View Full Version : Need help with concious dreaming please

1st March 2013, 02:40 PM
Hi, I need to learn to be more concious in my dreaming as I am trying very hard to avoid and ignore something at the moment, either a neg or test but either way I am failing in my dreams.

Can I become more lucid and how?


1st March 2013, 03:18 PM
The standard ways to obtain lucidity in dreams are improving recall and bringing lucidity to the dream state. This is usually done like this:
Improve recall by writing keywords as soon as you open your eyes related to what you were dreaming, even in the middle of the night. Then later, when you're up, flesh out the words (if they bring the memory back) into a dream journal.
Bring consciousness into the dreamstate by making your conscious mind meet your sub/un/conscious minds. You do this by doing reality checks during the day, as in, seeing if you can fly, looking at body parts to see if they melt or change or act weird, see if your situation is normal and you can remember how you got there. Pick an activity to use as a 'reality check reminder' something that you do every day (like drink water or pee, for example) and try to remember to do the reality check then. That way, if you do it enough that it becomes a habit, you'll do it in dreamstate, and become lucid thusly.
The third thing that helps (involving the subconscious) is using affirmations and commands. Before you go to sleep and before you wake up, say something like "I know that I am dreaming" (before bed) and "I remember my dreams" in the morning, for example. Affirmations should always be said in the present as if the thing is really a done deal.
That's all I can think of for now.

1st March 2013, 05:36 PM
Thank you *

2nd March 2013, 11:54 AM
Hi, EWO! Met you on the RV Lab thread - love you're avatar btw.
CFTraveler is point on and I always respect her guidance. I have nothing say contrary, but just philosophical observation: I have for some years developed a mindset of the mindset: at any given time we are subject to the constellation of our psycho/mental state. Just as in the Heavens, the 12 major constellations rise, rule, and recede. We accept the horoscope and its implications for our macro lives, but I think mentally and psychologically we each have our own inner constelations that influence our dreaming experience.
Seems to me our dreaming skills wax and wane, ebb and flow somewhat out of our immediate control. Sure there are things we can do to invigorate our dreaming experience, but we do so when inspired by our psycho/mental state at the time. Just sayin', I've been engaged in this pursuit for years and I can't argue that sometimes lucid is there, and sometimes it isn't. Patience is required.

2nd March 2013, 02:03 PM
Hi Eyeoneblack, it's nice to meet you too. I thought I would give the RV a go and jump in with the big boys/girls, what was interesting was that I found that it induced random images during the day when not concentrating. Not sure if that was the norm but felt that I did not know what to suggest as I ended up having far too many :shock:

I agree with the ebb and flow and so need to be working on my patience full stop but, I have read that after a possible succubus experience one should turn down any encounters in dream state afterwards and I have failed miserably. So I had a reason for wanting to be lucid. You now on reflection I have actually just followed my natural experiences so far, so perhaps I have more patience than I think.

2nd March 2013, 03:09 PM
This current RV Lab target/object is worth your attention. Give it a shot, please.

Lucid Quartz
12th March 2013, 05:01 AM
Hello! I would just like to add a little suggestion I use that I personally feel, whether there are definite results or not yet, is relevant. Practice being in the now, the more you practice being exactly where you are, observing, feeling, and testing in the real world it will be a natural response for you when you dream and help you practice being in the moment there as well. I've been way more aware of what's going around me here in our reality and I think this will help awareness in other situations! ;) Good luck! :D

12th March 2013, 10:19 PM
Dreaming is my forte. Can't do, at the moment, much else. But what I noticed in my practices, in making myself more lucid, is feeling energy currents flow through you. Energy currents are always there, in reality and in dreams.

Like RB says in his energy work page, pull energy from your feet to your crown, or likewise, one can pull energy from the skies into the crown. In my experience, when you pull into yourself, from above, one tends to float, pulling from the bottom, one evokes images and presences from the material world, not necessarily bad, but from the material world nonetheless, perhaps even a friend of family member who is at a lower vibrational state than you at that time. You can maybe pull them up into your dream. I almost did this once, but decided to switch and float upward, rather than pulling (something, someone?) up.

Practice pulling energy from your feet and the sky throughout the day, and it'll become second nature. Feel the energy in your charkras. You'll start doing it right on cue, like a second nature, when you start dreaming. And lucidity will come with that; you'll be used to feeling those energy flows. That's how I started anyway, and it worked for me.

I'm able to ascend in dreams now, almost without effort. Sometimes it seems something else is pulling me up, rather than myself doing the pulling.

Happy dreaming...

12th March 2013, 10:21 PM

Hi, Lucid Quartz and welcome :). I hope you will join our RV Lab (Parapsychology and Phenomenology/Group Activities/RV Lab). Would love for you to participate if you like - the more the merrier :).

You too, AS! :P

13th March 2013, 11:51 AM
Thanks Lucid Quartz, I am practising being mindful as much as I can, being in the moment so that helps thank you. Yoda, the one time I tried the energy pulling up through legs into the chakras up to crown, it got one of my chakras throbbing so may have put them out of balance. So I now sponge in the hope that I am energising even the smaller chakras.

You sound far more advanced than I am and one thing I have learned recently and with Roberts work is its best not to try run before you can walk. But you have definately inspired me:thumbsup:

I am off to try RV again you should give it both a go, practice makes perfect.

14th March 2013, 01:23 AM
EWO, there is indeed no rush. Try narrowing your energy flow, or imagining the energy is cool, cool water. One thing you could do is instead of pulling from the feet, pull from above your head down, into your throat chakra. Then let the energy trickle down into the others.

Also, throbbing or pulsing isn't a bad thing. If one chakra is throbbing, send the pulses through into the other chakras, and keep a consistent energy flow through your body. Of course, do Nothing that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Remember, your body is very supple. The energies in us are very lightweight and can easily be maneuvered, like mist. Use your imagination, make believe you're a puddle of water, with ripples flowing through you. It's that light...