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2nd April 2016, 06:09 PM
Think one of four short dreams just may have been some kind of teaching dream.
I'm sitting in the aisle seat of an airplane and someone ( teacher) is standing infront of everybody facing us and tells us all to look ahead.
The cockpit door is open and we can see the clouds through the cockpit window from where we are. As the instruction is to look others get up in the aisle to look but I stay seated. I had thought we were coming into land and they should have kept their seatbelt on but the teacher just encouraged them to look ahead.
We weren't landing and the sight was amazing to see the nose of the aircraft cut through the white puffy clouds outside. I still felt the amazement as I woke.

This may be my problem currently of focusing in the brow. I'm not still enough and keep changing my mind after a few minutes to start trying to visualise something.
I wonder if this was related to the scene where someone was axing through a blackboard making geometric patterns at the same time. He was cutting through to the other side of a blackboard?.

3rd April 2016, 10:29 AM
Just want to note here for reference.
Just slowly wakening from a dream and going through the process of recalling this which was just to do with daily life when....
Image of news flash on top of I pad as it pops up across the top and thought

" Jesus around 200 killed".

There was no image with this other than I pad.
Also just noting the thought word Jesus was not thought as we may say in astonishment to something. Just 4 words thought out with no emotion involved.

Also previously early morning heard myself say " Have you met the light?" "I am the light."
( probe just self talk within a dream)

6th April 2016, 08:12 PM
Yesterday had been a day from hell. It had started with me picking up as soon as I woke

" Today is going to be a very special day ."

Then I analysed a dream which had involved me with a child crossings a road to watch a parade passing. They were the Queen's men infront of the carriage in the distance.They had a long line like a rope that extended to the carriage and it was their job to keep it straight. A piece infront of me got bent. The young boy with me put his head underneath the rope and commented that his head was upside down.The rope was straightened with their rod and the procession carried on. End of dream.

So my thoughts were that the queen has been used 2-3 times and reference always seems to be someone high up very important and I link it to higher self. Could be wrong but that's how I think of a queen.
Couldn't understand the rope but message from higher self or someone that today was going to be a very special day.
My day was in one of the care homes. Full of my lovely adorable cuddly elderly people.

Within 10 mins of arriving I had an elderly gentleman shouting at me because I wouldn't do something . Then he wanted me to fasten his slipper that was a slip on slipper. I was useless, selfish and uncaring.
Rescued by a carer who attended to him.

But hey, it didn't matter because today was going to be a special day!
( could I be going to see someone's aura, hear clairaudiently while working?)

An hour later a lady who was being held by two carers got angry with me because I must have hurt her. She screamed, lashed out and threw all my instruments on the floor.

But it didn't matter because today was going to be a special day!

I walked a lady slowly back to the lounge. So slow almost stop. She held onto the handrail for support all the way back. We stopped at a teddy bear that had been placed on the rail but it was upside down so the face was under the rail. I had to wait and wait and wait whilst she tried to turn it back the right way. ( this reminded me of the above piece about the young boy I was with who put his head under the rope and was upside down) But I quickly dismissed this thought because this was nothing about patience and understanding and everything that comes with compassion and all the things we try to achieve. No !

Because today was going to be a special day and I had expectations of my own.

By the end of the day I was exhausted, frustrated, fed up, hadn't had a single hug or smile. Everyone was so high dependency and in a mood. I was pleased that I hadn't just packed up and gone home , pleased that I hadn't shown my annoyance but dissapointed that all day my thoughts had been that I wanted to pack up and no body appreciated what I was doing for them. Even one lady turned round and smiled and thanked the carer. I was the bad guy .I hadn't had any nice surprise that could be classed as special.

I should have remembered that things come in riddles. I feel I was tested to the limit here and on the outside I held my composure and showed all the patience and compassion but failed miserably with my thoughts.

Found this on the site posted 8 years ago. Published by Robert.
I think it is an excellent article to keep on hand and be reminded of.

More from Koala on the enlightenment process*

The process of enlightenment started at an early age for me.* I was fortunate to have a mother who nurtured the habit of self-reflection as apposed to blame and self-justification and deflection.* If I was in a tough situation, I needed to ask how I contributed to it, or even why I had attracted it into my life.

At first, it is annoying.** You want to come home and vent about a bully at school, but then your mother starts talking about the household conditions that create bullies and how lucky I am not to have to live in the horrible conditions in which they often live.

If I would argue that they did not have it so bad, she would take another route, asking why I would take to heart what a wounded person would say to me.* She forced me to think at every turn and never allowed me to cheap out or blame. I say blame is cheap because it requires no insight, no strength of character.* It is the way of anger and resentment, which is cheap in that it avoids all responsibility and self growth, and is hence costly.* Anger consumes valuable life energy.

Initiation is a process whereby one is challenged and tested by life, and by spirit. This can provide a new spiritual beginning. It is like being reborn to a new spiritual life.

All roads lead to this. The wowness that permeates the New Age movement is often derided as something distasteful and unspiritual and naïve. But these things all eventually lead to spiritual paths of growth. This is impossible to avoid.

Enlightenment is a process where you reclaim your energies.* Many people are unaware of the energy they waste on judgment, criticism of self and others, anger and resentment, and other negative stuff.* Significant shifts in your energy body occur during enlightenment.* These shifts in energy signal you are ready for Initiation.* These things can be said to ‘trigger’ initiation.

My mother did me a great service, preventing me from being hard on others, but she could not hear how hard I was on my self, and thus could not correct this.* That was my job. But first I had to become aware of how hard I was being on myself, and how I was allowing others to use this flaw to manipulate me. This continued to shape my life for many years to come.

For me, the process of enlightenment started in earnest with the clock exercise.* This is a Hermetic training exercise, from Franz Bardon’s classic book ‘Initiation Into Hermetics’. I would sit and stare at the tip of a second hand on a clock.* As long as my eyes remained sharply focused on the tip I had a clear mind, but the moment thoughts entered my mind my vision blurred.* Our thoughts do that....they blur our ability to see and perceive clearly. They get in the way.

After a year of doing this exercise three times a day, every day I was able to reach ten minutes with no thoughts entering my mind.* But this process also made me keenly aware of all my thoughts when I was not doing the exercise.* I realized that while I prided myself on not being judgmental, I was EXTREMELY judgmental of my self.** This allowed people to continue to manipulate me and control me, sometimes in very unhealthy ways.* In time, as this realization of self grew, and suffering did its work, I started breaking free and regaining my energies. When I reached a tipping point, this triggered my initiation.

There is so much people do not understand about initiation:

1) It is just a start - as in the key word initial...beginning

2) It will occur whether there is a teacher or not. Remember, life is the great teacher. And, there is always suffering…the default teacher of all.

3) A positive initiation that moves you towards a higher state, as opposed to a lower state (the dark path) requires much housecleaning. You must be willing to face and process many of your fears, shame, guilt, imperfections, mistakes and other baggage.* Without this initial work, initiation could cause instability. You cannot fool your higher self into thinking that you are ready if you are not. And your higher self is the one in charge of creating an initiation process.* This may or may not attract a spiritual teacher or outside help in any form.

4) There are many levels of initiation, and many ways it can unfold.* Each initiation occurs when the time is right for the person involved.*** But the first level has a common thread.* Facing your fears.* This initiation will depend on what your worst fears are.* Fear devours vast amounts of energy.* Facing them starts to dissolve blockages, freeing up energy for higher purposes.

5) Initiation can be short: from hours to weeks - rarely longer. Much longer than this and the intensity of initiation could leave the psyche crushed.* The duration seems to depend on how much baggage needs to be processed, and what level of spiritual growth is involved. The visions, illusions and dream tests we might face during initiation need to be clearly understood as illusions. These things will involve facing fears and highlighting areas that need attention.

The best approach is to learn from each part and then let it go – wring the truth and the learning from experiences, then let it go.* They are often abstract, metaphorical, requiring some interpretation and thought.

Dreams convey messages and teachings.* It is the mind that wants a type written literal letter. The mind often misinterprets these things.

It is your intuition and gut instinct that will get you through these things. You need to start trusting more than just your mind. You need to trust your authentic feelings.

6) You will never be the same energetically after an initiation. Significant energy blockages and attachments break up during initiation.* Over the months that follow, more blockages break up and more attachments drop away. This can be uncomfortable at times.

7) Your associations will likely shift.* If you went through an initiation at the fear based level....sometimes called the Trial by Fire...and by far the scariest initiation, you will move away from fear based people.* Partly because you will no longer allow your self to be manipulated by people who use fear to control.

You can be initiated through several levels at once. Initiation is hugely variable.

During my experience, I was initiated through the first three levels at once. This lasted an agonizing 14 days.* The problem with going through so much in one shot is that you undergo such a dramatic shift that it can leave those around you disoriented, not to mention yourself.* Suddenly, people that were manipulating you with fear, guilt, lack, ego, and self esteem, are shocked that you no longer react in the same way.** Or, if you were the type that was a controller, you stop manipulating and using these methods. This results in the same confusion, as you are different and other people have trouble coping with and understanding the new you.

Controlling types usually end up with people with low self esteem who want or subconsciously need to be controlled.* They will feel a void that they may or may not be able to deal with.* The larger the shift, the less likely a bridge will occur to enable current relationships to continue.


8th April 2016, 08:16 PM
This morning as I woke I saw a drawing of a rocket placed upright.
The drawing was made up of short straight lines but non of the lines touched each other, all vertical.
At the side of the rocket was the word ATOM.

Recalled dream straight away and I was in a room watching two people. The person I was watching was having to change classrooms and the other person I think was a teacher . The teacher asks her if she knows where to go? She told her she was going to have a change of subject and she would be studying Maths.
Just as I finish recalling the dream I pick up ,


Although I don't get the blasting through people thing I'm pretty sure the rest is self explanatory.
How I wish I had paid more attention in school. I haven't a foggy about atoms ions all the rest so today I've found a BBC website as a starter covering key points for GCSE level.
On reflection the folder I've compiled when learning about Platonic solids, Fractals, Phi the golden spiral,golden ratio comes together with easier understanding when written down and filed all together.
A reminder of famous sayings.

'Reality is mathematical in nature'.

' All is number'.

Plato considered PHi as the key to the understanding of the cosmos.

Pleased with what I picked up yesterday morning.

Just a quick flash of two small red postal vans. One is parked in the drive of a neighbour who lives 4 doors down from me. The second postal van pulls up onto the drive of my next door neighbour. As his van pulls up the other van 4 doors down pulls away off his drive and drives away.

I didn't know what this was about. Went to work. At about 3pm just nipped home for a quick snack before going back out again to find the post had been. A letter addressed to my son which he was waiting for with very good news in for him that should have been delivered to his other address but came here instead.

I realise now that fairly obviously the red postal van suggests some mail worth noting and the two neighbours both retired ,job share delivering prescriptions ( their van is white) and because they live close to work and are out delivering they are always popping home in between deliveries.( I popped home)

10th April 2016, 03:58 PM
Things were coming so fast this morning it had me surprised. Yesterday had been so grounding with no meditation practice. An enjoyable day. All I thought prior to sleep was that I still didn't understand the blasting through people thing.

This am upon wakening I just heard one word, " merging"

Drifting back to sleep I was wishing I could just experience how it has been in the past with frequent conscious OBEs when I see a little girl run onto a railway track infront of a moving train trying to stop it.
I suppose this is me trying to halt the journey . I have to continue on the route it's meant to go on.

Also I wondered why everything I pick up now visually is instruction of a kind.( meaning I don't visualise anything suggesting being in astral realm)
Instantly I see a woman who is also the Statue of Liberty. She is standing with one hand in front of her eyes so she cannt see and is holding up the other arm in the air holding a torch.
I had to google to get a better understanding of the Statue of Liberty and came up with,

The torch is a symbol of enlightenment. The torch lights the way to freedom showing us the path to Liberty.
Liberty enlightening the world.
Universal symbol of freedom.
OMG I couldn't make this up if I tried. Lol, there is definately good humour here. It's a good thing I don't take myself too seriously and can laugh at myself.
Just love it.

11th April 2016, 08:10 AM
Lovely image this morning of a circle made up of a woman on top arching her back making up the top half of a circle and the man making up the bottom half to complete.

Woke to seeing the corner of a house with the street name reading.....' Connect '...
Dream... Last train home, packed full of people, just two carriages standing at the platform.

12th April 2016, 08:38 PM
Finally got out again this morning but haven't a clue what this was.
Only 2 days ago I wrote of frustration not experiencing any type of exit so I don't know if this was because I wished for this but I know this was not me as Susan instigating this, but I've been on cloud nine all day. It always leaves me exited.

3.48 am dream suggesting loosing energy. It was quite gruesome but it works and gets my attention and I understand the meaning so got stuck into raising energy all over. Brushing, circling feet, legs, spine, front , hands ,crown, brow. Realy going for it then settled and focused. Remembered from last time ( too Much..too little....) Must leave enough time to stay awake long enough.

Then this was like a jolt inside the head like when you are woken up quickly . Everything changed but still black. I feel myself moving forwards but from inside the head , not my body. Went sideways, still black then moving forwards but going faster and faster and faster forwards.This seemed an incredible speed and I could see something even blacker, denser I was heading for. I knew I was going to go through whatever it was and quickly had to remind myself that nothing is solid, nothing will hurt.
There was no resistance .
Sometimes in RTZ there can be slight resistance when going through a wall or ceiling or roof like pressing against a balloon but I suppose the speed of entry would eliminate any.

Suddenly I'm through to the other side and I've stopped.
This was amazing to look at( maybe just because I don't get out enough) Still everything is black but covered in millions of white tiny lights but there was no movement.I cant call them stars because when I've seen similar they've been sparkling and in clusters and spaced out in deep black. I've seen silver sparkly bits moving towards me but these were so still and not sparkling and so many they made the black background almost look grey instead of black. Not even the crackle you get when vision is tuning in to the vision screen.

Absolute stillness.Then everything is gone.

Stayed awake quite a while going over all of this for memory for recording in morning and eventually got back to sleep.

Woke up to the sound of Cher singing.....'.WHEN I LOOK DOWN SHE'S LOOKING UP AT ME'
....' JUST PADDLE AND KISS'. ( we've just booked a short break to
wondering how I'd feel if someone was to say this was all in
my head)

That was it.
There are no secrets from the spirit world.
This has me wondering the time I saw the beautiful image of Jesus in white fluffy clouds and the two wings and the white line above his head. The previous day I'd just heard of the death of a wonderful 75year old man who I was very fond of. We could throw cheeky insults at each other and laugh a lot. He was a devout Catholic and I had just been told that he was terrified of dying.
I went to sleep hoping he had arrived in the other side safetly and was being looked after in the way he deserved.
Was the image of Jesus letting me know he was safe and loved in the spirit world?

If anyone reading this has experienced these black/ grey still white lights or any insight into this I would appreciate advice.

16th April 2016, 06:32 PM
Picked up a lovely phrase this morning whilst awake and silent.


Last night before sleep I had asked if I could be given some words worth remembering upon wakening up. I didn't feel right asking for advice because I think I'm getting plenty of advice on direction of learning and how my day will go. I wanted something important for me to remember.

When I woke I didn't pick anything up ( in fact I'd forgotten I'd asked), but I recalled a dream.


I'm watching a group of people pass me pushing a cart with a white sheet covering it and a young child lying down on it. She was dead. Next I'm in the distance watching two people pick up the dead body by the sheet and lower it into an open coffin. I remember thinking ' oh, they may bang her head'.

That was all to the dream and I don't see this as a bad thing. Some may but I've had this before and I see it as death of the old and re birth of the new.
I had gone to bed thinking of Robert Munroe's excursions and how he was taken to where he had originated from before embarking upon a human life. Learning of atoms, molecules, energy etc is so much to take in
but does get the brain bursting with all questions going back and back and back. Just where did we begin?
Not how many lives have I had or who have I been but the big question.
I think the death scene , the fact that it was a child, maybe has to do with my thoughts.

So awake after going over this my mind started thinking back to the times in my life with my husband of nearly 40 years when suddenly in a moment of no thoughts I picked up the ,
Welcome to the sunset of the lives that we have shared.

I see sunset as the end of the day. Is this referring to our planning for retirement, the final stage?
Was this once again coming from my husband's higher self , or as written of before this shared consciousness?
I suppose there's more than one way to interpret this but I've had words before suggesting it was my husband talking but in a vocabulary he doesn't use, words he doesn't use.
So I got my words I asked for.

Also, Thursday morning vision of speed camera.
Took care driving to work and found one just waiting to catch people. It was positioned in area I saw.
Thank you.

Also saw my mobile phone with the mail app coloured in black.
My internet started playing up in the evening . I couldn't get into my mail for 2 days. However I had internet on my phone but for some reason I had been signed out of gmail and couldn't even get it on the phone. Only just sorted now.
Thank you.

20th April 2016, 08:38 PM
I think I've got it.

The word was definately pronounced as RED and not READ but I just took this to be suggesting past tense when read and understood but I've had other thoughts on this even though it doesn't change anything.

I googled Atom / Red / IONS. and came up with ,

According to the creation myth of the Abrahamic religions ADAM was the first human.
ADAM literally means 'RED'.and there is an etymological connection between ADAM and ADAMAH ( RED CLAY or RED GROUND.)
Prevailing hypothesis is that both words originate from the verbal stem 'Adam' ( to be red) being chosen from the author of Genesis to convey the relationship between man and the ADAMAH ( ground or earth) from the book of GENESIS.

From Gnosticwarrier.com

This Gnostic website puts the question....was Adam from the bible the first ATOM to be changed to form the RED MAN?
By relating bible passages such as the story of ADAM to Science and Alchemy of the Atom may truly be an Alchemical, Spiritual and Biological Scientific story of how humans were formed.

There is no doubt what I heard and the rocket drawing that I saw with word Atom and Ions.
I knew nothing of the rest that I've found relating to red and Adam.
This doesn't change the order I'm covering atoms molecules and elements but this is a big read.

21st April 2016, 06:43 PM
The DoDo bird ReVe•als it's Mi•gh•Ti FaLa Sol...when crash landing.

Pieces - http://youtu.be/8Uw8mIcQJn8

Tears of an Angel - http://youtu.be/gg4zxY1vF1w

In the Hand fear naught for falling apart too far.

21st April 2016, 08:58 PM
Ah Tim , I always appreciate your opinions.
I cannt play the links just now so I have to go by your words.
The Dodo bird ......flightless...trustworthy....was only found in Mauritius ...now extinct.
Do you think I'm going down the wrong path here about the human body? It's an interesting topic to explore. If I've got you right then I'll just stick to wikopedia facts and stay away from assumptions???

22nd April 2016, 01:20 AM
No..no....I have no opinions about your path being right or wrong. :::smiling:::

I'll write more...later...

chi hi foe tsi si
...Pure As The...
...Driven Snow...

22nd April 2016, 08:21 AM
Awesome! I've just been able to view and listen to the first one. Second says unavailable.
Incredible, beautiful. Awesome
.Just love this .

22nd April 2016, 12:11 PM
Ryand Dan Tears of an angel.
OMG I want to cry to this it is so beautiful.

24th April 2016, 11:21 AM
Once again I wish I could draw.
Beautiful picture upon wakening of a black and white view of the sky and sea. Bang in the middle of the picture where the sky meets the sea was a man's head looking to the left and behind it was a woman's head looking out to the right .
That's three pictures now I've seen that are so 'thought provoking' . I've made up a name for these.

1) Jesus with the wings and white line vertical above head...

2) A circle made of a woman (doing the crab)connecting to the man making up the circle.....

3) Sea and sky with head of man and woman.

Will add more here if I get some to keep them together.

8.15 am woke to a burning flame vision in the brow. Very bright.

Having a short break now for 5 days. Off to ...paddle and kiss...( as I was advised to ) Will utilise the sun bed time to practice focus on third eye.

2nd May 2016, 04:51 PM
I kept getting drawn back to the last experience I had 12/04/16.
None of the experience made sense but in the past I've always found almost all experiences have meant something. Something for me to take notice of so I put together the key points.

1) travelling at an incredible speed.
2) pitch black.
3) feeling I'd passed through..( BLASTED THROUGH?) something even blacker and solid.
4) No movement....complete stillness.
5) millions of lights perfectly still.

4 days prior to this 8/4/16 was the drawing of the Rocket and Atom and the Words picked up If you master the Red you can blast through people....Ion.

It often takes me a while to put meaning to events but I'm sure now that the first experience of the picture and words was directing me towards this area of reading.( Even then it took me a while to get the RED understood,) but because I didn't get it the actual exiting and travelling at speed followed as a second attempt.

Well I've got it now.Ive got a feeling I'm going to get lost in the maze but rather than just know what our body is made up of and how it is similar to Earth if I'm going to do this I have to do it properly or at least to the level of my ability to understanding .
So I'm starting with ,
The Big Bang Theory.

3rd May 2016, 08:17 PM
Thought tonight I'd be writing up my notes on the Big Bang theory but instead I need to record this.
It seems I'm out of favour with myself again.

6.00am recalled a small short scene where it was a bit disturbing.

I'm watching a news reporter with a camera focused on a woman. He announces that the president wants her to go back home but she is saying NO.
The camera focuses on the woman's mouth and goes closer as she says she won't and can't leave.Im left looking inside this woman's mouth which is injured inside on her left side and all her teeth on the left were missing.
( this was very ugly to look at and reminded me of the post when the woman's face turned ugly and she grew horns) On this occasion I was being reprimanded and the book I used at the time suggested not to judge people until I'd walked in their shoes. On that occasion I knew exactly what it was referring to.

I lay there wondering what this could have meant and had been wondering why the last few days on holiday I was having disturbing dreams. I was eating too much but that's what holidays are for.
When my mind went silent ready to go back to sleep I picked up..


Stayed mind silence when picked up


Felt very dissapointed here because I realy had been aware of my thoughts while away. I hadn't thought badly of anyone and in fact enjoyed watching groups of different coultures and religions dressed in their own coultural dresses and covering their bodies or not whilst swimming.
Maybe my thoughts weren't as good as I thought they were.
Or I'm being encouraged to see people as individuals.

4th May 2016, 10:08 PM
I must must have the courage in future to record everything I pick up with the understanding that it may just be worthless but may just be relevant at a future date. It may appear a bit too convenient to add after the event but on this occasion I'm going to because I feel I have to.

Back to the hurdling through space experience.

1) As I approached the massive black area/ thing in space I felt it was solid like rock but because this was in non physical and I was experiencing this as it was happening I knew it couldn't be solid.
2) when I went through it and everything was still , the thousands of white lights completely still had me for a quick second wonder if they were energy/ life, but I had nothing to suggest this ,it was just an idea ,so I didn't record.
3) when the experience was finished I quickly thought " Stage 1"

So tonight I've spent time watching

Into the universe with Stephen Hawkins, episode 1 Aliens.

One theory on how life started on earth is the PANSPERMIA theory.
Apparently this theory has been around for a while but 2015 it was reported that it is gaining more and more support from astrobiologists as a strong probability.
Wikopedia writes of the hypothesis that life exists throughout the universe distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, comets, planetoids.

The video clip shows a massive black rock/asteroid hurdling through black space suggesting it could have been carrying frozen organisms( life) in them.

Universe needed 1-3 to exist.

1) Matter. = mass=. dust, ice, rock, gas

2) Energy

3) Space

Albert Einstein concluded that mass and energy are the same thing( 2 sides of a coin) ie atoms molecules)
So now only 2 requirements for universe
1) energy (1+2)
2) space
Spontaneously created by the Big Bang.

Was my experience a replica of this as I've already suggested just to spur me on to get me thinking .

7th May 2016, 09:28 PM
Yesterday morning quickly picked up a view of the upper half of a human body but it was the inside .I could see the heart and a whole network of viens , arteries and valves.
Didn't match up with dream and it had happened so quickly decided to analyse dream instead which was just nothing worth recording. Just starting to feel sleepy and mind went silent then picked up

"LOOK FOR THE HEART OF THE UNIVERSE". This was like a soft voice.

As the day went on I had been wondering why? ( I hadn't worked it out yet) After all I already had enough homework and had planned the order I would do this in when I had time.

( have planned out the order I'll read ,
1)The Big Bang
2) what our bodies are made up of.
3) what plants are made of
4) what soil is made of.
5) finishing with more insight into this PANSPERMIA theory
To some this will be very much kindergarten stuff but for me this is the stage I have to start.I must see it written down to understand then know.)

This morning recalled a very short sketch.
I'm sitting at a table unwrapping small wooden beach huts and lining them up. They're only about 8inches tall each and they are facing the sea.
Someone comes over to me very quickly and asks me

" have you noticed that the windows are facing inwards?"
I pick one up and find a little window at the bottom and say yes they were facing inwards.

So this morning I googled key words .......Heart ..Universe .. And it all makes sense.
Was this me being encouraged to look deeper within myself. To go inwards.
I found a very informative piece of writing called
Golden Precepts of Esptericism by G Purucker.

In it he/ she writes that the first step is to recognise that all comes from within.
The inmost of the inmost of you is a god (higher self) a living divinity.
In yourself lies all the mysteries of the universe. By going deeper into yourself you go deeper into the mysteries of universal nature.
I've pasted it below as its a good read and is relevant.

( a note ...I promised myself I wouldn't miss any detail out so here goes. The other morning after learning about the Big Bang I woke up to a quick thought. ..BEFORE THE BIG BANG WAS A THOUGHT.

Will have to follow in second post as its long.

7th May 2016, 10:10 PM
Something beautiful had just happened.
The text was too long so I was taking out chunks and as I scrolled down there was a piece of writing about the heart and inbetween the words was a small red heart!
I hadn't noticed this the first time of reading the chapter and thought it looked a bit out of place but was positioned well as it came after the word heart.
Went to original site to see if it was there and there is no heart there. Came back to this site and it's gone. ( may just be the workings of the site picking up a word it didn't like but positioned it beautifully if it was that.)

Link to the writings.


This goes on for 7 chapters and seems a realy good read.

1 — The Path to the Heart of the Universe (21K)

2 — Old Age, Disease, and Death (45K)

3 — The Inner God (20K)

4 — The Great Heresy of Separateness (16K)

5 — Love is the Cement of the Universe (14K)

6 — The Chela Path (30K)

7 — The Buddhas of Compassion (17K)

12th May 2016, 08:13 AM
Clairvoyant vision this am.
But before that ....

Woke up at 5.35am remembering seeing a man pointing to his temple as if looking at me and I think he had a symbol of sorts on his forehead.
This got me wondering of the different meanings ( to think? Allow thoughts to come through?) After all this is used by some to reference to ' think about it'.

Settled, no energy work, just looking into the brow then very quickly things changed.

Vision got brighter and something was swirling around ( no colours just black and white the whole time)
From a distance an eye comes closer moving all the time. This wasn't a drawing like 'The eye of Horus'.This was a single human looking eye. Lasted about 3-4 seconds then disapeared to the right.Stayed focused. It felt I had my physical eyes open but I wouldn't have .
Next a young boy came closer . He was still a baby but I could see he was a boy. I was viewing this as a hologram.He was see through and movement was fluid, never still, constant gentle swirling movements.
He was being held by a young man who appeared the same holographic way. Baby disappears to the side and face of young man is infront of me again. This is so different to dream images of characters. He swirls away to the right and everything is gone.


I've had the same human looking eye before. Must look up in journal to see what followed each time if anything.
Although the man and baby were facing my vision I didn't get the feeling they were looking at me.
I'm almost certain this has been me in the past as I've seen past lives in the same way. Always young boys .Always viewing consciously within the brow.The young man also got plenty of air time so was I both the baby and the young man?

Need to get back here to list when I've seen this eye before.

Back to edit.
3 times previously seen the human looking eye.

Pg 4 18:3/13
Single human eye at end of tunnel. Very next day I was shown the young boy with the silver white wig I believed to be a past life. Prior to this had been advised to take notice of any trips.

Pg 10 27/7/13
OBE Single eye stays for a few seconds.Flying high over 3 pyramids, later came across what I thought were gatekeepers but this was something that was to be worked out . I ( eye) was above pyramids.Symbol on dollar bills . Eye of providence.

P24. 7/3/14
Seen just after failed attempt of two astral arms and hands tuck underneath my waist trying to raise me up.

I cannt come up with any conclusion as to when they crop up or why but each time something exiting happens.
( but then again I get exited over all the experiences. )
Will spend no more time trying to work this out.

Back to edit.
I'm now thinking this may have been the eye of providence each time.
I think I'm being too particular expecting descriptions to be exactly as described in books. After all this symbol has been seen in different ways.
Within a triangle,
Surrounded by a blaze of light,
Within clouds.

14th May 2016, 08:57 AM
I've had to change my mind about man and baby from past life.
Reason being that all previous have involved period costume, or objects.

1) metal long pointed hats with 2 people carrier horse driven chariot type battle vehicles.( I was a young man dead on the ground on a battle field.)

2) shabby wooden house on stilts in river , hills in distance, men coming out of river with what looked like lobster pots, father and son in river still, bad weather ahead, got the impression of some storm drowning both father and son.

3) young boy with silver / white Curly wig , red velvet jacket with high collar.

4) same boy few years older , same long blonde hair but had got rid of wig.Black and white clothing wearing breeches. ( later discovered that the men started doing away with wigs and wore their hair
long. )

These were not dreams but shown but the last experience there was no hint of anything suggesting a time period.
I may never work this one out but the last light nap this morning I felt I was being urged to work out. This may have just been me myself trying to work out.
I picked up

An apple cut in half looking at the seeds.
Check the DNA.
I saw my signature at the bottom of posts on this forum highlighted.( but then again I have been practicing the bubble quote from instructions DC very kindly posted for me. )
Maybe eventually I'll work it out .

19th May 2016, 07:57 AM
Dream this morning.

I'm high in the sky in the back of a small craft like a helicopter. I seem to remember people out floating a distance away. Only 3 or 4. They keep flying up closer, getting closer to the craft but I'm a little scared.
Eventually the pilot flys away from them and turns the small craft upside down. I'm scared because I feel I want to hang onto something incase I drop out but now we have landed .

I've tried to think how this could relate to anything in physical life but nothing's coming up. I didn't watch tv last night so no program could have influenced me.

Key points.

In a vehicle
Not the driver
Being approached
Fear ( I didn't wake up feeling fear, )

I wonder if this could be what is happening whilst I'm asleep, but being translated in a dream as info.

Could I be coming closer to spirits/people trying to help me but something is frightening me? My vehicle ( energy body/ the helicopter) I'm safe but didn't feel safe within when it turned upside down.

That's all I can come up with at moment . May change mind if something else comes up.

Dream from other night)

I'm entering a big school hall and its full of people sitting down. The headmistress is on stage and another woman goes up on stage. They both look in my direction and come off the stage and come right up to me right at the back.
She's holding a big plant leaf. I see little specks in a group in the middle of the leaf. She tells me to look at it and holds it right in front of my eyes. " look! It's alive. It's living!"

20th May 2016, 07:33 AM
need to log new thoughts on last one. I think I know what the flight was meaning.
Could this be the slight worry in the back of my mind about our trip coming up to Tunisia which is still a high risk area for terrorists.Because of the shooting on the beach of British tourists our last trip got cancelled and we missed the engagement. This August is the wedding and we are going. Life is too short and we are going to enjoy ourselves with family out there .
However my mind has been playing over possible things that could happen.
I cannt believe that I didn't even think of this at the time I was trying to work out why I dreampt this.
Also, I think the Egypt Air plane to Egypt that had a tragic ending I think this was just a co- incidence that the timing was the same. The reason for this is I felt safe in the end. When I had what I now believe to have been a warning about the beach tragedy this was because it involved my plans for the holiday and I woke up feeling the worst possible thing that could happen had just happened. I was shocked when I woke up .
I need to remind myself that feeling has to be taken into account when working out.
( then again I may change my mind again!)

Also maybe the eye was the eye of providence as its depicted as sometimes seen in a burst of cloud or light.

22nd May 2016, 04:55 PM
A link to a talk by Deepak Chopra at the Aspen Institute on


Good listening with good thoughts.
One he says is.
The Self of the Individual is the Self of the Universe.
You are not your body
You are not your mind
You are not your genes
You are not your brain
You are not yourself.
At the core of your being that self is the self of the whole universe.

Last few mornings plenty going on .Dreams which seem to point out where I can improve.
Woke up yesterday to listening to a group of people singing the Happy Birthday song. I won't record the dreams here but they were very meaningful but I do want to note 4 wise pieces I picked up.

1) " there are many more beautiful houses but the self restrictions will be your choice."
2) " come with love in your heart"
3) " build on the heart"
4) this last one came when I had been thinking of how this cannot be ignored or passed off as imagination which many will think and may say. If I was just reading books about this topic and watching u tube clips I may choose to believe because I want to. But I've had constant experiences . This is real, and because of that I want to get it right.I listen to what I think is advice and do my utmost to take it.

Just at that point I saw an image flash up of an elderly looking man walking along the waters edge wearing a long white tunic to the ground and a long tatty looking beard and picked up
"The Road Can Be A Lonely One".
So I start analysing how he looked , poor, unkept, when I picked up
" This is meant as a Parable ".

Oh I just love this. I had a feeling I knew what a parable was but this came so quick.
My higher consciousness/ guidance/ whatever got in so quickly probably incase I thought this was directing me to packing in everything and go wandering round the world leaving all my family and living like a tramp.
( my self is known better than I know myself)

23rd May 2016, 08:39 PM
More clairvoyance in the brow whilst awake again and once again just prior to this I wake up from a dream that gets my attention.


Woke up and recalled dream straight away. It was a lovely one, very short.
Some small bunnies were running up and down the length of a table I was standing at the end of. One of them had big cute ears and was sitting like a dog begging for a biscuit. It fell to the ground but as I pick it up it has turned into a toy plastic soldier. I'm amazed at this and wake as I look at it .
Recalled dream and wondered about this wondering if this was to get my attention so quickly looked at clock. 4.35.


Settled just looked into brow and very soon clouds started swirling around again.everything was very faint. Lines swirling in the clouds. Another single eye but much fainter.eye dissapeared . A face was forming , moving all the time, all very faint, then it all dissapeared and I pick up ,
" Susan, your thoughts on George and God, quick, thoughts thoughts thoughts.
So I quickly tried to think out my opinion but I wasn't sure how I thought about this so got a bit confused and stopped.

Well that was it and why the heck did I look at the clock to see the time? I'm sure this spoilt the energy flow but just to note that once again I get prior hints that something is coming and to look.
Also George? That's an interesting one.
I had just had a conversation with him last week . An elderly gentleman With absolutely no belief in any form of afterlife but very knowledgable in energy and nature.

28th May 2016, 08:50 PM
I feel so lucky to be picking up good advice as I wake. Often the dream recalled has nothing to do with what I pick up. It's as if ..' Get in there quick'..in fact I've noticed that very often someone will enter my dream right at the end with important words.

I'd been thinking that the job I'm in I love and is in the health profession but I get paid for this.( even though I got clouted over the head the other day by a dimentia patient who had spent her life in the Salvation Army. Didn't hurt she was very frail)
I have no spare time or energy to do voluntary work.
Is there something I'm not thinking of?

Clairvoyance/ clairaudience.

***. Quick flash of a monkey with a human hand feeding mashed banana into its mouth.
Picked up ' This is disgraceful'.


The monkey was being fed so was being looked after. This had me remember a program I saw a few months ago about the Orangutans in Borneo and how they are loosing their lives and home due to human demand for Palm oil. Orphaned young ones being rescued and cared for. So so sad to watch them.
So since picking this up I've adopted a young Orangutan. Beryl, only five years old. It isn't much but I'll get an update every 6 months on her progress. This will be a constant reminder to me just what is happening out there.


***. Quick flash of a green council bin for recycling tins, cardboard, plastic. There was a black cat at the side that quickly ran away as the lid opened


Didn't get it. I do recycle stuff. Also the cat? I used to think a black cat was lucky but most that I've read suggests bad luck. The next night a dream followed.
I go to the house next door to pick up my baby I've asked my neighbours to look after.the house looks poorly decorated.( I didn't know the characters being used) I come back home but the husband next door comes to my door and is angry with me.He says they are not as well off as me and have enough to do.Its them that should be helped.
End of dream.
This reminded me that only two weeks ago I had taken one of the many charity bags from the cupboard to put rubbish in and felt a little guilty that I have things that could be put in and taken to a charity shop but am always too lazy. I think this was a reminder that there are some people who would benefit and appreciate these unwanted things.
Haven't yet done a bag but will soon. I'm thinking Salvation Army.


****. Quick flash of a woman's face with a frown and a puzzled look on face with finger up to forehead.
Picked up " Oh my career needs help"
Then immediatly after saw the soil on the ground with a large whole dug out with a plant planted deep just showing the upper leaves.

This was a funny one because I have a career but if only I could retire early I would want to spend every moment in the garden and greenhouse growing from seed.
So other day Husband comments I've wasted money on strawberries I bought. They're dead. ( their not he's exaggerating) but 6 were doing nothing.
Went to water them same day I picked this up and got thinking so bent down to have a better look and the water had washed away the soil and exposed a lot of their roots. I hadn't noticed this before.
This must have been to dig deeper into the soil. Have potted up, tucked soil up right to the neck and brought into greenhouse for a little TLC.

So to sum up, no earth shattering revelations coming through, no wild adventures in astral but something I find more rewarding and comforting, continual good advice to help me in my daily life.:)

5th June 2016, 04:02 PM
Clairvoyantly viewed within the brow whilst awake an unborn baby inside the womb.
I could see the little legs, arms, head everything.It was moving. This was like being inside the womb with the baby.Lasted about 5 seconds but couldn't hold it any longer. Maybe I got too excited but it was over.

This happened just after analysing the third short dream. ( my bladder is useless so I get up a couple of times in the early morning for the bathroom . One good thing that comes out of this is the light naps.

All three dreams seem to be connected as they involved a department store similar to the one I worked in years ago . The last 2 involved my old boss who I used to be a little anxious about. She was always very serious and spoke bluntly as it was . She took her job seriously and no room for error. Always okay with me but I was always on guard incase.

Dream 1)
I'm working in store and someone comes to fetch me to see two people. ( this didn't have the boss) A realy nice lady stands up and opens a drawer. Inside are clothes. I'm told to pick up the jumper on top. As I hold it up its leapard print and she says " Have you forgotten what you were going to do?"
She's very gentle in the question and I wake up to this but can hear a song with a nice tune. The words were suggesting I'm not doing what I said I would do.

Analysed this and the fact that this was leapard print I think it's referring to me having taken on board the need to stop spending unless necessary, but I saw a nice long leapard print day dress that would be ideal for my holidays and journey on plane. Out of stock so store us e mailing me when back in. I don't Neeeeeed it but would be nice. Of course there is also the charity bag I haven't got round to filling yet.
Before going back to sleep I was feeling a little dissapointed in myself. Was like failing in what I know I should be doing.
Back to sleep.

Dream 2.
I'm with my old boss now in store and we approach the counter to find loads of people waiting for attention. A strange looking woman says to me " I know Robert you know!"
Awake now.

Tried to analyse this one but difficult. All I can think of is the fact that because of my work I feel I don't have enough time to read and do my energy raising and Meditation. Not sure about this one but the last one was the best.
Back to sleep.

Dream 3.
Christmas lunch at work. Thought I was late but it wasn't my sitting yet. In same department store but looking for my locker to put handbag in. As I approach the counter I'm late. My boss is looking serious at me. My 2 colleagues had tidied up but they ignored me. I thought they were on the huff with me. Everything is sparse but there is a mirror and seat out in front. Two colleagues go behind a curtain . I think I'm going to get the sack. They come out from the curtain smiling at me holding a big white cotton looking bag and give it to my boss. She starts smiling at me ( was I going to get promoted for something went through my mind but I couldn't because the only way up would be her job)
I'm told to open the bag and its full of tissue paper.
Boss tells me my Trinkets are inside the bag.
Awake and this is where I'm analysing the dream when now awake but realise it's still dark behind the eyelids and I may have a chance of seeing something and I saw the baby. Wonderful, seemed so real.

This boss was a stickler for getting results. And Doing what you say you will do!
The mirror and table outside the counter represented I think something I never liked doing. Something I didn't want to do. ( never felt comfortable doing make up demonstrations outside counter. Too shy but had to do sometimes.)
I think the trinket was a well done for doing something I didn't want to do but knew it was the right thing and overcoming the problem .( I'm sure I know what it was)
The baby followed.

I thought I would be writing up on a different topic today. Spent all last night reading about plants and putting a lot of ideas through my head.
Will do tomorrow.

8th June 2016, 10:02 PM
How to use your intuition( inner voice) by Teal Swan


11th June 2016, 02:14 PM
Then this was like a jolt inside the head like when you are woken up quickly . Everything changed but still black. I feel myself moving forwards but from inside the head , not my body. Went sideways, still black then moving forwards but going faster and faster and faster forwards.This seemed an incredible speed and I could see something even blacker, denser I was heading for. I knew I was going to go through whatever it was and quickly had to remind myself that nothing is solid, nothing will hurt.
There was no resistance .
Sometimes in RTZ there can be slight resistance when going through a wall or ceiling or roof like pressing against a balloon but I suppose the speed of entry would eliminate any.

Suddenly I'm through to the other side and I've stopped.
This was amazing to look at( maybe just because I don't get out enough) Still everything is black but covered in millions of white tiny lights but there was no movement.I cant call them stars because when I've seen similar they've been sparkling and in clusters and spaced out in deep black. I've seen silver sparkly bits moving towards me but these were so still and not sparkling and so many they made the black background almost look grey instead of black. Not even the crackle you get when vision is tuning in to the vision screen.

Absolute stillness.Then everything is gone .

Just bought Teal Swan's e book ' THE SCULPTOR IN THE SKY' and she starts with...

"In the beginning, there was light.
The immeasurable, unsurpassed cosmos
was a blank fabric of space-time
ready to be woven full of meaning. "

I don't mean to get hung up on that experience but as soon as I saw those words I just felt I had to go back and log this.

15th June 2016, 08:18 AM
Singing again as I woke up this morning. Was like a lullaby, " The sun and moon are shining on you".
I just feel yet again that I'm on a quiet period if it works like that. It does for me anyway. So last night before sleep I did so much energy raising then tried to stay awake but fell asleep till 4.30. Next short dream was nothing worth noting except for two little points that seemed out of place.

1) my friend ( seems like a companion) is helping me get dressed. He helps me button up my top button to my blouse then respectfully leaves the middle buttons around the bust for me to do, which I fasten.
I'm now fastening my trouser buttons but two of them have been sewn on with the thread going over the buttons so the button hole wouldn't fit over them. Thing is this gets me looking and thinking and notice that these are mens trousers.
2) my friend is lying in bed and suddenly changes the subject and says, " It's a shame about what's happening in the world right now, China takes Russia."

Then woke up to the singing.
I take very little interest in politics or current affairs. Depresses me but I just skim the surface of main topics. Had to google China and Russia this morning to see what this was about. I expect anything meaningful to come in riddles but just wanted to log.
I'm missing the voices.

19th June 2016, 11:04 AM
Singing again yesterday morning..

"Like a rubber ball I keep bouncing back to you."

My goodness that's an old one, 1966, haven't heard it for years.

Wasn't sure why I picked this up but gave it some thought then dismissed deciding to forget as I had something else I was working out.

This morning after a short dream this makes absolute sense. It's not what I thought it may have meant.
Short Dream.
I go on holiday with my husband and two male friends. This is Australia and it's very hot .Im sunbathing and my two friends and husband go off for a walk. I can see people in the distance sharing water to drink in the heat. Husband comes back without our friends.
We are now facing a low cliff with round dents in it all lined up horizontally.These dents looked as if a metal ball had made them.
Husband says that our friends had said that everything was going fine..... (As he says this he is holding a long metal pole with a round metal ball on the end and is putting the ball into each indentation in the cliff)....until THE DEVIL CAME SHIRAZ! He pushes the ball into the last dent and pushes it in harder.
I say " No that's not right , there is no devil, that's a lie!"

Woke up just as I say this. Recalled dream and kept Devil and Shiraz in mind.
Googled these two words, this is what I came up with,

Devil's Liar. Dance with the Devil. Shiraz Tempranillo.
Devil's Liar is the Wine company in Australia, advertising Dance with the Devil Shiraz Tempranillo that they produce.
Their address is ROCKY ROAD??:( Margaret River, Australia.

So couple of days ago I had opened the fridge door and hubby had left opened bottle of wine . Thought about having some but didn't know why because I'm on to tropical crush now and prefer the taste.however my thoughts had been on the August holiday and decided that I suppose I'll keep hubby company and have the occasional glass. The decision is mine alone to make. Didn't think again of this, even when I picked up the song about rubber balls .

As I write this I've realised that the long metal pole with a metal ball on the end is the same as I saw when I had the dream involving the queen and one of her footmen had this pole when he untangled the young boys head from under the rope. This was when I heard this was going to be a special day ( at the care home) The queen to me represents higher self.
(The rope was straightened with their rod and the procession carried on. End of dream. )
Wonder what this metal pole with a ball means? Anyway I get the message.
I make up a good team, we work well together.

Sorted . Googled


A sceptre is a symbolic ornamental staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch as an item of royal or imperial insignia. Sometimes, it could be used for showing a sense of divinity.

26th June 2016, 03:06 PM
I realy don't like it when it gets quiet.I wake through the night as usual but cannt be bothered to try anything and just go back to sleep. What am I playing at?
Other morning got a bit of a riddle. ( hasn't gone completely dead) I'd asked a question before a light sleep and woke to .." If she's a relative ring your home number".
Now if it had been " HER "I would assume sister, but it was definately YOUR . But I WAS putting the question to me. On reflection I shouldn't have expected the direct answer I wanted.A riddle is all I get.
Maybe intuition is the way.

I'm in a college and go into a room as I want to sign up to be accepted by the church. The vicar is talking to me and I'm surprised when he tells me that he hears voices as well. He gets excited that both of us do . He signs a book ( the bible? )and gives it to me, and as I'm thinking that he would expect me to attend church and mix with the rest that I didn't realy want to do he says that his church is too far away to travel so he wouldn't expect me to .He tells me I probably wouldn't be seeing him again.

As I leave the room I'm happy because all I wanted was the book, and I got it.Some friends ( no body I know on physical) ask me if I got the house I wanted.I reply that I think I would have realy preferred the smaller house because it had more in it , but I got the bigger house which was a little empty, but it was okay. ******

The vicar thing I think is me wanting to balance science with the bible. Not wanting to go down just one particular path , but for the heart chakra and all that comes with compassion I think the teachings from Jesus are tops.I just wanted the bible but not the institute that came with it.

The house thing I think is reminding myself of what I picked up not long ago,

1) " there are many more beautiful houses but the self restrictions will be your choice."
2) " come with love in your heart"
3) " build on the heart"

Anyway I've decided I going all out with the third eye. If Mohammed won't come to the mountain..........

Going to be stepping up Mantra practice, trying different ones, keep up with throat friction meditation,visualisation practice, aura practice.
Yesterday went out and bought recommendations for pineal gland .
Apple cider vinegar with manuka honey,
Goji berries
Sea kelp tablets
Coconut Oil.( put it in my porridge) bearable.but love coconut
Assistant asks me was I wanting these for any particular reason ( so she could recommend others I suppose ) had to say ..just for health. Didn't feel comfortable saying the real reason.

***** back to edit...remembered what picked up last year, or the year before.
"When the house is emptied the body moves on."

9th July 2016, 02:27 PM
Last two weeks work has tired me so very grounded but a few things.
I'm going to start with the bad so I can forget and end on a positive note.

1) John Lennon the Beatles.
For three nights John Lennon appeared in dreams but it was always the same short recall of him putting his arm around my shoulders and talking to me. This was in a comforting friendly way. Could never remember what was discussed.
All I could come up with at the time was the fact that he was taken by surprise and shot on the street outside his apartment .
Was this because my holiday is getting closer and my daytime thoughts were of possible events that could happen. After all I'm staying with family in a country where terrorists have already targeted Brits. What I was thinking as possible could be linked with John Lennons way of attack.
Yesterday I found on the internet that a group of these misguided attackers were nicknamed "The Beatles" and 'John' being one of them so this has convinced me the dreams were to do with this.
Well, nothing will take away the slight concern but I feel this was re-assurance for me that I have nothing to fear.

Now onto better.....

Woke up to young children's voices singing. Saw a screen with writing on it with the word 'SYMBOLISM'
Recalled dream immediatly,
Standing at the back of a classroom filled with young children and the teacher is trying to get all the children settled to watch the screen at the front. They start singing about feeding the birds ( which I do) and they finish with ..BUT THERE ARE OTHER ANIMALS THAT NEED FEEDING.
Then sub titles start to scroll up on the screen where it finishes with big bold capital letters ' SYMBOLISM'.
At one time I would have got my head into symbols but I'm coming to the conclusion that it's the learning process that is important. Just being encouraged to learn as much as possible.
Maybe I'm missing something her .
Back to edit.
Maybe the feeding of other animals is symbolic for the GIVING? ( mentioned below)

Hubby came in with a Spanish vegetable I hadn't seen before from the supermarket called Romancial( I think) This was the most beautiful example of Fractals held in my hand. Yet again a reminder that we are part of some great and wonderful self similar design of the universe.

Had asked for some good advice that would help me when I feel disconnected. Woke from a dream.
Standing in a room at the back of an orchestra. I can hear the room is filled with the sound of violins playing. Very high notes.. No dream story recalled with this.
( listen to uplifting music)

Back to sleep, woke up again and just as I was wondering if I should try raising energy or not when my mind went silent I picked up very quickly

This morning , upon wakening, thought I saw a giant face of Sathya Sai Baba as if formed within the clouds.Black and white.Cannt recall any thoughts or dream of him prior to this. Googled his name to check spelling and found two lovely Quotes of his ,

Love Alone Conquers Lasting Happiness and Peace.
Sharing can Alone Reduce Grief and Bring Multiple Joy.
People are Born to Share, to Serve, to GIVE and Not to Grab. Baba.

Love this one.

In Every Moment Of My Life,
Please Be With Me.
When I Slip, When I Fall,Lend Me a Hand.
When I Stray Far Away,
Bring Me Back

10th July 2016, 02:54 PM
Is it possible to have your energy body worked on by the other side whilst asleep?
I don't know ? This may have just been me dreaming but I know what I picked up suddenly afterwards.
In physical I'm taking everything I can find suggested to help with third eye .

I seem to be lying on my side and can see 3 people upright near me but shadowy and someone is at my side at my level. I Cannt see any furniture or landscape but the person next to me has inserted a fine wire?tube? ( current?) and it seems to be fed through where my nose would be but instead of this leading down to my stomach as a naso gastric tube would be I could see it floating upwards to the sky.
I felt a little tingle like a mild electric current and woke up.

It's possible that this was a dream and I caused the sensation that woke me by imagining what it would feel like having one inserted.( although it wouldn't feel like a shock.)I've fed many through the nose to the stomach in my early nursing days but never had one in myself but discomfort was all I got told.

Awake now but still sleepy decided to start some energy work with intention of focusing on brow when in between thoughts quickly picked up ....."NO, PLEASE DON'T FOCUS."

Don't know what to think on this one but I love the gentleness of the request.very often I get a gentle Please .

10th July 2016, 03:14 PM
Is it possible to have your energy body worked on by the other side whilst asleep?
I don't know ? This may have just been me dreaming but I know what I picked up suddenly afterwards.
In physical I'm taking everything I can find suggested to help with third eye .

I seem to be lying on my side and can see 3 people upright near me but shadowy and someone is at my side at my level. I Cannt see any furniture or landscape but the person next to me has inserted a fine wire?tube? ( current?) and it seems to be fed through where my nose would be but instead of this leading down to my stomach as a naso gastric tube would be I could see it floating upwards to the sky.
I felt a little tingle like a mild electric current and woke up.

It's possible that this was a dream and I caused the sensation that woke me by imagining what it would feel like having one inserted.( although it wouldn't feel like a shock.)I've fed many through the nose to the stomach in my early nursing days but never had one in myself but discomfort was all I got told.

Awake now but still sleepy decided to start some energy work with intention of focusing on brow when in between thoughts quickly picked up ....."NO, PLEASE DO'NT FOCUS."

Don't know what to think on this one but I love the gentleness of the request.very often I get a gentle Please .

Hi Susan,
I do not know if others can work on your or our energy bodies...what I know is the help to work throug our experiences by them making scenarios that the episodes can be experienced again and again so the clogged energy to be freed and working as it should not to make deceses is our physical body.
It can be happenings from other life´s too..or like in your case, you have in your profession done things like feeding by tub someone,moste of our doings is mirroring to make us remember episodes what has made us not functioning in our energy as it should. Can you understand what I am trying to say here??


10th July 2016, 07:12 PM
Thanks IA, I'm trying to grasp what you are meaning.
We can be directed from spirit side into scenarios that in our dream state will encourage us to act out certain actions in order to clear any blockages? Blockages of energy which could result in disease in body if not cleared .If needed it will be repeated until the job is done?
Have I understood you okay or maybe not?

11th July 2016, 06:38 AM
Thanks IA, I'm trying to grasp what you are meaning.
We can be directed from spirit side into scenarios that in our dream state will encourage us to act out certain actions in order to clear any blockages? Blockages of energy which could result in disease in body if not cleared .If needed it will be repeated until the job is done?
Have I understood you okay or maybe not?

Yes, Susan you did undertand it right, but it is much more comlicated than that..and it is therefore much more harder to live it right..we have so many blockages from upbringing, sociaty roules, religious roules...etc etc...I am now trying to go backwards living...when all has already happened...when body is sick and injured...to see where I went wrong...and trying to fix it..some of the bodys sickness can be healed and fixed but not the parts what has to do with sceleton that can´t be repaired...and it is hard to live it even when you understand what is wrong...
The part of me what understand but have no Words is shining so clear to like doctors and they do not hear my words...and Think I am just playing with them...it took 10 years to get through to them and I nearly did loose my life because the body was giving in ...so maybe I now have a little chance and opportunity to get deeper in investigating and have a slight chance to live further more years.


11th July 2016, 08:51 AM
Quite a few more years I hope. The only way now for you is up.:)

Quite a bit this morning between 8.30- 9.30am.
No time to detail but what I took from this.

I may decide to stay working longer but there is help being brought in for me. ( my FATHER???)

Keep out of Dramas.

Definately no alcohol.

Remember this is all a play.

BIOTHERM? Got this just as I woke, I've heard of a product but will google and update this bit later.

13th July 2016, 08:47 PM
Continued from last post.



Is the quantitative study of the energy transduction that occurs in and between living organisms, structures and cells and of the nature and function of the chemical processes underlying these transductions.


1) The action or process of converting something and especially energy into another form.

2) The transfer of genetic material from one organism to another.

3) ( physiology) The transportation of stimuli to the nervous system.

4) The process by which a transducer converts one type of energy to another.

Fatigue gone.( heavy work load finished for a bit.)
Increasing NEWS. Legs burning up in bed. Was circling feet for a while after working body.
Singing again this morning, very gentle voice but didn't catch words. Wasn't focused enough

14th July 2016, 05:32 PM
Just to add an example, a transducer is an apparatus you use that converts one type of energy to another, such as when you have an ultrasound, it produces and transmits soundwaves to then be read by it and converted into an image from the sound echo. There's other examples but it's the one that came to me when I read this.

17th July 2016, 04:35 PM
Thanks I like that example.
I wonder if the other day when I thought I was having a tube fed through my nose going up to the sky has anything to do with this? Well I'll just have to wonder. That's all I can do but....

This was the first time thunderbirds was used.4 days later I had the wonderful experience where I was consciously floating in pure white with the white and pink trees.


This morning between 8.00 am and 8.25am . Liminal stage .
Very short dream. I'm in a theatre packed full with people . There's a stage but I'm at ceiling level.The ceiling is covered in pink stars and I heard someone saying something I think to introduce the host.
Next Liza Minelli comes across the ceiling in amongst the stars and stands in a little box floating high up. All very showbiz .
In the dream I'm just starting to wonder how she came across to the middle of the ceiling. I'm working out there must have been a path for her to walk on but hidden in the stars.
Liza turns to face me and says. "

I hope your going to stay for the show!"

As she says this she starts to dissolve and her face changes and has been replace by a Thunderbird character . I think his name was BRAINS. He had massive glasses on. I recognised him straight away but had to look up his name. Woke up.

This was lovely but I don't want to raise my hopes incase.
The thing is just yesterday I had been reading about the earths energy centres and places where they are supposed to be. This could be the hidden path that Liza walked on to get to the centre.
All I can do is realy increase my practice and try to make it happen.

Last few days picked up inbetween thoughts,


This was I think because I'd decided to try some new exercises to do with projecting my energy onto objects and feeling them.

Both these times there was not the loving soft voice I sometimes get. It was either me telling me what to do or ...?

18th July 2016, 09:21 PM
How quick things can change. It's happened before.
Last nights dreams were dissapointing, raking up the past from 30-40 years ago. They involved my husband and started with his working hours and my insecurity early in the marriage.He never gave me a reason but because of late hours and the fact that he was so handsome my imagination would go on overdrive.He really never gave me reason to be anxious but when your young it happens. Last night even brought up him meeting up at the casino with his close friend.
My goodness this realy was raking up the past.
Another dream highlights my apprehension about this holiday coming up.
Maybe I won't be successfully getting out as soon as I wanted or thought but I'll keep trying.

However my final piece I remember just before wakening....
I'm flying in deep black space with my husband.
He flies off to the right and something forms infront of me.
It's a fraction and I'm told that I'm the 5 and he's the 6 ( or it could be 8)
It was like someone was writing in space infront of me.
I Cannt remember a number on the top. Looked like this

5 6

Edit.the figure in brackets above should be 8 but I Cannt get it to come up. This is crazy. I keep getting the smiley face with sunglasses. I've deleted it 3 times and when I press 8 it shows correctly but when I press save and see the printed version the face comes up.
Is this a glitch with my I pad? I've had a red heart before.
I ve been so grounded today and now this craziness.

20th July 2016, 01:06 PM
This morning had a lovely image of two people far in the distance on a very narrow path leading up to the hills walking away from my view ,but closer standing together on the path looking in my direction were two dogs. One looked adult and one smaller
Symbolism here I think.
No dream recalled with it but for the 45 mins after that much was picked up.
I think now I will have to learn not to let my mind go crazy full speed with what I'm hearing . I want guidance but I must filter what I see as important for my progression and what is just me and my thoughts.

The soft loving voice will always be listened to.
The riddles will always be worked out.
Anything out of those categories will be thought upon as "do I think this was just self talk."? Does it feel right?
After saying this to be honest I love everything I'm getting and much advice is given .
I just need to filter a bit so I don't go dizzy.

Picked up ....The root is the angle... ( riddle)

Googled root angle and there is no way the info that came up is understandable.way out of my depth so I have to take this from a different angle.( ah, just read this back and have used the term )
Roots.....plants have roots.

Last night I had had just a plateful of salad for a meal . Wasn't hungry. I knew I was eating healthily.
Still taking that disgusting green pond life but have actualy bought a second pack and mixing with water.
After such a bad start to this I'm just downing it as a ' 5 seconds of unpleasantness' .
No intention 100% of going vegan. See no need for it, but to have a healthy body plenty of veg and fruit.

'Keep up with the green bracelet.'

Green ..as mentioned above ..could be the Spirulina. ( very dark green powder)
Bracelet...could this be my pandora bracelet that I turned into a way of remembering any realy beautiful memorable experiences. ..tiny white purse...angel wings...Christmas tree...snowflake.

I visited the health food shop and bought spirulna along with other products recommended for third eye.

Starting to understand that when I have an experience that does not involve slowly raising up but more inside the head, even though I get the sense of up , down, right, left this is probably how the human brain interprets the act of expansion of ones consciousness.
If I get another I'll still describe as I perceive but now understand better.

Back to edit . No need for new post.
Just completed 30 mins focus on fixed object . Did the imagination of stretching arms out and feeling the surface,underneath, smoothness, roughness.( large fig leaf) imagination used for smelling. Then just concentrating on the fixed focus.
Using beautiful uplifting music.

Next. Upstairs to lay on bed, no music. Blacked eyes out and just tried to still mind.
Intended 30 mins, not very successful but near the end I started to think how difficult it is to aspire to be the kind of person that had all the impurities of this earth life taken away whilst still here. So much happening around us, on the news, radio. We have to function here and live and interact.
I thought of that lovely spirit I've written of many times that I had been taken to meet in the spirit world and just knew he/she/it was part of me .
Just after I had thought this and the mind went silent, immediatly very quickly I thought ..


Yes, I suppose I am the foetus in the womb ( Clairvoyantly viewed few days ago) but I am also the one responsible for the delivery. When I was told to look for the heart of the universe, to look within, the person I would like to be is inside me . I just have to get rid of the clutter and BE.

22nd July 2016, 08:52 AM
Just when I go deep the humour starts again.

This morning I'd been awake contemplating getting up and thinking of the flight times for just over a weeks time for the holiday and what I'm wearing( never got that dress, got a cheaper)'
My thoughts went to flight times for returning when suddenly I thought...

" 5th little piglet."

Immediatly I remembered a nursery rhym for children.
Starts with.
This little piggy went to market...............and this little piggy (5th) went weeee weee weee all the way home.

I love it . If ever I'm being re- assured that I will have a holiday with no incident this is it.
A very detailed dream also which involved speaking on the phone to my father translated symbolically p
suggests the same.

What I also want to note is the awake state I was in when this came through.
Love it.

Edit.okay so I wasn't going to put this bit in but pride must be pushed aside for total honesty.
The weee weee weee ........
My bladder is getting worse and as soon as my key goes in the front door it's a race to the loo.Im up through the night and just in general I wouldn't want to be waiting in any long cue . Doesn't help the fact that I drink loads of water.
I think this was deliberately worked out. How embarrassing.

17th August 2016, 10:08 PM
5th little piglet returned home safely feeling the richest person in the world.
Two weeks around the warmest, kindest, most hospitable,fun loving, sincere, honourable, humble people I could ever wish to be with. Many I had never met before. These people could be put in a category that many people are currently seeing as a threat.
However I only speak of the people I met. We are all individual personalities.Such wise words picked up during my May holiday....." Not to judge people by their religion. Judge them by their aura".

Last three weeks no energy work, no meditation practice.
Inner voice very quiet but at times of deep thinking some was coming through. ( a reminder of part of signature picked up once... " She is part of your deepest thoughts".)

Had gone to bed one night thinking how quiet things had become and thinking of intuition. If ever I was to develop good intuition would I loose this inner voice I hear? I never want to loose it. I woke up with no dream recall but picked up.." The Subconscious Allows Free Thinking".

One night I had been overwhelmed by the warmth around me given off by these people .... The cuddles and kisses from the children also.
I woke to seeing a certificate with a name on it and where the specialised subject would be written were the words ..GOD FINDER..

Woke one morning to singing. Just caught the last two words. " heavens plane."

My ugly side was pointed out in a dream two days before the event which saved any bad feelings.
2 days before holiday a short dream . I'm in the back of a car and someone is in the drivers seat and points out two people across the road and tells me to look at them.
I see a very ugly woman shouting to someone. A male approaches her. I got the feeling they were related. She shouts at him . I got the feeling he had dissapeared somewhere and she was angry with him but I also got the feeling that he was trying to explain where he had been and it was not his fault. ( in the dream I just seemed to know )
What stood out here was just how ugly the woman was.

So , 2 days later at Charles De Gaulle airport waiting at the notice board for info to tell us which gate to go to. Finally, the information is displayed. What does HB do? Decides to go to the toilet first. DOWNSTAIRS.
He was away ages. I couldn't believe he could do this. He had had ample time. People who were waiting also had all now dissapeared. Could feel myself getting hotter and hotter, tensing up, we were going to miss the flight, how stupid. Trying to decide what words I could use on him to get the message across.
Suddenly once again during a thought free moment the dream popped into my head. This was me!!!! I was the ugly woman. My ugly side represented by ugly features.
Just in time I relaxed muscles that had become tense, completely chilled, decided that if he had suddenly decided he needed the loo then he had to go.( I of all people should understand that)decided we have plenty of time, we aren't going to miss the flight.
He arrived back, I smiled and we went on our way with ample time.

19th August 2016, 11:58 AM
Co- incidence or not?

I'm trying to do something and getting frustrated. Michael Jackson is trying to help me but I've made it worse for him.
I'm making it even worse and fling myself on the bed in frustration and start to cry.

Woke up.

This is my frustration feeling lost again. Hard to find time for this. Need fast track to get back into it. My mind is taken up with everyday living and back to work. Not sure which route to take in limited time. Raising energy? Clearing chakras? Meditation? Observation? Projecting energy?
Time is so limited.
Sent out a request for guidance in my decisions for this.

Time to get up . Passed radio in kitchen and decided to switch on.
Michael Jacksons song is playing and at this exact time he sings..' Let me show you the way to go.'

21st August 2016, 02:48 PM
This was written by me in the journal last year.
Taken from Deepak Chopra's understanding of the Observer/ Observed role which I was experiencing. This was new to me.

*****. Page 48.

My spirit is an alert witness of the roles I play. Whilst it may be my destiny to play an infinity of roles I Am Not these roles.
The detached observor ( me) of the role has woken up, ****. EVEN WHEN SLEEPING*****
We can be engaged in a role to currently perform , even passionate about the way we perform it but detached at the same time.
He talks of the actor on the stage of life with us being the actor, director, everything and everyone.
This all adds up to what I've written over the last few weeks, stage, puppets, Observer.


I've brought this forward because this morning Ive noticed a change in the role I played in the dream.

I woke this morning feeling so much love for someone I was talking to in the dream.This feeling of peace and calmness lasted for hours later.
Recalling the dream I realised this was once again about me shuffling work and doing too much. However I know Character A and B are both me, but in two short dreams I was not character A ( Susan) I was character B who had all the love and compassion for Susan and realy wished she would slow down.
I was talking to me (Susan) with such love for her and kind of shadowing her. In the past I had been aware of someone entering my dream or following me and interacting with me but this time I was that person and didn't feel I was Susan.
When I woke I was still feeling the love I had for Susan.

This is hard trying to write down and maybe comes across a bit strange but I know exactly what I'm trying to say with difficulty.

Because of this I'm now thinking back to the above post where I was at ceiling height in a packed theatre and asked if I was going to stay for the show.
I was going to be observing the play from a height.( I would be observing myself, my role in physical as a seperate person.)
The Thunderbirds character 'BRAINS'wearing large glasses..
.. Large glasses?.".. Seeing clearly?
...Brains.....encouraged to think about this? Work out? Understand?

Bit more on the Buddhist idea of observer ....

Buddhist doctrine has a definition of the observer that perhaps fits better than that of psychoanalytic theory. The observer or witness is thought of as an aspect of the higher self that is cultivated through meditative practice. This version of the observer is a portion of consciousness that metaphorically looks over the shoulder of the individual and helps to inform them of their actions and the reasons for them. This helps the Buddhist practitioner to stay on their chosen path rather than putting energy into everything that fascinates the ego.

by David R Hill.

Was this an aspect of me ( Susan) merging during sleep with an aspect of my higher self helping the unconscious me?

27th August 2016, 05:10 PM
Liminal stage this morning between 6-9 am.

A news reporter is standing outside a small restaurant infront of a window.
He is reporting on someone inside having a meal. The camera now focuses inside to a woman at a table. She picks up a fish and puts the head in her mouth. The tail was still wagging. The fish was still alive.
My reaction to this was of disgust. The camera now focuses on her plate. It was awful. Prawns and little fish were alive and running around the plate. Horrible to look at and imagine eating.

This next one was a continuation before wakeing up.

I'm with a small group of people and someone brings a dead human body and tilts it to show what has contaminated the body inside. Brown waste pours out of the body onto my lovely cream rug.

I seemed to wake up slightly to ponder over this and then picked up two more that seemed to connect with each other.

I'm in a classroom and I haven't done something. I then see a tall oblong glass container filled with water. Very narrow but very tall. On the outside against the glass is a rusty sheet of metal and a magnet the shape of a battery is being run along the rusty sheet moving upwards. The water starts to rotate.

That was all but enough.
Last night I had been exhausted from work and HB had cooked a lovely meal.
Pasta with a tomato chilli sauce filled with pieces of salmon and prawns. I loved it and commented how nice it was and we will have to have it again soon!

A news reporter reporting something usually is important for me. This journey started with a news reporter.

1st page of journal....

The plane lands, a large blue car travels up a very steep hill where the occupant gets out and someone ( a news reporter) is standing on the summit recording the arrival of the passenger.

This seemed to have the same importance.
Oh dear, I've always said that I would continue to eat fish but I just don't know now. I need to contemplate this . It's a big decision but to be honest the first two I picked up were repulsive and disgusting and that is how the meat started and then the alcohol.
I just don't know what I would eat.

The tunnel of water and magnet I'm sure relates to energy / magnetic pulls/ spiralls / vortex.
Might learn a bit more there.

Magnetic Water.

Found this by Robert.
Developing Natural Resistance

The best explanation of how conscience and higher-self guidance works, was given to me by an old priest in Sunday school, when I was all of nine years old. He said to imagine I had a little devil on my left shoulder and a little angel on my right, both whispering advice continually.

The little devil works through the ego, urging quick gratification of life's desires, wants and vices. Its pure selfishness, greed, cruelty and cunning. It will do anything to satisfy its desire, no matter whom gets hurt in the process.

The little angel works through the mind, virtues and higher emotions. It speaks for ones spirit, for ones higher-self, and for ones Creator. The little angel points out moral issues and the difference between right and wrong, warning us of potential consequences. It will help satisfy ones actual life needs and goals. But it would rather have us starve than see us steal bread from another. It is unselfish, kind, gentle and wise. This aspect of mind nurtures a high order of moral thought and spirituality.

Another way to look at the above, is to imagine that every vice attracts a little devil to support it, and that every virtue attracts a little angel to promote it. All religions and schools of spiritual discipline promote the ideal that one has to conquer all desires (to become desire-less) and to develop all virtues, in order to attain enlightenment.

29th August 2016, 05:05 PM
Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle: The Awakening of Consciousness - SuperSoul.tv
Love listening to him.
22 mins into it he talks of connecting deeply with what is around you.
He explains that there is the FORM identity of you that performs in physical.The other half of you is the FORM- LESS you, timeless essence of which you are.Your Ultimate Self.

A good quote from him,

What a liberation to realise that "the voice in my head" is not who I am.

Who am I then?

The one who sees that.

He quotes an ancient saying.
Consciousness sleeps in the stone..
Consciousness dreams in the plant.
Consciousness AWAKENS in the animal.
Consciousness AWAKENS to itself in the human.

..... It is unselfish, kind, gentle and wise. This aspect of mind nurtures a high order of moral thought and spirituality.
....All religions and schools of spiritual discipline promote the ideal that one has to conquer all desires (to become desire-less) and to develop all virtues, in order to attain enlightenment.

Unselfish. Kind. Gentle. Wise.
This advice from Roberts priest all those years ago clinches it for me.
Could someone with all those qualities bang the head of a fish when caught in the hook of a fishing line to finish it off? When I was 14 I was the one who caught 2 river trout when fishing for the first time with my family. I pulled it in, mum and dad put it in the basket but it was still wriggling, alive. I cannt remember if it was me or not who killed it.
So easy to open a can of tuna...........

I will try but may fail. 2 days now without fish. My dreaming mind is very positive.
This morning half awake / asleep saw a large room with hundreds of exercise bikes as if in a gym and all the seats were bright colours. Red, green,yellow ,orange etc..
For the clairvoyance practicing colour is a good idea but the exercise bikes..Absolutly No Way!
Or maybe the colours were the colours of the chakras and this was a riddle. Work on the chakras.

Been reading a lot on magnetised water.Have sent away for a place mat.

30th August 2016, 09:10 PM
Projection this morning sometime between 6.30-7.15 and just when I wasn't even trying. I have no idea what this one was about.

Around 5.00am awake so little stimulation of chakras but heart wasn't in it. Back to sleep.Woke up 6.20. Recalled dream, hot in bed so kicked off duvet and lay on back just cooling off and cozy.
Within minutes the loud roaring noise in the head like a plane waiting to take off right next to me. Recognised as pre- projection noise.
No vibrations but sensed moving upwards and backwards.No awareness of loosening of body . Think this was through the brow as I was not aware of body parts the whole experience.
As I was moving backwards first , to the right of me I saw a child's leg wearing white ankle socks , floating.
This didn't make sense at the time so decided to ignore and to forget it. Let it go.
Now I'm travelling forwards very fast still with loud noise. Everything black. Ahead in the distance I could see something. A few things then quickly they are in font of me.
These were like many different shaped Windows with coloured glass with different figures engraved in each. These were just like Windows you would find in old churches. They were rotating round and round.
Couldn't get long enough to stare at any one in particular to see who was depicted when suddenly they re to the right if me then behind.Gone.

Now sense of moving forwards in black again but it clears and gets brighter and I'm coming into what looks like an arena in the distance.Seemed massive, only saw the area to the left for spectators and far ahead near the other end a load of chariots driven by horses. OMG! This was like going back in time.
I still wasn't standing on the ground as if I had feet but hovering at a low enough height .
I couldn't work this out. What was it about ? The chariots then started heading towards me. Got little anxious but stilled mind. Nothing is solid. Nothing can harm. The horse was heading straight for ne and looked so strong and powerful. Just as the two front legs are over me it's gone. Everything dissapeared. All is black, fully awake in body. Slight feeling of vibration . Checked clock. 7.15am.

So, I have no idea what this was all about but delighted just to have experienced it.

1) coloured church Windows engraved with people, ? Religious figures.? Rotating suggesting energy movement.( I wonder if anyone else has come across these?)

2) the arena? Was this a simulation for consideration? If so why? Fear tests are long gone.I don't expect there to be an astral plane where this is still going on. Inhabitants of that era would probably be well advanced by now. ( could be any of us)
Could this have been some kind of history stored like in the Akashic records?

I'll have to wait to see if anything is added to this in the future.

( 1/10/16... page 57 concludes this was a simulation for my attention)

Well, once again I'm writing of an event happening after (with little effort from me ) I've done something positive. Whether it's a good deed for someone, good thoughts. This time ..THE FISH decision.
Like being given a treat as an incentive .
Ready for the next.

Need to add a thought here. Why didn't I just move out of the way.?I had thoughts rolling through my head as it was happening but I just decided to stay. Maybe this is an automatic reaction from previous times when I felt I was being tested for fear . A kind of 'bring it on'. When in RTZ in the past sometimes I felt I was in complete control, sometimes not . Astral often this other part of me is in control. Like when I just rolled out of the train window during the "Gratitude " experience.

Edited 30/05/17

Mystery of windows in space solved.
Taken from. http://astral-institute.com/mysticis...he-paranormal/

..... As you travel mystically towards the Galactic Heavens you will find that you must go through a corridor which has stained glass windows of Christ and all of His apostles floating in the ethereal winds on each side. Why would this be? Because other worlds know Christ as Messiah just as we do. He has incarnated into many worlds for the same function.

5th September 2016, 08:13 AM
Clairvoyance this morning whilst in liminal stage.
Once again images that flashed up so quickly seperatly .

I had still been undecided whether I should skip the all over energy work and spend more time in the future concentrating on just the brow.
What I don't want is to loose that excitment of feeling I'm moving, travelling, going somewhere.

1). Saw someone riding a lovely three wheeler bicycle. It was in bright colours again, red, orange, yellow etc..and made up of circles. Even the back rest was made up of circles.
Not a single straight line to be seen.

2) A quick thought... "This Is You! Then I see Mary Poppins holding an umbrella just slowly raising into the sky.

3) A giant Munrano glass bead about 1 foot in diameter slotted around a woman's foot.

The Munrano glass bead links to my pandora bracelet I've written about that only holds charms that have reminders of wonderful Mystical experiences I never want to forget.

The NEWS will continue, and colours, and chakras.

Still none the wiser about the last excursion. It's the chariots racing in the arena I cannt work out. Have sent out for help in understanding this but get nothing.

11th September 2016, 12:25 PM
If ever I needed one last push to clean up my insides even further I've just had it.
Yesterday I'd been reading up more on diet and watching video by Dr Robert Cassar on Bio- Photonic Light Absorption.
I'm having to put a little more effort into thinking what to have for meals since the fish episode but so far so good. Had decided today will just be fruit and salad and water.

This morning just as HB leaves for work my Kitchen sink blocks. I've just spent 2 hours on my knees unscrewing the plastic U bend and all the other bits taking disgusting black gunge from the parts. It Absolutly Stinks. It was so thick.
This has me thinking back to what goes down there. Only what goes in my mouth plus sometimes detergent. Collection of food rinsed from plate . I don't expect the food to turn like that in my stomach and colon but all I can say is I want any food I eat to give me the nutrition and energy required for body then get out as quick as possible!
Now I'm not suggesting for one moment my sink blocked up just when Susan needed a push. But possibly the other way round. Maybe the push I received from the othe side was timed well to coincide with the sink.

13th September 2016, 04:58 PM
I want to bring this forward to remind me.
The suggestion of someone else feeling there is someone with us, accompanying us.
Also I'm sure there has been a discussion somewhere about someone standing on a planet looking at two planets close by and asking if anyone else has experienced this.

3rd Sept 2011
Dreaming Forum

beautiful colours
Hi, 2 nights ago I went to sleep as normal. I slept right through the night which is very unusual. When I woke up I didn,t want to and went back to sleep.When I finally woke I felt so happy, cosy,content, warm and also excited.It,s hard to put into words how I felt but I know I hadn,t wanted to wake up.I remembered a lot of the dream except how I got there.

I was standing on a dark planet that had no life on it.The sky was different shades of grey to almost black but up in the sky were 2 planets close to each other. I felt that they orbited the planet I was on but they were awesome.Far too close for comfort but I did,nt feel threatened at all.
The most spectacular sight was the most beautiful colours trying to peep through the dark clouds.
(imagine holding a crystal up to the sunlight and the colours they would reflect).These were trying to break through the dark sky. The colours were breathtaking.Iknow I wasn,t alone because as the colours came through I was pointing up to the sky in amazement as if showing someone the beautiful sight.
Could this have been more than just a dream

Re: beautiful colours
Hello, susan.

Kurt calls the feeling you describe bliss. If bliss follows an experience it was a meaningful transformation for you. And the experience sounds like it was one of that kind, too.

I often have the feeling of being accompanied during experiences, though I often also do not recall anyone or seeing someone. But I point things out to them, talk to them, or show them things.

Oliver. ( korpo)

17th September 2016, 12:29 PM
Lovely short dream this morning after some deep thinking.


I'm beside a cherry tree in blossom ( on tv last night) and pick some cherries to put into a bowl of water on the table on the patio.( I know there wouldn't realy be cherries at the same time as blossom but this is what I dreampt)
Next I pick off a piece of bark off the trunk and put it in the bowl of water. As I look at it it seems to be the shape of a mussel and seems to be half bark and half shell, so shout out to my father who is around the corner with others.( not my real dad) I got the feeling of a mollusc at the same time. As they all come closer it turns over in the water and a small head appears from under the shell. Then two little feet. This was a baby turtle and it was alive and wakening up . In the dream I was astounded and found it so cute but at the same time sad that if we hadn't realised it was alive we would have put it in boiling water to cook.
End of dream.

Mmmmmm we have to boil mussels alive. How far do I go with this one.


This was one of those nice dreams where I seem to be a child again.
Yesterday I had been offered another care home to provide my services and needed the weekend to make a decision. When I went to bed I was undecided. It would bring in more money but I had to remind myself that I'm trying to cut down work. Too many care homes realy exhaust me.
I would only be chasing money . But money is money.
I woke from a dream suggesting the way I was thinking..... That it isn't my responsibility to provide the service and I cannt do everything just to please others. So before going back to sleep I came to the decision that even though the money would be useful to buy things I DIDNT NEED I must say NO so I can stick to my original aim of more time off, more energy and more focus on learning and I must get back to the focusing outside myself , projecting my energy exercises, and " Coming Out Of My Womb".
Happy with this decision went back to sleep happy.
Had this happy dream.

But this has made something click inside and has given me new enthusiasm.

From tree( plant consciousness)

to a mussel (sea life creature, consciousness)

to a turtle ( partial sea life/ land dwelling)

Learning and respecting the capabilities of all. This reminds me somewhere in the journal where I was stroking a sea anenomie and interacting with it.

Out from the woodwork.
Page 28.

Dream. / failed OBE / Dream.
Very unusual dream which seemed to take on a different direction. Nothing relevant to previous posts.
I had previously picked up that my mother was disappointed and could I meet up with her on Sunday?
So , Sunday evening had had a very heavy full meal late in evening ( which I try to avoid) Early hours of Monday morning when awake I recalled a dream of a police woman telling me that my car had failed Its MOT.
Whilst awake I feel so disappointed with myself to have had such a heavy meal, feeling I had failed myself in the possibility of experiencing something.
Taking this as ' get back to sleep your not going to experience anything' , I just accepted and decided there's always another chance another day.
Visit to bathroom, little water , settled to token gesture of energy raising then settled for sleep when jelly feeling , wobbling and I knew that this was a good sign. Focused on brow area , could feel movement but here was nothing fast about this. This was in one direction and steadily in one direction. As I focused I decided to just experiment with vision as I had nothing.decided to open astral/ etheric eyes and they opened. Thinking how good this was that I hadn't opened physical !!!! Stupid! End of , back to body .
So once again in one evening I'm disappointed.
Back to sleep wake up next morning. Recalled dream .
This will seem stupid to readers but here goes.
I'm in a large area where I'm waiting and flying around and practicing keeping up off the ground when someone of importance comes in . I just see a pair of trousers but see nothing from above. They give me a book. This is thick and heavy and as I open it the first page shows a 2x human bodies at the top, at the bottom was an animal of some sort and a baby and I got this is how we evolved to humans.
Woke up again and thinking how vivid this was and in fact (a bit in your face .), visited the bathroom and slept .
Woke up later in morning to dream recall .
I saw a statue representing my mother ( I thought at the time)
I' m sitting opposite someone who is advising me .
The statue comes next to me . Next thing it is a giant plant , like an anemone from the sea.
This was / is my mother.
I touch this /her as I ask questions.
Can you hear me? The flow from her is a yes.
Can you see me ? The flow from her is yes ,
Can you feel me ? The flow from her is yes .
Can you talk to me ? The flow goes in the opposite direction.
End of dream .
When I woke up, this had such a impact and got me thinking deeper than I have .
Thinking of the evolution of plants .
Can plants communicate to other higher intelligence? Animals can to humans . Humans can to higher beings in spirit ??
Oh just a dream but food for thought .
I am no biologist and this is just a dream . For my own way of thinking for this journal anyone reading this just think of this as a dream that Susan had ,
For me ?

Add on .
I felt the need to do a search on Sea Anemones and was showing my ignorance when describing this as a plant.

***Although often known as the Flower of the Sea it is in fact a Water Dwelling Meat Eating Animal.
***It has a primitive nervous system.
***Has an Intelligence Within. Some form relationships with green algae receiving oxygen and sugar as the bi- product of the algae's photosynthesis.
Upon reflection I think the sea anemone was an excellent example for me to be shown.I would have expected within a dream to be shown an animal that I knew definetely as an animal.
This animal , previously thought by me as a plant highlights the intelligence within anything living from aquatic animals to terrestrial animals to amphibians. Then of course there are the plants.
Conclusion. This last dream was for my attention .

27th September 2016, 06:17 PM
I'm struggling just now with the limits I'm putting on myself.
It showed in my dream last night.


I'm walking with a small crowd in a school corridor but we are naked. The classroom doors are shut and we are looking for the toilets. We should be in class. When we find the toilets someone else is there naked and is being led back out to the corridor very gently by a lady.

The toilets to me mean cleansing/ eliminating . The feeling that I should be learning all I can but that I feel a little lost.

Am I putting too many unnecessary restrictions on myself? I did a lot of housework through the day. HB didn't do anything. Evening time and He has the wine, He has the steak. What am I getting out of this?
I've lost weight...Great. The experiences I'm having are nothing different to when I was drinking and eating anything I wanted.Okay, the clairaudience has developed but would that have come about in time anyway? My dreams are comforting. I've definately noticed the difference in my dreams but would this have happened anyway?
Today I've felt a little dizzy, light headed. Not good when driving.Also my forehead area feels a little heavy. I haven't gone hungry. Drinking lots of water. Its true what they say... It stops you feeling hungry. I'm eating enough for energy. I haven't felt weak. Just a little light headed sometimes.
I've got a feeling I've been here before and had the same thoughts but I cannt be bothered to check back in journal.
I'm not trying to be a saint. I only want to do what I believe at the time is where I'm being directed.
What seems right. I'm just not sure I can give up such pleasures.
I'll update if I give in. It'll be the fish.

28th September 2016, 02:39 PM
I'm struggling just now with the limits I'm putting on myself.
It showed in my dream last night.


I'm walking with a small crowd in a school corridor but we are naked. The classroom doors are shut and we are looking for the toilets. We should be in class. When we find the toilets someone else is there naked and is being led back out to the corridor very gently by a lady.

The toilets to me mean cleansing/ eliminating . The feeling that I should be learning all I can but that I feel a little lost.

Am I putting too many unnecessary restrictions on myself? I did a lot of housework through the day. HB didn't do anything. Evening time and He has the wine, He has the steak. What am I getting out of this?
I've lost weight...Great. The experiences I'm having are nothing different to when I was drinking and eating anything I wanted.Okay, the clairaudience has developed but would that have come about in time anyway? My dreams are comforting. I've definately noticed the difference in my dreams but would this have happened anyway?
Today I've felt a little dizzy, light headed. Not good when driving.Also my forehead area feels a little heavy. I haven't gone hungry. Drinking lots of water. Its true what they say... It stops you feeling hungry. I'm eating enough for energy. I haven't felt weak. Just a little light headed sometimes.
I've got a feeling I've been here before and had the same thoughts but I cannt be bothered to check back in journal.
I'm not trying to be a saint. I only want to do what I believe at the time is where I'm being directed.
What seems right. I'm just not sure I can give up such pleasures.
I'll update if I give in. It'll be the fish.

Hi Susan,

The first thing what hits me when reading what you wrote...is....envy....and petty.....
Nakedness in my dreams stands for openness and nothing to hide...honesty....
It is good to time to time to ask em self...if what I am doing is good for me...and if not dare to make new things happen in own life....dare to be open for changes.


30th September 2016, 06:53 AM
Hi Susan,

The first thing what hits me when reading what you wrote...is....envy....and petty.....
Nakedness in my dreams stands for openness and nothing to hide...honesty....
It is good to time to time to ask em self...if what I am doing is good for me...and if not dare to make new things happen in own life....dare to be open for changes.


Hi Susan,

Did I hurt you with what I wrote??
It was not my intention, what I tried to point out was, that what is on our minds we dream about...like for me I most think about to try to understand all happening in my life, so what I dream about is sequences from my real life happenings, in dreams they are lifted up symbolically new way´s to see things so I can solve and release negativity so I can start to live more positively and draw that into my life.
Love you!


30th September 2016, 07:56 AM
No no IA you didn't cause any hurt at all. I was a bit pushed for time and needed time to think about this one.
Absolutly right about Envy and Pity. I was envious of HB that night because I have withdrawn pleasures from my life and he still has them. I know for a fact that wine would send me dizzy now. When I cook meat for him from what used to smell gorgeous now smells like rotted meat for the bin. ( in fact I left a steak out for him last night for coming home from work and was concerned incase it was off and he ended with food poisoning but he seems fine .) Now there's the fish.

Last year or the year before I had a lovely short dream almost like a child's cartoon where it was suggesting I should be shown what the fishermen are doing to the fish our friends out to sea. It also had me putting on realy heavy red lipstick.( ingredients to lipstick) .I realised immediatly what the meaning here was and laughed it off as NO WAY! Not ready to give up fish.

The time I wrote on my I pad with my eyes closed.....veg vegan change go now ....( or something like that) Absolutly no way am I going vegan. How many times have I written NO WAY! And then months later it starts up again till I say OKAY!

I know without doubt the way I am being gently directed but I am battling with myself. There are those that argue the moral side to this , the killing , then there is the fact that mystical experiences are experienced also by those who drink ,take drugs and are not vegetarian.

So this is my battle with myself. I know I must go with my guidance and gut feeling but the transition isn't easy. I feel a little embarrassed when saying I've given up fish now. What a hypocrite having eaten this all my life.
Maybe this was the chariots and horses symbolism...strength, power, battle, don't know.
Do you have any thoughts on horses and chariots in an arena IA?

30th September 2016, 08:28 AM
No no IA you didn't cause any hurt at all. I was a bit pushed for time and needed time to think about this one.
Absolutly right about Envy and Pity. I was envious of HB that night because I have withdrawn pleasures from my life and he still has them. I know for a fact that wine would send me dizzy now. When I cook meat for him from what used to smell gorgeous now smells like rotted meat for the bin. ( in fact I left a steak out for him last night for coming home from work and was concerned incase it was off and he ended with food poisoning but he seems fine .) Now there's the fish.

Last year or the year before I had a lovely short dream almost like a child's cartoon where it was suggesting I should be shown what the fishermen are doing to the fish our friends out to sea. It also had me putting on realy heavy red lipstick.( ingredients to lipstick) .I realised immediatly what the meaning here was and laughed it off as NO WAY! Not ready to give up fish.

The time I wrote on my I pad with my eyes closed.....veg vegan change go now ....( or something like that) Absolutly no way am I going vegan. How many times have I written NO WAY! And then months later it starts up again till I say OKAY!

I know without doubt the way I am being gently directed but I am battling with myself. There are those that argue the moral side to this , the killing , then there is the fact that mystical experiences are experienced also by those who drink ,take drugs and are not vegetarian.

So this is my battle with myself. I know I must go with my guidance and gut feeling but the transition isn't easy. I feel a little embarrassed when saying I've given up fish now. What a hypocrite having eaten this all my life.
Maybe this was the chariots and horses symbolism...strength, power, battle, don't know.
Do you have any thoughts on horses and chariots in an arena IA?

Hi Susan,
Thank´s for telling me and to your question about horses and chariots does give me a feeling of...show off....

I can tell you something about my life...I have gone through just as you...food taken away by giving me a feeling of disgust against things...and I did also stop eating one thing after another and I ended up to have a life threatening deficiency disease....the lesson for me was...to learn to know my body...what it needs to thrive and be the best....to host me so I can do what I came here to do....learn and develop.

So I can not be vegan because my body needs real fish and chicken meat...my body can not process and survive otherwise.

I was also shown that it is real energy and it is why these animals do not have the consciousness yet developed as in us....I was shown also that I have bean eaten several times before I was developed enough my consciousness to inhabit a human body.

So how true this is for you I do not know...but it is very true to me.


30th September 2016, 05:40 PM
I need to put an interpretation to the last conscious projection to the arena and the horse and chariot. I need to take notice.in the past they all seem to have beeen important lessons to do with my physical life .
Although interpretation of dreams and symbolism is very unique to the individual I wasn't sure although I had a hunch, so I've done some googling and many come up with the same theme .


Chariot....what was it used for?

Eastern Bible Dictionary. A vehicle generally used for war like purposes.( these were racing)

Wikopedia. Chariots were used in military as transport or mobile archery platform for hunting or racing. Fast way to travel.Horse chariots were used for ancient warfare, games ,races.

How do some interpret horse and chariot?

www.learntarot.com. A military image is appropriate for chariot, or card stands for strengths associated with combat, discipline ,grit, determination and assertiveness.

biddytarot.com. The chariot represents conquest, victory and overcoming opposition through your confidence and control.......you will be successful at pursuing your goals as long as you maintain focus, determination and confidence in your abilities.

I remember the horse was so strong and powerful and this was a race.

I realy feel that because this was experienced just after my decision about the fish that this is my battle within me to overcome the doubt and as it says above....' Maintain focus, determination and confidence.

IA, I don't find any interpretation suggesting 'show off'.This has never been my intention. I take my contact and guidance very seriously ( with humour also) and try to use this journal as open and honest as I can to help me understand. If I start to leave things out incase some may think this then it's not helping me.
I hear what your saying about the diet and I will monitor my health but I realy cannt see why spirit/ sub conscious / whatever/ would push me into giving up these when I was reluctant in the first instance just to show me that I need them by causing me to develop bad health.
I still remember the most beautiful colours like a peacocks feathers placed where a chickens heart would be. Emphasising that even chickens have souls.

Thank you for being honest IA because you have caused me to do a lot of thinking and recalling the times I have been directed in a beautiful gentle way but at the time I was obstinate. :)

30th September 2016, 06:32 PM
I need to put an interpretation to the last experience of the arena and the horse and chariot. This was too important for me, I need to take notice.
Although interpretation of dreams and symbolism is very unique to the individual I wasn't sure although I had a hunch, so I've done some googling and many come up with the same theme .


Chariot....what was it used for?

Eastern Bible Dictionary. A vehicle generally used for war like purposes.( these were racing)

Wikopedia. Chariots were used in military as transport or mobile archery platform for hunting or racing. Fast way to travel.Horse chariots were used for ancient warfare, games ,races.

How do some interpret horse and chariot?

www.learntarot.com (http://www.learntarot.com). A military image is appropriate for chariot, or card stands for strengths associated with combat, discipline ,grit, determination and assertiveness.

biddytarot.com. The chariot represents conquest, victory and overcoming opposition through your confidence and control.......you will be successful at pursuing your goals as long as you maintain focus, determination and confidence in your abilities.

I remember the horse was so strong and powerful and this was a race.

I realy feel that because this was experienced just after my decision about the fish that this is my battle within me to overcome the doubt and as it says above....' Maintain focus, determination and confidence.

IA, I don't find any interpretation suggesting 'show off'.This has never been my intention. I take my contact and guidance very seriously ( with humour also) and try to use this journal as open and honest as I can to help me understand. If I start to leave things out incase some may think this then it's not helping me.
I hear what your saying about the diet and I will monitor my health but I realy cannt see why spirit/ sub conscious / whatever/ would push me into giving up these when I was reluctant in the first instance just to show me that I need them by causing me to develop bad health.
I still remember the most beautiful colours like a peacocks feathers placed where a chickens heart would be. Emphasising that even chickens have souls.

Thank you for being honest IA because you have caused me to do a lot of thinking and recalling the times I have been directed in a beautiful gentle way but at the time I was obstinate. :)

Hi Susan,

How was the chariot...you said the horse was strong and powerful....how was the chariot looking??


30th September 2016, 07:27 PM
It had pink fluffy wheels with bunny rabbit ears.

( just kidding, couldn't resist )
Just as portrayed in pictures, for one or maybe two people but to be honest I was more concerned about this powerful horse about to go through me. It's true what they say about detail when perceiving in these scenarios. I could see the strong muscles more than you would find in physical horses.

30th September 2016, 07:46 PM
It had pink fluffy wheels with bunny rabbit ears.

( just kidding, couldn't resist )
Just as portrayed in pictures, for one or maybe two people but to be honest I was more concerned about this powerful horse about to go through me. It's true what they say about detail when perceiving in these scenarios. I could see the strong muscles more than you would find in physical horses.


Yes, I understand...like a show off...so strong and beautiful...I think the word...show off...does give wrong impression what I am trying to say....but the horse is your essence...the eternal essence...and the chariot did come to mind as your flesh body....When I did have my chariot and horse dream or vision...I was the horse and I did make the chariot to tumble over and fall into a ditch....because I did not want to participate in the "race" for money..as much is here on earth....I knew also that my flesh body does not be as strong as my essence...as it is not....so again Susan I lack to break through with what I want to say....lack of words with right essence ...sorry.


2nd October 2016, 12:30 PM
No problem IA.
I'm just pleased you didn't mean it the way I thought you meant.
You are clever enough to be able to speak and write more than 1 language which is more than me and from time to time there may be a little misunderstanding. Do you remember the fun with the SNAILS a while back? No need for apology. Forgotten.

Yesterday morning 2 dreams from the same sleep cycle. I was in a lovely happy mood when I woke up and this stayed with me all day .

1) I'm with friends inside a cave. I don't think I know all of them. Ahead is the exit ( or entrance) to the cave and I can see a load of people swimming in water. I'm invited to go outside and swim with them and do. What I notice is that this is a long river with loads of cave entrances all leading onto the same river with other people swimming but just outside the entrance to their own cave.

2) I'm inside looking outside a window with someone. They are pointing to far in the distance where there are many trees. This is like the start of a forest. There is frost on the ground.
This person points to a dark bear standing upright over in the distance amongst the trees.We feel lucky to see this . It is rare.
But behind him there is fog and I am excited because hiding in the fog I can see more bears standing upright.I count them and there are 7 . In the dream I feel lucky to have seen them.

3) someone opens a door and I watch a female enter.( I'm watching the characters here) someone shows her a music centre on the shelf and says they hope she enjoys the soft music for her to listen to. I notice she has shades over her eyes. They aren't sunglasses but just two dark lenses covering her eyes but they are tilted so I look underneath the shades and see that her eyes are wide open.

This morning dream, well just short scene upon wakening.
I'm watching again.
A female is sitting on a chair and she is given a hand mirror to hold. This Is like an antique with elaborate coloured detail painted on it. She is told to study this carefully.

3rd October 2016, 07:59 AM
No problem IA.
I'm just pleased you didn't mean it the way I thought you meant.
You are clever enough to be able to speak and write more than 1 language which is more than me and from time to time there may be a little misunderstanding. Do you remember the fun with the SNAILS a while back? No need for apology. Forgotten.

Hi Susan,
I am happy that you seam to understand me, thank you :-).
I am laughing here already...I feel the misunderstanding and fun about the snails....but I do not remember it....do you have more info to make me remember?


4th October 2016, 07:54 AM

Now I am laughing, becasue the word snail I thought it to be a worm...haha....did my misstake help you at all?? but snail now when I know what it is...the worms who live in soil...they do not mate...it was that what made me to look up the word...sorry.

Snail mating...making more deley??...are you??


IA, you've got me creased up with laughter. Cann't remember when I laughed so much. We have to solve this . Does anyone out there know if snails mate, oh frig what does it matter it wasn't a dream.

Susan, laughter is good, always....haha


4th October 2016, 02:18 PM

IA, you've got me creased up with laughter. Cann't remember when I laughed so much. We have to solve this . Does anyone out there know if snails mate, oh frig what does it matter it wasn't a dream.

Susan, laughter is good, always....haha


OHYeah that one....It did go very fast and then I lost the energy and of course the explanation too....It is those one´s what do give highned eyebrows afterwards as now ....:-)
I am too laughing....so to be me is not any walk in the park...haha.....
You are so kind always Susan, and I love your for that.


6th October 2016, 06:27 PM
I've just completed 45 minutes energy raising and meditation . Picked up I pad before going downstairs and decided it's been a while since I tried any writing.

Logged onto notes.. asked a question in my mind.." Is there a name of any one main guide who is assisting me that I could know?"

Closed eyes and this is what I wrote.

kgvdytg Let God.

(Even the capital letters.)
I started off quick but then decided to slow down at the end. This slowing down and pausing between letters seems to work best.

7th October 2016, 09:10 PM
I have some thoughts on the last post .... "Let God" ( guide me)

1) Predictive Text ? .... possible but doesn't do a capital G for god and also the space between the two words. Also I've had success with this type of writing before.

2) Slight Humour?
The previous day I had felt a little saddened watching a short video of a young girl who described the moment she was ' Enlightened'. Some expert in energy had done something to her energy body and she met GOD! This was obviously a wonderful experience for her but it had me recalling all the times I've heard of people's accounts of them hearing GOD speak to them.I was wishing people could be more open minded about the beautiful energy they have felt or the spoken words they have heard.
Was this a bit of humour because of these thoughts I had had on this subject?

3)I remember 3 years ago recording in the journal

I'm in black space with someone. In the distance I can see what I would just call a hub (container,room,) We both enter it.I know that outside in space there is no oxygen so I ask what happens if the door to this place opens? He's talking on a mobile phone.
I ask if ( whilst awake) my guide is with me. I got a flash of a folded white handkerchief. I'ts unfolding and it's black on the other side.
( had a person before that was black on one side and white on the other posted somewhere else)
I'm in a craft of some kind sitting looking out of the window.I seem to be leaning forward as if resting my head on a table sleeping but KNOW that I am looking out and can see clearly.
In a distance the most beautiful sparkling stars.I tell the person next to me to look. This was an awesome sight as they were so silvery and sparkling and an area in the distance seemed to have a collection together forming a group. Inside the group were more stars closer together and they looked as if they formed a shape. Almost like the shape of a fish,bit I remember thinking that I couldn't make it out if it was a fish or not.
I'm told I'm on a journey to meet God.
Then right in front of the window, out in black space, a GIANT SPARKLING HEAD WITH A MAN'S FACE. This stayed just for a second but it was made of stars.

At the time I knew that this wasn't GOD but the head had flashed up for me to witness. I laughed it off at the time.
So currently my thoughts of God go in the direction of God's presence being an infinite power embedded within all of creation, within all of us, to be found but has to be searched for.
All I know is I'm being directed in learning as much as possible from Atoms to consciousness, to evolution.
Mixing the concept of God with Science and Biology is currently my preferred route.

Oh ...missed one out which I think is the most important.
To look inwards, to search deep within ( look for the heart of the universe)
To know my divinity.

Previously taken from The Path to the Heart Of The Universe

In it he/ she writes that the first step is to recognise that all comes from within.
The inmost of the inmost of you is a god (higher self) a living divinity.
In yourself lies all the mysteries of the universe. By going deeper into yourself you go deeper into the mysteries of universal nature.

15th October 2016, 05:43 PM
For the past two mornings Ive remembered little scenes that have shown where maybe I could have been a little more considerate towards someone. Two different topics but towards the same person. I was failing to consider this person`s feelings.
Easily fixed.

Yesterday had me back working in a Dimentia care home. What could have been an exhausting frustrating day was very different.
Concentrating on healthy light food (with some treats) and drinking loads of water has resulted in weight loss which means plenty more vitality. However, I think I`ve lost the urge just now to try energy raising through the night and I think this has helped.
These lovely confused people need someone to talk to , even if what they say doesn't make any sense.
I decided it didnt matter how few I got through and tried a little test. I gave them my undivided attention from approaching them, to walking with them to the room, treating them and taking them back.
Being aware of this resulted in complete co operation from them and a thank you.
How easy it is to carry out a task but be aware of conversations around and distractions and get caught up in them.. How easy it is to ignore briefly this confused person as long as she is sitting where she should or walking in the right direction.
One gentleman every minute was giving out a loud shriek.A man sitting next to him couldn't take any more and leaned over to hit him but was too far away. A new lady couldn't stand this any more but was not good on her feet so kept telling him to shut up. The staff had learnt to ignore all of this and carry writing up their care plans.
This sounds like a criticism of the staff but it isn't meant to be. Its just how things work. If only there was enough money around to give these people an individual assigned specifically to them.

This morning in that dozy state had been thinking something through when in mid sentence of thought I picked up REFINE THE SOUL. When this happens its like a jolt in my head but I think this is just me being surprised and shifting to more of an awake state.
Dozing off again and a sudden jolt and I see a large Red Robin standing under my bush in the garden but behind the Robin is a large round ball of mist just behind the head, about a 1/3 the size of the bird.
So does this ball of mist represent the energy of the bird like an orb? Or does it have any relevance to the previous post about the bears seen vaguely in amongst the fog?? A Veil? Or is there no connection? Getting lost here.

This morning dream, well just short scene upon wakening.
I'm watching again.
A female is sitting on a chair and she is given a hand mirror to hold. This Is like an antique with elaborate coloured detail painted on it. She is told to study this carefully.
A mirror reflects the person...ME..I think this is the going deeper within myself.

Back to add a thought.
An orb represents energy. This could represent the bird`s energy outside itself maybe representing what we are encouraged to do. Project our energy outside our physical and connect with nature. Connect with the energy of plants and wildlife around me??? Just a wild guess.

22nd October 2016, 04:32 PM
Merkabah in relation to Chariots (previous page)

The noun merkabah "thing to ride in, cart" is derived from the consonantal root r-k-b with the general meaning "to ride". The word "chariot" is found 44 times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible – most of them referring to normal chariots on earth,[3] and although the concept of the Merkabah is associated with Ezekiel's vision (1:4–26), the word is not explicitly written in Ezekiel 1.[4]

Interesting. Ive put much emphasis on learning about vortexes and spinning the chakras I wasnt thinking in this direction.

****The three wheeler bicycle made up of coloured circles. ( bicycle=vehicle, energy colours -circling, spinning. )clairvoyantly viewed.

****The young man holding the baby going round and round in a spiral.( their bodies were spinning) clairvoyantly viewed after a suggestion that I was to THINK about this.

**** the church windows in space spiralling round just before I came into land in the arena with the chariots during the OBE.I wondered why they were moving round like that.All I thought of at the time was energy field.

Clairaudience July 2016
The word..



Is the quantitative study of the energy transduction that occurs in and between living organisms, structures and cells and of the nature and function of the chemical processes underlying these transductions.


1) The action or process of converting something and especially energy into another form.

2nd May 2015

The Alchemical structure? I googled these symbols as I had no knowlege in this field. So many. Could these symbols have been mixed in with what I saw on the text message of a mobile phone when it didn't make sense. I couldn't understand as it was all symbols. I described them as geometry symbols but at the time I was ignorant to these other symbols.

3rd November 2016, 08:23 AM
Principles for life transformation
Robert Bruce blog section

"Everyone is indeed, at their innermost core, an enlightened soul that can transform themselves into an instrument of divine essence. However, this transformation is dependent on whether the individual chooses to project an image of divine essence upon the "mirror" of the universal soul, or to project a lesser image that is a distortion of its essential state of being."

Found this in blog section and from it my understanding is that we are each projecting an image of the universal soul.How we decide to project this image is dependant on the individual. I can try to mirror that beautiful part of me I was taken to meet which is I believe the challenge, or just be reactive to situations and show a false image of who we realy are.

Being given the mirror to hold and study carefully I think now is not just about learning about myself , going deeper within, but as the above says, to project this, to live this, to show this.


Had been thinking deeply about something I had read and was thinking of the seeds that from being put in the ground ( or dropping naturally) can grow to the most beautiful plant,when once again interrupted in mid thought with,

Yes, I suppose this can relate to the consciousness of the plant but also nurturing the growth of another form of consciousness can also help our own growth.

A few hours later,

Thinking deeply again about our own thoughts. An example, currently on short holiday and HB annoyed that there isn't enough choice at hotel for vegetarians. There is. I dont need much!the chef will cook me anything if I was to ask, but there's always something i can eat.
So thinking of this and how I am happy with the situation but his thoughts were not got me thinking deeper about controlling our own thoughts when once again in mid thought through the day but I must have paused a second picked up,

Yes, managing, being in charge of your own thoughts. Being aware at all times.Bringing out the best.

19th November 2016, 10:06 AM
This morning a short scene as I was wakening up.
A lady wearing a black dress is standing infront of a group of young children. Im aware that I'm standing watching and listening. She very slowly sings a line and the children then sing together repeating what she has just sung. This was very very slow and soft...

' Things are not always as you say.....OOOOOOHHHHHHHH LLLLLOOOOORRRRRDDDD.

This was sung with such feeling, emotion but not sadness, more so much love. The oh lord bit at the end took so long to finish.It was beautiful and as I woke up I just felt I wanted to stay connected to this lovely state to be in and I just felt I wanted to reach higher by praying to the Lord.

Recalled dream eventually ( finally and it was
Please please i must be going crazy but I have to log this.

I was just about to write about my dream when my i padI'm writing on started up loud singing a song I haven't heard before.

MERRY CHRISTMAS MUMMY. This was sung by a load of young children. Then a lady sings to the children about stars in their eyes and Roseary Beads.
This was some kind of christmas song, but my radio is on in the background and completly different.It was very loud.
Whilst it was playing I went onto u tube but all there is new is a sainsbury advert and its not that. I listened to the end and waited and another started up but it was just LOUD GONGS being struck repeating over and over.
It has almost brought tears to my eyes because I just cannt explain this and it has all happened since starting to write this post.
This is not how I thought this post would end and I have been feeling so disconnected. (And infact that was what my dream was suggesting, how disconnected I was feeling for the past few days)
I make no apology for what may seem crazy writing because I know what I have just experienced.
It was like one of those vera Lyn type lovely old songs.
A group of young children singing to their mummy and mummy singing back.
I can understand now why Franz Bardon suggests that diaries should be kept secret.
Love it love it love it...no explanation.

22nd November 2016, 09:56 PM
Refering back to last post I can only suggest that

1) A big co-incidence that the song that started up was similar to what I had just written about. Children singing and a woman singing to each other.
2) something strange going on with my ipad.

Have found the song under my music section, a xmas album of 100 songs that I bought a year ago but had never even listened to it. It was song number 90.

have found OM Tibetan Sunset in my music section which were the gongs, but I haven't listened to this for a couple of years.
The two arent even listed close together.

Im being cautious and grounded here by suggesting that it could be both co-incidence and i pad malfunction. Maybe this full moon played a part.

However a little food for thought,
1) I had been feeling completely disconnected and had sent out a wish for evidence that this was not the case.
2) I had been reading and thinking of getting some rosary beads to use to practice thought concentration.

17th December 2016, 12:20 PM
Only two things I want to note.


Mind had been wandering on the little characters like knomes elves and sorts when suddenly I picked up
"Presentation Of Animated Characters".

This Christmas will be the first for a lovely lady without her husband of many years ,and I know she is finding it hard. I was very fond of Ken and wrote about his death somewhere here in the journal. Was the time I saw an image of Jesus with a long white vertical pole above his head.
She has given me the most beautiful card of MARY holding JESUS as a baby. I wanted to somehow say something comforting to her and find a special card but all the shops were full of Happiness, Jolly Presents, nothing special so I chose a blank one and sent out a request before sleep for some help in choosing the right words to put in the card.
Next morning over a cup of coffee I wrote this in less than 5 minutes, no stopping or alteration.





No poet Lauriet am I but I hope she can take a little something from this.

24th December 2016, 11:06 PM
Strange goings on with ipad again and syncronisity.
Had sent a 4 lined rhyme to family member and was waiting for reply.
Was just wondering if she had replied when a message popped up at the top of i pad reading...

'Twas The Night Before Xmas.......'..also there was a little red and white xmas icon

It dissapeared just before I could read the second line.
Seconds after reading it out aloud a woman on the television says 'Twas The Night Before Xmas' ( syncronisity)
Waited for message to come through but nothing came. Contacted her and she hadn't sent anything. No messages were waiting to be read and no download of anything.
No explanation as to where this came from or where it has gone.

29th December 2016, 09:51 AM
Woke abruptly this morning with what was like an explosion in the head.
Recalled seeing a greenhouse floating in deep black space and the roof explodes and shatters into pieces with coloured fireworks flying out of the top.

No dream recalled.

I haven't had a headache but for the last few weeks have been getting sudden quick sharp pains in head.
I wonder if this was one of them and my mind created an explosion scene.

Don't think was a brow centre strobe simply because all energy work has been halted for xmas. Too busy.

Greenhouse, well it certainly isn't on my mind at this time of year but I love my greenhouse, and this is where I love nurturing new growth from a seed to a beautiful flower.
"Investment in the Evolution of consciousness" was posted previously as clairaudience when thinking of the growth of a seed to a flower.
Ive had a greenhouse in deep space before posted somewhere in the journal during an obe. May add later when found.

Yesterday, Prior to this, finally house to myself I had spent 3 hours on u tube watching sacred geometry clips and going over the five Platonic solids.

29th December 2016, 11:24 AM
Woke abruptly this morning with what was like an explosion in the head.
Recalled seeing a greenhouse floating in deep black space and the roof explodes and shatters into pieces with coloured fireworks flying out of the top.

No dream recalled.

I haven't had a headache but for the last few weeks have been getting sudden quick sharp pains in head.
I wonder if this was one of them and my mind created an explosion scene.

Don't think was a brow centre strobe simply because all energy work has been halted for xmas. Too busy.

Greenhouse, well it certainly isn't on my mind at this time of year but I love my greenhouse, and this is where I love nurturing new growth from a seed to a beautiful flower.
"Investment in the Evolution of consciousness" was posted previously as clairaudience when thinking of the growth of a seed to a flower.
Ive had a greenhouse in deep space before posted somewhere in the journal during an obe. May add later when found.

Yesterday, Prior to this, finally house to myself I had spent 3 hours on u tube watching sacred geometry clips and going over the five Platonic solids.

Hi Susan,
WoW so clear symbol.....blowing the roof of....to be able to grow and develop...congrats :heart:


31st December 2016, 06:52 PM
IA, I wish I could give you a big hug right now as ive just read what you wrote on the 'If I had cancer forum'.
Sometimes people have something going on deeper within themselves so when they respond they maybe dont realise the other person is being hurt by their words.You must continue with your journal as this is for your own benefit and reflection.Your own thoughts within yourself are more important to you than strangers words.
Its 18.43 right now, New Years Eve and in bed. Gave myself mild food poisoning yesterday from a boiled egg that had a damaged shell. Should have known better.
Must work on intuition more closely. I knew it was damaged but dismissed the quick thought that it could hold bacteria.
Anyway back to normal now but found this.


Want to store this here.

Covers much in short time .
48.30 mins in it covers

The fabric of ourselves.
A computer graphic of our human DNA shown as a twisted ladder but then turned to look longways down the centre you see what looks like a 6 pointed star. Could be interpreted as The Star of David. Also known as The Star of Creation.
He describes as bringing heaven and earth together. The infinite within the finite. The sharing of the fabric of the universe found within the universe and found within ourselves.

5th January 2017, 09:02 AM
Today an elderly lady told me a lovely story of the only time in her life she has heard an internal voice speak to her.
She used to attend her Catholic Church with her husband who was failing in his battle with cancer.
Those who were ill would be called up to the front for some healing and their partners would go up with them also.
On this one occasion the priest didnt call up the partners so she was left sitting on her own and she was wondering why the partners weren't asked to go up with them when she heard a soft voice inside her head say to her,


If only everyone who looses a loved one could hear that internal voice. Far more comforting and memorable than spoken words.

Lucid dream must remember to record where I was flying over red soil With a single train track. I think symbology here.

5th January 2017, 06:01 PM
Had been in and out of sleep due to overheating . Light dream where I was aware I was out.
Lucid dream.
Had a body this time.
I'm slowly coming down to land. It was so gentle. I'd landed in what seemed to be a red soiled big field.
I was standing on a single tracked train line. At this stage I wasnt sure if I was realy out so tried to fly but didnt get much off the ground. The vividness of the red soil had me wondering where I was. Was this Real Time Zone , somewhere on earth or had I projected into a dreamscape. I was thinking this through when suddenly in the distance two characters appeared. They were looking over at me and flew in the air coming closer but kept their distance. I remember thinking "oh good, I must be in astral".
I only remember the features of one .
Immediately I blurted out, ' finally someone to talk to , are you my guides?'
This next bit is the strange bit because he faces me and asks me if my name is Susan..( he uses my Maiden name) He asks me to come with them ....

The dream continued but doesnt need to be recorded .
1) It was the bright red soil and train track I want to note.
2) why was my Maiden name used?

BUT the best for me was when awake I thought of the character who spoke to me and remembered who it was.
MR T from the A TEAM program from years ago.
MR. T was a big strong guy who loved his jewellry and always had his neck full of gold necklaces, like a thick scarf.

I love it because I have spent the Xmas period being a bit naughty and ordering jewellry on line. Got a necklace , then Ankha pendant, more jewellry just hoping hubby isn't in when they arrive.
I was feeling good but guilty.
If this lucid dream was all my own creation I love my sense of humour.

10th January 2017, 09:29 AM
Maybe just a made up dream and I only want to record experiences that to me are meaningful otherwise I wouldnt be able to separate the irrelevant from the relevant but there are points about this one Ive decided to note.
First, most of it is forgotten but I remember we were with friends who had come to visit us. I just remember the ending. Me and my friend were on a long narrow open train like a fairground coaster ride . Our friends who we had been with were leaving now and they passed to the left of me dissapearing as they got just a few feet in front of me. Then up ahead in the sky just in the direction they had dissapeared the most beautiful energy colours but very faint all clumped together. The colours were all merging together standing out in the black starry sky.I pointed the colours out to my friend.
Then I point to behind us and say, " look their friends are leaving as well. Its a shame you were scared."In the sky I saw their friends best described as large flat round floaty pink shapes just like jelly fish. The scene was awesome because of the sparkling stars. They ll flew off.
I say its a shame we have to go now and suddenly the train plummets down as if it realy was a roller coaster and slowly comes to a halt just on the shore line with the sea infront of us.

Woke up still feeling the churning of the stomach.
This may have just been due to the previous dream but the colours were beautiful so ive noted it.

Also on wakening up I thought of a shoe and thought ' good clean living".

18th January 2017, 05:35 PM
Working out the meaning of something I had picked up resulted in a brightness behind the closed eyelids.
This happened twice this morning.just like opening shutters in a dark room.
Somewhere in journal I'd written of experiencing this during an informative dream experience and reading later how Kurt Leland saw this happen to a lady he was witnessing in the dream zone trying to work a puzzle out and when she was correct the room would get lighter. This was confirmation that this was right.

This happened after I woke up to 'think of a poppy'.

( through the day a lady had told me that she adores poppies.I thought no more of the comment)

Thought I should have to look this up in morning but decided I must think of what it means to me now, not what a book says. I thought of Rememberence day and poppies so decided that poppies remind me of people who have died during wars.
As I thought this the brightness behind eyelids happened. Lay semi awake when I picked up

" her husband was found dead in a field".

Immediately I thought of the time I felt I was being shown past lives when I saw a picture of what seemed to be going back centuries ago with strange carriages and men with strange pointed metal hats on. This was a battle and there were dead bodies on the ground in a battle field but I felt immense sadness for a young man lying on the ground amongst other bodies but my feelings were for the people who would feel the sadness of his death.
I was awake now and thought this through wondering if this was all connected when the lightness started up again.
So Ive had this in the dream state before but this is first for awake but dozy.

Back to sleep and just after a dream that I've got a chemistry exam tomorrow and haven't prepared for it ( could just be to do with all Im wanting to learn) my dream finishes with watching about 15-20 men walking towards me. They all had black suites on.But it was the black that was noticeable and got me staring. The black was blacker than black. They wore the blackest colour you could imagine a black to be. They are now standing to the side of me.
I woke up and thought this last bit through and suddenly came to the idea of MEN IN BLACK from the film.
I only ever saw the first film so this morning I googled to remind myself what exactly it was about.

Best kept secret in the universe. Working for unofficial government agency they are providers of immigration services and regulators of all things Alien to earth.
Policing aliens protecting the earth from intergalactic threats.

I wonder if they could represent what Robert calls Gatekeepers.Other authors write of similar energies representing almost a look out to prevent dreamers entering areas that we shouldn't enter. As kurt says he was told they cannt let dreamers into designated areas where they could cause havoc because of their behaviour due to their dreaming mind.
Also , just the desire to visit somewhere is not enough for entry. I think Ive had this before but in the form of black robot type characters.
I just love the humour, whether it was my subconscious creating these or other I just love the humour.

27th January 2017, 01:11 PM
4.am awake,wondered if I should try anything but decided I was too cosy and should just go back to sleep. Tried to recall dream but nothing was coming. Had left it too long then suddenly I thought very quickly.


Crept out of bed to write down so wouldnt forget. Back to a light sleep where analysing the dream seems to be about NEWS at a fast pace. ( I haven't been doing any for a few days).So easy to get caught up in physical life and then only spare time is spent reading and learning. I think I am spending too much time reading and not enough doing the practical. Experiencing for myself is worth 100 books to read. So must get back to more practical application.

Back to the words above.
Is this playmate the same as 'YOUR PETER PAN THAT I AM'?
Is this part of me or not?
The suggestion is that it IS.("YOUR, I,")It has a mind of its own and makes me laugh.
I prefer to leave this question open . Its more fun rather than taking the answer from a book.

28th January 2017, 02:44 PM
I have to log this because it came so quickly and I think sums up everything.
Im standing over the sink in kitchen listening to lovely music thinking of washing, dusting, floors to clean etc and decided to first do a little aura practice with orchids on windowsill.This got me looking at the veins running through the petals right to the edges. Just like our capillaries and veins throughout our body helping to keep the cells alive.
But this wasnt getting any further on with the housework, so must get on with cleaning when I thought to myself,
" why am I doing this? What am I aiming for? What do I hope to achieve, other than seeing colours?
Immediately an answer came
" to create a beautiful mind", and imagined a butterfly with its colourful wings spread out.

This makes total sense to everything

28th January 2017, 03:58 PM
I have to log this because it came so quickly and I think sums up everything.
Im standing over the sink in kitchen listening to lovely music thinking of washing, dusting, floors to clean etc and decided to first do a little aura practice with orchids on windowsill.This got me looking at the veins running through the petals right to the edges. Just like our capillaries and veins throughout our body helping to keep the cells alive.
But this wasnt getting any further on with the housework, so must get on with cleaning when I thought to myself,
" why am I doing this? What am I aiming for? What do I hope to achieve, other than seeing colours?
Immediately an answer came
" to create a beautiful mind", and imagined a butterfly with its colourful wings spread out.

This makes total sense to everything

Thank you Susan :heart:
I did get tears in my eyes when reading your post...Life is presious and profound...in all levels...we need to connect with it´s beauty...LOVE.


2nd February 2017, 09:12 AM
Awake recalling dream to do with physical life when a very formal sounding voice announces.

" Your inspirational request has been heard by higher people".

This interrupted my flow of thoughts about the dream.
This isn't the first time I've had very formal sounding announcements interrupting my thoughts.
So what were my Inspirationl thoughts?
The only thing I can think of was the previous day I had been taking crash courses on astronomy i think for kids)

OMG OMG !!!! Its happened again. My ipad . As Im writing this my I pad had started playing a song again.
Children singing. " I like a Sleigh Ride...Merry Xmas ....

I have to think on this. Is the word 'KIDS' causing my I pad to pick up a song involving kids singing ???
Haven't got time now to finish .

3rd February 2017, 05:25 PM
Im back to first add a thought about these goings on with the i pad from time to time.
These incidents may just be a bioenergetic cause which is well documented by others.
Electronic devices are known to play up sometimes in physical but those working in this field of energy development may experience these events more frequently.

Am I reading too much in this when I point out that just the previous day I had been watching an advert a few times that day about the Northern Lights and during the advert they are riding on the snow on one of their sleighs and I was wishing I could go there and experience riding in the crisp white snow with all the beautiful colours in the sky?

How many times will I have to use the word 'Coincidence 'because it sounds more grounding?
This isn't Coincidence , it's more than that.Important decisions have been prompted by the I pad.

Page 31
16th AUGUST 2014.
I wrote a truth but thought I was writing something else.

Page 32
21st August 2014.
Writing with eyes closed... encouraged to go vegan.

28th August 2014.
Writing with eyes closed... question was answered.

Page 33
28thAugust 2014.
When writing word Cann't unexplainable used capital letters for the word.( emphasising the point)

5th October 2014.
Same happens again.

Page 43)
6th June 2015.
Eyes closed question answered...guided towards the bible.

Page 46)
27th October 2015.
Answer given to question " Kindness" and also synchronicity starts up here.

11th November 2015.
Advice written


Page 48)
2nd January 2016
Question answered...kristnamurti

Page 55)
19th August 2016
Synchronicity Michael Jackson dream and radio.


Page 58)
19th November 2016
Music on I pad starts up.synchronicity concerning dream.

24th December 2016
Unexplainable message flashes up on ipad followed by synchronicity of woman on telly seconds later saying same words..'Twas the night before xmas'.


Finally the previous post above about the Song starting up about Sleigh Ride and watching tv wishing I could go there.

Ive had to do this for my own benefit so now I know this is REAL.
Still haven't had time to finish previous post about my Inspirational request having been heard by higher people.

Back to edit.. I notice I have MR Smiley face again twice but shows normal at time of writing so will put page number here.

2nd January 2016..page 48
19th November 2016..page 58

( I think the smiley face is a technical problem as I notice it concerns the figure 8 both times

5th February 2017, 12:11 PM
Yesterday morning an image upon wakening but there was no dream connected to this. It lasted about 5-6-7 seconds.
I'm viewing a large pregnant stomach, in front and above me. There is a large hole in the stomach with an umbilical cord hanging down. Next a baby comes out attached to it and turns round to face the stomach and its cord seems to still be hanging from the stomach.
Baby pulls at the cord helping another baby out of the stomach. The two babies are now out and float around.

This was one of those very strong images that stays with you.
Here I have a baby helping the birth of another baby that shares the same lineage, and also the same umbilical cord.

Did this scene come from my

'Your Peter Pan That I am'?

'Your Hypnopompic Playmate who Reigns from above".

Need to catch up on logging what my 'Inspirational request' was that was heard.
I had sent out strong thoughts, requests, that I needed to have a better understanding of ....

The time I was taken to meet these people I picked up as alien.
I dont go with the theory that my senses misinterpreted their appearance.
The fact that I saw them all the same and they were different to any other entity my senses have produced
I was taken to a room to wait and remember no more of what was said.


Also a while back when I asked to meet whoever was helping me I was taken to a cafeteria where many of the inhabitants were alien looking.During that one I was taken to a large window where we went through into another dimension.
I was reading Kurt Leland's book then and I went along with his interpretation of seeing aliens and he claimed that they were just like robots sent to observe and report back

Since learning more on astrology and the vastness of this universe and more, only a closed mind person would not entertain the idea of any life form with intelligence that does not originate from this tiny speck of a planet may infact be known by us out of the physical Dimension.

So this was my very passionate request sent out.
On a need to know basis 1-10. I NEED TO KNOW 10.
( Im on a mission):)

13th February 2017, 09:09 AM
This (my) inner voice seems to be keeping a check on Keeping my thoughts positive.
This morning as I woke I could hear the wind outside and knew it would be cold and damp as it had been yesterday. I was just thinking how nice it would be to go to somewhere like India( had been watching program on India)where it would be hot and sunny instead of here where its.....Fresh and Crisp and Cool and Breezy...
Well these are certainly not the words I was about to think but looking back at them I suppose an attempt to stay with positive thoughts and try to find the good in something that would normally generate thoughts that leave you feeling low and miserable.

16th February 2017, 08:51 AM
Puzzled with this one.

Picked up " Multi Dimensional Dragon",

Then I see a roundabout that I travel on regularly but there is a coloured flashing arrow on the roundabout directing to take the next exit.
( I wouldnt normally take that road off because of the cars parked on both sides making it a bit of a squeeze.)

So this was showing me the direction to go down keeping me on a straight road.
I didnt see any dragon flash up but it does remind me of somewhere recorded on forum of seeing a sky covered in colourful dragons all flying high. It was a beautiful awesome strange sight.
Someone else here wrote of dragons.
Need to do some homework on this. If the roundabout scene hadn't flashed up for attention then maybe I would just forget and dismiss but maybe a little searching.

I'm going to see what I can find on dragons here on the site first and add as find.

Aunt clair. 2013
Cobras and Dragons are symbolic of the Kundalini Energy . This is a very powerful technique called 'Raising the Dragon' which will draw energy up the spine and through the kundalini channels cleaning them and raising the vibration which affords ease of projection to the higher planes and facilitates all energy related work such as manifestation , healing , meditative trance , clairvoyant and clairaudient communication especially with the Mahatma .

Grant. 2012
I have seen and been with Faerys 50 ft. tall and as little as little as an Arc lamp's light. 3 have shown me a glimpse of their world.
One thing I've noticed, they are very sensual. Maybe its because of their love for us, I don't mean human; but, our spiritual selves.
Now, I've seen Dragons, which are another type of being. 2 live in my Lake. I'm not sure what to do. They see me also, but, I don't know if its safe to try and communicate with them. Maybe I should just let them be. I think it was that way when the Niburians were here. Ok off the subject of Faerys. I did start a Dragon thread; but, it seems as though no one wants to speak of them.

17th February 2017, 09:16 AM

Elements is a topic I've tried to get my head around often but elementals described as nature spirits or guardians is a topic ive always been a bit sceptical about and left to children's books.
Apparently they are divine nature guardians existing here but in different dimensions.I've even read that they are here to safeguard planet earth.( interesting the link to my Men In Black.)
Certain elementals such as fairies, pixies,, unicorns,...are linked with certain elements but my understanding is Dragons are associated with ALL the Elements.
I think I can see where this search is taking me and I'll see where it goes. I suppose it goes hand in hand with my love of being in the garden and planting and trying to see auras but first I have a big hurdle to get over and that is to Believe . I suppose the creativity of the mind is wonderful and if I was shown a group of sparkling angels somehow which took me by surprise then maybe hopefully I may get shown or even perceive myself some wonderful elemental.

( even if I'm completely off track with 'Multi Dimensional Dragon' it doesnt matter. Its a bit of fun and all the knowlege on any metaphysical subject is good to know.

Maybe the road leading off the roundabout that I wouldnt normally take is the subject on elementals that I have avoided .

18th February 2017, 05:02 PM
I cannt leave this out. This morning was like wearing those VR Headsets.
Only twice have I used those sets, both being the last two xmas days. I loved them. They were so scary but fun. Left me screaming like a child

This morning woke up at 5.30 am seeing an image of an ipad and a message pops up but from the bottom of the screen instead of the top. I then THINK the message "ANY THOUGHTS?".
So I sent out some clear thoughts that I would like a clearer understanding of the way forward.This business with the multi dimensional dragon. Surely I wouldnt benefit from focusing on dragons? Am I correct with elementals and elements?

Did a little energy work but once again decided I just wanted to go back to sleep.
Woke up to recall dream.
(Although this was recalled as a dream I was reliving it with the impact it had as if I was wearing the VR Headsetfor the later part of the dream.)

I'm in a room with a lot of older people. a screen is being set up in the front of the room for them to watch. I go to the back of the room where a nice lady comes over to me to tell me I have a lot of messages on my i phone. I comment on the amount and say they are probably all rubbish, but she is viewing my messages herself through a monitor and comments that there are some there that seem important. I may want to look at them. So she is looking through her monitor so I come over to view as well. Then I was just hurdled through the monitor as if I had entered it and found myself hurdling through space.

This was like a photograph I had been given to look at once and immediatly found myself in the photo taking part in the scene.

Now Im out in deep space in front of a planet. I can see it is slightly tilted as you can see a centre piece at the bottom like the bottom of an orange where the segments all meet.
I say to someone "that looks like earth", the reply comes that it is earth.
Next, infront of me is a giant metal claw like builders would use to dig out soil. It goes down to earth and I watch it dig a piece out and bring it back near me. Then a large arm and hand wearing an astronaut's suit with gloves takes the piece of soil and comes right infront of my vision and rubs the soil between its fingers as if showing me how it can be broken up, or what its made of.
Then I'm flying to the right and now we are surrounded by large chunks of solid pieces looking like chunks of ice. All different sizes. I remember thinking how awesome this was. The astraunaut's hand then takes a piece of ice from a block with its fingers and does exactly the same infront of me again.
At the time I seem to be working out the fact that earth and ice (water)were both elements .
That was all I can remember.

To observe closely? To study what its made up of? Maybe I would benefit from a better understanding of the elements.

Back to edit..... I now feel the importance to understand just what everything is made up of from space to earth... Everything which will involve from solid to liquid to gas to plasma involving atoms electrons etc etc.

26th February 2017, 09:49 AM
Think I missed an opportunity this morning, but what I saw first was lovely.
Once again Im feeling dissapointed when it gets realy quiet.I know I shouldn't but work makes me tired and when I wake through the night I just feel too lazy and go back to sleep but then dissapointed in myself when wake up.
Day time sessions arent long enough for me to try a trance state.

Between 6-7 am woke up . Recalled dream just to do with physical life. Even about what Ive just written about . Then I get on my back and just try to focus. I must start to fall asleep where I felt my eyes were open and I was looking to the right but I was conscious enough to know I was on my back and my physical eyes were closed.I knew then this was third eye viewing.
I was looking through a window and could see a woman sitting at a dressing table all dressed up in 1920 black and white Charleston evening dress with the head gear. She was looking sad and looking out the window in my direction. I loved the decor of the room. I got an image of sequences and Tiffany lamps but everything was black and white.
My viewing zooms away now outside and I can feel my body loosen and slowly raise up. Now to the left I see a faint outline of white puffy clouds but in the clouds very faintly are two white horses together flying upwards.
Then its over. DRAT!DRAT!
I feel sure this lady represented me being dissapointed at not going out ( on an excursion to remember)
The window she was looking out on represented the other realms.
The two horses I can only think represented the other part of me or my helper "Peter Pan" that I am.
Drowsy again when picked up " The Face of Facebook".
Could this be reminder that we have many friends on the other side? My facebook page is made up of nearly all family members.

8th March 2017, 04:07 PM
A beautiful scene flashing up this morning but did I imagine this? So quick to appear but gone in a flash.

A woman looking as if made from white cloud flying through the white sky on her stomach (horizontally)
holding a small white similar cloud like baby under her right arm.

This was just as I woke but before I recalled dream. Was a troubled dream I can relate to in physical.
It was a feel sorry for Susan day . Even if I wanted to eat meat now just the smell of it is nauseating now when preparing for HB.Then he has the wine. Even if I had a small glass now I know it would go straight to my head, but it was the salmon that did it. Im trying and succeeding but mentally Im in yet another battle .

So this lovely image was not part of the recalled dream that included known characters.

18th March 2017, 09:58 AM
Nature Spirits.
Ive found what I hoped for. Someone reputable who's work I admire and trust who talks of seeing nature spirits.
Without belief I may never experience,and good old Kurt has come up ♥♥♥♥♥s for me again.
Talking for the Theosophical Society on 'Eyes of the Soul' he talks of walking through a park in Boston and coming across a large old Beech Tree with large roots like waterfall and was in deep contemplation about this tree and the parts of it when he suddenly saw a

'Great green gold flame extending from the bottom of the tree to the top that had a feminine presence of a head at the very top. A tree spirit.'

Then he talks of 15 years later reading a book by Geoffrey Hodgson 'Kingdom of the Gods',in which he had illustrated exactly the same as he saw.
Been on Amazon but book is 1952 and not kindle and minimum price £50.00.
So its not a case of me just meditating and raising energy wishing for visions or getting out but paying attention to what is around me.To thoroughly take in the beauty around me .To see the true beauty of the flower, to know all about it and how it operates and as one reviewer wrote on the book ,'...have to truly emerse our minds in the beauty of nature, a flower, a tree, you may see the wonderful beings of who tend and nurture the kingdom of the Gods, which is nature or the garment of God.
( dont know who said this but beautifully phrased)
I may never see into these dimensions but now the belief is sound and I know I have been encouraged to study carefully, look deeply, think deeply ( investment in the evolution of consciousnes,when thinking of plants last year whilst sunbathing) and to see the world through rose tinted glasses.( seeing planet earth all pink and this came to mind at the time last year)

21st March 2017, 08:46 AM
Intuition helped analyse a dream.

I'm walking into a room and my son is there. ( I dont recognise the room but then Ive never been to his new place but I felt it was his home) I'm holding a cat under my arms and I want to feed it. As I put the cat down where there is a feeding bowl on the ground with food in I suddenly see a rat feeding from the same bowl. I dont want that. I just want my cat to be using the bowl but my son isn't happy with me and tells me he wants them to share the feed.
End of dream

The next morning I'm sitting in conservatory with wake up coffee thinking through the dream when suddenly I remembered the problem last year with a rat feeding from the bird feeder.
I looked across at the new place I had hung the food this year and there it was. A lovely big rat feeding from the seeds that had dropped on the ground from the tree it was hanging from.

It can be so easy to get tangled up in elaborate analysis .Meaning of rats in a dream etc but by looking out of the window just at the right time it was obvious.
Fact is by feeding the birds Im encouraging the rats (I live opposite a field)I dont want to be doing this but I must see rats as creatures just the same that need to search for food.

22nd March 2017, 08:57 AM
Woke up to singing this morning that was not connected to the dream.

" I do yoga everyday,
You live longer or so they say."

Not a chance! Yoga mat tightly rolled up in garage probably providing a much needed home for spiders.

Quick flash of clairvoyance other morning but once again so quick.
This was a bit confusing but it seemed to be a figure standing tall , high up into the sky reminding me of the Statue of Liberty but this was dark brown as if made of wood and the head was the head of a mother cradling a similar wooden baby. There was either a helicopter or a fly circling round the top of the figure.
I suppose I couldnt make up my mind what it was because I was getting Statue of Liberty and getting wood so it could be either.

3rd April 2017, 07:52 AM
Last week I caused myself unnecessary stress .
I think I was opening myself up too much taking on someone else's anxieties, getting the balance right is hard. Each day lack of parking at the train station caused me to be running around , anxious for the other person, trying to be one step ahead of any possible problems.
Exhausting is the best way to describe last week.
So Saturday morning recalling dream .....Im rushing to buy a ticket for the train. The other person is further up along the platform, but the train is coming and I haven't got my ticket yet. I call the other person so we can get on the train together. He walks towards me but completely ignores me and vomits yellow vomit all over his coat and just walks past me.
This is when I wake up.
Thinking this over I was just deciding that this was merely a replay of the kind of way the week had gone and that the other person was ill inside with the worry when I picked up ..

U. C. U.


the other person being sick that I had been helping represented me and how I had made myself ill.
I must remember the people in dreams represent me.

11th April 2017, 08:22 AM
I've had to think this morning, do I forget this one or log it for future reference ? Then I realised I would be kicking myself if it came true and hadn't logged that I had had prior warning so I'd better. After all it is a journal.

Prior to this my focus is currently on practicing seeing auras. Its true what they say , practice, practice and practice. Doesn't matter how many books you read or how much knowlege you have without the practice you dont aquire the skill.


So this morning I wake up from a dream thinking 'Their Coming'.
It was one of those OMG wake ups but not fear just a little excitement and apprehension.
I recall being with someone and I am being told there is nothing to be frightened of and as I look in the sky I see this massive space ship moving so so slowly. It is as wide and deep as it is long. But it turns and slowly comes in my direction and lowers. I feel the realisation that the time has come and Im going to meet them.
NextI'm standing on a train station platform like those inside an airport and a train pulls up and I can see outlines of people inside and Im told that the only difference is their face.
I wake up just before the doors open.

So just a dream but could it have meaning in it? I sent out a strong Need To Know request a few weeks ago.
Back to sleep and upon wakening picked up

' Enlightenment is Service'.

Well I've never seen a definition saying this but service to others is a great way to get helped from the other side. Often when Ive experienced something memorable it has been after Ive put effort in with my elderly people during my daily work so I suppose this could be my own definition.

22nd April 2017, 09:49 AM
My friendly Robin has left.
For at least 2 years now ive shared my garden with many birds but one in particular was the Robin that followed me around the garden. Never shy . A week ago it was so close that I stopped what I was doing and stared it out. Waiting to see who would move first. I lost it was taking too long. Every morning I could guarantee I would see it. The longest it would take would be 30 seconds of waiting and there it would be.

A week ago to my surprise I peered into a bird box that had been hung in a tree a year ago and had stayed empty, and there it was. The most beautiful sight of two big eyes and the Robins head just looking at me.
It was nesting in the box. A few days later I went back . I was worried i had frightened it away but it was in again just looking at me peering up at it.

So this morning Im sitting with wake up coffee in conservatory looking for Robin. No sign. Unusual.
Then I see a big Magpie hop along the grass, goes under the tree and theres' the robin's box lying on the ground. Top broken off . It takes something out of box by its mouth and flys away.
Ive just been outside and two dead chicks on the ground.
I have to just leave them. What can you do with two dead chicks?

This is Nature. I suppose the magpie has to look for food just as the rat has to look for food.
A rook has just entered the tree high up where pigeons lay eggs every year. Just recently They've been going in with branches.
Danger ahead.

Ive just watched a blue tit tear at my moss from the hanging basket( doesnt matter its from last year)and fly over to another waiting for it and they have flown off together.
I wish them luck because whether animal or man there are dangers out there.

30th April 2017, 02:24 PM
Currently on holiday. Too many people here to keep clean good thoughts. All shapes and sizes, some with bad language. Ive tried to not form opinions but it's hard work. People are a distraction but necessary.I can not learn to turn negative to positive without the examples to work on.

Dream last night was to do with my wishes for retirement next year but what I want to note is that I was lead into a large empty room like a warehouse by someone. A man and woman were talking and the woman started to tell me about their plans and I was aware of the husbands wishes which were the woman's also but she spoke of her concerns also.
I was understanding it all and encouraging them to just do it. I was getting excited and saying yes just do it.
So my point to note here is that

1) this all took place in a large empty warehouse like room which over a few years I've been in before.

2) This was my dream and the characters represented me and my husband but I was a separate being listening and giving advice. So I was not only observing my own dream but I was advising the person who represented me.
I've played the observer role in the dream For a while now, but I cannt remember being the observer taking part and giving advice before.
Interesting to note.

30th April 2017, 04:19 PM

All practice not preceded by prayer and without prayerful closure...leads one wide-open toward invasive energies. All senses are doorways/windows wherein the terms entry/exit if not guarded...might as well be wide open gates left un-Agape.

Isolation is oft our Re-Covery, however...Isolationism is our enemy, fore/for from hence we per-adventuring out are inside out...errrrr...outside in...if not our prayerful walk Us'd~>One Spirit EnSouled Body - Agape.


Yay...though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death...I will fear no evil. ...my Cup runneth over....

One has to under-stand to wherefrom filled that Cup IS to the uttermost dregs. Humility Walking Thru~> http://youtu.be/JigFDCd8b9k John 15:13

The strength we yearn for is the strength already present with us awaiting our step/s with-in/up-on....

...not to faint away for-reign of fear, but rather...too listen to the re-verb of our own inward suffering within the feel of others 'round about...Us...

Peace In nn Peace Out nn Peace In nn......

The Day IS
At Hand...

If DA VINCI was a Girl http://youtu.be/2_C1jhZHTgU


Generally written....

We attract What we are (et)and All Be crying out Athirst fore/for the waters of life.

Pride goeth before a fall...

One cannot decry, Come down O'Lord; when it is they themself that needs be in the coming down. The falling fallen fallout ... HuMan, fore/for ...The Lord Is One... fore/for ever (et)and anon...walks among the lilies.

You walk amongst...??????

The only "thing" in our human world that is "ex-pert" is egos claiming "holier than thou" -or- "better than they are" -or- "all are as unevolved monkeys", and of these "things" dis-claiming to their very own inclusive humaness such that our humanity does not dwell within rightful peace...the Lord knoweth not these self-chosen "things", fore/for they alone have of themselves chosen having no place amongst the peoples. They without humility that want the drink but naught the dregs.

8th May 2017, 09:43 PM
One Giant Eye?

Flying in blackness with someone to my right.I can see someone else further in front of me then suddenly I'm where this person was. Then in the distance ONE GIANT EYE BALL comes curving its way towards me trailing a long floating cord behind it which seems to extend far out of sight and stops in front of me.
There was no eyelid or skin under the eye. Just an eyeball.
I can see the pupil of the eye and it's like a chequered pattern like mesh. I feel it's scanning me and now I can sense everything it's picking up about how I'm feeling about myself. I'm understanding from this eye what it has picked up and knows .
That I do'nt like myself just now. That I feel I'm failing in my thoughts.````trying so hard not to judge these people but its hard.
I knew this eye wasn't judging me just scanning me and making available it's information about me- to me.

The fact that this was in deep black space environment makes me feel this is similar to the spaceman and the planet earth and the blocks of ice .There were no stars as seen before so I suppose I should stop calling it space but just a black environment. During the planet earth one I came to the conclusion that this was to direct me . Replying to my request.
Was this a similar set up?
Although I could understand what it was emitting it was all about me.All my feelings and thoughts available to know.Knowing everything.Nothing hidden.
This doesnt fit the eye of Horus or other eye symbols to their exact descriptions but I wonder if this
could have anything to do with the mental plane?

Tim, thanks for your input and I'm going to get back to reply as Ive more thoughts to add .
Just back from holiday. Will add tomorrow.

9th May 2017, 08:07 PM
Time now to log why I failed in controlling my thoughts.


Yes I did leave myself totally open to all types of energies and still I cannt get back to a peaceful accepting way of thinking.Also I tried not to have a 'Holier than Thou' attitude inwardly but it was hard.

Holiday to Dominican Republic... All inclusive...

I have NEVER been so ASHAMED of my fellow British holiday makers.

Language was disgusting, for all to hear including children in earshot.
One pool with the swim up bar filled with younger crowd ( not only British) The F word was used for everyone to hear just as an ordinary adjective. E.g.) ...it was F....g great. F this F that but what I noticed was that not at any time was it used in anger. Just as a sentence filler.
This was confirmed on last day talking to a lovely Canadian couple who delighted in using this popular word. If I could just close my ears to the word we had a lovely conversation. I realised that I haven't conformed to the new vocabulary used nowadays and still belong to the old fashioned way of thinking that you only use this word in anger and to insult.

Fu..- Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Fu..
Fu..is an obscene English-language word, which refers to the act of sexual intercourse and is also commonly used as an intensifier or to denote disdain. Its origin is obscure but is usually considered to be first attested to ...

Seems Wikopedia also needs to modernise its way of thinking. Maybe the Queen may use it next christmas in her xmas speech.

2) Watching people drink far too much and behave badly
.... a woman soils herself midnight in ladies toilets with drink and reception have to ring her room to ask husband to bring some clothes downstairs.( she gave wrong room number which is why I know)
....A couple so drunk happily become friends with larger family. Eventually, they fall out because of something said.
...This same couple fall out and stop speaking for 2 days. However it was lovely to see them sober eventually when you could see that they had both hurt each other very much with their words and they eventually got closer. This was nice.

.... A father shouts at one of his sons infront of everyone...." Shut up..No..I dont want to hear it again, just Shut up".
This young boy was so embarrassed as everyone around could hear.

...... An adult mother shouts " You Bastard" to her father only because she asked if he had been for lunch and he answered YES.

..... A woman causes disruption on the flight. Either brain damage or drink. Husband embarrassed but probably used to this as apparantly she had been like this on the outward flight also. This time she was behind me and threw a pepper pot at my husband and a booklet at me. I just turned round and gave her her booklet back and suggested she was a little quieter by giving her a shush signal with my forefinger to the lips.
So Tim, on this holiday I saw this as a challenge but I would have rather not been put in this position because I will never want to accept this behaviour.

Oh Oh. Oh.
I just love it. Its happened again.
Just after finishing the post on this i pad I had written that I was pleased at how I handled the last one but then decided to delete this bit because it was self praise.
Then the ipad started up with Elvis singing " How Great Thou Art". Love it. Gave up on co-incidences a few posts back.

Just to add as reminder that no music was playing at the time.switched itself on .

11th May 2017, 03:20 PM
Take this moment to prayerfully relieve yourself of this "my thoughts", understanding that your interior reactivity is as a maintained in-coming attack from outside your true nature. Not by an enemy per se, but echoes (ministers) begging for your self-responsive mercy upon your-self. Mercy begins at home and home is where your true heart is...with You. Sounds as if you held your peace while oot and aboot, is fair enough...don't you reckon! Detach from "my thoughts" letting the echoing moths dissapate from your watchful street lamp...now in the light of your new day. Rest in having seen your weakness as it were, knowing that grace held you holding your peace even as your peace had become most unrecognizable for a time. Peace like a tightly wound rubberband...relax, you didn't snap.

Rubberband Toy http://youtu.be/9xhEXDrMMLg

Sometimes we gotta be pulled backwards to move forward. A minor fall...A major lift

Celebrate the capacity of your inward peace to have held itself tight and NOW...FREE-INGLY MOVE ON!!

True ain't true unless it's Tried.

11th May 2017, 09:08 PM
Good words and good advice but first before I turn the corner I need to log this.
That there has been a lot of non human death around me adding to the past holiday.

First.....day before holiday.... the Robin''s chicks...killed by the magpie I think.

Secondly.....One of my loved orchid plants Ive had for 8 years had to be binned. By focusing on the petals attentively as an exercise I noticed it had white bugs on the back. Looked it up and hard to get rid of...could spread to others. Was in full flower.

Third......Killed a rabbit on the motorway on the way to the airport. Was awfull not being able to stop and hearing this heavy thud as it hit.

Fourth.......Back from holiday and two more long serving orchids with bug had to be thrown away.

Fifth....my small cuttings of lavender and carnations are dead. My neighbour looked after my greenhouse but he failed to look after the most fragile delicate cuttings. I've mentioned before I get more pleasure from the smallest of new leaf growth than any well established plant.

Sixth......Fig plant lost third of leaves.... not enough water.

Seventh.....house fern scorched leave 3/4 removed.

But this last one is the tops.
Speaking to a lady vicar today and she tells me of her husband ( also a vicar) KILLING a Magpie because its a NUISANCE.
WHAT VALUE IS PUT ON LIFE? Do we kill creatures because they are inconvenient to have around? Even if they do kill themselves for food do we have right to take that life.
A VICAR!!!!didnt have the cheek to preach to a vicar.

Okay thats my rant done.
Everything must get back to normal. Got it all of my chest.
Finished with, gone,

15th May 2017, 05:49 PM
Clairaudience this morning.
Interrupted whilst trying to recall a dream with difficulty when suddenly

" There is very good evidence to Silence the mind".
I then visualise picking up a disinfectant bottle and looking at the label (instruction label?) then hear.
"... because frequencies have changed".

A week ago,
" Theology is here"
I know why this was picked up. Had visited a Catholic Church on holiday and just loved the feeling of peace and tranquility and safety whilst walking around.I was drawn immediatly to a large painting taking up the height of the wall of Jesus surrounded by a glowing aura and 3 cherubs above him addressing shepherds with their lamb.Beautiful and I found myself loving all the paintings. Have this now as my wallpaper on I pad and phone.
I would be dizzy if I tried to keep up with topics. I think this was just an acknowledgement of my interest.

20th May 2017, 08:53 PM
A walk in the garden was all I needed to switch off from everything else.
The frustration from the holiday, exhaustion from overwork then the problems here just had me on a downer.
So tonight after all that heavy rain I went outside, fed the birds,( I can hear them now) watered the plants in greenhouse, took notice of everything planted and took some deep breaths of the cold, damp earthy air and it was beautiful. absolutely beautiful. So still and quiet except the birds.
I cannt help but feel this earth would be beautiful without man

20th May 2017, 09:18 PM
Sounds absolutely refreshing. :)

21st May 2017, 01:27 AM
A walk in the garden was all I needed to switch off from everything else.
The frustration from the holiday, exhaustion from overwork then the problems here just had me on a downer.
So tonight after all that heavy rain I went outside, fed the birds,( I can hear them now) watered the plants in greenhouse, took notice of everything planted and took some deep breaths of the cold, damp earthy air and it was beautiful. absolutely beautiful. So still and quiet except the birds.
I cannt help but feel this earth would be beautiful without man

I am sending you Susan love and caring too, I am so sorry you did feel bad I felt it very clearly...you are such a Lovely and Beautiful soul...do not let these thigs get you...you are bigger than that. Blessings and love.


26th May 2017, 10:59 AM
Woke up twice through the night both times realy happy.
The first time I was laughing and could feel my throat as if I was still laughing. Dream recall was connected to a question I had asked.

(There has been a couple of dreams I haven't recorded this week that have both had the same character giving me advice and talking to me. He has a male presence and was advising in a riddle type of way. I,m realy liking this person and feeling lovely energy from him and holding a deep respect for him. Nothing sexual at all. Just a high respect and liking very much with a very very gentle manner.)

2nd dream.
Last night this person had been showing me some exercises which seems to suggest Binaurals, gentle bouncing ( NEWS) then rushes off ( very common theme) saying,' Meet me at the Houses Of Parliament on Sunday, 11am.' In the dream Im realy excited and happy thinking it was great, Ive got the job, but I,ll travel overnight so I,m not late.
Next I wake up feeling the happiness.

Ive learnt that time and day probably mean nothing. Only twice it has been spot on when given these but since then Ive been dissapointed.
So House of Parliament-- I suppose to me represents the main point where laws are made and discussed. Those that make them meet there.
I had been wanting to meet who was helping me but more importantly to meet the extra terrestrials from a while back.
The fact that a meeting with this person was suggested but I was to make the journey there could be suggesting I have to learn to get there myself. I dont know I'll leave it open but going to increase energy raising with Bank Holiday coming up. Must get back on track!!!
I've learnt to always take note of dream characters that are there just at the point of wakening and say something relevant and appear to rush off immediatly after.Sometimes they will shift change to get my attention, to take notice.

27th May 2017, 07:31 AM
This was written 7 years ago on this site by Aunt Claire and I posted it in journal 2 years ago to motivate me as I was wondering if all this was worth the effort.

I'm bringing it forward again for motivation because its too good a piece to get lost.

She writes,
Once a human enters a metaphysical path to have a " whatever happens, happens, come ci come ca" does not make sense. It is like giving up or " sour grapes".
It is the purpose of life and why would one that is aware ignore this?
To grow physically requires no thought or effort but to grow magically, metaphysically and spiritually requires much effort.
It will not occur without discipline and dedication.
........do not accept complacency and give up.....
.....none of us are nothing. None of us are without a legacy of spirituality. If you reach into your soul and connect with your Monad, you will find that you had unlimited potential.
The spiritual evolution that has been affected by Kundalini has caused humanity to slowly raise its consciousness to fly universally, to hear and see the eternal teaching spirits.to think globally and to feel with greater compassion.
One can contemplate, but without Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Projection, the magician can not access the divine curriculum and attain Union
Aunt Claire writes some seriously good stuff and this has been just what I needed to read.

Best piece of motivational writing I've read .

30th May 2017, 05:50 PM
I think I've found the answer to my Church Windows Experience floating in space.In fact I've found some good advice here that can help me understand a few experiences I've posted that left me wondering.

The Church Windows,
The very formal sounding announcements. The timing of them.
Men in `black.
Having a tube of some kind placed up the nose.
Why I seemed to be encouraged to read the Bible.

Taken from. http://astral-institute.com/mysticism-and-the-paranormal/

..... As you travel mystically towards the Galactic Heavens you will find that you must go through a corridor which has stained glass windows of Christ and all of His apostles floating in the ethereal winds on each side. Why would this be? Because other worlds know Christ as Messiah just as we do. He has incarnated into many worlds for the same function.

My Experience.
Page 56. 30/08/16. http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?15754-Nursing-babies/page56

Now I'm travelling forwards very fast still with loud noise. Everything black. Ahead in the distance I could see something. A few things then quickly they are in font of me.
These were like many different shaped Windows with coloured glass with different figures engraved in each. These were just like Windows you would find in old churches. They were rotating round and round.
Couldn't get long enough to stare at any one in particular to see who was depicted when suddenly they re to the right if me then behind.Gone.
Now sense of moving forwards in black again but it clears and gets brighter..........

.........coloured church Windows engraved with people, ? Religious figures.? Rotating suggesting energy movement.( I wonder if anyone else has come across these?)

30/05/17 mystery solved!

17th June 2017, 08:19 AM
This morning I wake up from a humorous dream about someone being fast asleep.I was replaying this over in the mind and saw the funny side to it when just in that liminal stage I saw a card with a picture of Jesus on it. Then it turns over and I see 1 finger and as that turns to face me it has black on the fingerprint area.

Well recently I haven't been too well, fatigue and virus but still needing to work so too tired for anything other than monitoring my thoughts through the day with people.
Everything has been quiet and once again I feel dissapointed to be so dis-connected.( or so I was thinking) But last night had me try to plan aid for a big financial commitment for a member of family.
I was also writing up for other journal about looking deeper within ourselves and discovering who we truly are and what I feel I've been guided towards needing to do for this.
Maybe this was the combination of the two. Wanting to help and wanting to know.
I suppose a finger print proves identity, .....we are told that we are all one,...shared universal consciousness......I may change this as time goes on BUT the fact that this was a card??? You play cards. You play ! Am I reading too much into this now and maybe should just stop, but, Am I just playing at trying to do all of this ? Is this all just a game? I feel I've spoilt this post now but I'm going to keep it as it is because those are my thoughts at the moment.

Taken from dreammoods website.

To see Christ in your dream represents perfection of the self and spiritual truth. You need to achieve self-fulfillment through love. This symbol has many personal associations for you, depending on your belief.

To dream that you are being fingerprinted,..........Alternatively, the dream represents your identity and individualism.

17th June 2017, 09:51 AM
This morning I wake up from a humorous dream about someone being fast asleep.I was replaying this over in the mind and saw the funny side to it when just in that liminal stage I saw a card with a picture of Jesus on it. Then it turns over and I see 1 finger and as that turns to face me it has black on the fingerprint area.

Well recently I haven't been too well, fatigue and virus but still needing to work so too tired for anything other than monitoring my thoughts through the day with people.
Everything has been quiet and once again I feel dissapointed to be so dis-connected.( or so I was thinking) But last night had me try to plan aid for a big financial commitment for a member of family.
I was also writing up for other journal about looking deeper within ourselves and discovering who we truly are and what I feel I've been guided towards needing to do for this.
Maybe this was the combination of the two. Wanting to help and wanting to know.
I suppose a finger print proves identity, .....we are told that we are all one,...shared universal consciousness......I may change this as time goes on BUT the fact that this was a card??? You play cards. You play ! Am I reading too much into this now and maybe should just stop, but, Am I just playing at trying to do all of this ? Is this all just a game? I feel I've spoilt this post now but I'm going to keep it as it is because those are my thoughts at the moment.

Hi Susan,
Our sociaty is a game and we have to play along to be a part of it....I think that it is crusial to see it clearly ..as you have started to do.


22nd June 2017, 11:08 AM
This morning saw a lovely image again in liminal stage. It stayed for a few seconds then just faded.
No connection to dream.

A black and white landscape picture of the sea and sky looking from the beach with someone in the water but only the head showing floating on the surface of the water. It was wearing once again a tall headpiece reminding me of the ancient egyptians headgear and just one thin snake coming from the top of the headrest hanging down.

Once again one of those images that is so thought provoking and would make a lovely picture if only I could draw. This falls into the collection I started a while back.
Will bring forward so it doesnt get lost and add to it.


1) Jesus with the wings and white line vertical above head...

2) A circle made of a woman (doing the crab)connecting to the man making up the circle.....

3)Black and white image of Sea and sky with head of man and woman in the centre both looking in opposite directions with the backs of their heads touching.

4) coloured image of side profile of a female head wearing Egyptian style tall headgear with fine energy coloured circles circling the whole of the head.

5) Black and white image of sea and sky with a head above water wearing Egyptian headgear with a snake coming out of the top and hanging down.

29th June 2017, 12:13 PM
This morning a short 3-4 second dream scene recalled where I'm watching a glider flying high in the sky with 5-6 women all dressed the same standing on top of the plane. Suddenly they all jump off and at first I,m frightened they will be killed but all of them land safely one by one landing at the entrance to a cave and all disappear inside.
I've got the feeling that whatever I'm up to in my sleep I'm not to try for a conscious projection. I've had scenes suddenly pop up just when I think of raising energy for a projection. One was suddenly seeing a security guard patrolling outside with me peeking from in a warehouse.
I've had three different all suggesting the same.I dont know if maybe there is some fear involved.

Taking a leap of faith into the unknown ......comes to mind now.

10th July 2017, 08:33 AM
Dream this morning.
I'm holding a young boy's hand and I think I've just adopted him. We are walking towards a counter with a lot of people sitting around watching me . They seem to know this boy is in my care. I say to him " I suppose you are too old for me to hold your hand", and assure him I won't embarras him. As I look at him I seem to be noticing for the first time he has very bad eyesight.One eye seems closed and shrivelled up.
He runs off excited towards a big man over by the window who has his back to us, and asks his daddy if he is coming too. A woman tells me that he was going to meet his father tomorrow BUT!...
It was on this BUT that I suddenly woke up with a start, a jolt.

This could once again just be wishful thinking on my part as I had been thinking recently of dad and wondered how he was progressing. Also had been thinking of the energy exchange a couple of years back from the pink elephant written in journal.
If I was to take anything from this its the way I was focusing on his bad eye. He could only see with one eye.
Kurt Leland confirms within his experiences of anomalies thrown into dreams for us to notice and ponder over. This has been so true.
This is two nights in a row a suggestion within a sort dream upon wakening concerning seeing with one eye. May increase my brow centre exercises.

Yoga is back!
Yoga mat down for a while now but no activity on it.
Yesterday things had gone wrong. Problems finding travel insurance for holiday gone wrong and hair colour gone wrong so feeling I had wasted hours and got no where. What could I do to feel I've moved forwards instead of backwards today, so mat brought downstairs into kitchen.

BKS IYENGAR, Yoga Wisdom And Practice book brought out.

4 poses attempted with difficulty . Janu Sirsasana .Head to knee pose.
Gave up after one 20 second of each pose.. enough.
Thing is , after I rolled the mat up I felt Great . I had started and every muscle in my back and legs had been stretched and woken up, I could feel them.
Very very rusty but must continue. I'd forgotten how great yoga can make you feel .

3rd August 2017, 09:36 PM
3.08 am,
Woke up suddenly to hear, THE FLEECE OF HEAVEN.
Back to sleep, liminal stage picked up . BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT. VISUAL EXPANSION.
Recorded on I phone which was near so I didnt have to try to remember then back to sleep but I had a feeling this first one was an acknowledgement of my question I sent out before sleep.

Once again feeling so dis- connected. Stupid I know , been there so many times and I'm happy enough in physical life but I still feel this big dissapointment in the mornings when I wake up with nothing.
Last night I put my thoughts together clearly and tried to work out just why I feel like this. Even thinking that it just wasnt fair to be so audibly active for periods then nothing. This was like being ABANDONED AND IGNORED. Stupid, stupid I know but I think to be honest I was testing the waters here to see if I could instigate a response. ( Ive come to the conclusion a while back that I receive when I need it not when I want it). Even if most of the time this is my consciousness it has a vocabulary and knowlege that is superior to me Susan, and communicates with me as if I am a seperate person but hints that we are the same.
So with these thoughts being sorted out and made clear I finished with the question, " Just what is it I'msearching for? Experiences? What then?

So... " The Fleece of Heaven"
My first analysis to this was the fleece my husband wears is so warm and cozy was this about me wanting to experience again the most wonderful dream where the sky was filled with white bird feathers and where there was a hole in the sky more feathers came and filled the gap and I just knew this was a secure safe loving place to be where no one can get harmed. Was this me searching for this again?

Recorded on 29/01/14 page 21.
........into what is like a cloakroom where you would collect your coat. ( this was the same area that started my Harry Potter type dream months ago, but this time I'm leaving through the door where as before I walked through it to a corridor) I recognised it in my dream.
Someone behind the desk talks about "no contamination allowed beyond this point."
Now I'm sitting in an aircraft with someone opposite me. I'm looking out of the window and the whole sky is covered in what looks like a net made of white feathers. In the dream I'm thinking they are Angel Feathers ( even though in physical I do not have the belief of feathered ,winged angels)
There is a hole in the covering and as I watch I see a similar feather fly up and fill up the hole.
In the dream I just knew that this completed the blanket of protection.
Someone was saying good bye. I picked up
"I leave you with wishes of happiness and caution."

Maybe and maybe there is a double meaning.
I googled " The Fleece Of Heaven".
Came up with,


In this piece an example is given of a practice within the farming community where, when a ewe gives birth to twins it sometimes rejects the second twin. However sometimes a ewe will have a still born so the blood is taken from the dead lamb and it is skinned and the fleece is tied to the rejected lamb and blood from the dead lamb is smothered on the head of the rejected twin . Hopefully the mother of the still born will smell its own smell and mistakenly think it is its own and will accept it as its own to look after.
He writes that each of us born into this world is that ABANDONED twin.He writes that what the FATHER wants is for us to see Ourselves in Christ.Apparantly Paul used that expression over 80 times.

...so because Jesus has been featured here a few times in the last year and I've received a Parable before in a humorous way I feel the need to take this on board and translate in a less biblical way and come to my own meaning.

'Christ Consciousness, 'Christ energy', 'Higher Self', 'more loving refined realms,'( heavens)
I was feeling ABANDONED.
We all should recognise that within us is the ability to connect to these energies. They are within us.Just as he says to see ourselves in Christ we must see Christ, ( the Christ energy, or the more advanced evolved , perfected us, )) within all of us.
This search can only be done through us by us.( was told once when thinking of this that I was also the midwife)
Is this just confirming my journey, what I'm searching for?
Recorded a few days ago the face of Jesus then a finger turns to show black over the finger print.

BIOLOGY DEPT , VISUAL EXPANSION..will write up another time.

27th August 2017, 05:48 PM
A few things to catch up on.
Picked this up a few days after the event just at the point of wakening.

"Biology Department. Visual Expansion".

I think I have to class this one as an optical illusion but still interesting for me to log because of the magnification and sparkling affect.

Had been on holiday in a lovely warm enviroment and sitting very relaxed on the balcony. My HB was washing the large balcony floor with a bucket of soapy water, brush and a hose.
As he was talking to me I was listening to him but just gazing at the flow of the water with the soapy suds on top. I followed the direction it was moving in to the corner where it would run off the balcony down a drain pipe. I think he found doing this therapeutic just as I did watching the suds and water but we both carried on conversation.
Suddenly I realised the water was flowing backwards but this wasnt possible so I blinked to re adjust my vision and it corrected to going forwards, but as I watched it started going backwards again.
This was amusing and was thinking at the time that this was one of those things that when i look it up there will be a name for this, some kind of trick of the brain.
Playing with this I kind of de-focused like when practicing seeing auras
I now realise I'm looking under the suds and can see the thickness of the water which is sparkling.I could see this thick band of sparkling water moving over a very still tiled floor.This was so clean and sparkling.
Blinked and that was it. Gone. Back to seeing the water as it should have been, soapy and full of sandy bits.

I've often found that experiences that I have are relevant to what is happening at the time or what I'm reading. Very often when starting out with Astral Dynamics when this all kicked off I would experience something and wonder how this could be , it wasnt possible, but days later as I worked my way through the pages --there it was -- in black and white , an explanation confirming my experience.
As if my sub conscious or what/who ever was helping me at the time knew that I would be reading this so I would have the experience first . This prevented me thinking that I imagined this because I had read about it.

So when the water thing happened I had started reading 'The Ten Minute Moment' By Jurgen Ziewe.
A week long adventure in consciousness where he takes himself into a log cabin in the heart of Scotland and spends the week as a recluse living amongst nature and meditating on his surroundings day and night.
This idea of focusing on objects and realy thinking them through is similar to Kurt Leland's experiences with the Dragon Fly skimming the water when he suddenly experienced being the dragon fly. Or when he was focused intently on a large tree and thinking a lot about this when he suddenly saw a green tree spirit emerge from the top of the tree.( he later read of an author who wrote of seeing the same well before he experienced the vision)

2 days after the water experience on the balcony I had got near the end of the book and came to the conclusion that observation and contemplation is a must for me to start doing.
For the past 2 years or so there have been so many hints at LOOKING, OBSERVING. I know that learning is important to me but the practical side has to be just as important.

When I was staring at myself in the mirror practicing seeing auras and realy wondered just who I was and this wave of love filled my whole body.

When I was looking at the viens running through the petal to the orchid and when questioning myself as to why was I doing this I was told this was to create a beautiful mind.

Being shown earth taken from the planet and ice from a lump floating in space by a spaceman and having it crumbled infront of me whilst floating out in deep space.

Clairvoyantly seeing people all looking to the ground and the sky with cameras in their hands.They were even taking pictures of puddles. I wondered why at the time.

05/2016. Page 53
I'm entering a big school hall and its full of people sitting down. The headmistress is on stage and another woman goes up on stage. They both look in my direction and come off the stage and come right up to me right at the back.
She's holding a big plant leaf. I see little specks in a group in the middle of the leaf. She tells me to look at it and holds it right in front of my eyes. " look! It's alive. It's living!"

It's not just seeing the beauty in everything but I think SEEING everything.Getting inside everything. Feeling it, understanding it and maybe for a short while Being it.( Thats interesting.I didn't hit the capital letter button for the word being.A nice emphasis there, unintentional.)

My experience I still think was just an optical illusion which I've read is a known physical reaction but it doesnt explain how I saw the water crystal clear and sparkling but it doesnt matter, it still helped me put things together.

Some pieces taken from 'The Ten Minute Moment" that I read after the event that helped me put my thoughts together.

......As I stared at the grass it was the same. The essential aspect of the grass was the light, and the physical blades were just an outcrop of light....

.....The grass vibrated in light. Around the edges of the patch of grass the light rose into the air as if forming a crown...

....it showed me that the world was made up of light.....

11th September 2017, 08:32 AM
"Step By Step As We Merge Through The Wave Of Selfless Sea"

Just got to the liminal stage last night when I picked this thought up.This was prior to sleep. Want to keep it here to remind me . I love it. It conjours up a lovely image.
Had been reading a piece on expansion of consciousness on someone's website and the piece I was reading was an article taken from a book.
This had me think deeply about my consciousness and everything thats written and also what I've picked up.
I've been back to the piece and those words aren't written anywhere so for now I'll claim them as my own. :)

7th October 2017, 05:12 PM
"I Want To Tell You The Cameras Are On You Today"

Picked this up at the point of wakening up 2 weeks ago.

So camera
From previous experiences this could only mean that I was going to say something today that I shouldn't, or do something that I shouldn't, or they want me to do something.

On the other hand it may have just been a warning to look out for speed camera as I've been warned before about them and once when I didnt get the riddle I got caught and fined.

So with this in mind I watched the roads for cameras, blocked out all unnecessary chatter from the mind and carried on my working day .All my contacts at work had been great with plenty of laughter then at 2.35 pm it happened.

Entered a lady's flat for the first time. She was elderly approx mid seventies. Very nice grandmother feel to her. Got chatting as I carried out my work and at that time I hadn't noticed a large bible on her coffee table.
She started talking about Thailand where her son lives so because I've been there 4 times and adore the place and the culture the conversation was going great. I commented that there are so many young lads going around in their orange long robes but that I had been surprised to be told by a local that they do not necessarily commit for life and some just enter this for a short while for the experience and this brings honour to the family.
I finished with, it doesnt matter what religion you follow as they all have the same message being taught.
"OH YES IT DOES" she says. I was a bit surprised at the authorative tone she used and then saw the Bible, so not wanting to take this any further I had to say something .
" Ah, do you belong to a specific faith?

( note)
I have to make it quite clear at this stage to anyone reading this that I regularly have them knocking on my door as well as Mormons and we have lovely chats on the door step for 5-10 mins each time. Each time I make it quite clear that I dont want to follow any one religion but I greatly respect what they are doing but that I am in full control of my own destiny. I have only met lovely lovely soft gentle people.

I gave her a few moments to say what she wanted to and started to pack my things up as I had finished.
Then she blurted out..."OH NO YOUR NOT A SPIRITUALIST ARE YOU?

"Well er... yes I suppose....well no, I dont realy label myself anything"

It was then that she sat up almost with horror or shock and I felt myself jump back at the same time.I dont know if it was her sudden movement that did it but without thinking I just visualised my whole body surrounded by a heavy white wall as if blocking her thoughts or words from me.

Well she made it quite clear that she knew a few and she held no regard for them so I had to say something other than just goodbye.

I told her that I have seen the most beautiful visions clairvoyantly (didn't dare tell her about all the other stuff)
I just wanted her to open her mind to the fact that people outside her faith can be on the right path also.


That word Satan caused another reaction inside me. I felt this white wall dissolve away and all my muscles completely relax and a lovely peaceful calm feeling came over me. I felt such warmth towards this lady and also pity. I saw her again as I had when I entered her room as a mid seventyish grandmother, but now I just felt sorry for her.
I suggested respectfully that we should both respectfully agree to dis-agree on this topic.
I knew that it was the talk of Satan that dissolved that protective wall and that no one on this planet Earth will convince me that the beautiful communication and visions comes from Satan.
( Well not so far).

19th October 2017, 09:19 AM
Quick projection this morning but only I think RTZ.
I cannt work out any benefit from this experience but still pleased to be aware and out. Feels a bit like going back to basics.
Woke up 7.30, too early to get up so drifted into a light sleep. Woke up and realised I had been dreaming of gently rocking from side to side. Drifted back to completely relaxed stage when was aware I was rocking again so I decided to rock the other direction. This was easy from head sinking into pillow then curving along the body till feet sink into mattress. As I put more effort into this my head was lifting off the pillow( NOT physical head!)
Realised I had a good chance here to get out so more effort put in then pushed whole etheric body out and up as high as I could.
Up to this stage there had been no sound, nor vision.
Now as I'm feeling the sensation of moving, flying, I can hear a current news reporter's voice from the tv . I couldnt make out what he was saying but recognised his voice but I knew anyway this wasnt important. Just to ignore. All I could see infront of me were 2 very small spinning discs within the brow area. They were I think made up of more than one colour but they were spinning so fast it was hard to tell but I'm sure, not just one colour.
Had no other vision, something faintly was coming through but couldnt make it out. Just deciding this was a waste of time then back to body but this was lovely because instead of a rush or heavy thud I've had sometimes in the past this was just like dissolving into thousands of pieces and floating gently back into body like sieving flour through a sieve.
That was it , over. Not sure what to take from this but still pleased. Might try the rocking action again.
A psychiatrist would have a field day with me. How they must laugh at our stories.

20th November 2017, 09:03 AM
Physical life is taking over at the moment .
So much planning that I'm feeling guilty at not doing my exercises. However you cannt stop dreaming every night so this is all I've had to go on.
It makes sense that much will be acted out from the subconscious mind and my dream recalled this morning was very memorable and had me a little frightened.


I'm looking out of the window and suddenly see a dark figure of a girl standing in the garden. She looked ghostly and was just standing looking. This frightened me and was convinced she was a deceased person. I crouched below the window , frightened, and called my husband over. He looks out at her and just recognises her as being someone he knows and goes out to her.
The dream scene has just ended but then along comes a face of a young man with a tanned face wearing a cap. I recognised him as ANT from the TV.


Ant is currently in Australia ( DOWN UNDER)? (SUB-CONSCIOUS)?or( LOWER REALMS)?

The program 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here', has contestants facing challenges that are fearsome.

Yesterday I had tried a little open eyed focus on a yellow leaf , then some flowers. The aura colours off them were beautiful to see and corresponded to the colour of the flower or green stems. I then tried to just focus in the air outside and this got me thinking about what I would be letting myself in for if I became proficient enough to realy SEE.Would I be letting myself in for some unwanted surprises.
But I want to develop ALL the senses and I'm willing to take the risk because the water on the balcony, the auras of the flowers, I know I've been directed and encouraged to develop this but it seems my sub conscious is acting out and showing me this fear .
I must be positive about this and over ride any anxieties. ( just as the contestants do in the jungle)

26th November 2017, 12:37 PM
A nice reminder


7th December 2017, 09:55 PM
I was told that the benefit of meditating on a particular object is,

"To Experience The Inner, From Rock To Heaven".

I suppose yes, we are here for experiences to learn and grow.

Also during a meditation session having difficulty I picked up that my problem was

" To Get Past The Psychotic Sub Level And Thoughts."

Liminal stage saw quickly a family picture in its frame when a finger appears over the middle of picture and a finger print starts to expand from under the finger until it expands and covers the whole of the picture.

This is second time a finger print has been used. Previously Jesus on a card then a finger appears and turns to show black on it that would form a finger print.

I think maybe this is once again suggesting that we are all one. All Of the same, all From the same.

This AM just wakening up and I am watching someone looking out of a plane window that is just coming in to land but the land seen from the window is barren uneven volcanic soil giving the appearance of another planet, Not Earth.
Recalled dream and it had nothing at all to do with this.

Have had plane window scenes before over the years.

One was looking out to an ancient looking map whilst coming into land. This resulted in a period of past lives being shown.
Also the feathered sky mentioned above.

Just remembered also looking out of a plane in deep space seeing the most beautiful star field and a giant head appear in space made up of stars and a suggestion that I was on a journey to meet God.
( I laughed at this message at the time but the view from the window was breathtaking)

22nd December 2017, 10:14 AM
Yesterday I logged on here and chose a page at random from my journal.( this just helps keep me connected when everything and everyone around me is busy and noisy.) I didnt read anything as attention got diverted.
Last night I had a concern (after offering to help someone financially ) that maybe I shouldn't have because yesterday was my official retirement day and I now have to be careful with money.
I couldnt take back the offer and didnt want to but was still a little doubtful.
This morning visited this website and the same page was up so had a sudden thought to only read the very last post on the page. Scrolled down and this is the reply Richard wrote over 3 years ago to a dream I had had.

Well, Susan, I dusted off my I-Ching and fell on this just by coincidence):

(I didn't throw the coins, was just getting ready to.)

#43 Kuai / Break-through
When the water of a lake has risen up to heaven, there is reason to fear a cloudburst. Taking this as a warning, the superior man forestalls a violent collapse. If a man were to pile up riches for himself alone, without considering others, he would certainly experience a collapse. For all gathering is followed by dispersion. Therefore the superior man begins to distribute while he is accumulating. In the same way, in developing his character he takes care not to become hardened in obstinacy but to remain receptive to impressions by help of strict and continuous self-examination.

I don't know. Sounded relevant, perhaps. :)

I feel better now.

26th December 2017, 04:58 PM
Back to energy raising this morning whilst still in bed. Pleased with the results.
This wasnt trying for a projection. Just feeling I want to work a lot more on the upper chakras.

Feet stirring to start, then moving upwards to knees. Tops of legs. Stirred all the chakras moving upwards but then decided I wanted to be focusing on the spinal column so stirred up the spinal column from the back of body, then imagined a feather touching and tickling my spine moving upwards slowly, then down.
Did this a few times, I could feel my whole body tingle.then bounced ball over crown but quickly decided to be more gentle so changed to gently sponging top of head and within seconds of changing energy rose from base chakra up through body twice.
Its been a few months since I last had this .
Must work more on upper chakras and spine.

24th January 2018, 07:06 PM
Someone/something nudged my shoulder this morning .

I thought it was my HB but when I opened my eyes he had his back to me so couldn't have. Was this someone wanting my attention? Immediatly tried to recall dream and it was just what is on my mind anyway. Nothing worth recording so tried to stay still and focus behind eyelids and silence mind.

My mind wandered but as I was thinking, suddenly 'GREENHOUSE ' popped up. This didnt make sense as I hadn't been thinking of anything to do with that, the word didn't fit in to the sentence.
Therefore I have to think what greenhouse means to me and over the years I've come to the understanding that for me it symbolises ..Growth... Nurturing new growth....

It's a very positive word for me and feel it has confirmed what I can benefit from right now as I was confused at my situation and sent out a wish to understand better.

Retired at Christmas and am now living in a country where I can not even speak the local's language. There is no greenery that I love, fresh flowers growing are rare. I want to be here and in fact made it happen but I had no idea just how this move could benefit me, Even the noise in the appartment prevents me from having my special time.
One morning a few weeks ago prior to the move , I woke up to seeing a lovely image of a mother figure holding a small baby on her lap. This was a lovely image reminding me of pictures of Mary and Jesus , but the surprising thing here was it was the BABY that was wearing a HIJAB , not the woman.
I've never seen this before and it amused me.
A baby to me is learning , a new experience to learn, a new beginning in something, ( can be adapted a little) but the baby is me .( probs the mother is as well the way all this is unfolding)

So if I was to put the greenhouse and baby wearing the Hijab together then I'm here for the experience. To learn to live amongst these people that many in the world right now are against. By experiencing being right at the heart of this culture I can truly experience the warmth they give out.

27th January 2018, 02:14 PM
I pad playing up again doing unexplainable things.

Had been reading a large paper book on the cosmos. Want to get a telescope for the night sky's out here as the stars are beautiful but first before deciding which one to get I want to know what I'm looking at. I'm seeing so many patterns but first I must learn. Just reading the book got me into deep thought about the OBEs that I've had in the past and the ones with the twinkling of stars. I couldnt make up the beauty even if I tried. This in turn got me thinking that if I was to direct enough energy , time, in this direction then maybe , just maybe I would be lucky enough to get back up there, wherever there is.

So I then went on to watching a u tube clip on Edward Cayce ( the sleeping prophet)on the ARCTURIANS.Internet started to play up so gave up . Switched it off.

15 mins later switched it back on and it had gone onto my stored music . The red christmas album was showing as if it was playing but no music. Now this is the same album that has 100 tracks that I had never listened to and was used a few months ago that I recorded and concluded what was happening was more than just co-incidence in relation to dreams.

BUT showing across the album cover were the words ..STAR GAZER...STAR GAZER...STAR GAZER..
The words were repeated scrolling along sideways.
I knew there wasnt a song called this stored anywhere here, nor had I been searching those words on i pad, neither had it been used in the Edward Cayce video.
Nothing to find with the words STAR GAZER in.
I only wish someone had been in the room to confirm if they could see the words as well or not. Had my sub-conscious taken over again and let me think I was seeing these words written, or somehow had the computer produced these words that anyone would have seen.
( I remember recording the time I was writing here and instead of writing that I had had a quiet week-end I wrote the words Overindulgence weekend. ) The thing is I had eaten too much and knew it, but the word overindulgence is written for everyone to see.

So, co-incidence? Dont think so.

This morning waking up from a dream I'm holding a handful of gold coins and jewellry. I was with a group of people when someone comes in front of me and puts them down and dissapears. I pick them up and they are beautiful and wish I could keep them but must look for the person they belong to. The dream ended when a teacher came out of a room along a corridor . I told her what I was doing.

Thinking this through I slipped into receptive stage when I dream of a person standing infront of me.There was something mesmerising about the eyes. I dont even remember if male or female but the eyes were so so very deep, as if I could go into them and they had so much information held just within the eyes. I could almost see right through the eyes, they were more than just eyes, they spoke but didnt speak. I'm finding it hard to find the right way to describe them.
Then this person points to me and I pick up ..."YOU"...
Woke up , went over this in mind when picked up .."ORACLE."

That was it , awake now and stayed awake.
I was trying to think what an Oricle was and mistakenly was thinking it was something to do with the Emerald Tablet.
When I googled this is what I got.


a person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential pronouncements.

A divine communication

Any person or thing serving as an agency of divine communication.

Maybe, yes I would greatly benefit from questioning and learning astronomy.

20th February 2018, 04:13 PM
Woke up to vibrations. Very slight but all over, no buzzing or noise of any kind. Felt myself raising very slowly, no vision, feeling of moving to the left. Felt myself getting excited wondering where I would end up but that ended it. Completely awake now. Spoilt it DRAT!

( next time I must remember not to THINK!!! Just go with it with no thoughts )

Had been warned about a fall but I just didn't get it at the time .
4 days ago recalled a dream where I'm watching 2 people in a room doing gymnastics on a box but one of them fell off falling to the ground.
The teacher calls me across and looks seriously at me giving me a thought to Take Care.
Woke up.

I felt alarmed as I was recalling . The feeling stayed with me all day. Decided to just watch and be vigilant on the roads when driving.

Then it happened.. last night we went for a walk. It was getting dark as we crossed a small road I saw a car coming and thought I had enough time to cross but the car was travelling so fast I had to hurry tripping on a bad bit of road ending flat on my stomach with arms stretched out.
Haven't fallen on all fours ( well , stomach to be correct) since I was 10 years old. Could have cried.

So I don't think I could have avoided this fall even if I had interpreted correctly.
How I felt when wakening up from the dream was a good indication to take notice.

16th March 2018, 12:37 PM
Back to basics.
Have decided if I cann't have the solitude , space, peace, that I need for daily meditation practice then I'm going to concentrate heavily on the NEWS. Back to what works best. CFT's link to the energy work topic got me motivated again rather than frustrated. Don't need silence for that and I haven't got a chance of that till at least next year when we'll move from the city to the beach.

Another lovely mother and baby image again flashing up so quickly it can leave you wondering if you realy did see this.
Once again it was as if it was made from clouds.
A mother figure with a baby sitting on her lap being given a small glass of water.The mother has a lot of gold jewellery on. These mother and baby scenes are always made from clouds, just as the 2 horses were that were floating up to the sky. Lovely, I hope I don't loose the ability to perceive them. Although seen so quickly at the point of wakening they are so more beautiful than other colourful images seen.

Done some homework on scenes representing cloud like figures .

26th Feb 2017...page 60
.........My viewing zooms away now outside and I can feel my body loosen and slowly raise up. Now to the left I see a faint outline of white puffy clouds but in the clouds very faintly are two white horses together flying upwards.
Then its over. DRAT!DRAT!

8th March 2017...page 60
.....A beautiful scene flashing up this morning but did I imagine this? So quick to appear but gone in a flash.
A woman looking as if made from white cloud flying through the white sky on her stomach (horizontally)
holding a small white similar cloud like baby under her right arm.

24th January 2018...page 64
....I woke up to seeing a lovely image of a mother figure holding a small baby on her lap. This was a lovely image reminding me of pictures of Mary and Jesus , but the surprising thing here was it was the BABY that was wearing a HIJAB , not the woman.

Also today's post.

14th April 2018, 09:46 PM
Starry field out in deep space dream that was so lovely I need to record.
This was after the previous nights sleep wakening up to still hearing a beautiful voice giving me instruction. Well, asking me if I would......

2 seperate dreams over two night make sense to me now.

light sleep 9.30am-10.30am.

I wake up still hearing this deep voice ( maybe a slight mechanical sound to it) saying..." Susan, can I ask you to just Listen".
Recalled dream and I have climbed into an empty bed when a family of mother ,father, and a small baby come to the bed and they put the baby down infront of me.
I start to stroke the baby's face and want to look after it. As I'm doing this the father figure comes closer but i cannt see him. Stroking the baby's face still I'm looking closer and it seems to be melting into the bed sheet.Eventualy the face has become part of the bed sheet. I was trying to understand why this was and what it meant when the father spoke the words I woke up to.

2nd DREAM.

(This was lovely)

I'm in deep space with stars up above sitting at a table with my family. High up in space I see two puppy dogs. They seem to be holographic or just sketched and one runs across the black sky. I want my family to see this. To see that its real. The second puppy playfully runs across the sky chasing the first.
Then even deeper up in space I see a large wheel going round with fireworks. It reminded me of a fairground ride and remember saying " they must be celebrating something up there in space. They must have something to celebrate. "

This space setting with stars up above has been used before
Will comment on this soon.

15th April 2018, 10:49 AM
Will add to, keep getting logged off.

In physical for the past 3 months I've realy been trying hard not to judge people or allow any bad thoughts come into my mind. Trying to see the best in them ,imagine being them, understanding. These last 3 months have realy seen a big effort from me. This life at the moment is so different and I'm back in the UK for 4 weeks but I dont think I want to stay any longer than that.
( back to edit)
I feel I havent realy said what I mean very well, so I'll try again.
For the last 3 months `I've had a lot of fear.Not of people but of the driving on the roads. The people I've met - some may have caused me to be cautious but have ended up being so kind, generous, curtious, respectful. This place is rich in culture, disorganised, tomorrow means next week, but I realy enjoy the craziness of it. I just have to overcome the fear. When fear is completely eliminated I hope its replaced with just sensible caution so I can enjoy the experience of living amongst these lovely people.

I want to bring this old post forward.
The first dream where the baby's face was moulding, merging with the fabric of the sheet. This reminds me of the 'fabric of the universe'. Everything all connecting, being connected.

I think my hard work is maybe paying off and I'm doing okay!

Journal 6th June 2013. Page 8.

Golden threaded universe.
I am currently reading Jurgen ZIewe's 'Multi Dimensional Man' and I love his style of writing. It's one of the best books I've read but what I am encouraged by are the similarities of experiences.
A few years ago in my paper journal I wrote of viewing behind closed eyelids an exquisite fine gold threaded universe,so fine and sparkling with golden planets and gold lines like thread seemed to connect them.
I have just read today that Jurgen experienced the same.
He describes" ......unfolded the universe in front of me. A vast space opened up, and a giant symmetrical web made from golden threads, each junction studded with an enormous golden sun. Each sun casting off golden patterns, which interacted with each other."

He writes of being with a group of friends that he appears to know but not in physical.
I am currently experiencing the same,( I'm sure many are on this site)
Just love his book.

4th May 2018, 05:44 PM
Another lovely image flashed up this morning in the middle of analysing a dream and adding my own thoughts to how I feel about the situation.
Saw a human chest then a pair of white feathered wings fitting neatly inside the chest.
This image stayed long enough for me to see the chest first then the wings appeared.

Had increased NEWS on the brow and visualisation exercises with the different pieces of fruit.
Woke from main sleep . The dream I could understand as my concerns and was just thinking that I have to overcome these as we go back over next week for 4 months.

Think I have to work more from the heart rather than fear. When I think that in the past I've been warned when necessary. The speed cameras....falling down....the death of an aunt...my grandchild( 9 months exactly to the day of birth)...health...that I would arrive home safely.....etc...
I feel confident that as long as I can keep this chanel open I would be warned of any danger

14th May 2018, 09:07 AM
Picked some words up during meditation. Was in deep thought about the times I pick up words as if whispered in the ear. The very soft gentle loving voice that is so wise and poetic.Why cannt I just pick up when I want to . It's like being given a treat but you have to wait, not knowing when. Also how hard it can be to try to be the best we can when around people.
After these thoughts I went silent trying to still the mind without falling asleep. Then just at the point of nearly asleep I heard the voice say....


Ramadan starts tomorrow evening here. Obviously I needn't observe this very spiritual month for Muslims as I'm not one but the choice is mine but I've done a little homework on this and one of the expectations of this time is self-discipline, and reflection. Well I am reflecting my life and words and actions every waking minute so I dont need that , but self-discipline?
Self- Discipline.
No Food or Drink from sunrise to sunset.One hope from this is to experience hunger and thirst that some in the world are experiencing right now.
I think this would be a good experience for me but I'm not sure I want to go so far as the no water rule!
I dont want to put my hydration levels at risk but would like to partially give it a go.
I love my breakfasts here. Fresh bread, thick butter, pear jam, fresh fruit, yogurt, fresh lemon juice, dates.......I make this my main meal and love it sitting on the balcony. Can I do it?

Well I managed to give up red meat, then all meat, then all alcohol, then all fish.
I"ll give it a try but start off drinking only water then as the days go on see if I can manage to eliminate the water bit.

Will use this journal to monitor progress.

21st May 2018, 09:44 AM
Well my attempt at fasting during Ramadan failed miserably but I'm happy. I know my weakness.
The thing is I wasn't hungry but bored. It realy was a case of my routine being out. I missed the coffee and breakfast which takes up part of the morning .
On the first day, in the market, a stall holder is shouting at a woman that he hasn't got 10 pairs of hands. He tells her this is the first day of Ramadan he has had nothing to eat or drink. He can not go as fast as she wants.
What I have witnessed is much lethargy shown by people through the day, but a kind of ' we will get through this together'.Large table of food prepared for the break of fast each evening which is adhered to by the precise time given out for each evening as to when the fast can be broken.

Problem for me is, during meals the conversation is about the other family members . in other words... GOSSIP.
Without saying much more what I found is the rituals are gone through , the devotion to their ' Allah' is unquestionable , but I think I expect too much from people.
No different to someone back in England going to church and going through the rituals then going home and gossiping about neighbours.
My expectations are too high but I don't feel bad about failing the fast because I think my priorities are different. ( made it till 4 pm of first day.)

Have had to come Bach here to edit.
I'm doing it again.
I'm judging people because of their Religion.
I have expectations because of a religion they follow rather than seeing them as a person or spirit with a personality, and okay, they don't live up to my expectations but it's none of my business what they do or say.
I was advised a while ago about this and a suggestion to be guided by their aura.

03/05/16. Page 52.

( brought it forwards)
Thought tonight I'd be writing up my notes on the Big Bang theory but instead I need to record this.
It seems I'm out of favour with myself again.

6.00am recalled a small short scene where it was a bit disturbing.

I'm watching a news reporter with a camera focused on a woman. He announces that the president wants her to go back home but she is saying NO.
The camera focuses on the woman's mouth and goes closer as she says she won't and can't leave.Im left looking inside this woman's mouth which is injured inside on her left side and all her teeth on the left were missing.
( this was very ugly to look at and reminded me of the post when the woman's face turned ugly and she grew horns) On this occasion I was being reprimanded and the book I used at the time suggested not to judge people until I'd walked in their shoes. On that occasion I knew exactly what it was referring to.

I lay there wondering what this could have meant and had been wondering why the last few days on holiday I was having disturbing dreams. I was eating too much but that's what holidays are for.
When my mind went silent ready to go back to sleep I picked up..


Stayed mind silence when picked up


Felt very dissapointed here because I realy had been aware of my thoughts while away. I hadn't thought badly of anyone and in fact enjoyed watching groups of different coultures and religions dressed in their own coultural dresses and covering their bodies or not whilst swimming.
Maybe my thoughts weren't as good as I thought they were.
Or I'm being encouraged to see people as individuals.

So here I am 2 years on still having to be reminded, but the thing is this time I worked out my problem in waking day rather than having a dream or clairaudience point it out. So a lot to be said about self reflection.

30th May 2018, 05:10 AM
Well my attempt at fasting during Ramadan failed miserably but I'm happy..

My entire immediate family is Muslim and fasts regularly without missing a day , I on the other hand have never done it , I can fast as long as they can , (breaking fast with them is cherishing) but I do it more for weight loss.

Right there with you susan :cool:

6th June 2018, 01:09 PM
Great thing about a journal is going back and finding things that can match up with others.
I'm absolutely not going to let all this noise and disturbance and lack of privacy and ME Time spoil this communication but I'm struggling. Husband must need hearing aids. Got the music full blast . I turn it down, he turns it up. I'll think of something but till then found this.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQHtDsXtnCghiNT9InISalvMaRXq3ftZ bPYAppgjm4emobcmT0

"Verily, when a person departs from this world
he goes to the wind.
It opens out therefor him like
the hole of a chariot wheel.
Through it he mounts higher.
He goes to the sun.
It opens out therefor him like the hole of a drum...
He goes to the moon-
He goes to the world that is without sorrow..."

— Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad -

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (Sanskrit: बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद्, Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad) is one of the Principal Upanishads and one of the oldest Upanishadic scriptures of Hinduism. A key scripture to various schools of Hinduism, the Brihadaranyaka Upanisad is tenth in the Muktikā or "canon of 108 Upanishads".

"It Opens Out Therefor Him Like
The Hole Of A Chariot Wheel"

?? Hub of a wheel??

" It Opens Out Therefor Him Like The Hole Of A Drum"

?? Tunnel?? Corridor?

Posted 27/03/15 ( but experience well before this)
what looks like an airport terminal with all the shops. Someone is with me but no words are spoken. Over in the distance I can see some people looking distressed sitting on a bench .But we are concentrating on the side we are on and there is a girl whose attention we have to get and make her follow us. She sees us and follows us round the corner. It's then we hold her . She is distressed. We tell her to lie down and go to sleep. A bed suddenly appears below her and she lays down.

Next thing tunnels/ corridors seem to open up all around us and the shopping mall has dissapeared.
These beautiful, gentle, semi transparent people just floated from the tunnel. 4 came over to us and put their arms round the girl speaking to her softly and told her to come with them . I watched as she was as if sleep walking with them down the tunnel they came from, and dissapeared. As I looked around I could see similar figures had come from different tunnels and we're taking some of the other people who were at the other side away.
End of dream.

Michael Newton writes of souls arriving at a central port he called a staging area. This was for the assembly and transfer of souls in mass to their final destination.
Two phases. Brought in and collected then projected to final destination. His accounts all seemed to suggest walking with large numbers of travellers through a central terminal of a metropolitan airport .
One client described the staging area as resembling the hub of a great wagon wheel where we are transported from a centre along the spokes to our designated space moving in and out of the hub in an efficient manner with no congestion.
Wish I could experience this again even if just a dream. I know I dreampt this well before downloading the book to read.

26th June 2018, 01:15 PM
"Feel for the beacon of light that draws you home"

For the last two days I had been reading my astronomy book trying to understand everything before investing in a telescope.
Had been reading of ' invisible light' and the electromagnetic Spectrum. How waves are measured by frequency and length, the different types of rays and the colours of the spectrum. I have an older brain and have to go over and over for it to sink in but I was drawn to the diagram in the book that had a line with the different colours of the spectrum. As frequency increased the colours changed.Starting with red then changing and going up the line in sequence to the idea out there of the colours of each chakra. So is this where the term " to raise your frequency... to raise your energy..comes from? So this seemed to make sense to the idea that all the chakras need to be resonating at the same frequency with no blockages.

With all these thoughts going on in my mind and no one to tell me I was off track or stupid I then thought of the pieces I've listened to on the Arcturians and The Pleiades
I'm still on a quest to discover who these beings were that I was taken to but must be very careful that I don't fall into a belief system that has me following every word that I cannot verify for myself. But so much is written on these two races just what do I believe out there. Looking at the maps of the constellations do I focus my attention on these two particular areas or stay away from the metaphysical side and just learn astronomy. Arcturians or Pleadies or other?

Of course no little voice is going to give me the answer I have to work everything out myself by the looks of it.
I think the above advise was for me to use my own intuition and follow what I'm drawn to, what feels right.
Still a nice way to put it

15th July 2018, 10:01 AM
" The Crank Will Be Lower By This Evening"

Woke up to this but no visual with it.
Recalled dream straight away and I could easily understand the dream but not the words.

Im with someone and running from some bad people who are after me. I never see them but have to hide.

All day I felt exhausted I think because of the dream. I knew the dream was associated with my fear as a passenger on the roads. The driving here is just crazy. Mopeds drive towards us on our side of the road. They cross over roundabouts, cut in across you, infront of you , there is just no rule for mopeds. Families of 4-5 all on one. We had had a lucky escape the previous day so I was still in shock.
We now had a family wedding to go to but wasnt looking forwards to it .
As the day went on I was anxious and could feel a tightness in the solar plexus area. I actualy wondered if I had eaten something that was causing it but didnt say anything.
Journey to village had another few scares.It was getting worse. I tried a bit of NEWS concentrating on this area but no relief.
Stopped for half an hour at our niece's.

This is where the healing started.
A gorgeous little 2 year old wanted a lift up and cuddle.
I held her tight against me and rocked her. She fell asleep with her head on my shoulders and arms round my neck. I could feel the heat from her and felt such love towards her. For half an hour I felt her heat and felt the love for her.
Time to go to the wedding and I was completely at peace, anxiety gone and the tightness inside gone.
Had a great time and so pleased I went.
Back to the words.

CRANK.... The only thoughts here is thatI was all wound up inside causing the knot and tightness. I had to google crank and this is the best I can do. Others may have a different way of interpreting but as each person has their own understanding of meanings then this was the first thing that came to mind.

So if anyone needs to reduce stress just hold an innocent young child in your arms and feel the warmth and love . Works wonders.

24th July 2018, 09:32 AM
Yesterday visited a couple of government buildings full of people and got no where. My thoughts were of frustration resulting in wanting to give everyone a mouth full. Incompetence! Dis-belief! I even blocked someone from pushing infront of me by putting my elbow on the counter infront of him. ( I can play at that game too)
How do these well respected gurus do it? Stay calm and not react when the situation is as it was yesterday. All the mayhem going on was bombarding me. I couldnt block it out. Quite funny now that I am reflecting but it wasnt funny at the time.
Living here is a big big lesson. Testing my perseverance, ability to stay calm in situations and more importantly understanding that we all come from the same and all are connected to the same Divine.
If I want to keep this chanel open I must remember what I was told.
" The Ego's Feet Must Fit In The Shoes".

Found this piece here on the site. I've pasted the link that it seems to have come from.
Want to leave it here as a reminder.

. The original essay is titled "The Shifting Models of Existence,"


The presence of the Divine expressing itself as a vibration of equality can be seen in all things. Sensory input derived from the human body is limited to frequencies in specific ranges that only convey an echo of this divine vibration. The divine resonance of all life is understood only through deliberate and focused contemplation of the equality inherent in all things, and through the ability to penetrate beyond the image of a thing to the origin of the image. Calling forth the divine perceptions of the soul within your own being is the ideal method to access lasting sensitivity to the divine vibration. This is how you develop the ability to see the Divine in all.

It is not only that the Divine is found within you and within every individual manifestation of life; it is also in itself the wholeness of all life. Thus, this principle calls for seeing the Divine in all its diverse forms of manifestation, as well as in the wholeness of life itself.

These insights stimulate a new sensory system beyond the five senses that rule the physical world. These new senses are an outgrowth of the awakening of your sacred intentions. They are manifestations of the first stage of profound personal transformation. With this new perceptual ability, you will be capable of sensing not only the presence of the Divine, but also the timeless divine essence that exists at the core of every living being.

31st July 2018, 09:02 AM
Well I asked the question in the last post

" How do these well respected gurus do it? Stay calm and not react...?

The other morning before getting up was thinking this over and wondering what exercises to put into practice today. Wanting to get the balance right of practicing, learning, but going about everyday living here which brings up such emotions.
Picked up very faintly.

" Have You Thought Of What Mat Richard Says About Science?"

So faint and quick I could feel myself get excited not wanting to loose the name so decided to visualise a door mat and first boy I had a crush on to help retain the name.

Do not remember ever hearing of him and this was a direct question being put to me so just or fun googled the name putting science in also.

First page came up with MATTHIEU RICARD ,a French born Buddhist Monk living in Nepal who had previously been working many years in the field of Science. Works alongside the Dalai Lama and also known as The happiest man in the world.

An article found here discussing the science involved behind the working of the mind.


THE SCIENCE OF THE MIND. Published on November 25, 2011

Matthieu Ricard is a member of the Mind and Life Institute, an organization that advances the collaboration between modern science and Buddhism. He is a participant, both as a subject and as a collaborator, in research programs on the effects of meditation and mind training on the brain. He shares some thoughts on the topic:

Is it possible for us to develop the mind to function more constructively; can we change obsession into contentment, agitation into peace, hatred into compassion? Twenty years ago, among neuroscientists there was a quasi-dogma that stated that all the brain's neurons were present at birth and that their number will not be modified by the experiences of life. Today, however, neuroscientists think in terms of ‟neuroplasticity,” meaning that the brain is continuously evolving as a function of our experiences and can produce new neurons throughout our whole life. In particular, specific training, such as learning to play an instrument or a sport, can profoundly change the brain. This implies that attention, compassion, and even happiness can also be cultivated and depend, for a large part, on a skill that can be acquired.

Acquiring a new skill always involves training. We cannot expect to learn to play tennis or to play the piano well without first practicing for a long time. If we dedicate a certain amount of time each day to cultivating compassion or any other positive quality, we are likely to attain results, just like when we train the body. In Buddhism, ‘to meditate' means ‘to become familiar with' or ‘to cultivate.' Meditation consists of familiarizing ourselves with a new way of being, of managing our thoughts and the way we perceive the world. Through the recent advances in neuroscience it is now possible to evaluate these methods and to verify their impact on the brain and body.

The new research indicates that the brain activity of subjects meditating on compassion is particularly elevated in the left prefrontal lobe, a region of the brain associated with positive emotions. So compassion, the concern for the wellbeing of others, is related to other positive emotions, such as joy and enthusiasm. Moreover, the parts of the brain involved in planning movement and in feeling maternal love are also strongly stimulated by this meditation. This does not come as a surprise to contemplatives since, in their experience, compassion brings about an attitude of complete receptiveness that can easily transform into action.

We are on the threshold of fascinating discoveries that should prove it is possible to transform the mind in a more significant way than psychologists had previously imagined. In this way, meditation will gain the recognition and respect in the West that it has had in the East for thousands of years.

So my question was ' How do these Gurus do it?
My answer was given directing me towards the writing of Matthieu Ricard.
Can I change agitation into peace?
It takes practice and more practice . I shouldnt feel a failure if I let my emotions take control. I just havent practiced enough to aquire the skill But only I can do it.It will take time.


Just today Matthieu and his 2 friends have posted a blog on his site detailing a step by step guide on HOW to practice this.


4th September 2018, 09:14 AM
A journal is for reflection . This was posted almost 5 years ago.

Another brow centre strobe and vision screen is building up again, but first .
Yesterday am woke up from dream then saw a lovely red colour with deep red dots within the red. Just lay there looking and eyelids were like a snowy flickering tv screen with the Ariel not plugged in . ( had this before so knew the extra brow work I had been doing was working) .
Back to sleep ( no energy raising) . Woke up and fully awake could hear traffic outside and was viewing a large spinning white disc in brow area like a beautiful magnified snow flake,then a small deep purple snowflake like disc spinning in front of it. These disappeared then the snowy TV screen again.
This morning, very much aware of a brilliant white flash in brow area that was like someone putting two live wires together.

Just want to record that all over body energy raising the News is always done before any longer brow work.
Learnt the hard way . ( men pregnant, ??? women fighting ???)

I have hesitated in posting this for any interpretation thought by others but I remind myself that this is a journal for my own reflection so here goes.
The last few dreams seem to be of topics that I am failing in. ( maybe a particular country that I have no wish to visit because of their habits . ( this turns into a dream and upon remembering am feeling guilty . )
More but the point is made.

FEELING of guilt ( feelings are important and for taking notice of)
...topic I'm failing in
...a particular country I have no wish to visit because of their habits!!

Present Day.
I am now living in this country. ( partially retired here ) and its a challenge.
Looks like I have some work to do here.

6th September 2018, 06:19 PM
Thanks for pointing this out- I need to do a little work with it. http://www.matthieuricard.org/en/blog/posts/our-advice-for-the-good-use-of-the-emotions

2nd November 2018, 03:41 PM
May have had some teaching last night.
Woken up abruptly by thunder and lightening outside but heard internaly

" New Species Introduction."

This was very formal like a computerised voice reading a statement.
Nothing personal about it.
Tried to recall dream but absolutly nothing. Nothing at all.
Back to sleep. Again thunder woke me up to

" However, The Posterior Is Not Used For Elimination".

Once again no visual with it and absolutly no dream recall.
Back to sleep and slept till 11.30!!!!!!!!!! No Dream Recalled.

This is why I am sure this was teaching as I am fairly good at recalling dreams and recently they have been just what is on my mind anyway but sometimes the wording picked up in the mornings are words I wouldnt use such as "Heavenly Skies"

11th November 2018, 08:14 AM
"....To Exit The Earth And Flow In The River Of Eternity."

Picked this up just at the point of wakening. Was more a quick thought put there rather then a voice this time.
Wanted to hang on to these words so I wouldnt forget them so kept repeating and repeating till firmly planted. Of course this meant that I'd lost opportunity of recalling dream so nothing came .

Back to sleep... ..upon wakening....'The Script And I'm The Staff".

The staff has been used before which suggested at the time guidance from higher self.( the Queen)
In the Bible and I think the Quoran the Staff apparently became known as the Rod Of God.

A shepherd uses a staff as an essential piece of shepherding equipment. It may be used to rest on , or to return a lamb to its mother. ... Often used to protect, guide and lead the sheep.

If I realy wanted to play with this then I am performing as the script ( play) and my higher self ?? Is gently guiding, protecting and leading me .

Just a bit of fun working with these words.

22nd December 2018, 10:10 AM
Hypnopompic imagery this morning. All cartoons.

Waking up seeing this cartoon imagery. Different scenes, nothing that I can put any meaning to so just random imagery but interesting that it was all in the form of cartoon characters,
Back to sleep then upon wakening again some more appeared. Cartoons again except for the last one.
A tartan ribbon being lifted up to reveal something under the ground it had been on top of. It looked like a bundle of old fossils?

????????? My birth family all originate from Scotland. My search for ' Who am I?'

Once again just a bit of fun working with this.

19th January 2019, 11:09 AM
Flying dream so decided to record.

1st dream.

I'm leaving a small building but everywhere outside is on fire. This may have been a wood or field as there were no other buildings. Everywhere was flat ground. The only direction I can go is forwards. Behind me , as far as my eyes can see is covered in a ferocious fire. I safely make it to the next small building where I know I'm safe.

2nd Dream.
I wake up in a small bed in a room I dont recognise. A dog is standing on the wall of the balcony I can see outside. It tips over the edge. ( was this to encourage me to get up and look outside?)
I get out of bed and look over the edge of the balcony and my bedroom is flying high in the sky but I can see movement down below but cannt make it out. I seem to be thinking to myself that I've woken up in astral and this is great. My bedroom's flying.
Then from down below a silver, metal, small robot type thing flyes up towards me. It has coloured lights flashing and about 2 meters in diameter. It cannt keep up with with the speed of my bedroom. I loved this , I felt safe and this was fun. Shouted " Oh Hello" to it and waved but there was no reply.

End of dream.

Back to sleep ,
Woke up to vaguely remembering I was asleep in bed and someone stuffs a bundle of £20 notes on top of my head under a hat I'm wearing.

Back to edit as I've just remembered a brief dream from yesterday.
I'm flying again or more like skimming over the surface of water. This is the ocean and I'm weaving inbetween large groups of straw floating on the water. In the distance I can see people using the straw and they are making a giant bird box that is the size of a house. Its just floating on the water and has a large round opening in the front of ir for birds to enter. This was lovely and I remember being amazed at this.

19th January 2019, 04:06 PM
Flying dream so decided to record.

1st dream.

I'm leaving a small building but everywhere outside is on fire. This may have been a wood or field as there were no other buildings. Everywhere was flat ground. The only direction I can go is forwards. Behind me , as far as my eyes can see is covered in a ferocious fire. I safely make it to the next small building where I know I'm safe.

Maybe just co-incidence but have just read about the Mexico pipeline fire with fatalities that has just happened apparently within a field.
I wonder if I tapped into this or if just co-incidence? I didnt get the feeling of any sadness or fear which usually is an indication, just the ferociousness of the fire.

28th January 2019, 01:18 PM
Well its been I think, almost a year since a conscious OBE and do I believe in co- incidences?
Had a short one this morning but non eventful. A lot to say about what may have instigated this but first......

Prior to OBE.

Woke from a dream where I'm crying on someone's shoulder saying things that have upset me. Something that A friend had said and I was giving the reasons why I was so upset at hearing this.It was so wrong to say and I was giving the reasons why. I remember word for word what I was saying.

Awake recalling the conversation I realise that the other day I had a quick naughty thought about this person and in fact in truth it was me that had the thought.

This dream was showing me the complete picture and why I shouldnt harbour thoughts towards this friend such as I did the other day. It is so TRUE. I was selfish to think what I did taking all the facts into consideration . I was wrong, no matter how fleeting a thought it was it was still a thought.


Happy to have worked this out decided to go back to sleep.Nice and cosy on my side not trying anything when I'm suddenly aware I'm in that space. No vibrations, no loud engine noise but felt myself slowly raising up. No vision. Decided to try to go faster upwards but as I thought this I felt myself slowly sink back , so no thoughts of body allowed.
Slowly upwards and now along sideways and now I'm coming down and vision sets in. I'm slowly descending and in my bathroom infront of the mirror above the sink. I could see my two legs just dangling infront of the mirror. They had black leggings on.( thankfully) I own a pair but certainly didnt have them on for sleeping. I was lower than the legs. My awareness was back in my body but knew I was just watching my legs dangling. Thing is I couldnt move. I've read many posts where people write of this paralysis and from all the experiences I've had I've Never had this. About 3 -4 seconds and legs and bathroom disappear and I can now move. Opened eyes

I think this was more humour than anything else.
A few days ago started reading Tom Cambell's ' MY BIG TOE.' Have had it on my kindle for 3-4 years but never got into it. Feeling a bit lost recently not knowing what to trust when reading and wanting to learn I decided to give it another try , and I love it. The fact that he is a physicist and worked with Robert Munroe in his early years of the Binaral technology just made me feel I was reading the right book for me. So this excitment and then deciding to get back to energy work and had a focus planned for my hourly sessions as discussed in estlin1212's posts I realy felt positive yesterday with determination to get stuck in there.

Maybe my frame of mind, my commitment I made to myself, maybe the hours energy raising through the day....... maybe a little of all these helped.

25th February 2019, 09:35 AM
" Say Nothing And Think 'Why' For Those Who Do Not."

Picked up 2 days ago in liminal stage. Such good advice concerning a family problem I am determined to keep my HB and myself from getting involved in.
This re-iterates the importance of trying to understand peoples reactions without judgement.
I always feel good when I pick something like this up because the wording is put together in a different way I would speak even if it is what I am trying to do anyway. It just feels like there is support there helping and encouraging me.

Tom Campbell. Three steps to spiritual growth.
A must keep here video. Priceless.


1st April 2019, 12:17 PM
Singing this morning as I was wakening up.
The tune resembled the Australian soap on tv 'Neighbours'.

" Love Yourself And Your Neighbours".

Then I heard the words spoken,

" ...Your Only Doing What We Asked You To Do."

I felt grateful once again for this and it was much needed as recently I've been struggling to find a happy peaceful state of mind. The motivation just isn't there to do energy work and I feel dssapointed with myself for not controlling my thoughts and not doing the energy work on the body. Years have gone by where most of the time I've practiced daily. Just cannt see the point just now.
Had been doing concentration exercises using the 3 D pictures encouraging the right side of the brain to work with the left side. I can now see them within 4-5 seconds but had to stop as I went a few days of sharp pin prick pains in the right side of the head. Its stopped now.
I'm trying to grow plants here but everything is getting diseased.I just cannt find anything here that is lovely to admire.

So, " Love Yourself And Your Neighbours"
Obviously how dissapointed I am with myself covers the first part.

Your Neighbours.
Yesterday we had strolled over to the beach where there were organised marathons taking place. These were the locals to the village we now live in. I enjoyed watching people smiling, laughing , clapping, encouraging their children on. Boy Scouts wearing their uniform. I saw them as a community with their families having a fun day. This is so different to when I walk up the street here, Everything is so male dominated. Men dressed in dark clothes sitting on old metal chairs on the pavement filling the cafes just watching the world go by. Mopeds by the thousands filling the air with petrol fumes.
I'm too strong to feel dominated by men. I just want to grab the women and force them to sit down and take up all the chairs.
However every single person has been so respectful and polite and gentle.

Interesting the " WE " I know I'm here to see people for who they truly are and not to judge them by their religion. This has been documented in the journal for the last couple of years when I was advised to see them by their aura and the clairvoyant vision of a baby wearing a hijab.
So 'WE'? Would love to know the WE.

6th April 2019, 07:40 AM
Picked this up upon wakening.

" Being An Empath Is THE Biggest Step To Working In GOD'S Shadow."

I love this so have to keep it.
Yesterday had been watching a talk on u tube covering Edward Cayce's work and because the speaker touched on the subject of being an empath then obviously this is where the topic came from. My thoughts went to how hard this can be.

If I love it I keep it.

8th May 2019, 09:24 AM
Always good to throw in a bit of the science community to keep me grounded.


Interesting but hasn't convinced me .

They advise ....

....."Regardless, Alderson-Day wants those who think they hear voices to always seek help from a medical or mental health professional."

I feel that for as long as Scientists have their superiority on the understanding of how the brain works then talking openly in public about personal experiences will always be judged as wierd or strange by the non experienced but clever community.

6th June 2019, 02:09 PM
Picked this up upon wakening. I understand this.

Have been getting regular e-mails from an organisation called PETA. As the name hints at this is an organisation that highlight cruelty towards animals.What I've been getting sent includes Horrific footage of the slaughter or barbaric treatment of some animals around the world for our pleasures of food, clothes , make-up and others. It is enough to break anyone's heart. Find myself close to tears seeing the blood , the look of fear in the animals. We recognise the look of fear in the face of man but look into the eyes of the animal and its there.

Had been pondering over all the leather handbags in my wardrobe, purses, shoes. I love the feel of lovely leather but ????????????? What price do the animals pay for these luxuries? Its obvious.

Then I got remembering when I was in the process of converting to vegetarianism but still eating fish when I picked this up from 2015

Take from Journal


This seems to have been the theme for my light sleep from 7am- 8.15am.
In physical I'm not aware that I do discriminate in any way but maybe there is small part of me that does that I'm not aware of.

The first bit was lovely like watching a child's cartoon.

I'm at sea on a boat with someone looking out to the water and a seal is half out of the water in front of us and starts singing in a male voice. It was lovely, as if for children , it sings something like

" follow me and come and see what the heavy boys are doing to us here".

I woke up and thought how lovely this was but then to the meaning. Almost a dread followed incase this was going to continue on a theme of giving up eating sea life of all kinds. I've given up meat but will not give up fish. I need to eat something other than vegetables. Dozing back off then saw a horrible sight of guts all over a floor and a lot of big heavy cleavers chopping this all up and blood splashing everywhere and picked up

" the choice is yours".

This has me awake now but I could then remember a dream from earlier in the night and it has someone cutting something and producing blood from it and trying to put it on my lips like red lipstick. I run away, I don't want it on.
I went back to sleep very slightly and had singing again and saw a teenage dark skinned young man on the dance floor with a very young white skinned girl. She was very young. There was singing again but I've forgotten what it was.
The two different coloured skins could emphasise discrimination.
The age difference could cause disapproval which could be seen as discrimination.
The fish could be seen as I've decided to give up meat a while ago after heavy nudges from the other side which didn't stop till I gave it up.
Have I discriminated towards still eating fish.?

After finding this reminder in the journal it had me thinking of my CHANEL lipsticks, ( many) Then all my make-up, ESTEE LAUDER. My skin care CLARINS.
Did a quick Google search to find they still do test on animals, even CLARINS.

Oh dear. Did another google search to find cosmetic companies that dont test on animals and only found one of them when passing through duty free . Urban Decay.
This is going to be a slow process as I gradually use up what I have and replace with more ethical products for my use.
As for leather goods- this will be even slower to replace items but as i feel the leather now I realise that this animal had its life taken away for mans pleasure.

I cannt stop it happening but I dont want to be involved in any way .
Yesterday I passed a butcher shop on the way from the airport to our appartment and saw a dead lamb hanging up outside being skinned with onlookers waiting to buy.
A cows head hanging outside another butcher shop.

I feel this is something big for me and will be done quietly. I respect the people around me and dont want to upset them with my views. After all I've gone years with my eyes closed because it suited me.

So 4 years ago I was advised that the choice was mine.
I wasnt ready then but am now.

I have PETA to thank for this .

18th June 2019, 12:42 PM
Who would have thought of plonking a CAVE in the middle of a strong current bang on the edge of a Waterfall thousands of feet up?.

Sometimes when you wake the impression that a dream leaves is worth taking note of. When I was at the hight of my out of body experiences, I knew they were real because I had instigated them and stayed conscious to record everything to the end. But when you wake from a dream its a bit iffy knowing when its just your mind processing everyday life and thoughts, or whether this has been an adventure with a little guided assistance for a purpose.

Adventures started but then things got more serious and the clairaudience started up and most of the experiences after that seemed to be simulations to show me what is happening in my daily life and GENTLE HINTS to be worked out that would process my thoughts to a more positive way of thinking and more of a compassionate tone .

So when I read of someone writing of a similar experience to one of my unforgettable ones the adrenalin starts up. Could this be confirmation that what I experienced (and left such an impact never to be forgotten )was actualy somewhere in non physical?

He has a U Tube chanel I subscribe to and describes himself as a chanel of ascended masters, describing the writing of this book as a ' Channeled fiction book. 'He also says that his work comes from Visions or Dreams
I wonder could we both have visited this place? He even mentioned one of the main characters 'Roya' as growing up during Harry Potter and experiencing a magical, Harry Potter type visit.
My first impression upon wakening was that this was like a Harry Potter dream.

In the book the characters have been taken to an advanced civilisation existing within earth and one of their sight seeing tours reads as.......

"13 The Fruits of Knowledge

Standing near the center of the map room, the two families soaked in the unusual sensation of the air, which felt charged with living energy. Every breath felt refreshing and restorative. “I want all of you to feel this connection to the sound of the waterfall from a distance before we go to the viewing platform,” invited Amaron. “This room was designed to capture the sound, just as the flow of the water beneath this structure was designed to help charge the air energetically. You will find that a lot of the structures in Lys were created to complement how sound and natural forms of energy can work together to amplify the presence of a field that can support expanded states of consciousness.” The sensation of the sound did indeed feel hypnotic and seemed to add to the impression that the air was alive, as if the air itself was exhilarated by the sound. From a distance, all they could see was darkness beyond, but as they approached the viewing platform, they gradually began to perceive a soft ambient light radiating from an unknown source. Amaron stopped at the entrance, as if to allow each of them the opportunity to step into discovery without being led. Claire’s eyes were beaming with excitement in anticipation of what they were about to see. Roya, Ami, and Mandy walked forward to the safety wall which came up to their chests. The edge of the platform extended beyond the wall of the map room in a semicircle. Looking over the edge, they saw the most magnificent sight they had ever beheld. Their jaws dropped open as the rest of the group fanned out on either side of the girls. Before them was a vast cavern. On the far side, they could see tall cliffs with spectacular twin waterfalls flowing down to the bottom of the chasm many stories below, forming a river that flowed in their direction. An even bigger surprise were the numerous slanted buildings on either side of the waterfalls which connected the floor of the cavern to its ceiling. They were the size of skyscrapers, with windows, balconies, and elegantly etched patterns of light in the stonework. Roya leaned cautiously over the edge of the safety wall, stretching to see the building beneath them. It appeared to be carved directly into the rock walls of the massive cavern. She saw many other windows and balconies and determined that the balcony they were on was about eight stories above the base of the cavern. They were right at the center of a building structure that opened as a semicircle toward the waterfalls. With a gasp of surprise, she realized that one source of the ambient light was the water itself. The falls appeared to be slightly luminescent, and the same was true of the river that flowed from the pool at their base. The river appeared to flow right into the lower level of the curved building."

from "Roya Sands and the Bridge Between Worlds" by Saryon Michael White

This is what I recorded almost 6 years ago here in the journal...

9th September 2013

This morning I woke up to a wonderful Harry Potter type dream.
Have had all day to think about this as I couldn't get it out of my mind , it was so entertaining.
Woke up 4am to go to bathroom so settled down to some NEWS. I must have gone to sleep and woke up to the dream.

I'm in a really crowded locker room and people are pushing past me. I don't like it,I'm getting squashed.This is a school but it's new to me. People were getting their coats to leave and I tell a woman that I don't like it here. Two other people come up to me because of what I had said. They say I had better not tell the teacher.I walk along a corridor and now the hallway is square and I have a choose of doors to go through. I choose a door and a woman is in her room with a coffee table full of party like foods.She tells me her room has been taken over for a party.
We both go to another part of the room where some friends are.As we talk around the table with party food on it I look forward and notice that the wall to the room that we are facing is all made of glass.

I can see water outside moving fast all around.We are sitting in the middle of a flowing river.I feel amazed and get up to have a look at the scene when I can see below tops of buildings very far below and I thought they were under water when it dawned on me that they were at the edge of the water and untouched.It was us.Our room was sitting on the top of a massive waterfall.We were right plonk in the middle on the edge as the water goes over falling thousands of feet to the ground.This wasn't frightening ,it was awesome to witness. I looked up at the roof to see the roof was a cave. We were sitting in a cave.
Now the show started.
Flying high in the sky men dressed a bit like jokers all flying towards us.we are all standing at the glass watching the show.The men approach high up above us and line up, facing us and point what looks like guns at us. I'm the only one who ducks but then realise nothing can harm us here so I stand up and face them and we all get shot with coloured paint.This was fun.
The next show was awesome to watch.
Two massive BLUE figures approach. They fill up the sky. One is a man ,the other is a woman.he is behind the woman holding her on the waist.They fly right up in front of us and gently kiss and fly away. All of us loved that. This was a show we were all watching. This was the party. We fly down to the bottom where all the others are and a flying trailer of some kind has ribbons trailing behind and shouts to the children " come and catch me . " The children run and try to catch the end of a ribbon and they are taken for a ride.
They loved it. this was such fun I wondered why we didn't have something like that where I was.

Now this was all I can remember.
I know Richard and Tutor have both suggested that I the EYE might have just been the beginning so my dream may have started out with me just making up the first part ,but the rest I wonder if I did wander into the astral with help because I don't think I could have made something like that up. It was fun and awesome.
Who would have plonked a cave in the middle of a strong current bang on the edge of a waterfall thousands of feet high. ??

8th December 2019, 12:52 PM
I was thinking this journal was dead as everything has gone so quiet.
No words, no singing, no clairvoyance, no OBEs . All that leaves me with is dreams but even those are hard to remember. I used to have such good memory recall of dreams .
Much in physical has been more important but time to get back on track.

Other morning was half asleep when something prodded me in my shoulder 3 times. Thought it was husband but opened eyes and he had his back to me.

Went to bed yesterday having had a lovely day. Harvest time out here for the olives. I couldn’t resist climbing up one of the olive trees and stayed there for 20 minutes just looking over the red soiled field and rows of trees. Complete silence. No cars, mopeds, people. Just SILENCE and nature.Felt like a young boy,Remember being advised once to find my inner child.
Well yesterday I did.
( 64 year old with the potential of a 14 year old. )

Note to myself. Must Get Back On Track With Energy Work.

20th December 2019, 10:19 AM
Dream recalls slowly getting better . Stepped up the NEWS but also dusted down the Franz Bardon ‘Initiation into Hermetics’ and found some really good exercises. Feel I need to add more to my routine.

Had requested some advise that I would benefit from knowing. How many times have I written that I feel so deserted when physical takes over.

I’m on a plane with a little child/baby that is mine. We are looking out of the window and I see this is our stop and time to get off. As I get up my child doesn’t want to come but she has to, I say goodbye to friends and leave the plane which has landed in a field. The cabin crew are ahead of me and see me off safely. I notice that the plane doesn’t have any wheels.
As I’m heading in the direction to go home I turn round and see the plane has disappeared with all my friends in it.

There’s something in the distance on a hill. Strange. As I look it isn’t a pleasant sight . It doesn't fit in to the surrounding area but also it seems to be a hologram
It’s dark and looks like a wreck of a giant army tank but there are people all over it climbing up it and hanging onto the tank for survival
( There was no sound to this but I felt this was not part of me. My home was in the distance and had nothing to do with what I was viewing. As I walked on there was another scene identical to this. Once again this was holographic.
Convinced this must be a movie that I must be walking in the middle of I turn round to see if there are any cameras around and expect someone to shout to me to tell me to get out of the way. There was no one.
I wake up.

The reason I think this was a simulation for my consideration was the strangeness of what I was looking at and I seem to be aware that this scene was planted there and nothing else stood out to view. Although I knew I was walking home it was just land, no houses around or any scenery at all except the sad holographic visions.

Back to edit. I say land but it was just nothing. Even getting off the plane there was nothing but in the dream this was not an issue I just knew I was walking home.

I don’t want to write anymore of my thoughts on this but I think I understand .

17th January 2020, 07:22 PM
‘1718 Was Humanities Downfall’

This wasn’t a voice but one of those interrupting thoughts as I tried to figure out in my mind why I’m having so much difficulty finding inner peace.

Visualisation exercises from Franz Bardon’s book not going well. I try the clock ticking, then after 15 seconds I change it to a brook with the noise included, 15 seconds later I change to something else.
My mind is dwelling on things that cause me to then feel guilty that I’m unable or UNWILLING to detach myself from negative thoughts. I‘m struggling just now but I suppose I just have to try harder.
Seeing through the media reporting on tv and how destructive and manipulative they are. My mind is all over the place and I feel guilty. I want to detach but struggling.
So these were my thoughts when in a moments silence I was interrupted by the words, ...1718 Was Humanities Downfall.

So... As things worth taking note of can come in riddles I googled the exact words as they came.
The first page had many options but only one website contained the 1718 date. All the rest were crossed out as meaning the 1718 was missing.
This link took me to a page in a book called.

Reclaiming The Human Sciences and Humanities Through African..........

The paragraph containing the date read as ,

.....“ the 18th Century chemist Herman Boerhaave heated mercury from November 1718 to January 1734 to a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the hope to distill gold . he was unsuccessful and gave up.“

The author suggested that negative results should not always be seen as failure but it may just be that enough time has not been given for the results hoped for. He wrote of peoples discoveries and at what stage people gave up or persevered and were successful.

This process of course is known as ALCHEMY.

In metaphysical understanding of the term ALCHEMY it can be seen as the inner process of transformation.
So from this I will take an understanding that this process takes time and effort and determination.

17th January 2020, 07:52 PM
In metaphysical understanding of the term ALCHEMY it can be seen as the inner process of transformation.
So from this I will take an understanding that this process takes time and effort and determination.
The best way is to increase your energy resources from natural environment. If you don't live in countries like Australia, having a "sun-rays bath" really increases your energy and thus abilities to deal with negative influence, from within or from without - doesn't matter.

18th January 2020, 10:12 AM
Hi Antares, Since retiring in the last couple of years we spend 9 months out of 12 in hot sunshine, so I get plenty of this but I completely agree with you about natural environments. I’m energised when in the garden or greenhouse .It’s another world I just wish I could be part of, it makes me so happy.
Back to sunshine in 10 days so will be getting away from all the tv and I’ll try your suggestion of soaking up the sun’s energy.

4th February 2020, 01:28 PM
Well I now have plenty of sunshine and the canaries are singing beautifully but this morning I woke up frightened and I don’t know why. It’s 2pm and still with me. All I could remember from the last dream before wakening up was about money but I understand this and know this isn’t a reason to be concerned.
I don’t think its the male dominant presence here or the strong religious views I’m surrounded by as everyone I meet is lovely and polite and generous.
I only have BBC World News for tv so maybe a small reason is this but I have a strong feeling it may be the book I’m reading.

THE KEY. By Whitley Strieber..

I’m only up to page 137 but I feel uncomfortable with this as if it’s really challenging my way of thinking.

However on to a lighter note .
For the last few days prior to this I was really pleased after downloading a Dalai Lama App which has some wonderful quotes to just click on . These are so good to fill the mind with. Also as soon as I see something that would have generated a bad thought IÂ’ve been practicing a vacant mind. I go completely blank for a few seconds and move on. This really has been very effective to eliminate bad thoughts.

But today its not the thoughts a problem but the way I’m feeling.

I’m back to edit.
There is always the slightest chance that this feeling is related to something buried inside me that I’m not consciously aware of. Could it possibly be related to a subconscious fear, even a past life I have to work through?
That could explain why I married my husband 43 years ago after just being with him for 4 days and a short separation to go back to the uk . Within 6 months we were married, and still are.
He comes from where we are now in North Africa, IÂ’ve said before that it was me who made this move happen but wasnÂ’t sure why.IÂ’ve known for a while that I had to do this.

Maybe just my imagination and thinking too hard but wanted to put this in.

29th February 2020, 01:32 PM
An old classic from the Theosophy Society by Ed Abdill. Such a good description of the process of awakening our inner self.
I could listen to this man all day.

https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=2ahUKEwjGi9D07fbnAhVGyYUKHYVBB0MQtwIwAXoECAkQA Q&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEm UmNT9rzsI&usg=AOvVaw04lKol8h_bxXUTvUBQLaFx

8th March 2020, 12:38 PM
“The Personality Retires.”

What a nice way to put it. I want to keep this.
Was clearly heard just at the point of wakening.
2 days previously had been pondering over the question of who we are when we die. At what stage do we remember? But what is it that we remember? No one knows, we just have theories and maybe one of them is convincing for us to latch onto, but I prefer to learn and find out myself.
All these different characters I’ve been . The boy with the silver/ white wig on I was shown twice in period costume ,which I felt at the time was me.
I wish Google or Safari would give me the answer.
If I stay Susan then has that boy and all the rest of us ( me) gone for good?
There are answers out there but I don’t know them as truths.

So ... The Personality Retires.....
I don’t have to be this personality anymore. It Retires, BUT it doesn’t dissolve. In physical life I could come out of retirement if I wished, but I don’t . So maybe I can bring up my personality on the other side, or in fact any previous personality when and if it is beneficial. Later I re- incarnate as Tom, but part of me stays aware in the spirit world . Tom struggles with how to make an apple pie , but the Susan part of Tom knows and tries to get the information through.The boy in the early 18000 knows something of his time that Tom is struggling with and tries to get through to him. Tom later passes on just like Susan and the young boy.
Does he now retire his personality and remember, or is there a process to go through first before remembering?
One thing I have been helped on is the first part of my Signature below.


29th March 2020, 09:21 AM
This morning I was just recalling a dream which was just to do with my daily life and what’s going on so nothing worth remembering as it all made sense, when suddenly I saw a scene of a field of sheep, but every single sheep had a tall shepherd standing at its side. Each shepherd holding a long staff.

This had nothing to do with the dream ,however, the previous day I had been getting a bit bogged down with some reading, and had been watching the beautiful scenes from Juergen Ziewe.

This scene of the sheep and shepherds is a reminder for me that we all have our own shepherd( guidance) to lead us. We should not expect our journeys to be the same.

26th April 2020, 07:54 AM
I want to bring this forward as I try to have a better understanding from my own experiences.
This was recorded 6 years ago when it was all kicking off.

(Page 26)
.......I need to understand more about our selves.

(Page 26 )

Can only remember the last part to a dream and think it's related to what I posted above but will record for journal.
Woke up approx 5 am from this did little energy work but really cozy.... Just sleep......
Woke up to seeing a picture of pastel colours, then another picture of same colours but took different shape. Then another picture with same colours but different pattern. Now I hear the click from a camera many times and I see one picture that has all the pictures made up to the one picture. I was being asked a question . What do you see? In my mind I replied " all the pictures made into one."

Now I'm not stupid this is relevant to what is going on with me in my thoughts . But there is an inner intelligence that does not show through in physical that seems to be speaking to me in my dreams.

“The Personality Retires.”

6th May 2020, 12:36 PM
Woke up this morning about 3am . No energy work done, no visualisation done but my mind was trying to digest some videos I’d been watching. How can I take on board the teachings of these excellent videos without the necessary experiences first hand. This wasn’t about OBEs as they are proven to me but about our origins.
I must have slowed down my thoughts when I feel that jelly wobbly feeling. No noise, no vibrations, just slowly have the feeling of raising up.

I’m now moving but feel I’m lying on my back moving backwards.I could see scenery moving by fast and get the impression Im on a train on a journey. As I’m moving I’m working out that my body must have gone to sleep and as I’m lying on my back in bed then that must be why I’m perceiving the way I am.
Trying to focus on scenery but didn’t recognise anything but knew there was nothing that stood out as not belonging on earth but there were air bubbles above me as if I was under water. I found this amusing and remembered another time when I’ve had these bubbles when suddenly I’m standing on a platform but I don’t know where to go.
Someone appears from behind a screen wanting to know what I’m looking for. I don’t know.
Suddenly I’m back awake in bed again.

I think if I had just gone to sleep then I may have remembered this as a dream and analysed this as my feelings of not knowing how to progress further from a metaphysical point of view. I don’t want made up scenarios in astral. I want to know me and who I am and where I’m from and what I’ve experienced away from incarnations on earth.

25th May 2020, 11:24 AM
Two mornings in a row aware of leaving body .
Had been practising pore breathing for a change through the day so 3 am awake intending to go back to sleep but just did a little practice when I felt myself almost expand upwards. Knew what was happening and once again I’m floating backwards with bubbles around me and a fine sketching of a bottle floats above me . CouldnÂ’t keep the focus any longer and it ended.
What stood out here was the delicate drawing of the bottle .Had these very fine sketchings a few times over the years.They are lovely. As for the bottle , well I haven’t drank any form of alcohol for a few years now except the tiniest sip from hubbies glass the day before this. Just curious what I was missing. Happy to stick to my fruit juices.

This morning did the same and very quickly I’m floating backwards again but no bubbles this time. Just a starry black space above me. Unfortunately felt I was loosing vision and tried to open astral eyes (stupid, ) ended up opening physical eyes and that was it over.

10th June 2020, 08:46 AM
Woke up to a lovely singing voice.
So gentle and soothing.

This was the song from the film The Wizard Of Oz, Over The Rainbow but I had neither listened to it for a long time , nor seen the film, nor had I been thinking of it.
Tried to recall dream but it disappeared .I’d spent too long thinking how beautiful this was and wondering why.

I only heard the first two lines before it faded but I’ve copied more because its a beautiful deep meaning song now that I read the words and can understand why.

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby, I
Oh, somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
Clouds high over the rainbow, makes all your dreams come true, ooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top
That's where you'll find me, oh
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Oh why, oh why can't I? I

Went back to sleep and just upon wakening I saw a dream image of a tall elegant lady. Her skin was black, and immediately thought ,
Beautiful. Remember this.

Thoughts .
Previous night I was really down with everything . The destruction, unrest, sadness, bitterness shown on tv . Wishing I was on my own so I didn’t have to watch this but worst of all being forced into conversation about what is going on which ends in disagreements. I just didn’t want to be here in this room.I just wanted to be on my own .

11th June 2020, 08:28 AM
I want to bring this forward as a reminder for me for when I become too focused in physical.
Seems events in the outside world we live in is the biggest hurdle for me quite often but serves as a reminder that no matter what ‘I’ am the midwife. I am the baby AND the midwife.
I have to make the change to myself. I have to do the work but the midwife helping the birth is me also.
Just love the riddles.

20th July 2016
This morning had a lovely image of two people far in the distance on a very narrow path leading up to the hills walking away from my view ,but closer standing together on the path looking in my direction were two dogs. One looked adult and one smaller
Symbolism here I think.
No dream recalled with it but for the 45 mins after that much was picked up.
I think now I will have to learn not to let my mind go crazy full speed with what I'm hearing . I want guidance but I must filter what I see as important for my progression and what is just me and my thoughts.

The soft loving voice will always be listened to.
The riddles will always be worked out.
Anything out of those categories will be thought upon as "do I think this was just self talk."? Does it feel right?
After saying this to be honest I love everything I'm getting and much advice is given .
I just need to filter a bit so I don't go dizzy.

Picked up ....The root is the angle... ( riddle)

Googled root angle and there is no way the info that came up is understandable.way out of my depth so I have to take this from a different angle.( ah, just read this back and have used the term )
Roots.....plants have roots.

Last night I had had just a plateful of salad for a meal . Wasn't hungry. I knew I was eating healthily.
Still taking that disgusting green pond life but have actualy bought a second pack and mixing with water.
After such a bad start to this I'm just downing it as a ' 5 seconds of unpleasantness' .
No intention 100% of going vegan. See no need for it, but to have a healthy body plenty of veg and fruit.

'Keep up with the green bracelet.'

Green ..as mentioned above ..could be the Spirulina. ( very dark green powder)
Bracelet...could this be my pandora bracelet that I turned into a way of remembering any realy beautiful memorable experiences. ..tiny white purse...angel wings...Christmas tree...snowflake.

I visited the health food shop and bought spirulna along with other products recommended for third eye.

Starting to understand that when I have an experience that does not involve slowly raising up but more inside the head, even though I get the sense of up , down, right, left this is probably how the human brain interprets the act of expansion of ones consciousness.
If I get another I'll still describe as I perceive but now understand better.

Back to edit . No need for new post.
Just completed 30 mins focus on fixed object . Did the imagination of stretching arms out and feeling the surface,underneath, smoothness, roughness.( large fig leaf) imagination used for smelling. Then just concentrating on the fixed focus.
Using beautiful uplifting music.

Next. Upstairs to lay on bed, no music. Blacked eyes out and just tried to still mind.
Intended 30 mins, not very successful but near the end I started to think how difficult it is to aspire to be the kind of person that had all the impurities of this earth life taken away whilst still here. So much happening around us, on the news, radio. We have to function here and live and interact.
I thought of that lovely spirit I've written of many times that I had been taken to meet in the spirit world and just knew he/she/it was part of me .
Just after I had thought this and the mind went silent, immediatly very quickly I thought ..


Yes, I suppose I am the foetus in the womb ( Clairvoyantly viewed few days ago) but I am also the one responsible for the delivery. When I was told to look for the heart of the universe, to look within, the person I would like to be is inside me . I just have to get rid of the clutter and BE.

23rd July 2020, 08:48 AM
Once again I’m bringing this forward to help as a reminder for me.
Struggling at the minute to bother doing anything. I want to clear unwelcome thoughts, to practice the third eye exercises , raise energy , but but feel there’s no point???????

This was a motivational piece written Here on this forum 10 years ago by a very very knowledgeable member .

She writes,
Once a human enters a metaphysical path to have a " whatever happens, happens, come ci come ca" does not make sense. It is like giving up or " sour grapes".
It is the purpose of life and why would one that is aware ignore this?
To grow physically requires no thought or effort but to grow magically, metaphysically and spiritually requires much effort.
It will not occur without discipline and dedication.
........do not accept complacency and give up.....
.....none of us are nothing. None of us are without a legacy of spirituality. If you reach into your soul and connect with your Monad, you will find that you had unlimited potential.
The spiritual evolution that has been affected by Kundalini has caused humanity to slowly raise its consciousness to fly universally, to hear and see the eternal teaching spirits.to think globally and to feel with greater compassion.
One can contemplate, but without Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Projection, the magician can not access the divine curriculum and attain Union .

Let’s see if this works.

20th August 2020, 09:18 AM
I’m wondering now if this is just not a good time to try for any mystical experience, whether clairvoyance, clairaudience or OBE.

Having accepted that we are stuck in the UK for an unknown period I’ve focused on the beautiful river I visit everyday, the woods with their mystery and smell, the sound of the birds that are hidden in the trees, the ducks, geese happily paddling In the river but equally important my son’s dog . Building communication between the two of us is delightful and tiring.

( Strange goings on with my iPad just now. The ringer bar for sound has just shown itself at the top of the screen and moved along to the right to turn volume up loud.
Well if I wanted to play with this I would say that what I have just written when it happened is important to take note of!)

So awake conditions are good. Decided two days ago to put effort into energy raising and visualisation skills. Before going to bed last night I was happy with my situation but this morning recalling a dream,

I’ve been put into a hotel room on my own. Outside it has an infinity pool just for my use which normally I would love but I notice the water in it is thick mud!

Having just read Antares post in his journal I’m wondering if World Thoughts of fear of the pandemic,and the unrest in the world and peoples fears in general of the whole situation has lowered the whole vibration of the planet affecting The astral where we would normally find ourselves in our unconscious state.

9th September 2020, 10:34 AM
This morning I was being told that,

“ There is Nothing You Have To Do. It Is Being Taken Care Of. Everything Is Under Control.
You Just Have To Stay Strong and Stay Brave”.

As I was recalling this I saw an image of a painted door with a large thick strip of the paint being pulled off showing the bare wood underneath.

15th October 2020, 03:45 PM
This was heard upon wakening.


Dream recall has me walking towards what I feel is the Tardis from Doctor Who. I also see a combine harvester.

This is another of those I / YOU riddles.

Like the ......Your Peter Pan That I Am
......Look Into Your Eyes And I See Mine

This I/Me is separate but has attempted over the years to keep me on the right track and accompanies me in my Out Of Body excursions ,behind Me most of the time. Attempting to show me that it is me, or I am it.
Being shown my hand that I recognised as my wide broad hand with my wedding ring on but at the time this hand belonged to the person behind me transporting me .
This is all logged in the journal so when I pick up these YOU/I riddles they have to be worked out.


Dr Who’s TARDIS is a time travel machine for going back and forwards in time.

A combine harvester is an operating machine that has the ability to produce the required result using different processes within the same machine.

The previous day I had been frustrated about my lack of skills just now and had been still wondering if this all had to do with everything going on in the world.

I’m wondering now if this is just me not having my mind in the right frame for anything . The infinity pool that was for my own use , not everyone else’s but was filled with mud.

If I am the combine harvester and the Tardis I still have the ability to put things into motion and acquire the desired results to explore the non physical but I have maybe Wrongly convinced myself that its not possible just now.


2nd November 2020, 10:18 AM
Yesterday morning woke from a dream but reason I want to record it is the strong feeling of love that stayed with me for hours later. As I knew I was loosing it and waking up I didn’t want to . I wanted to stay with this person who not only understood me but had the same interests.


I’m with some people . I don’t even know in the dream if I know them but they are around me but then someone approaches and is so calming ,attentive, sincere and also excited. He understands me and gets excited giving me a biscuit tin telling me to look. Inside are small animals. They are so sweet and he feels the same love for them that I do . We both share the same love. At this stage I realise they are just models of animals and start to wake up.
Awake now I wanted to go back to hold on to the love coming from this person. I felt I had found my perfect match.

This whole business going on at the moment is keeping me so grounded in physical and like so many people am struggling . My daily walk in nature is my medicine. The swans, ducks, birds, dogs. If I can keep this connection and love for the animals it may help to keep from all this doom and gloom around.

5th November 2020, 10:08 AM
Singing again this morning with no dream I could remember.

“When She Meets Another Me,
And I Meet Another You.”

This just confirms my search for who I am .

2nd April 2021, 04:11 PM
I’m here to record what Ive just picked up in the hope that I will push myself back into practicing.

Upstairs now just lying on my bed watching a video by Matias De Stephano on the Gaia channel. He was talking of his memories of past lives and the time he was a woman standing in front of a pyramid and the river Nile......
This had me recalling some posts I’ve written involving similar when I suddenly felt so so tired. Switched video off and closed eyes and must have just dozed off within seconds of closing eyes .
Woke up quickly again seeing a dream image of the back of someone bouncing a football. The ball then goes behind him and bounces and hits him on his back then flys into a goalpost. Just as it enters the net I get the words

“ Now the ball is back in your court.”

I just feel compelled to write this to urge me on as I’m at a crossroad . Spending too much time reading and not enough time practicing. Nothing I read is teaching me anything new, but then again I don’t know what I’m searching for in books.
I want to learn and experience but I’m wasting time reading instead of practicing. Cannot even see auric colours now.

I was quite amused using the ball to hit the person’s back to represent ‘the ball being back ...’

Must do the work!

25th May 2021, 05:50 PM
When something happens I can’t explain then I want to note it .

This morning I visited this site and after reading some posts decided that I must get back to everything. ( AGAIN!!!!)
To do the energy raising and be more serious about this so I went to the search bar and started to write the words

Raising Kundalini.

The search bar was empty when I started and I watched my fingers touch the keyboard but got as far as the letters


I looked up to the bar , but instead it was reading


I’ve felt such tiredness in the last couple of weeks. Heel pain from too many walks with the dog but it is exhausting me.
I just want to sleep all the time.
No way could the fingers have hit the wrong key, nor does it make sense for predictive text.
Just wanted to note.

28th July 2021, 03:26 PM
Had decided to try throat friction using the late Samuel Sagan’s method.
Oh dear, the saga goes like this……..

Practiced one hourly slots using a u tube clip.Tried this for 3 days in a row but on fourth day woke up with a sore throat. Very sore. Annoyed with myself that I must have been irritating my throat with the friction so stopped the practice. 3 days later I feel it slowly getting better but still uncomfortable. Then comes a little cough , throat goes away but cough is more persistent..

To fast forward the story Ive been tested and have ♥♥♥♥♥. Mmm wont let me put the word in but its the world wide pandemic virus.
In bed now isolating. The dumb thing is I was convinced it was the practice causing the sore throat, and maybe it was and weakened my immune system, Ive had the two jabs and at 65 have been very responsible never visiting shops( online shopping) don't go anywhere. Hubby is the same. Just the garden and walking the dog.
I think to sum up my heel pain from too many dog walks was wearing me down and I felt exhausted and in pain all the time , irritated my throat ,and punch line is although I take spirulina every day and have done for years and consider myself super fit you just have to go with the flow….

12th January 2022, 02:16 PM
“ For The Graceness Of God Ask His Questions.”

This interrupted my flow of recalling a dream . One of those times when you don’t finish your own thoughts in a sentence and this voice butts in .
However it may be an answer in a riddle. Going to ponder over this before rushing in.

( Energy work started back up 2 days ago.) Just for the record.

4th November 2022, 03:02 PM
IA56, and LPCF, thank you both for your encouragement.
LPCF, ' Path Of Compassion' . Yes you've hit the nail on the head. Spot on.
By 27/6/13 I came to the conclusion that I was being strongly directed along the path of giving up eating animals.( picture of hedgehog/ man, lamb with cross through it ( also seen as sacrifice) and killing slugs).
I stopped eating all meat except chicken but the issue is still repeating in my dreams. Even the dream the other night where my reaction suddenly changed from being angry to compassion for the person. The thing is I know I try my best with people. So I feel compassion for all animals including chicken is the issue.
I haven't eaten other meats for approx 8 weeks now, and after the writing episode the other night I'm willing to TRY to cut out all.
So here goes. Haven't eaten chicken for 4 days. I will meet myself half way to start with. If I run out of ideas for meals I may have some . Also 2 weeks time will be on holiday so I will accept that I may have some . This will not be failure just acknowledging the fact.

However I AM NOT going to the extreme of being a Vegan!

Going through journal I found this and just want to record here .

8 years later and not a piece of meat or fish has entered my mouth.
It took a long time to stop wanting to eat both, the smell, yearning for the taste, those giant prawns.
Compassion for animals as much as I love them did not come immediately. But 8 years on absolutely no regrets , healthier than most in family ,
Well done Susan. Just giving myself a pat on the back.