View Full Version : A few walkabouts.

7th May 2013, 09:11 AM
Seeing as I have no new obe adventures to speak of and no way of knowing when I might, I thought I may as well share the ones I have experienced. If it helps a few who are trying to get out, might not, I'm glad. If anything else we can at least have a laugh at some of the more ungraceful events. The first few may follow a specific order, as my first few are quite crisp in my memory of the chronology, but will probably descend into a list of remembered exits in no specific order. No point in holding on to these like they have any more value than the enjoyment of experience them. There are a few earlier events (round twelve) that I'll bring up, but from about fifteen through twenty, stuff went pretty quiet (a few odd events here and there). Well here goes.

First conscious separation. Age : 19 - 20( there about)

I was taking an afternoon nap when the vibrations kicked into high gear. I had been having a lot of paralysis round the time and had got fed up with it. I was laying on my side and was very annoyed at not being able to move. I started to apply a real effort to roll on to my back. Very suddenly, with an almost audible pop, I floated round on to my back. What caught my attention was that my shoulder (physical body) was protruding from my chest. This accompanied an instant realization that I had separated. What followed was that my vision filled with a bright orange light and then countless white dots appeared and a sound that I can only explain as being in a stadium started up. I couldn't hold this for long and winked out.

End of session.

This really piqued my interest and I started reading anything I could find. My father came across Roberts first treatise and sent it my way. It really helped clear up a few issues for me and I found his easy style of writing easy and down to earth which appealed to my shoot from the hip approach. So a thanks to my dad for finding it and Bruce for writing it.

Next session
age 19-20 (not long after my first success)

I had been reading quite a bit on relaxation and this was to be one of my first planned session. Spent quite a bit of time relaxing and inducing trance when quite suddenly the projection reflex kicked in. Before I started the session I said to myself I would only attempt to separate my arm. With the vibrations going I started to try and lift my arm without breaking the projective state. There was the rubber band effect I had to overcome which seemed as if it wasn't going to happen. Then again, a pop and my arm came floating loose. This kicked the vibrations into high gear. Starting off in my chest it felt as though there was a bird trapped by my rib cage. The energy sensations shot up my neck, seemed to spider web, and caused a metallic vibration in my teeth that I thought was going to blow them out my head.

Off to my right, a sound started which sounded very much like gears grinding into motion (very industrial). The sound slowly resolved itself into a more organic sound and took on the sound of laughing.
I have to say though that the laughter sounded like something that had heard laughter but to whom the concept of humor was foreign. Well this really got my attention and I most definitely wanted to distance myself from whatever this was. Next I felt what seemed to be a cross between a tentacle and tongue slap across my face and neck. That ended the session in short order.

End of session.

Well I've got my computer setup in my workshop and need to get some work done. I'll get a few more up during the day. Hope at least a few can have a good laugh if not anything else.


7th May 2013, 02:40 PM
Next session
age 19-20 (this will start to drop away, getting difficult to to remember, the periods)
First full body exit. Assisted ?

Fell asleep laying on my stomach when the vibrations kicked in. I tried really hard to exit with no luck. I began asking, willing for help, when something grabbed me by the ankles (nothing lewd), and gave a sharp tug which freed me up quite nicely. I shot straight out, saw the bed and my feet zoom past and shot through the wall, ending up outside. I bobbed a bit like a balloon along the ground and came to rest. Upon standing up I had this small white poodle come running up to me. Now at that time we didn't have a poodle but the confusion didn't last long, I quickly recognized her as my sisters dog which had past the previous year (whether it was her I don't know, I like to think so). I don't know what caught me more by surprise the dog or the fact that I was finally out. Shear exhilaration was all I felt. I ran into my mothers bedroom and watched her and my grandmother having a conversation. Lost consciousness soon after entering the room.

End of session.

8th May 2013, 07:16 AM
Next session.

The only event that really stood out in this session was getting up and walking up to the window. I read about a few folks being able to pass through objects and I thought I'd give it a go. I started off lightly pressing the ends of my fingers against the glass and applying a light pressure. Withing a few moments the glass bulged slightly and seemed to part around my hand, almost like passing your hand through a sheet of water. I could clearly feel the sensation of the glass scraping against my skin. What I found quite interesting was that I was expecting my hand to atomize into a mist and pass through the glass but instead the glass gave way to a solid hand. First and only time that happened. Now I just generally take a run at what I want to pass through, although I do get stuck occasionally.

end of session.

8th May 2013, 12:11 PM
I gotta tell you, that never gets old.

8th May 2013, 05:22 PM
Which part the getting stuck or the passing through.:-)

8th May 2013, 05:23 PM
The feel of passing through.

8th May 2013, 05:29 PM
Did you find you had the same sensation, like a solid hand passing through a sheet of water (not wet though)?.

8th May 2013, 08:47 PM
The first time I ever had a conscious projection, I went through a concrete wall. I was about eight or nine years old, but even though the memory is still fresh in my mind, the mentality I had at the time was different. I remember what the wall felt, every little pebble, even the taste of the concrete. I wasn't conscious of what my (energy) body felt like, I was amazed and focused outward (and in getting outside, lol.) The few other times I have gone through walls have been similar, but it felt as if my body was made of jello or plasma- the wall 'gave' but what really 'gave' was my body. In these ocassions though, I have taken more time to go through, and I've felt what I felt like. I think plasma describes it best.

8th May 2013, 08:54 PM
Very cool, next time I will slow down and try to experience it slower again. I think the few times I have got stuck half in half out annoyed me a little, so now I tend to just take a run at the wall/window/door and pop out on the other side. The last time I got stuck I fell over backwards and ended up flat on my back with my head half way through a door. Strange thing was that I could see on both sides of the door, almost like the door was bisecting my eyeballs (odd perspective).

9th May 2013, 07:43 PM
Next session.
Earlier projection not long after my first few exits.

This was a strange one, being my strongest tube/tunnel type experience. I was laying down when the projection reflex kicked in, with my head turned to the side. The light was striking the window just right and sent off fine filaments of light. My eyes were partially open, something I've done quite a few times without breaking or ending the projection symptoms (if I stay calm and relaxed enough). What happened next was not planned, the filament of light was hitting me square in the eyes and I seemed to slide out along it. I stopped the action once or twice, slipping back to a body position, then decided to go with it. Sliding out for the last time, just before I made contact with the window, I seemed to be enveloped in white water or tv type static. Quite violent shaking and sense of speed. It seemed to resolve itself into quite a stylistic train or subway tunnel, leading onto tarmac with a few building here and there. Sprouting out of the road was small tree and under it a man with mane of dreadlocks (seen him once before that). Stumbling out of one of the alleys came a bloke who I'd gone to college with but hadn't seen in a good three years. The man the dreads was staring and nodding at me. I woke up straight away.

A few months after that this guy started dating my sister, quite a turbulent relationship as well. Was it a forewarning, I don't know, maybe. It didn't help the situation in any way. I just watched the events unfold with this constant reminder of the projection I'd had, but it still offered no guide or direction in which to change anything.

end of session.

14th May 2013, 10:03 AM
Next session. The rain drop.
age. Can't remember:shrug:.

Climbed out through window and up on to the roof. Very gecko like. On the roof I attempted a small jump, but shot straight up at quite a speed. There were storm clouds up above and as I was approaching them I was loosing momentum. This bit may have been an "Alice in wonderland" effect, I got within a meter of a particularly dense cloud and I watched a water droplet condense, very beautiful to see. As it fell, it struck me in the face,quite jarring, causing me to fall back to earth. I blacked out on the trip down.

End of session.

13th June 2013, 10:07 AM
First projection related occurrence in months. It was quite early in the morning, I had just got up and had a wander around the house and went to lay back down. As I was lying their and I felt all the familiar sensations, then the vibrations kicked in. I was lying on my side and could here this crackling, electrical sound coming from behind my head, about a foot behind. Prickly sensation on the back of my neck. I pushed forcing the vibrations to pick up in intensity. Blacked out, next I found myself standing in my kitchen with the curtains billowing, thought someone had broken in. Got very dreamy after that, a lot of wandering around my back garden looking for intruders.

Haven't had anything for so long, I was quite happy. These tend to happen in batches and my ability to induce a projection usually picks up when these spontaneous ones occur. Might try on the weekend for a self induced one, who knows might work.

13th June 2013, 04:58 PM
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :cool: