View Full Version : Ingo Swann, book(s)

7th February 2013, 07:59 PM
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest).

Penetration, 1998, Ingo Swann

GRADE: 7.0

Well, this is a mysterious and puzzling book of Ingo Swann. Despite
it being a thin book, I would have given the book a higher grade if
it had not been for some issues which are a little too odd for me.

Swann makes some claims about the Moon, but doesn't always go into details
about how he has reached all those conclusions:

1. The Moon has an atmosphere, which probably can be suitable for people
from the Andes or similar high places on Earth with thin air.

2. The Moon has water. Maybe not much water, but it has water, most is
ice at the poles, enough for at least 100000 colonists.

3. The Moon has vegetation, not much, but there is some growth of plants
on the surface of the Moon.

4. It's possible to see clouds and dust move over the surface of the
Moon if you use fair enough telescopes from Earth.

5. The Moon is an artificial construction.

6. The Moon is hollow inside.

7. The Moon is older than the Earth, probably by more than a billion year.
(Here Swann refers to NASA rock samples of the Moon.)

As you can see, the book may seem a little over the top.

But at the same time, Swann is a skilled remote viewer, so what do I know?
If we assume that he is not too far off from truth about the Moon, we
can still give him quite a high grade for his book.

Remember that Swann is an artist (doing drawings) and not a scientist, even
if he has some education in biology.

Also, Swann has some arguments in favor of his claims:

(X.) Many photos of the Moon's surface are kind of blurred or having
close-ups only published in low resolution. The original Moon landing
was crisp clear on its transfer, but the TV-film seems lost now.

(Y.) The Moon exploring program almost stopped shortly after 1972.

(Z.) There are conflicting reports found from astrounauts and scientists
about the Moon. Lights or glows (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_the_Moon) on the Moon have been seen.

The first part of the book is not that much related to the Moon, as it
is related to secret government (?) organizations wanting to get info
about ET bases on the Moon. And Ingo Swann gets involved in quite
strange ways.

The first part is certainly the best part of the book, giving off both
Matrix and Mars Attacks vibes. Maybe some readers can perceive the
book to be a little too male-oriented, not really hardboiled, but
perhaps too much of an old style detective novel?

Maybe I sensed a little of X-Files, too? :)

Swann meets the mysterious Mr Axelrod, who gives Swann some RV targets
on the Moon. Swann notices on the Moon:

(A.) Tracks in the Moon surface which resembles tractor tracks from some
kind of heavy vehicle.

(B.) High posts or perhaps antennas.

(C.) Underground sites, bases.

(D.) Dust blowing around.

(E.) Intelligent Beings.

(F.) Artificial Lights.

(G.) Large Buildings.

The meetings with Axelrod are few and quite short, only lasting one or two
days at most. I'm a little unsure about how I view the shortness of those
meetings. Swann also meets a few other strange people in relation to the
odd Mr Axelrod.

By reading some of the later parts of Swann's book I get the impression
that the RV experiment could have been closed down for more reasons than
not getting results. After all, Swann was hired for 19 years by SRI to
help US agencies with RVing.

Swann has quite far going claims about ET activity on the Moon and about
ETs living among us on Earth.

At least some ETs are very dangerous for us. There probably are direct
instructions from the ETs to not disturb their activity on the Moon, by
leaving the Moon alone (since 1972). Both super-powers obeyed.

What is a little disturbing is that Swann doesn't seem to do extensive
RVing on his own to find out about these ETs or their bases. He makes
some attempts, but writes that he failed to find the bases on his own,
without having the right coordinates provided by Mr Axelrod.

I wonder what could be the reason for Swann's surprising claims.

Perhaps it was an attempt from some agency to stop RVing by inducing
false info into Swann, taking him on a wild ride, resulting in the
ridicule of SRI? Similar to NLP inductions by Derren Brown (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8yFcaqb0qI).

Seeing is believing, certainly when induced.

Maybe Swann saw something beyond the regular physical reality and thus
thought it was plants, vegetations, bases, ETs, blowing dust on the
Moon, when it in fact was nonphysical events?

Or maybe he was tricked into see some things, part of it being faulty,
by the ETs, to make all Swann's claims seem questionable, also the
correct ones?

After all, if there are plenty of ETs on the Moon, and they constantly
erect and dismantle various large constructions on the Moon, and the
Moon is an artificial construction, billions of years old, shouldn't
the ETs be finished by now? Unless the creators of the Moon are not
the same as the ETs presently on the Moon.

Perhaps Swann is acting on order, he is forced to discredit himself and
other RVers?

Perhaps the strange claims of the Moon is to make the reader start
thinking by her-/himself? I get the same feeling when reading Swann's
book as when I read MBT (TOE), that there has to be something more
sane to this matter, but I can only guess.


Late into the second part of the book, Swann states that he will talk
about the books main theme: Telepathy.

Swann discusses various ideas that humans as a specie on an official
scientific level puts a lot of rejection and suspicion against the
existence of telepathy. This mass-mind joint venture may in fact
prevent humanity from having telepathy, while "outsiders" may be
observing us with telepathy.

Swann also speculates in the possibility that government and other
resourceful organizations may prevent us from using telepathy, while
at the same time manipulating us in a Derren-Brown-style.

Swann mentions that those in charge of the US may first have thought that
RVers look at _objects_, but perhaps the leaders found out RVers also
can look into _minds_. And that could be the final death blow to the
RV experiment. Which politicians want people to know their thoughts?

Still, 19 years of employment as an official RVer, that's some time.

At the end of the book (and sometimes in the ordinary flow of text) there
are references to some of Swann's sources.

Note: Swann passed away (http://www.rviewer.com/IngoSwann_encyclopedia.html) quite recently (Jan 2013).

Anyway, a remarkable book. Also found this Swann RV link -> here (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?4135-Online-book-Remote-Viewing-The-Real-Story&highlight=ingo+swann).

7th February 2013, 08:00 PM
I was just going to mention that I'd heard Swann had just passed away a few days ago (weeks?) but I see you beat me to it.

7th February 2013, 08:08 PM
Yes, that's odd, that I started to read his book at this moment in time.
But I guess others have had the chance to ask him questions about
the Moon, if I search around.

Edit: In this youtube, Swann talks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QtpcGuRsIU&list=UU3bElLoW0uE4oxhjY6pt-Bg&index=79) about buildings, plants and lights on Mars, between 1:45 - 3:40.

8th February 2013, 05:56 PM
H.P. Blavatsky (Theosophical Society) writes that the moon was the 'planet' of origin for the first race of Mankind. She explains that the inhabitants were not physical, more of an astral composition, were bisexual and reproduced by 'cloning' much like many plants do today.

Are these archaic beings still inhabitaing the Moon, does an 'astral atmosphere' exist, are there structures present they have built? Her philosophy would suggest that there are no remnants of this primordial race. BUT! that doesn't mean a Remote Viewer would not be able to sense this long ago race. Time is not a limiting factor to the Viewing Eye.

8th February 2013, 06:40 PM
6. The Moon is hollow inside.

And sun is cold in the core....

11th February 2013, 08:26 PM
6. The Moon is hollow inside.

And sun is cold in the core....

Well, I guess that settles it!!! But I hope you'll pardon me if I resist, such notions are just a leap too far for my puny brain.

12th February 2013, 01:28 PM
I have said it before and I'll say it again- many people project into someone else's subconscious projections, and think they're watching something objective. I'm just sayin'.

12th February 2013, 02:35 PM
Well, I have my experience with the Sun...and I have felt it´s core and it is cold. Sun has bean a big allie to me, it is not easy to talk about this, but I have my experience ...I really do believe this to be true. I am not going to be ashamed when I dare to tell my own experiences, you can laugh if you want I do give this for free :-) good laughs are healthy :-)

12th February 2013, 04:57 PM
I'm just pointing out that I've projected to other people's ideas of how they think things are more than the actual places, even movies.
But just for thought, Ia, how do you know what 'hot' or 'cold' feels like when you're out of body, since the body you use to project to 'out' there (astral, not etheric) is not physical?
Most 'space' projection is not to the 'actual' matter universe, but to the astral equivalent, since the act of moving out often shifts you right out of realtime and into the astral planes.
It is possible to feel the center as 'cold' in comparison to something hotter- and I have read somewhere that the core may be cooler than the surrounding body, not including the surface, but I don't remember where I read it, or even if it's true.
So you may be correctly perceiving a relative measurement of temperature in the sun, it doesn't have to mean it's not 'hot' in earth terms.

ps. If the moon is hollow, then what is it that is affecting the tides? Food for thought.

12th February 2013, 05:39 PM
As I understand the hollow of moon is because it is magnetical....and as I feel the sun´s inner because it is so "high" energy...true or falce...this is my belief....