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View Full Version : Higher self awareness at something I had written beforehand

24th January 2013, 10:24 PM
Since Christmas and holidays I have felt very grounded and far from anything spiritual.
Coming back to work before entering the house of my first appointment I looked at something I had written before Xmas knowing that this was more than just me thinking.
I sent out a wish to be connected to my higher self again. I was missing the connection .
Within 10 mins I got a thought ... JIM. Ask her what her fathers name was. She replied " James"
Asking if he was known by any other name she replied that he was always known as. JIM .

Now this is not a " WELL. DONE Susan .
What I' m trying to suggest is that sometimes we are looking for voices or visions in our dreams.
I would suggest stay positive ..... stay loving .....with loving thoughts towards others ......and trust the ideas that come to you. As you will be connecting to your higher self even if you don't realise I