View Full Version : Spirit Guides

23rd April 2013, 12:38 PM
Hello, everybody

I just woke from a fascinating dream and I want to hear what you guys have to say, because things just don't add up.

I was looking up how to contact spirit guides yesterday (I know, I'm very slow at getting started with these things), I meditated last night, calling to them, and last night, I had had a lucid dream (like I do every night) and I requested to see my spirit guide.

A voice came before me, answering my query to learn about clairvoyance, saying, "You do see that lantern on the desk, don't you?" I said, "That's not exactly what I mean." Anyway, I asked if he wanted to show himself and he did and he was a humanoid, but with cracked skin, and with an Egyptian sort of temple behind him (I was looking through my phone's camera lens)... There were a few rocks lying on my bed, which I could open, which represented different things, like healing, etc. I didn't open any; I didn't feel quite comfortable. Funny thing is, I asked this guy his name and he said it was Ken.

Now, how could an old egyptian ruler be named Ken?

Also disconcerting is that I've seen this guy before in a dream, sitting in lotus position with hands extended, looking for cards for a superior man to lend him. The setting was gloomy. I was about to save him from this encounter, with a slingshot, but I woke up... So, there have been feelings of compassion towards this guy--I get the feeling he's related to a past life of mine.

Sry... One last thing. I've seen Yoda a few times throughout my life, as well as the legendary African man, who was taking notes on me (actually the first time I saw them, Yoda and the Black man were together in the same room). But I was always under the impression Yoda had an eye on me. (Yoda seems to be a real manifestation).

Can people have multiple spirit guides, leading them to different ends? I hate to say it, but I seem to have a talent for seeing darker things, I guess, clairvoyantly, I see black dots and blocks around people, rather than light, which I see frequently as well. Does that give an indication of say, a spirit guide's intention?

Also, in my dream last night, I saw an image of my aura, and later on, after an encounter, just before this cracked man, my aura changed colors to gold and violet, when it used to be blue and violet, only reversed now, gold in the crown, when it used to be violet in the crown. Just little details that could help in a prognosis.

Hope everyone is getting on well!

Guys, thank you.


23rd April 2013, 02:27 PM
Now, how could an old egyptian ruler be named Ken? Ah-ken-a-ten? The possibilities are endless, as they didn't write out some of their vowels. And they ended many of their names in 'en' or 'un'.

23rd April 2013, 06:49 PM
A voice came before me,

Why the biblical speak? Just seemed the narrative took a turn at that point.

23rd April 2013, 07:45 PM
Hey, that's how it came out, eyeoneblack. Sometimes my language gets the best of me. It was actually my roommate's voice, weirdly, a funny guy.

Also, CFT, thanks for the remark. Interesting, I'll have to think about it.