View Full Version : Exit Symptom Questions

5th February 2013, 08:42 PM
Hey guys,
Been trying to AP consciously for a while now and I think I've been having some exit symptoms. Loss of body awareness, though have warmth in the chakras--visualizing, using rope and levitation technique, some vibs, but no bite, can't get the thing to move.

So, maybe the problem is some areas of my body are less sensitive than others--blocks, etc. Must all charkas be very stimulated for an exit, must they all be vibrating? I'm guessing the vibs must be pretty strong to exit?

I've tried phasing, trying to enter a dreamstate in trance, maintaining focus on a vision. Can this work for an exit? I've had visual moving images, friends inviting me outside, etc., for only a second or two, then I snap out of it. Should I work on maintaining those images, for an exit?

At what point am I ready to exit, and how? I can feel my astral body, one astral hand with the other astral hand, can visualize my room and expand and contract, but just can't seem to exit, can't find a hole or anything to go through.

So my query is: Phasing, Levatiating/vibs, which is the best for an exit?


5th February 2013, 09:31 PM
Hey guys, Hi Anders.

So, maybe the problem is some areas of my body are less sensitive than others--blocks, etc. Must all charkas be very stimulated for an exit, must they all be vibrating? I'm guessing the vibs must be pretty strong to exit? First of all, you don't need any vibrations to exit. Vibrations are side effects of the change of frequency (or state of perception), and some people don't feel any or feel a little bit. If you make a slow transition you more than likely will have stronger vibes, if you make a faster transition, more than likely instead of vibes you will feel wavy undulations, strobing or floatiness. Sometimes you don't feel anything at all, besides a 'sort of' feeling of movement in any direction. Even a falling sensation. So it really is not a good idea to use any type of body awareness for signs of an impending exit.

I've tried phasing, trying to enter a dreamstate in trance, maintaining focus on a vision. Can this work for an exit? I've had visual moving images, friends inviting me outside, etc., for only a second or two, then I snap out of it. Should I work on maintaining those images, for an exit? If you want to phase, yes. Phasing is simply entering the dreamstate while awake, and the only diff. between it and OBE is that at the time you think you're ready you try an exit technique you don't, you just observe what is in front of you. But the only diff is that in phasing you exit into the vision screen, and in OBE you exit into your room. the exit technique usually lands you in the RTZ (your room) vs. the dreamspace (the private astral).

At what point am I ready to exit, and how? I can feel my astral body, one astral hand with the other astral hand, can visualize my room and expand and contract, but just can't seem to exit, can't find a hole or anything to go through. I'm not sure what this means. What hole? If you're not feeling vibrations, or movement, then look for 'seeing through the eyelids' as an indication that you are ready. One of those will indicate you're ready for an exit.
The reason why vibrations and/or astral noise are not good indicators for the right time to try an exit technique, is that even though in the beginning they may happen 'at the right time', with practice they happen so early in trance that you'll self-defeat if you start an exit tech too soon and then can't exit. So wait for the visuals or movement sensations and you'll have more reliable results.

The reasons that vibes are not good indicators other than the first few times, is manyfold:
1- They make you think of and feel your body at a time that you're supposed to be dissociating with it. Even though in the beginning of a routine, things like energy movement and breathing techniques are good for the mental relaxation, when you are in deep trance, you are supposed to be getting ready to divorce your body temporarily- completely forget you have one. So to keep checking for vibrations or numbness or any such sensory information does the opposite- it grounds you in your body when you should be trying to move your point of view away from it.

2- Because vibrations are side effects of a transitional state, and not 'things' in themselves, they happen when there is a change of focus, and for many other reasons. When you begin to get some familiarity with the trance state and your energy body, vibrations will smooth out or not be felt at all- so you may waste your time looking for something that's not going to happen, and just fall asleep while you wait.
This is why I say, vibes are great just in and of themselves, but they are not always exit cues-so enjoy them or forget them and look for visual cues. Now, if you are having visuals and vibes, this is an indication you're ready to do something active to get out.

Now, for the last part of your question, what's better, phasing or active exit? The answer is, it depends on each person. I have found that people that are very visual do well with phasing, and people who are tactile do better with OBE. But many OBErs evolve into phasers, and I know at least one person who always, from day 1, was a phaser, who after many years has changed to have RTZ OBEs. So obviously, none of this is written in stone.

ps. and I don't know what levitating is, but it sounds passive.

5th February 2013, 10:40 PM
Wow, thank you for an undeniably informative response. Okay, the phasing is probably the best way to gain exit. I go into it super fast, sometimes just close my eyes and I have images. Some are incredibly vivid. I'll work on concentration, holding my eye still while, yes, moving, direction changes.

Phasing is super fun. Maybe I'll make another post on some of my visuals.

I meant that floaty sensation when I said levitation, feels sort of similar; I feel the floatiness often.
As usual, it's a pleasure, and thank you for a wonderful response, CFT.

I've started a dream journal, too, pretty interesting.

6th February 2013, 01:27 PM
Hi Anders,

I'll add here that you don't want to focus on visuals until they settle. For me they usually emerge and "drift" around like blowing leaves. It's important to let them drift and not try to lock in due the reasons CFT mentioned above--if you're focusing on settling them, your grounding yourself. Don't let your eyes follow them until one naturally locks in place and does not flitter. Let them come and go until then. Once you get a clear, stable visual it will usually widen (dim edges roll back) and you can work with that by focusing within the scene, setting a point, and phasing. I made the mistake of trying to lock down visuals for some time and realized I was moving my eyes all over while in trance, which always blew the effort.



6th February 2013, 03:18 PM
Thank you, Soul,
Very true indeed. One shouldn't force anything into action. Usually it won't work. And yes, the edges rolling back is awesome; it's happened a few times to me, but usually I wake up. Set a point though, good advice.


8th February 2013, 05:51 PM
Hello again,
I sort of lost my anxiousness in trying to figure this stuff out--trying to get out of the body--and guess what, I was phasing this morning! In and out of sleep. Sort of lost the edge and things played out well.

Couldn't go straight into from conscious awareness, but from sleep, early this morning, I was having dreams, going in and out.

Sort of cool, I've had this recurring detail, this dog in my dreams, a pit bull. The thing was mean when I first met it, had red eyes and growling, and I proceeded to throw this dog and some shadow entity into a black hole, then removed the dog as it was crying (actually they both were), and this dog was in my lucid dream this morning. Just came up and licked me in my face. But when I lost concentration, fell back into routine thoughts... the dog got angry, and yadda yadda the dreams go on. But one thing remains... Toward the end of the sequence I jumped through a wall and flew away, sort of gravitated like a boat or sail, then woke up.

Next step: have to work on moving on up.

Thanks for the help, guys. You've been a greater help than you know.
I'll keep you guys posted.


P.S. Also a major theme of family and heirlooms (or fond memories of family rather) in other dreams in the sequence...