View Full Version : What does this mean ?

16th February 2013, 12:48 PM
Yesterday I was meditating and was going into a deeper trance, at this stage I start to see unusual random things or people's faces. I saw this mans face and I thought I recognised it.

I also get nudged and if I am struggling to get out I can sense someone there and I feel them trying to help me get out. Anyway I get to see different faces but I was puzzled by this one yesterday and did some research and discovered it was David Icke.

Does this mean I should start reading his books, I don't know anything about him or his work until this morning I saw a couple of YouTube interviews. I am more or less positive it's him. What does this mean when it come s in on meditation like this ?

Any thoughts ?

Eyes wide open ( but all of a blur ) :shock:

16th February 2013, 05:35 PM
To tell you the truth, I wouldn't start reading Icke. What I would do is give myself some time- let's say, two weeks, and ask the universe to explain what it's about, and then see what comes up. For example, if someone visits you and tells you about something in particular, or if you're watching TV and three shows in a row come up with a single theme- something like that.

16th February 2013, 09:53 PM
Thank you x

16th February 2013, 11:35 PM
To tell you the truth, I wouldn't start reading Icke.
Honestly, CFT, if eyeswideopen had seen Robert Bruce, would your answer have been the same? ;)

@ewo: As regards Icke, you really do not need to read his books (I haven't and do not intend to do so), because there are plenty of vids by his supporters about/with him and also numerous long vids with talks given by him on the internet. That will suffice to see what he's about.

E.g. here's an event, a full day's time to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzytGJh9cBY

Some of his theories are,... well.. controversial indeed and some even seemingly "way out" (*cough* reptiles *cough* ... :roll:) but he does say quite a few right things about the state of our society in general. I also like his take on spirituality, for the most part of it.

So it is always a little mixed feelings about him. But imv it is worth listening to him with a respectful and at the same time critical distance and decide or take on what you feel is right and rejects what's not or exaggerated.

17th February 2013, 12:15 AM
Honestly, CFT, if eyeswideopen had seen Robert Bruce, would your answer have been the same? ;) If EWO had seen Robert, I wouldn't have started with telling her to read the possession story off the PPSD book or to go to the PSNA part of the forum first- I would have told her to read the OBE part of the forum first, or to read the latest edition of AD.

Icke's early works were very different than his present work- so there's no telling what the dream meant, if anything- so it's a good idea to make sure that she's supposed to investigate something related to his work first, before exposing to the present doom and gloom viewpoint if it's not necessary. If it is, she'll get further confirmation.

So my answer still stands.

17th February 2013, 12:41 PM
I've seen one guide in the appearance of actor Stephen Fry. I realized it was
not the actor himself, but some kind of disguise from guide(s).

I think I was shown S Fry because he seems to be a sane and reliable person
in my opinion, so the guide(s) showed me S Fry on several occasions, to put
some more emphasizes on the impressions I received, as they could feel
that I trusted S Fry more than I would trusted an unknown person.

So if you see a face of a person, it could be because of a variety of reasons.

Sometimes I think I see someone close up, only because what follows next is
important, and I should pay more attention to it. Sometimes I think it's more
of an exercise thing, I feel like I'm into some kind of training.

Perhaps you could think about what feelings you get when you see the face
of the person? What is related to that person?

18th February 2013, 10:29 AM
Thanks for the advice, I don't think I will delve into Mr Icke seeing CF's comment about doom and gloom, that's the last thing I need to be getting into. Thanks Volgerie and Paulie, I wil now try thinking about what feelings come up when I see these faces and be aware of what comes next.

I occasionally see very strange ugly faces, I saw a man in a suit with black hair but he look almost like he had snake skin. Yesterday because I was being pulled out gently I saw different things but the one that I remembered was almost a woman's face but her mouth took over most of it like eyes and a huge mouth and tongue. I don't get freaked out but, feel very isolated and worry that I might get myself into trouble.

Even my husband who is the only one I speak to seems to be irritated by my experiences now. But in all honesty this is happening to me naturally so I do feel I should follow it through.

19th February 2013, 02:03 PM
I occasionally see very strange ugly faces, I saw a man in a suit with black hair
but he look almost like he had snake skin. Yesterday because I was being pulled
out gently I saw different things but the one that I remembered was almost a
woman's face but her mouth took over most of it like eyes and a huge mouth
and tongue. I don't get freaked out but, feel very isolated and worry that I
might get myself into trouble.

When I've seen such things, I've sometimes (not always) got the feeling that those
persons (or creatures) are in fact parts of myself. Perhaps parts which I've rejected
and who have to come back to me. When I send those parts love and allow them
to return into me they change to not being ugly or looking fearful. Giving them a
hug sometime helps.

In various ways I try to talk (by thoughts) to those persons or entities. If they seem
unhappy with their current states, I may just suggest some kind of change or
show them something fun which I imagine up.

It not always works and sometimes I can feel quite exhausted afterwards, so I don't
know if I do anything right. My feeling is anyway that sending love, acceptance or
whatever, can calm the entity down, it more often helps than not helps.

These periods also seem to come and go, with not much happening in between.

19th February 2013, 02:13 PM
Also, the D Icke may be something else, like an entry point. Perhaps you are
supposed to take a look at something (like youtube) and then develop yourself
into considering new thought or new possibilities. It may be an opening, not to
Icke, but to something in relation to Icke, who will work like a lighter for
something else.

I've also noticed that when I've sent love to one of those ugly entites, they
seldom return, not even those who I've assumed have been parts of

If they return, more often than not, they only return briefly and seem to
send me some kind of thank.

If they return unhappy, they tend to stay longer and I have to try out various
approached to help them reach a more positive mood.

I also feel the presence sometimes of other entities in the background who
are more passive (at least initial) and who later may interact with me or
the opposing (ugly?) being.

Edit: Seeing Icke may serve a purpose, but you're the one who has to interpret its meaning.

19th February 2013, 04:23 PM
Thank you, I was wondering how I could send them positive feelings and you have just filled in the gap thanks. I think I will wait and see if Mr Icke comes back to me in trance and perhaps take a second view. I have seen some you tube footage that seemed fairly on track with the Ascension process, but I have so much to read at the moment.

So I am sticking to the stickies on the forum till I feel more confident. But I appreciate your thoughts and do see where your coming from with this. I will just put it on the back burner for now.