View Full Version : Colored Light Upon Awakening?

30th January 2013, 01:00 AM
Hi - I've noticed a phenomenon that sometimes happens when I very first open my eyes in the morning. It only lasts for a few seconds, then fades.

It first happened a year or so ago after I did a yoga nidra meditation before bed the night before, and it has happened several dozen times now. From what I can remember, this coincides with either yoga nidra or HemiSync the night before.

It is as if the morning light coming in from the windows is a brilliant color - there is only one per morning. There has been a brilliant yellow, or bright green, but the vast majority of times a deep cherry red or a neon pinkish purple. Then it fades, and the light is clear white.

This morning it happened again - I did a couple of HemiSync exercises last night after several weeks of having done none. Sure enough, waking up this morning was like getting a view of the morning through a jar of raspberry jam.

Can you tell me, physically or metaphysically, what this is?

Robert Bruce
4th February 2013, 01:58 AM
I get this a lot, too.

You will also get this after meditation, if you keep your eyes closed and hold the palms of your hands lightly pressed into your eyes and just gaze ahead.

The colors, I think, are produced by the chakras. The ones that are most active at the time will dominate what you see.

This is a very good sign of general spiritual development, and of awakening.

When you go to bed at night, behind closed eyelids, unfocus your eyes in a relaxed way and you should start to see the room around you, and other things.

Lay on your back in bed. Gaze straight ahead in a relaxed way, eyes closed, and spread your arms wide. Spread your fingers and rotate your wrists. Keep gazing straight ahead. You will be aware of some movement to the sides, with peripheral vision. You will visually see your hands moving, as if they are made out of pale light. This is part of the 'body image discovery' work I have been working on. 99% of people will see this visual immediately. It is a good first step for exploring minds eye vision.


5th February 2013, 02:41 AM
Hi Robert - Thank you for taking time to answer my question. Before NEW, I used to see b/w, then colors, then very specific faces as I drifted off to sleep at night. When I started NEW, it didn't happen any more, but perhaps this is just coming back in amplified ways. There have been a couple of times - spontaneously - that I have seen the room around me when my eyes are closed at night. I'm going to do the exercise you suggest to see if I can begin to recreate this. I've been doing NEW for a few years now, and I am always discovering new things - the energy feels like water flowing through.