target...I know...it wouldn´t be nessessary but as I told you I have lost my abillity to see clearly...and I feel so handicapped and I´d like to find the right cirkumstanses under where I could see as best....Now I tell how it looked like...like a dark bust (maybe a bronze or dark metallic head)

28th January 2013, 06:54 PM
Before I regret not stating it: Somehow when thinking of the RVT2 the words "shoe" and "mouse" came to me.
.... Micky in boots? :wink::mrgreen:

I want to try sth tonight which I did not for a long time to ask it to be shown while lucid: take Galantamine/Choline. Could we please delay the deadline for one day til Wednesday? I ask this because I do not know when you want to disclose it on Tuesday, given also the different time zones, I would need 1+ day more for this.

28th January 2013, 07:01 PM
delay the deadline for one day til Wednesday?

28th January 2013, 08:49 PM
I saw a small black and white cow, like a toy or a miniature figure.

It had very rounded feet put at an angle slightly out to the sides.
maybe it was made from burnt clay with some shiny surface.

29th January 2013, 10:45 AM
Didn't work for me. I did not get lucid but only a restless night with lack of sleep and weird dreams. As I also asked again to be shown the target in dreams in case lucidity failed, here's what I remember.

A few people on a bus. Then there was some fun or argument where two got some cacao drink / chocolate milk poured over their heads from a bowl or so. Then I also got my share of it but it only reached my shirt and was not poured over my head.

So, my last shot for this round would be:

- chocolate (bar or milk, the latter could align with a cow that Pauli saw)?
- a bus?
- a shirt, possibly brown (chocolate)?
- a shower or anything for cleansing? (far stretch already, I know)

That's all. Disclose if you like. I don't want to hold up the caravan any longer than necessary. I will focus my attempts on sth else tonight (into healing or retrieving again) and might come back here to RV training at a later point in time.

29th January 2013, 09:33 PM
I'm not going to close this one.... So far Volgerle has scored 2 points, but the 'seers' are confused and too many aren't playing. The object is odd and I expected odd responses to it, but you have to do better before you or anyone will know what the target is.

IA 56 has a score also.

30th January 2013, 08:20 AM
Well, it had helped to know what kind of hitting I did, because I have reacted so strange to this object and it does not make me desire to be Active, is it radiating something what makes my inner react to something unsolved inside of me??..I´m sure I got a good laugh in the end so I will continue to try to see even it does not make me more than unconfortable, and I am very cuorious to know the answere :-)

30th January 2013, 08:47 AM
Last night Before I fell to sleep I saw the pidestal rotating in the air?? and now when I tried to consentrate it was like a worm or snake like face looking at me and like roteting or turned like in a wave shape so I can´t get past the feeling of radiations??

30th January 2013, 01:25 PM
I had forgotten about this one, which happened around three or four days ago. (I've been sick with the flu, so I've been kind of 'out of it' but I'm including it for 'just in case'- there were puddles of water on the floor, and I could see snakes, and they were bright turquoise blue and bright lime green. Jewel-y colors. I tried to not step on them, but when I did they would disappear and streaks of the colors would remain on the floor, like in patterns.

30th January 2013, 04:49 PM

I may be back for some comments, but for now - here it is, a magnifying glass on a stand. I've used it before years ago and the lens then and now really messed with the minds.

30th January 2013, 06:22 PM
I've put another object in the star if anyone is interested. This will be RV2013-3.

30th January 2013, 07:21 PM

I may be back for some comments, but for now - here it is, a magnifying glass on a stand. I've used it before years ago and the lens then and now really messed with the minds.

Hahaha..it is a magnifying glass.....thank you eyeoneblack.
I am interested to continue to try again :-)

30th January 2013, 08:33 PM
Ok, I'm in again and will try RV2013-3, too. When does the deadline end? I don't know if I have a lot of time, not on this weekend for example. So could we make this also a little longer til next week if possible?

Still, I'm a little disappointed with my performance on the last one though. I thought I was very off the mark. Where did you see my 2 scores you told above? Maybe the can that was (quote) "bigger than usual" (= magnified)? But it's a stretch imv.

31st January 2013, 03:52 PM
You said it was about the size of a soup can - 1
You said white - 1

Thing was, I had a sheet of copy paper under the target for the first 24 hours, and when you posted 'white' I thought Whoops and took away the sheet of paper. I put it there to make some contrast for the target (being on a black background), debated that and finally decided the 'Viewing Eye' should not need the contrast and took the sheet of paper away.
It was just a confounding issue for the RV. In the future even dark or black targets will sit al fresco on the black lucite.
Hey, I'm learning here, folks!!

31st January 2013, 07:58 PM
I saw a huge clock, a tower clock. It maybe showed 6 (but not sure) o'clock.
Is it a watch or any bigger (wall,floor) clock - or any device that measures, weighs, ...?

31st January 2013, 10:48 PM
Here's my RV2013-3 RV: It looks like a sun with rays or a round flower with petals out from it.

1st February 2013, 03:50 AM
I did look at the pidestal and I see 2 persons gliding down something Heavy, here I wonder if I am influensed by Volgerle´s big Clock...or did you move the pidestal, is it that Heavy??...round shape I did get also...but I can´t see that eyeoneblack has yet told he have picked and placed one new object on the pidestal :-)

2nd February 2013, 05:49 PM
but I can´t see that eyeoneblack has yet told he have picked and placed one new object on the but I can´t see that eyeoneblack has yet told he have picked and placed one new object on the pidestal
I'm sorry, you may missed this Jan 30 post:

I've put another object in the star if anyone is interested. This will be RV2013-3.

Should I reveal today?

2nd February 2013, 06:13 PM
I did try today to look and what I saw was a womens wrist watch...:-)
Yes you can revele today...:-)

2nd February 2013, 07:33 PM

I should have put a metronome in the star! Yes, it's heavy, plaster bust of Beethoven, and it has to do with 'measures' in the musical sense. Seems the psychometry of it (its 'story') was overriding. I've had it since I was a young piano student and keeping time is fundamental to playing music of the classical/romantic era. It just seems you guys read my study of the Masters.

That was fun but the more we practice the better we get.

A new target is in the star and here we go for RV2013-4!

The target is in the star.

2nd February 2013, 07:37 PM
Oh, and the target is on a pedestal which is about four feet tall, so beware of 'seeing' a tall object - it is just the pedestal that makes it seem that way.

2nd February 2013, 08:35 PM
eyeoneblack, you know....I am so baffled, over how the information comes now day´s to me...before I did see as it was, plain and right...now it comes in another way...like me seeing 2 persons lifting up or gliding down from the pidestal...so this info tells me it is a heavy object...and then a round shape...it must have bean the head...and also I did see before a bust...info about coming or future happening....so I have to start to think in new way´s and understand this is total new to me....but sure it is interesting...thank you for giving this practis opportunity...:-) Blessings!!

3rd February 2013, 03:20 PM
Hi eyeoneblack.
I am reaching out to you, I am little bit confused, there are many processes going on on several plans for me and as you know my "seeing" is changed, I do not see now days...as yesterday when I was trying to "look" at the target 4...I only hear a sound like cricets but higher pitch...and a feeling of a triangel you play and that is solid to give a specific sound..but I felt this I did feel because I did not see...it was hollow...and I did feel something greenich too???...Do you think this is a training of my other sences..because I have trusted my "seeing" so much and my other sences might be forgotten??...Do this of my feeling/hearing have anything to do with the target??..You do not have to revele the target IF there are some relevance of my sencingness, then you only say...NO or YES.....Thank you again :-)

3rd February 2013, 07:43 PM
A few good thoughts were posted to "RV-Lab Protocol" and they are lost to this thread, but I hope interested readers will view that little thread.

I'm going to reveal the 2013-4 target in 18 hours. Then we'll start a new one. :)

make that more like 12 hours.

3rd February 2013, 08:40 PM
For RV2013-4 I get the sense of some kind of long music instrument, perhaps
it is made from dark wood.

4th February 2013, 11:01 AM
I did make a look at the pidestal for the 5th target....I see dark shapes of like a holy graal, it look like it is flowers or some kind of petals is filled the graal, but it does make an back and forth movement??...It does give me an impression of mandala too or the lootus flower or petals...all is black so I do not get any colores or material only black shape of the target??

4th February 2013, 01:56 PM
I saw a flower, like a rose too.... not sure if I was correct, but I think it's interesting that you saw flowers too.

4th February 2013, 05:04 PM

Interesting everyone....

Target RV2013-5 is in the star now. Good luck!

4th February 2013, 06:06 PM
Where is the picture of target 4??

4th February 2013, 07:01 PM
Where is the picture of target 4??
it's the one above, the green jar, target 5 is the next one not yet revealed

4th February 2013, 09:00 PM
it's the one above, the green jar, target 5 is the next one not yet revealed

Thank you, now I see it...hollow and greenish :-)

4th February 2013, 09:27 PM
I'm jumping in here at the next best opportunity. I had a chance to meet and speak with a fairly big gun in the RV world this weekend. A women with 10 years doing remote work for the DoD--totally fascinating and inspiring.


4th February 2013, 09:29 PM
Thank you, now I see it...hollow and greenish :-)

That's right IA! Wanted to say also that the pitcher is more appropriate as a vase for flowers. It is too heavy to hold lemonade and lift.

5th February 2013, 09:46 AM
Target 5:

A Baby Jesus Figurine (or any other holy/angelic) little statue or pic (if no figurine).

6th February 2013, 11:56 AM
I have decided to only look ONE time at the target, because I have other processes going on at the same time so I have difficulty to keep them apart...so I stick to this one of the target 5

I did make a look at the pidestal for the 5th target....I see dark shapes of like a holy graal, it look like it is flowers or some kind of petals is filled the graal, but it does make an back and forth movement??...It does give me an impression of mandala too or the lootus flower or petals...all is black so I do not get any colores or material only black shape of the target??

6th February 2013, 02:02 PM
Great, time to reveal. I'll be back a little later with the pic.

6th February 2013, 02:24 PM

This is target 5. Interesting IA, seems you understood its twisty turny nature!

Target 6 is in the star now. Good luck!

6th February 2013, 02:27 PM

This is target 5. Interesting IA, seems you understood its twisty turny nature!

Target 6 is in the star now. Good luck!

Yes the back and forth movement...I now understand, thank you....I will soon look at the target 6 :-)
The holy grale are the other process :-)

6th February 2013, 09:55 PM
Jeez! ... he as babe looked a little different I guess. :?

(ps: It would have been cool if I once had gotten this as a Christmas present back in the 80ies. But this is not the case, unfortunately.)

7th February 2013, 08:32 AM
I am a real mess, it sound´s like I complaine but I only try to be honest how and where I am ...it felt like my all eye´s did go merry go around...so all is only guessing now....in shape it looked like round like an atlas globe...this morning when I tried to look I only saw very much white....and the lens experience from the Paulieffect test did intrude to my mind all the time so I couldn´t focus ...and it did like give a re-minder...that it was not my home so to speak the lens was trying to find, but I was only focused on some place in the univerce where I come from...so you see it is much more than RV happening for me, sorry, I am not sure if I should continue with the RV, I decide after reveled target...if I am very much off then I think I will take a break, seam not much relevance continue, or is it??

7th February 2013, 06:49 PM
For RV2013-6 I first saw a flat, square "plate" (like a thin metal sheet), then I saw
a clear wine (?) glass with a triangular upper part, wide at the top, thin neck.

7th February 2013, 10:57 PM
Hven't heard from Volgerle yet. Prob will by my 'tomorrow' and I'll expect to reveal then.

7th February 2013, 11:34 PM
I had not time so far to work on this one, been to busy and away. Reveal 6 now if you will and I will focus again on RV2013-7 from now on.

8th February 2013, 02:25 PM

8th February 2013, 02:29 PM
Ok, I give up :angry:.
My imaging hosting site is not saving my crop and resize edits. Sorry for the big-ass pic.

The urn is RV-6. Yes, much like a globe IA and it's metal and wider at the top PauliEffect. Both are scores. Good job!

RV-7 is in the star. Good luck.

8th February 2013, 02:50 PM
You guys are good. I haven't been able to participate due to lots of stuff but plan to, when I have a stable schedule again.

8th February 2013, 02:53 PM
Well, made a double-fool out of me. The same IMG code now delivers the edited pic!
This sort of crap messes with mind!@%$&

8th February 2013, 03:16 PM
Ok, I give up :angry:.
My imaging hosting site is not saving my crop and resize edits. Sorry for the big-ass pic.

The urn is RV-6. Yes, much like a globe IA and it's metal and wider at the top PauliEffect. Both are scores. Good job!

RV-7 is in the star. Good luck.Thank you eyeoneblack...I am back on track, and I am happy to continue to participate on RV lab :-)

8th February 2013, 05:32 PM
On a little more thought, PauliEffect, the triangle shape is evident in the lid! Odd, it seems you got a 2 dimensional look at it.

I also wanted to comment back on the Rubic's Cube. Both Vogerle and IA sensed something 'holy' about it. Strange I thought until I considered its 'history'. I was definitely on a 'quest' (IA's grail) in solving it, and over the years since the 80s I have protected it like a shrine from any guests that pick it up, 'cuz if anybody messes it up I'll never solve it again haha. :)

8th February 2013, 08:21 PM
RV-7...It started with an light dot or beam...suddenly I see an eye.....then it looked like an obelisk....and also looked like white or grey wings???The movement was like wing-stroak...
I will try to look tomorrow also...

10th February 2013, 03:27 PM
Yesterday, I saw sth like a bird house for this.

Could we leave this one a little longer, til Monday or Tuesday, please?

I want to try RV7 again tonight.

11th February 2013, 07:19 AM
I have tried to look at the RV-7 but it is blank..so I think this is a message to me to start to trust my self..so I will stick to my saying...that I will only look one time and go along what I see, and let it be.

RV-7...It started with an light dot or beam...suddenly I see an eye.....then it looked like an obelisk....and also looked like white or grey wings???The movement was like wing-stroak...

11th February 2013, 03:52 PM
RV-7. haha, I can't see anything either really. I see a door (partly open, handle to the left), but that must be too big an item.

11th February 2013, 07:51 PM
Technically, RV-7 started today, Monday. It's no good trying it over the weekend - people are busy.

Start fresh and see what you get. (This is a pretty nice target - don't want to wast it. :))

11th February 2013, 08:18 PM
Okay, I'll give it another reinforced try tonight.

12th February 2013, 07:01 AM
I did give it a go again, and I do see like a radiated egg formed surrounding from it´s inner is opening like a lotus flower and wing stroke movement will keep it going upwards..and this goes on and on like fraktales??

12th February 2013, 03:43 PM
I will reveal tomorrow if no one objects. Give it another shot, this target might be worth it.

12th February 2013, 08:30 PM
when is your tomorrow? it is about 2 hours before bedtime for me and I would like to try again this night harder, I can post tomorrow after getting up, so please allow me a few hours still until I can post here again on what I 'saw', thanks :)

12th February 2013, 08:41 PM
My tomorrow isn't for another 18 hours (about 7am) so plenty time.

13th February 2013, 10:26 AM
I'm on a dry period really. Nothing works with projections.

Then I tried the "normal" way to RV it instead. What came up had again to do with "flight" (after the birdhouse). I saw a plane, an old doubledecker (model/toy?) plane. Not sure about the colour, could be red or blue or mixed or sth in between then. That's all I have to offer for the time being.

13th February 2013, 12:10 PM
Same for me...I only see the wing stroke movment in different varieties....I do not see more eighder how hard I try.

13th February 2013, 01:30 PM

The Buddha. This one has had a difficult life if only in the times of my own memory. My brother brought it home from Thailand during the Viet Nam war and it languished forlorn in my mother's home for 30+ years. I could not wrench it away from her, and I tried and tried. Those must have been sad years for it, but what is a Buddha but a symbol of suffering crowned by redemption and freedom. I have no idea just how old it is, perhaps 200 years? I won't have it appraised because I don't want anyone to know I have it. And besides, that would seem demeaning.

It appears, by the Viewers' impressions, that 'content' overweighed its physical attributes - it's really heavy (probably bronze) and has a dark patina. I liked especially IA's description:

like a radiated egg formed surrounding from it´s inner is opening like a lotus flower and wing stroke movement will keep it going upwards..and this goes on and on like fraktales?? [And previously] like wing-stroak...

It is uplifting and strives for the heavens.

PauliEffect seems to have a knack for spying things in the vicinity of the target - an open door, handle to left - the target is situated just outside the french doors to the studio.

And Volgerle's "bird house": more of that freedom, soaring thing except embodied in a fixed object.

13th February 2013, 01:33 PM
I'm going to hope that pic re-sizes itself again. Anyway, the Buddha was RV-7.

Am I sensing a little RV fatigue? Wanna' take a break? Of course it's nothing to me to put up another target. I'll go ahead and put one in the star just in case.

13th February 2013, 03:54 PM
I'm going to hope that pic re-sizes itself again. Anyway, the Buddha was RV-7.

Am I sensing a little RV fatigue? Wanna' take a break? Of course it's nothing to me to put up another target. I'll go ahead and put one in the star just in case.
no, it would be fine to try on RV8 now already, the case with me is that I needed more time for an object as I try to get lucid to 'view' something, which I did not manage so far, and I need to do this over night, so there's always the trouble that it might be revealed already in the next morning before I can post any result, I would not mind if RV8 stays a little longer in the star and we can try a little longer too

13th February 2013, 04:09 PM
if I remember correctly, IA56 had already seen a Buddha, that's a precognition hit, if you ask me. Congrats. Btw, I have a Buddha too in the form of a little table fountain, looks very similar to e.g. this one, its also the same brown colour as yours:


I know this is easy in the aftermath to say, but I had also intended, should I put up a remote viewing experiment on my own one day, to choose this one as a target, maybe there's also a little telepathy and shared intent in play here?

13th February 2013, 04:38 PM
Now when I see the Buddha I did see the top of his head as the obelisk :-) but I did not know how to picture it...Thank´s all.

13th February 2013, 08:20 PM
if I remember correctly, IA56 had already seen a Buddha, that's a precognition hit, if you ask me.

Yes, that was a little awkward. It was RV-1 and it seems IA56 caught me in the act. The pedestal belongs to the Buddha and I had to remove it to another place to put the lucite star there. My two cats would complicate anything on a table - just curious ya' know.
So I had to put IA off as to an explanation for her 'seeing' the Buddha. She was understanding. HoHo.

Oh, and we'll just leave this target RV-8 up as long as you like.

14th February 2013, 07:36 AM
Yes, that was a little awkward. It was RV-1 and it seems IA56 caught me in the act. The pedestal belongs to the Buddha and I had to remove it to another place to put the lucite star there. My two cats would complicate anything on a table - just curious ya' know.
So I had to put IA off as to an explanation for her 'seeing' the Buddha. She was understanding. HoHo.

Oh, and we'll just leave this target RV-8 up as long as you like.

Thank you for telling :-) I did also get during my meditation a hint about this, and your sense of humor, you did like break through to my meditation and the picture was a laughing not Buddha this time but a laughing clown...Is it a toy this time??..I only want say this, I have not yet looked with intent and will at the pidestal and the RV-8...I am starting to learn how my instincs work or what to call them :-)

15th February 2013, 08:19 AM
I have hard to focus of some reason I do not know....I tried to look at RV-8 and I did see a spinning porslin figure, might be a dancer maybe ballet??

18th February 2013, 09:41 PM
Ok, long enough for target 8. I'll reveal tomorrow; about 18 hours from now. Last chance.

18th February 2013, 10:04 PM
tried to get lucid, but failed so far, and when I was lucid I only was partially lucid and then failed by forgetting my goals I had.

almost bed time here, so I will try very hard tonight again

19th February 2013, 10:35 AM
failed again, I'm on a very dry period

just dream symbols remembered: i held a wine glass with red wine on a kind of party, there also met a girl I knew from my school days, her last name is more or less to be translated as "head"

so is it either another bust / head or has it to do with wine or vessels for wine?

no other clues, sorry

bring on RV-9 if you like, I'd try it because there are three 3s in it and 333 seems to be 'my number' somehow (don't want to wait til RV-33 ...) ;)

19th February 2013, 02:42 PM

and your sense of humor, you did like break through to my meditation and the picture was a laughing not Buddha this time but a laughing clown...Is it a toy this time??..

Well, yes. It is a big boy's toy - a worm-drive circular saw - and you remind me of the funnest summer of my rather short career (8 years) as a rough carpenter. I worked for my best friend, a veterinarian, building a very large pigeon house for his Runts, and a large deck that I actually planted piers in his pond for so it would extend over the water.

It was the last of my journey as a carpenter; my forearm evinced sharp pain toward the end whenever I slammed a nail. But it was a great last act!

"A laughing clown" pretty much describes the summer. That was 2004 and I'm happy to report that summer's work is still standing sturdy. :)

That was a tough one.

BTW, Volgerle, I'm not a wine drinker, I drink beer, but yesterday I drank wine just because.

Target 9 is in the star. Good Luck!

19th February 2013, 03:19 PM
I wish others would join in. Target 9 is interesting and definetly worth a shot.

19th February 2013, 04:36 PM

Well, yes. It is a big boy's toy - a worm-drive circular saw - and you remind me of the funnest summer of my rather short career (8 years) as a rough carpenter. I worked for my best friend, a veterinarian, building a very large pigeon house for his Runts, and a large deck that I actually planted piers in his pond for so it would extend over the water.

It was the last of my journey as a carpenter; my forearm evinced sharp pain toward the end whenever I slammed a nail. But it was a great last act!

"A laughing clown" pretty much describes the summer. That was 2004 and I'm happy to report that summer's work is still standing sturdy. :)

That was a tough one.

BTW, Volgerle, I'm not a wine drinker, I drink beer, but yesterday I drank wine just because.

Target 9 is in the star. Good Luck!

I did see today when I was looking at the RV star...something cutting like from up to down and I was so compelled...haha...it was a saw...I must start to dare to look what I see, but I am so bad at symbols and trying to make something out of them....yes, this is very good training for me to start to make sense out of symbols :-)

19th February 2013, 05:53 PM
I wish others would join in. Target 9 is interesting and definetly worth a shot.

The first look was odd...I did see a piece of light wood, shaped round and long...and it was in somekind of holders in black metall??

20th February 2013, 08:50 AM
I saw an opened book, with words about the sun ?

20th February 2013, 12:25 PM
Today when trying to look at RV 9 object, a cross did arise and the thought come to me..is it a belief or religious symbol??

20th February 2013, 12:56 PM
If I have some time today I want to participate- I haven't been able to but I think I can take some time to do it this afternoon, if it's not too late?

20th February 2013, 02:00 PM
if it's not too late?
I'll prob reveal Friday. Plenty time.

20th February 2013, 03:33 PM
Saw spiky glass crystal a part of a shoe and a brush

21st February 2013, 02:33 PM
Today when looking at the pidestal and the star, all started to pulsate and from this arised like a somekind of boat??

21st February 2013, 03:15 PM
Be sensitive friends, be sensitve. Imagine the unimaginable without rational translation. Bing! Oh!!!
We've had a good post by a Lab viewer. Keep it up, do better.
I know you can (this is not my first rodeo haha). ;)

I'm going to sketch the object. I think some how that helps.

21st February 2013, 08:33 PM
Today I took a look and saw an octopus. It was kind of cartoony too. :shrug:

22nd February 2013, 10:58 AM
I saw a blue sponge. Light blue with white sprinkled into it. Rather flat, not too big. Also in the form of a kind of wedge once. It appeared with a funny 'bing' or 'bling' sound like when you strike a little tiny bell.

Then it also turned into a kind of little food packet from a retailer. There was Russian on it or any kind of undecipherable letters for me. Then I read a kind of company name. There were maybe dried fruit in it like raspberries or so.

22nd February 2013, 02:20 PM

22nd February 2013, 02:26 PM
Now I see why I saw an octopus. Good one!

22nd February 2013, 02:28 PM
Saw spiky glass crystal a part of a shoe and a brush

Yeah, I get it and am reminded how hard it is to translate the vague images of 'viewing' into something concrete.

Today I took a look and saw an octopus. It was kind of cartoony too.

Octopus? How 'bout a dragon? That's pretty cool!

with a funny 'bing' or 'bling' sound like when you strike a little tiny bell. ...There were maybe dried fruit in it like raspberries or so.

Yes, bell like and there is something in it.

22nd February 2013, 02:37 PM
belief or religious symbol
I think you could say so!

Obviously, I'm having some technical problems this morning :\

22nd February 2013, 02:52 PM
Target 10 is in the star now.

This being the weedend I prob. leave it until Tues or Wed.

22nd February 2013, 03:46 PM

I thought it was wood the colore of the dragon...I understand now the waving movment, I thought it was a boat ..haha..Thank you, a very good object indeed...wow :-)

22nd February 2013, 04:53 PM
I´d like to ask you if you could chant out the object, or saying it loud and repeat it several time´s...I´d want to see if it does give ripples on the atmosphere, please ..

22nd February 2013, 05:09 PM
Well done, CFT! :thumbsup:

Well at least the colour of that egg (or whatever it is) was a bit resembling to my 'vision'.

Although I seem to rather suck at this I will try RV-10 tonight again.

22nd February 2013, 06:28 PM
I´d like to ask you if you could chant out the object, or saying it loud and repeat it several time´s...I´d want to see if it does give ripples on the atmosphere, please ..

Yes I'll do that.

I didn't notice, CFT until I gave it good look, the 'tail' does more resemble an octopus's arm/tentacle! than my snake-like interpretation. What a hit!!! I'm not sure but your guess followed my sketching of it pretty closely I think. Maybe just a coincidence - but you never know.

I'll chant and sketch. I'll stand on my head if it'll help, hehe :)

23rd February 2013, 09:14 AM
Yes I'll do that.

I didn't notice, CFT until I gave it good look, the 'tail' does more resemble an octopus's arm/tentacle! than my snake-like interpretation. What a hit!!! I'm not sure but your guess followed my sketching of it pretty closely I think. Maybe just a coincidence - but you never know.

I'll chant and sketch. I'll stand on my head if it'll help, hehe :)

Haha..yes you are so kind :-)
I again see so many different pictures so what to make out of it....I did see animal skin/hide....and I saw you standing and doing something looked like a stage?? and I was thinking is it a tool?? but then I saw a skull and now again thinking how to put these togeather to an object.....I can´t :-(...I will continue off course :-) to try to see what it is the target 10

26th February 2013, 01:53 AM
Need to hear from you guys. Probably a Wednesday reveal. I don't care if you're just crunchin' a taco - you might think of it. Please give us a guess!!! There is no penalty for missing it. :)

26th February 2013, 10:46 AM
Well I wasn't too excited about this target either. It's a 8X16 digital recorder. I needed to get it out anyway because my archivist (daughter) indicated she may have lost my 'opus' of recordings I made years ago. If I can remember how it works I'll be able to retrieve some of my music.
Coincidently, she told me Friday night she had found my CD and tapes. Funny, cause I was afraid they were gone, hence the reason I pulled it out of the closet!
I've never put anything electronic up before, and probably won't again. :)
IA seemed to 'get it' seeing me on a stage - maybe performing. But all-in-all a sorry target. I've got a good one coming up.

26th February 2013, 11:44 AM
Just to do a check as you write 9.. I'm confused ... wasn't the last one RV-10 and we are into RV-11 now already with the new one? Is it (11) already in the star? I want to keep trying.

Btw, "stage" combined with "tool" is a good result imv, congrats IA56 :thumbsup:

26th February 2013, 12:00 PM
Just to do a check as you write 9.. I'm confused ... wasn't the last one RV-10 and we are into RV-11 now already with the new one? Is it (11) already in the star? I want to keep trying.

Btw, "stage" combined with "tool" is a good result imv, congrats IA56 :thumbsup:

Thanks, I forgot. It was target 10.

Target 11 is in the star now.

26th February 2013, 12:42 PM
Well I wasn't too excited about this target either. It's a 8X16 digital recorder. I needed to get it out anyway because my archivist (daughter) indicated she may have lost my 'opus' of recordings I made years ago. If I can remember how it works I'll be able to retrieve some of my music.
Coincidently, she told me Friday night she had found my CD and tapes. Funny, cause I was afraid they were gone, hence the reason I pulled it out of the closet!
I've never put anything electronic up before, and probably won't again. :)
IA seemed to 'get it' seeing me on a stage - maybe performing. But all-in-all a sorry target. I've got a good one coming up.

Okay. I think I am starting to get the hint´s what to look for, because the stage and tool thing yes it was like performarance of somekind, so what I am thinking is why do I see several thing´s at the same time??..This split mind is so comfusing to me still, but I am going to solve it to a knowing, I am so happy to you eyeoneblack for giving this opportunity to practis. Thank you so much!!!
I will soon try to look at target 11 :-)

26th February 2013, 12:44 PM
Just to do a check as you write 9.. I'm confused ... wasn't the last one RV-10 and we are into RV-11 now already with the new one? Is it (11) already in the star? I want to keep trying.

Btw, "stage" combined with "tool" is a good result imv, congrats IA56 :thumbsup:

Thank´s Volgerle :-)

27th February 2013, 06:49 AM
I really are not sure if it has to do with the target 11 but somehow it will not leave me so I say it...

I see a Bear...and it did give me the animal skin/hide again ....I will continue to look if I get something more..

27th February 2013, 06:00 PM
Now I see a bird, alive??

28th February 2013, 10:24 AM
This is a pretty nice target. Should I wait for Volgerle, Eyeswideopen, CFT?
I want to but I don't want to be a drag....

28th February 2013, 12:33 PM
This is a pretty nice target. Should I wait for Volgerle, Eyeswideopen, CFT?
I want to but I don't want to be a drag....

Do my seeing have any relevance to the target, if not than I want to try little more, but wait others to answere how they want

28th February 2013, 12:59 PM
Do my seeing have any relevance to the target, if not than I want to try little more, but wait others to answere how they want
You're always surprising IA - you might just rest on this one until others have given it a shot - not saying you couldn't improve; but I wish we'd get more input. I'll try to keep targets coming, but it's more fun when more people participate!!!!
There is a significant feature of the target I wish you would pick up on. (But it's obscure to most except your wild mind :P)

This is a clue CFT, this is another 'occultish' object! Give it a shot - you too Volgerle!

28th February 2013, 01:19 PM
You're always surprising IA - you might just rest on this one until others have given it a shot - not saying you couldn't improve; but I wish we'd get more input. I'll try to keep targets coming, but it's more fun when more people participate!!!!
There is a significant feature of the target I wish you would pick up on. (But it's obscure to most except your wild mind :P)

When you say like this...significant feature of the target I wish you would pick up on...and obscure to most execpt your wild mind...I did get like Aladins lamp so this might be what you mean obscure...right?? I will give it a try later today, I must run some arrends first...:-)

28th February 2013, 01:42 PM
I may be wrong, Volgerle, but my sense is you are German - in which case this is right down your alley.
Yes, I'm pumping, but this is a laboratory after all :)

28th February 2013, 01:52 PM
This is a clue CFT, this is another 'occultish' object! Give it a shot - you too Volgerle! I prefer no clues. When I do try, I usually go into a meditative trance and 'see' something. I don't try to guess or anything like that. That's why I don't participate that often, I don't always have the time to do it. However, I'll go ahead and try today (I think I don't have to do any extra stuff than my usual today) but I wish you wouldn't have told me, because now I'll think of talismans and stuff like that.

28th February 2013, 02:21 PM
Oh yes, I understand. Targets are good and bad and I don't consider a saw a good target because it doesn't have a 'feel' - its cold. So I am glad to put up a 'warm' target that implies something. These, to me, are the best targets - the easier to connect with in the vague 'seeing' way.
RV is something we need to learn to do better IF THAT IS POSSIBLE. If I put a bolt and washer on the star what could I expect??? No I need targets with 'emotions' and I was considering clues to help the lab participants. No, it must not devolve into a '20 questions' game. But how can we train ourselves to do better? Yes, I overstepped my constraints as the target-maker, but how do we move forward? We must decide whether or not a 'viewer' can or cannot do the task intrinsically - or with some help, can learn.
There are differences in targets. Some illicit interest and guesses. Some don't. You are right in that your viewing self doesn't care (or so you think - because it's sympathetic to your unconscious) but I'm exploring a very complicated phenomena and with players like ya'll I feel I should push the envelope a bit - experiment.
CF? I'm not sure and if I spoiled your fun but what say you on this?

28th February 2013, 02:29 PM
Oh, I'm going to try it anyway. Later on. Is there a deadline? Tomorrow, right?

28th February 2013, 02:35 PM
Whenever. Should be tomorrow, but I'm embroiled in some financial crap and a little distracted and maybe not.

Oh, I'm going to try it anyway.

Thank you.

28th February 2013, 02:55 PM
I may be wrong, Volgerle, but my sense is you are German
Probably wrong on that. My guesses haven't been so good lately haha :P

28th February 2013, 03:19 PM
This is my final guessing :-)

I did see a skull but the highlightened was teethe?? I did see it from both profiles, the other was like a symbol like Kali or Shiva but showing teethes???The first was white with the teethes highlightened...and the other profile was black???

28th February 2013, 08:32 PM
I may be wrong, Volgerle, but my sense is you are German - in which case this is right down your alley.
Yes, I am. But now this could be a clue and I might think of national sterotypes and thus might be guessing around these themes - instead of remote viewing something fresh. So has it sth to do with beer or with automobiles?

I will try tonight again, please wait til I post again here, it is almost bedtime here in Deutschland.

28th February 2013, 08:59 PM
I couldn't get a good luck because the ** phone rang at the moment I was getting into the room, but I saw a shoebox with possibly roses inside. Those roses that look very circular and fake looking.

28th February 2013, 10:58 PM
:thumbsup:Congrats, Volgerle!! That was your 1000th posts! Cool 8)

1st March 2013, 11:54 AM
:thumbsup:Congrats, Volgerle!! That was your 1000th posts! Cool 8)

Wow, and I'm "Venerable" now. :D

1st March 2013, 12:01 PM
Ok, so this is from tonight:

I am using also a technique not with vision but with words. I did not really get a satisfying result but I assume it might indeed be sth technical (speaking of German-ness too ;))?

I derive it from the 'description' I got. It went like this:

"It is a xxxxxxxx with a xxxxxx (around it)" (followed by descriptions with some more xxxx-s in it).

The xxxx-are words which I indeed understood - in the sense of being audible - but did not comprehend. It was words unknown to me. It's like when you hear a technical specific jargon of some techies having an insider conversation about a subject which you know nothing about as a layman.

So I did as a result not remember the words then although I could maybe retrieve some sounds or syllables or know how the words were going when I hear it again. But I spare you all this now as I might be wrong anyway and furthermore it is in German language too.

I was not told it is 'technical' but the feeling I have plus the strange terms used imply to me it could be a gadget or machinery or at least a model of some kind, or at least sth more complex which consists at least of two parts.

I could not ask for more because I lost it soon afterwards or did/asked sth else.

1st March 2013, 03:10 PM
This morning I tried for a bit (more in my journal). I could hear music (I want to say a melody that could come from an old 'orchestra' fifties movie, kind of epic with a sad melody being sang. And a scintillating checkerboard pattern.

1st March 2013, 04:45 PM


1st March 2013, 04:49 PM
Hey Volgerle! I have never had the inscription "Trink (maybe Crink?) was Klar ilt", "Wohl bekom's" translated. Would you?
I have many thoughts on the guesses - I think everybody did great and kudos to all!!! But I need some time to sort it out. Back later.

RV-12 is in the star now.

1st March 2013, 05:26 PM
"Trink was klar ist" = drink what's pure (clear)

"klar" literally is the German word for "clear" but I think with beer that pure (also ="rein") is the best translation, Germans are very proud of their "reines (=klares) Bier" (pure beer) - whatever it is supposed to mean when the brewers say it

"Wohl bekomm's!" = Cheers!
(literally translated: 'may it be wholesome / beneficial / healthy for you')

on RV-11:
I think my method does not hold water, I was pretty off again. :?

1st March 2013, 05:30 PM
although my first wild guess (beer) was quite well, but that wasn't remote viewing

1st March 2013, 07:14 PM
Maybe that's why you got all the German lingo in the dream - if it was Old German, may have seemed 'unintelligible'. I think you are beging hard on yourself. You're really quite good at this. You said "ist' but as you can see the word is 'ilt'. Maybe not, old 's' was a long line - but like 18th century.

1st March 2013, 07:31 PM
Anyway, notice the decorations around Bacchus: Ivy, dwarves and pine cones. The pine cone is a symbol of the pineal and speaks to the 'seat of the soul' as declared by Descarte. You will see it many places of spiritual significance - on the top of the staff of the crucified Christ carried by the Pope - a pine cone. Until you look for it you won't appreciate it's ubiquity.

And maybe easily confused (in assiciation with the leaves) as a flower or rose - quite poetic, CFT!

1st March 2013, 07:45 PM
Maybe that's why you got all the German lingo in the dream - if it was Old German, may have seemed 'unintelligible'. I think you are beging hard on yourself. You're really quite good at this. You said "ist' but as you can see the word is 'ilt'. Maybe not, old 's' was a long line - but like 18th century.
It wasn't a dream this time, it was in trance in my bed. Yes, it is Old German and the letters were different, some spelling too (e.g. bekom's with one m only).

An idea: Maybe what I received was indeed correct, but just conceptionalised from a different angle, a lower one looking at elements and not the whole term or 'concept'. E.g. such as when we say "bird' we see it as a whole. So in the case of our linguistic/cognitional concept of a 'bird' I was given feathers, beaks and talons instead, but did not know what e.g. a "talon" is. Or it's even something more 'atomic' or 'molecular'. The problem was maybe a matter of communication specification and/or translation. I need to make clear on what conceptional 'level' I want the data to be represented to me.

So in my case this time, maybe it was a really "technical" description, in technical detail. Instead of "jar" or "beer mug" I then got specifics on how it is made up or how it was produced. Some of the structure words in-between, which I all understood, hint to this, such as "around it you find" or "to its side there is". And that's why I did not get it, maybe it was from an Akashic non-physical database for beer jug producers.

1st March 2013, 07:46 PM
And while I'm at it, have to say something about IA's animal skin - which she foretold on the previous RV-10! She is good proof that psychic ability enhances the RV effort. Notice Bacchus has a mantel of animal skin. She saw that before it was even a target. IA brings a bag of tricks to the experiments a little unlike most of us and definetly sparks my curiosity.

Never-the-less, I am committed to the idea that we all can LEARN to use our skills more effectively and I will contrive to imagine ideas and exercises toward that mission.

1st March 2013, 07:59 PM
So in my case this time, maybe it was a really "technical" description, in technical detail. Instead of "jar" or "beer mug" I then got specifics on how it is made up or how it was produced. Some of the structure words in-between, which I all understood, hint to this, such as "around it you find" or "to its side there is". And that's why I did not get it, maybe it was from an Akashic non-physical database for beer jug producers.
You are always a delight, sir! I again declare "We can Learn"!!
What a cush job I have - no risk of humiliation (and if I hadn't been on your side of the fence and been a little successful in my optimistic way) I wouldn't be able to really appreciate your and the efforts of others as much as I do.
I think we're having fun. I just hope I don't run out interesting targets. ;)

1st March 2013, 09:14 PM
I think we're having fun.
I definitely have, thanks for putting all of this up. Will try RV-12 tonight.

2nd March 2013, 08:31 AM
I've been looking for the philosophical bit you asked me to find, E1B, but I don't think I found it.

To be helpful, any of you might find something here you could use to enhance your skills: http://bookos.org/s/?q=remote+viewing&t=0

A variation on your protocol that you might like to try:
1. Choose your item.
2. Have your remote viewers/sensors record their impressions.
3. Present the item with three others you choose subsequently.
4. Allow your subjects to choose based on what most resonates with their impressions.

Usually your viewers will be able to connect what they've sensed with the correct item.

2nd March 2013, 09:49 AM
I looked at RV 12 last night and I see you eyeoneblack looking through a microscope...I am thinking if this is the target or is it a message to me, to start to be more specific as looking through a microscope to be more accurat??..I will know when the target is reveled....I will continue to look at the target 12 :-) and be more calm and give me more time before I decide what the target is.

2nd March 2013, 03:04 PM
This is from IA's dream diary:
Last night in my dream I was in school again, and had to read loud, I was so unsure and did not know how thorougly I should read, the teacher wanted me to carry on not thinking so much, I could really feel and see my unsecurity.
I was reading her dream diary thinkin I was reading her RV posts. LMAO because she was seeming to respond to the target. A while back Aunt Claire responded to my RV experiment in the same way - not posting to the Lab but revealing the object in her thouthts.
There's no clue in here, just an observation I felt was amusing.

3rd March 2013, 02:32 PM
Are we about ready to reveal, or want another day?

3rd March 2013, 02:38 PM
Are we about ready to reveal, or want another day?

I am off course cuorious to know at once :-)
I did look again today, so I saw this time a bowl or widh vas formed as a hibiscus flower, the bowl was placed on a green plate, the flower was made of papermache...or then you where looking or reading about how to make of papermache??

3rd March 2013, 03:11 PM
Here it is!!

3rd March 2013, 03:14 PM
Sometimes it takes a while for my edited pic to register with my image hosting site. Probaly will shortly.
Lots of good guesses. This is like trying to view a mirror (which I've never tried!?!). And why I laughed at IA's dream journal entrly haha.

Give me a while to scrounge around for target 13. I'll let you know when it's in the star.

Didn't take long.

Target 13 is in the star. Good Luck ;)

3rd March 2013, 03:38 PM
Here it is!!

Haha, not one right...thank you.

3rd March 2013, 03:52 PM
This is from IA's dream diary:
I was reading her dream diary thinkin I was reading her RV posts. LMAO because she was seeming to respond to the target. A while back Aunt Claire responded to my RV experiment in the same way - not posting to the Lab but revealing the object in her thouthts.
There's no clue in here, just an observation I felt was amusing.

Last night in my dream I was in school again, and had to read loud, I was so unsure and did not know how thorougly I should read, the teacher wanted me to carry on not thinking so much, I could really feel and see my unsecurity.

While this post of IA's was posted 2/20, which is quite a premonition, I still think it is good to mine the dream journals of the players. Reading a Quija would be difficult wouldn't it?

5th March 2013, 04:20 PM
I tried to look at RV 13 and I did see sunglasses??..or welding protector glasses..or slalom skiing glasses....

6th March 2013, 11:21 AM
I am trying but getting nowhere fast, I will try the dreaming tec tonight.

9th March 2013, 08:31 PM
seems we're on a little hiatus here with this project? anyways, I'd like to do an intensified attempt tonight and report tomorrow Sunday, please do not disclose before I post again, thanks

10th March 2013, 02:25 PM
Sorry, I've been a little under the weather :(
Much better today, but no hurry, (obviously).

10th March 2013, 02:35 PM
Yeah, I've been sick, too, down with a flu, for a little less than a week now, but the today is the first completely healthy day again, feels good somehow, whoever is affected get well and good health to everyone!

10th March 2013, 06:03 PM
Sorry to hear you both bean ill, but when is it the revelation time for the RV 13?? :-)

10th March 2013, 06:18 PM
Do you want to make a stab Volgerle? Gettin pretty late in Europe, isn't it. Suppose I'll reveal in about 18 hrs unless you want it now?

10th March 2013, 06:32 PM
No, it did not work for me this time (again..). You can reveal and I will try on RV-14 then again. But maybe only starting with it Tuesday night or Wednesday as I might not have enough time before.

10th March 2013, 07:18 PM
Ok, here it is.


I'm losing track of what number we're on, doesn't really matter.
The next one is in the star. I'll leave it there until we decided to reveal it - I'll just wait until then.

11th March 2013, 06:47 AM
Ok, here it is.


I'm losing track of what number we're on, doesn't really matter.
The next one is in the star. I'll leave it there until we decided to reveal it - I'll just wait until then.

WoW..not a clue..only if thinking of the colore of the glasses I saw and the jar is only the similarity, but that is the only thing...I will try little harder at the RV 14. I really did not look more than that one time, my mind is occupyed with cleaning my inner still, but I love to have this opportunity, and I will work more focused on the target 14. Thank you !!

11th March 2013, 12:03 PM
Yes, IA. I wondered if the irridescence of some dark glasses might have related to the many colors of the pencils.

11th March 2013, 03:02 PM
Yes, IA. I wondered if the irridescence of some dark glasses might have related to the many colors of the pencils.

No eyeoneblack, I do not think it is that symbol, more like, stop trying to look with your eye´s RV is about other sences, like this feeling I got and now when I see the object how coloreful it is, I know I am able to feel colores as you remember by the green and hollow :-)..so I have seen with my minds eye´s before, but as I have said I do not see with them anymore, and I think it has to do to develop other sences in me...not only eye´s :-)

And by the way you have piced up one of my want´s..I have bean lateley looking in stores that kind of penciles of colore but not buyed any yet, but I will do :-) so is this some kind of presentiment ??

11th March 2013, 05:40 PM
like this feeling I got and now when I see the object how coloreful it is, I know I am able to feel colores as you remember by the green and hollow :-)..so I have seen with my minds eye´s before, but as I have said I do not see with them anymore, and I think it has to do to develop other sences in me...not only eye´s :-)

Keep that in mind.....

12th March 2013, 06:00 AM
when trying to look at RV 14 I first see a shape of a heart, then I see a man pushing it down to floor and sitting on it...and I think, is it a heart formed kusching, but then he stretches him out and I get the feeling of taking it easy :-)
I hope it is okay for me to write every detail from my try to RV the target 14.

12th March 2013, 11:14 AM
I've heard a dog barking, knowing it was a little (or medium-sized) white dog. Then also heard a radio or hifi radio CD system playing and turned it down. Maybe it's also a CD or so?

I also have the theme (like IA56) of sitting somwhere comfortably, because when I was lying down normally in my physical bed and had this vision in trance I was actually with my energy body in the astral in my cellar and in my dark blue recliner chair covered with a also dark blue blanket and asking there for help to be shown the object (although no help came and I woke up, I only experienced the things as mentioned above).

12th March 2013, 11:44 AM
I was in the astral somewhere yesterday and saw again another coloured man, he was playing a violin. So I wondered if it was a violin particularly now that Volgerie has had put a musical slant on things ?

12th March 2013, 02:22 PM
I got the top view of what could be either a box or a frame, and in the center a smaller box (or a smaller frame) with what looked like a button in it. I'll see if I can draw this to illustrate better. Something was made of wood, I could see woodgrain.

13th March 2013, 05:53 AM
I tried to look what colore it has, and the only thing did come to mind was again the heart and I guess we always think heart to be read, so I say it has some red in it if not whole red :-)

13th March 2013, 03:57 PM
Alright, I'm going to sketch it.

13th March 2013, 07:04 PM
Today I got a feeling that it is Jesus Christ ??

13th March 2013, 08:47 PM
Today I got a feeling that it is Jesus Christ ??

I already had Baby Jesus here, so it seems he has grown up now.

14th March 2013, 06:44 AM
I already had Baby Jesus here, so it seems he has grown up now.

I am suspecting that there are other thing´s running in my inner, I think I am RV:ing and all messages is about my inner...Jesus has bean my base security in my life from 4 grade (conssiously or when I heard about him)....and what I have got this time in RV is the heart formed kusching sitting on it...base...and heart is love...and also a sighn of Love...and Jesus has bean all and everything in my life and kept me going and raised me always up whan I have fall...so eighder is both...the RV target or only mirroring my inner...haha...I will continue this evening to look again...:-)

15th March 2013, 01:47 PM
This is a Bear fetish/totem from British Columbia, Canada.http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x38/eyeoneblack/Hermetics/002-1_zpsa0a66228.jpg

15th March 2013, 01:55 PM
This is a Bear fetish/totem from British Columbia, Canada.http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x38/eyeoneblack/Hermetics/002-1_zpsa0a66228.jpg

Little red spot on it...I must feel satisfyed *blink*

15th March 2013, 02:23 PM
These are really difficult objects Eob ?

15th March 2013, 02:34 PM
I guess I'm out of *easy* targets.
CFT put it on the wood pedestal very nicely. It is a 'religious' object. That little speck of red is red.

But, with easy in mind, try the next one.

15th March 2013, 05:53 PM
Okay I went into deep trance this afternoon, I saw what looked like a doll like a Barbie type doll. Can't imagine you having one of those EOB :wink:

I also saw something beige with a orange/gold crest on it? I was rolling around and was trying to get out of my body but thankfully my full bladder kept me grounded :lol2:

15th March 2013, 07:10 PM
will try RV-15 tonight

16th March 2013, 11:27 AM
The first thing what was felt when looking at RV 15 was my left ear...Thought started...is it a headphone or a loudspeaker...then an image started to shape up...The hooper first and then I thought of an old gramophone with an hopper??
I will try to look maybe on Sunday...Maybe it is a horn...what vikings did drink from or what old people did use to listen with when their hearing was low..or something likely??

16th March 2013, 11:34 AM
when trying to look at RV 14 I first see a shape of a heart, then I see a man pushing it down to floor and sitting on it...and I think, is it a heart formed kusching, but then he stretches him out and I get the feeling of taking it easy :-)
I hope it is okay for me to write every detail from my try to RV the target 14.

If I had given a little more time to think about this symbolism I might have thought in another direction....The target RV 14 was a bear..it looke like onyx....and that is grounding..and the man was pusching it down showing like ground...my last name is if translate it is Bear and then an ending what is custom in lastname´s...in Finland it is ..nen.....and in Sweden it is....son.....

It is tricky but interesting to try to understand symbolism.

16th March 2013, 01:29 PM
If I had given a little more time to think about this symbolism I might have thought in another direction....The target RV 14 was a bear..it looke like onyx....and that is grounding..and the man was pusching it down showing like ground...my last name is if translate it is Bear and then an ending what is custom in lastname´s...in Finland it is ..nen.....and in Sweden it is....son.....

It is tricky but interesting to try to understand symbolism.

I'll also add that the red 'arrow' on the bear appears to represent the bear's heart. You guys do a lot better than you give yourself credit.
I've been having a very stressful month and haven't been giving these exersizes the time I prob. should. But let me remind you - what you are trying to do - remote view - is impossible and yet you manage quite well. If you can report anything at all about an object, for example CFT traced a small black object on the table, that's something. If you report a religious object (christ, Jesus) when the target is religious to the Indian tribe that made it? that's remarkable.
I'm telling you hurrah!
This current target (15 I think) is simple. Simply think of its color, its shape, what's it made of... To be honest, I'm not sure what it is myself but it has physical characteristics - a gestalt. All objects have simple qualities such as this and if a viewer can discover any pertinent info - that's success!

16th March 2013, 08:23 PM
This current target (15 I think) is simple.
eob, just a side note, but an important one, I think it is very vital imv that we keep numbering = labelling = coding them, because it is part of an important technique and also done by professional RVers, e.g. there you have websites with codes only given and the viewers try to view what image/object is "behind" them

also, think about how we already mixed up later and sooner targets as time does sometimes not coincide (you can view past and future target) - this also makes it highly important that the task giver (you in this case) would "imprint" a code on the object to make it clearly distinguishable from the other targets as time alone won't do, neither will place as it is the same place you put them in, I myself also use the 'code' to give the command using the current cude ("show me RV-xx") when I try to view it

just my two cents on this but I really need to stress how important it is to give code numbers to them for me, please let's keep up the consistent numbering

(will give it a try tonight again, this time even harder)

19th March 2013, 01:03 PM
This target has a shape, a color and is made of a material. That's all. Does that make it 'easy'? actually I don't think so. But I think that's all anyone could 'divine' of it.

20th March 2013, 12:02 PM
When will you revele the target 15??
I do not get anymore than I have got already, so I am cuourious what you got :-)

21st March 2013, 03:37 PM
This is it.
Again, I think the resize will kick in eventually.

21st March 2013, 03:40 PM
I'm putting up one more target, then I'm done.

I hope someone will pick up the Lab from here - keep it going.


21st March 2013, 05:25 PM
Wow that blue thing is beautiful.
I hope someone else does too, I never seem to have time, although I enjoy them very much.

21st March 2013, 07:23 PM
I might, but I can only start in April. I have my health practicioner oral/practical exam on the 8th, yesterday I passed the written exam at the Public Health Office very well (yippieh!). You see, I am in the hot phase now, and time is limited, I'm in "crunch mode", so to speak and pass as much time as I can "swotting" (is that the right word, just found it for British English?).

Also, I am living in a "room" (not even a real one, just a partition from the living room) with my parents now temporarily as I am jobless (might change soon though) and ran out of money and had to move home.

So I would need to find a permanent spot for the objects to put on, as everything is crammed here and I live in very narrow circumstances now (temporarily), but I might find a way, just need time til April.

hooray, off to the books again ....

21st March 2013, 08:51 PM
This is it.
Again, I think the resize will kick in eventually.

Is it a spray bottle??

21st March 2013, 10:09 PM
Is it a spray bottle??

No, it's basically an upside-down cup. I don't know what the spike is about or what it was ever associated with?

22nd March 2013, 12:52 PM
No, it's basically an upside-down cup. I don't know what the spike is about or what it was ever associated with?

For my eyes it looks like it has lost the spray pump and it is why I got the hooper shape.

Today when I tried to look at RV 16 I got triangle shape and a round shape...I will continue to look if I get more and off course I hope I on some point will see the whole object and not only parts of it :-)

23rd March 2013, 11:55 AM
Tonight got half-lucid for a short while, standing on a street. Asked for the RV object to materialise. But i only saw some blurry outlines of sth still invisible. It appeared to be spherical. But maybe I confuse(d) it with the most recent objects which were also spheres or sphere-like? Cannot offer more.

24th March 2013, 02:16 PM
Would you like another 18 hrs for this one?

24th March 2013, 02:29 PM
Would you like another 18 hrs for this one?

Could we wait til Tuesday? I am very busy today and also on Monday out of the house all the time. I have a more quiet day on Tuesday so I would try one last hard effort Monday night to Tuesday, if it's okay.

24th March 2013, 02:33 PM

26th March 2013, 11:30 AM
This is it.
This is a corporate or notary seal press. It currently has the seal of some Ice Company in it. It's iron and heavy and I use it for a door-stop.

The Buddha goes back to its pedestal and the star is retired a while. Thank you everyone for your participation - we gad a great time, didn't we?!8)

26th March 2013, 01:36 PM
This is it.
This is a corporate or notary seal press. It currently has the seal of some Ice Company in it. It's iron and heavy and I use it for a door-stop.

The Buddha goes back to its pedestal and the star is retired a while. Thank you everyone for your participation - we gad a great time, didn't we?!8)

Thank you eyeoneblack, it has bean very valuable to me this time :-)
even I did not have any clue of the target :-)