View Full Version : Extreme energy loss

11th April 2013, 07:43 PM
During the day, I try to make some psi balls and stuff. I try to draw the energy straight from the Universe so I could have the effect of not losing energy and it works for awhile.

Later on I try to make balls created with aether instead and within five minutes after that, I feel extremely tired. I noticed it happens after this or regular energy work. I also think that the energy flowing into my body is becoming stronger or the thinner energy lines are becoming thicker and energy is flowing out faster than coming in. Anyways I always start sleeping and have a huge headache.

Should I take a break maybe for a week or so till my body gets used to this alteration? Again I do not know if I am totally draining myself of energy due to either the energy work or aether. I can physically feel a ball in my hand and can imagine the ball in any color.

Please reply anyone.

11th April 2013, 07:51 PM
Yes, you should take a week off. And you also should try to get more sleep at least for a couple of weeks until your energy body gets used to the new energy demands.
Think of your psi work as a workout- if you all of a sudden started working out (let's say lifting weights) at first you would need more food and rest, and your muscles would ache for a time until they got used to the energy demands.
The same thing happens to your energy body. So take a mini-break, get more rest, eat more, and go back to the energy work gently.
This is not rare, it happens a lot. It happened to me when I was learning to project at first. I had to take an entire month off when I was doing MAP due to severe exhaustion. The month off paid off, I had my first conscious and controlled projection when I went back to the program, on day 30.

11th April 2013, 08:00 PM
I think I will take a week off then. Thanks for the advice. Also I should try to do map because really Astral Projection is what I was striving for. Now I am in to other things like hermetics but I really want to learn to project.

19th April 2013, 05:38 AM
Chiming in to say I second CFTraveler. I found as well that stress, or illness seriously depletes us energetically (in fact, I've had such heavy stress that well over a year ago ++ I had to stop astral work. My body is working hard to stay healthy and 'home' LOL).

Do you make a point as well of consistent energy raising, regardless of playing with or experiment with energy? Very important.

Sweet dreams!

19th April 2013, 06:00 AM
I found as well that stress, or illness seriously depletes us energetically
Indeed. Although I'm not sure if the energetic depletion is the source of the illness (i.e. the illness is the manifestation of that exhaustion) or what the case may be. I do often get clear physical manifestations of spiritual/psychic/emotional shifts and changes, though.

Whatever the case may be, if you're exhausted, rest. That's practical advice for any situation. :)

19th April 2013, 11:49 PM
In addition to what others have said, it may be worth looking at alternate energy building exercises, such as Qi breathing if you're not already. I've found I can generate considerable energy quickly by simply standing and working the reverse breathing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_breathing) method.


29th April 2013, 04:02 PM
Well, I have to add this, but remember it's me - only my opinion.

Stay away from the base/coxis (sp?)1st chakra/red/pink (whatever). This stirs up 'the beast'. Pet a dog or cat at the base of tail and look what happens. They like it! and not for spiritual reasons.

I give it's due for it is also the furnace - but I won't spend much time or focus there.

Well, another thought. I've been sluggish lately. I might need a tune-up down there.:lol: