View Full Version : I want to be and live at one with god

23rd January 2013, 01:31 PM
Any ideas how to get started?

23rd January 2013, 03:03 PM
Find a meditation practice you would feel comfortable with and do it for a few minutes each day. It helps. :)

23rd January 2013, 03:30 PM
I would start with building a shrine, make an altar and place Shiva so I can face him while praying.

23rd January 2013, 04:21 PM
Any ideas how to get started? I would start with, from what religious tradition do you come from, and are you willing to read at least one book to get you started?

23rd January 2013, 04:44 PM
Im willing to do anything and i come from romen catholic but never believed that jesus was the 1 god i do believe in a higher god wit is what i am talking about.

23rd January 2013, 05:19 PM
Then I recommend you start by reading Discover the Power Within You (http://www.amazon.com/Discover-Power-Within-You-Unexplored/dp/0061723797) by Eric Butterworth. It's based on Christianity but offers a more empowered metaphysical perspective, and I suggest you meditate as you read it. Once you've done this, I'll give you another step to do, if you wish.

23rd January 2013, 10:48 PM
Okay what do you mean meditate as i read it

23rd January 2013, 11:06 PM
Pick some style of meditation that you like. When you're reading, if you come to a point of insight or revelation (or something that challenges your understanding of the universe) take it into meditation and use it as a means of investigation. Use meditation to either 'get it' or 'reject it', depending on what it is.

23rd January 2013, 11:56 PM
Tyvm i will get the book tonight

24th January 2013, 05:19 AM
Oh, boy. I had that intention. I worded it differently, but it's the same, exact sentiment. I'm going to tell you right now, it's going to be a big, big change, and probably a complete transformation. It will take some time to eventuate (metamorphosis is not an instantaneous process). It may be uncomfortable at times. It will totally be worth it, however. I'm telling you all this because as you go through the process, assuming you're genuinely interested in the manifestation of this intention, there will be probably be times when you feel like your world (and your sense of "self") is just crumbling around you. Don't get discouraged; realisation of God (and the God-Self, ultimately) requires losing a lot of attachments and illusions and so on. If you don't fight it, it goes a lot easier.

As for "how".... Again, my usual advice applied. Intend and surrender. Sincerely intend it (I generally worked with prayer, but there are many ways to set an intention; these days I just decide it sincerely), and then surrender to the process, whatever that turns out to be.

This is an extremely worthwhile path. Don't be daunted by it; it can seem pretty horrible at times (or at least, it can freak you out rather a lot, and that's bad enough), but it is so, so worth it. Intend it. You'll be amazed and humbled and filled with bliss and all kinds of astounding things. And when you find out who you REALLY are, you're gonna be gobsmacked. :)

24th January 2013, 09:42 AM
Any ideas how to get started?

As a Kabbalist I recommend to do what a good child would do to please his parent. Be successful, enjoy the gift you were given (the life), make a family, grow a tree, call sometimes to your daddy (prayer) and protect your closest as much as you can.

24th January 2013, 10:28 AM
Im willing to do anything and i come from romen catholic but never believed that jesus was the 1 god i do believe in a higher god wit is what i am talking about.

I did also go through the religion, and it is very important to understand that religions do box in. As Jesus and all religions profets or God´s are the same force or element or energy. Jesus was a human who did have as I believe the same experience as I have....to understand the difference between duality and infinity....all religions God´s stand on the dividerline what borders to infinity...and therefore are half truth...but it is a way to go through the religion to get this experience to dare to go through the religions roof so to speak to get the experience of infinity.....Religions box in and diminishes us...but it is a good way to start to get the ego in line and understand what respect is and how good life rules are......but then it is time to go through the religions roof to the infinity experience....and I would like the whole world to understand that religion is a good way when it is understood in right way...but it is only a half truth.....

To love LIFE is to love GOD. ...Body is the tempel of GOD and should be taken good care because it enlodges us and gives us the opportunity to get knowledge about our core essence

24th January 2013, 02:41 PM
Butterfly your words are inspiring and encouraging. I will be now workin towards setting all my intentions to becoming closer and closer to god and my god self

maybe the process has already started? As in the past three days i feel like my conposure is constantly being tested? I got into a car accident my car battery died. A coal fell on my floor and burnt a hole in my carpet. Among lesser annoyences. I feel i must take these things as a test and not get mad i am

perhaps i was just due for some off days but i will stay focused and await a better tomorrow and right now im perfeclty happy just somewhat scared of what could be to come! And i dont scare easily!

24th January 2013, 02:47 PM
And i feel like all religions gods are kind of about the true god just different versions of him or her or it.

Ive read and a lot of people are telling me to chant my god of births name or focus on that religion. Is that just to get into the idea of religion to find the true god through that? Chaning jesus feels strange would chantjng the word god havethe same effect

24th January 2013, 04:24 PM
Ive read and a lot of people are telling me to chant my god of births name or focus on that religion. Is that just to get into the idea of religion to find the true god through that? Chaning jesus feels strange would chantjng the word god havethe same effect Some people believe the only way to understand or 'get with' God is through whatever their religion of origin is. I disagree with this, but I understand that it's easier to acquire an idea of God through a familiar system, the problem is that the problems that were installed through that system can cause the problems that may have made you run away from it.
So I don't think it's about religion, it's about defining what your idea of God is (it's surprising that people accept ideas others gave them) and why you want to be 'one with' God. Once you've got an idea of where your place is in the 'grand scheme', then you can move into the idea of becoming one with God.
That's why I picked the book I picked- because the ideas in it will not insult you with their foreignness and yet will challenge some preconceived notions about christianity, which is only a first step in a longer process.

24th January 2013, 04:26 PM
Some people get worthwhile effects and benefits from chanting. Personally, I like to practice glossolalia (speaking in tongues), and I've gotten a lot of benefit from that. It really just depends on what feels right to you. Religions are okay as a starting point, and to provide a kind of framework to understand various mystical experiences. If you feel like chanting will help, do that. If you feel silly, don't do it. It's really extremely personal, and a matter of finding what works for you.

Oh, but don't I just have a George Harrison song in my head now, though! LOL!


George was a big proponent of chanting (he was a follower of the Hare Krishna movement).

Neil Templar
24th January 2013, 05:30 PM
I want to be and live at one with god...You already are. You have only forgotten how to see thru God's eyes.

"God" speaks to us in many ways...
Try to become an observer of your everyday life, as well as a participant.
Try to notice the way that events and situations are connected - how one event in turn creates the perfect scenario for another event to take place. One could not exist without the other having happened.
Try to be aware of coincidence, serendipity, synchronicity, deja-vu, in the moment when it occurs. Take note of it. The more you see, the more you'll see...;)
Look into quantum physics. Entanglement. Morphic resonance. Observable stuff that defies traditional Newtonian understanding of things.
Start a dream journal. Learn to interpret your dreams, and begin to interpret "reality" in the same way. The language of God is as visible in every moment as it is in mystical experiences.
Stop thinking of yourself and those around you as "people", and start thinking of yourself/them as "souls", on a journey of growth. This will help you get past judging them, and move into a state of allowing them to be who/whatever they are, as God would/does, without judgement.
Cast unconditional love to strangers, silently in your mind, as you go about your daily activities. Enjoy.
Ask God/Your highest aspect, for advice, on any situation - listen/feel for the response within you. Do this often.
Recognise and greet all animals, either silently, or verbally, as God. "Hello God."
Do the same with trees, plants, anything in nature... This might feel silly, but it's harmless, and it's developing a relationship with God. Whether you believe it or not.

24th January 2013, 06:00 PM
I´d like to tell more about my experience and how it started. I was like in 5 grade and on the religions lesson in school I did get so exited when talking about Jesus, it was through the school I did get to know about him....and I was so exited to understand that he was like me, a human, and I did get the exitement and love and support and to know how important I am as a being.
As Jesus did say and all this did stay with me...he said...I am not in any buildings meaning churches...and he´s saying...I am the way and truth...I did understand that he did come to give the truth to humans...that all and everyone can reach GOD by it self...there does not have to be any middle man so to speak...like preast.....as I did understand is the longing and want to listen through all my sences and to listen what Jesus had to say how to become as pure as possible with right thinking and right way to be to others...that all and everyone are GOD´s child and valuable and the ulitmate proof is that you are alive...that someone did want you to become alive....so this has always kept me going... no matter what I have faced in life, and I can tell I have faced much but every time when I have raised me up again when falling I have become more and more stronger and more and more greatful to the infinity and also that I when I am ready I always can go home and what ever I have done and turned that to knowledge there are nothing "wrong" done and if I can forgive my self then there is no doubt GOD does give forgivness, but to be so free will be very painful but worth all the work and troubble to become free and know how loved we are.

24th January 2013, 10:03 PM
Thanks for all your answers there all very helpful and i will take them to heart.

to me right now god is definitely that is part of everyone an everything and combined we make god when i say i want to find god and be one with him i mean i want to be able to tune into the part of me that is god and live through it instead of the other parts of me.

I have a lot of information i can use now to start my journey thank you