View Full Version : Kundalini rising

25th May 2013, 02:21 AM
Hello. This is GMAN again with another question. So I had an awakening about a year ago? I was already into things over a year but only got awakened last year or so after many different experiences which probably led to the awakening. I could not handle much of the energy that was flowing into my body and figured out that I wasn't grounded either which was a bad idea. I grounded myself and it stopped for a bit, then it came back on. I decided that I do energy work too so that the energy balances out and is able to flow through my whole body. It started to flow much better and it is pretty balanced now. It took about 2 months for it to become normal. The reason I posted this is because I want to know how strong the kundalini raising energy is. The kundalini awakening is just an awakening probably of some abilities and stuff. The rising travels through your body and could actually end up killing me, but bringing me back? I want to know, if any of you have risen kundalini, how did yours go? What could you have done to stabilize the effects better? Have any of you had the full effect of a rise? I am guessing the kundalini program has something with energy work first to help make the flow of energy better. My energy is stabilized from the awakening, I just want to know how much stronger is the rising? I heard that for the short time, or long time of the rising, you get all the abilities, but they stop and eventually you get them all back through practices or over time.

25th May 2013, 08:54 AM
So I had an awakening about a year ago?
why the (?) in the end , it either happened or it didn't.
Every energetic movement in the body , even severe ones or those happening in the spinal channel aren't necessarily kundalini.

I want to know how strong the kundalini raising energy is.
There is no such thing as a singular unified version of kundalini , there is no one type of kundalini that everyone experiences and talk about the say same way.This is no "one size fits all" type of a thing.

The kundalini awakening is just an awakening probably of some abilities and stuff
Kundalini does not awaken super powers , psychic gifts , clairvoyance or the ilk.No matter many people claim it to be so (however) if people already had those qualities before kunalini , afterwards they might go up a notch or two from the equal energy distribution and that's about it.

The rising travels through your body and could actually end up killing me, but bringing me back?
After reading this i'm sure as heck certain you don't really have any idea what kundalini is.
Let's say cyanide , bullet in the head, jumping off a cliff, armed gang fight "kills" you , the very thing that will bring you back to life is the very same thing that will bring you back to life after kundalini kills you - true story.

I heard that for the short time, or long time of the rising, you get all the abilities
Yes again very true! , every super power , every supernatural ability , heck even samadhi come gushing out (once you crack open the kundalini coconut) - again true story.

but they stop and eventually you get them all back through practices or over time
golly gee whiz GMAN! it's like hearing my life story coming from your lips! O_O
one day i woke up and all my super powers were gone , i came running down stairs to mommy and i was like "mom! mom! how can ever live like an ordinary human being again, i will never live this down!" ...as you can see a very difficult journey commenced there after , much rehab , hard work , diligent pyshiotherapy was need for me to come back down to a peasent like human level , living without those delicious abilities is no joke my friend , not joke at all.

25th May 2013, 01:59 PM
The reason I posted this is because I want to know how strong the kundalini raising energy is.
It's enough to wreck your entire life as you know it, dissolve your reality as you understand it, and completely break down your identity as you think it is. And more.

I've said before (I think it might have even been to you?) that the way you know Kundalini at work is because your life, your reality, your identity, and everything else starts to change. Maybe not all at once, but stuff starts changing. That's the whole purpose of it. It is a transformation process, and one that might be called destructive, in that it deconstructs before it rebuilds. Of course, some people have more or less stuff to be deconstructed, and every person is unique, so while there are general guidelines, it's always uniquely personal.

The kundalini awakening is just an awakening probably of some abilities and stuff.
Not in my experience. What do you mean by "some abilities and stuff"? You think Kundalini awakening suddenly bestows magickal type powers on you or something? What, like a fairy godmother? ;) Maybe I'm not understanding what you're suggesting, but any "abilities" that develop do so as part of the whole transformation process. They're not even that important, to be honest. Interesting, sure, fun, sometimes, but not important, and not the point.

The rising travels through your body and could actually end up killing me
Not sure where you heard that. Generally, people who have a difficult time of it do so because of the changes in their lives, their reality, their view of themselves. Loss of identity is shockingly difficult for most people, and it can definitely feel like dying. Some people can't cope with it, and I'll leave it at that.

how did yours go
Without me having a clue what was happening. I DID, at various times, have sensations of energy doing weird things (like shooting out of the top of my head), but I had no clue what any of it was. I never even heard the word "kundalini" until pretty recently (within the last five or six years). The awakening started in about... 1989 or so, and that's when everything started to change. I lost everything that I thought was important, including my sanity, nearly my life... It was harrowing, and it took years to deconstruct, and then years to reconstruct, and then some more years to recover from the whole transformation process.

The only thing I can think of, in retrospect, that would have made it easier would have been to just let go and surrender to the process. I wanted to keep control (although I know now control is an illusion). I fought the process, because I didn't like where it was taking me, I didn't want to go there, I didn't want to be destroyed. But I was, and it was necessary and I know that now, but I didn't know it then, and I fought against it every step of the way. Mind you, I don't think it necessarily would have made the weird stuff stop being weird (I just plain got used to weirdness and stopped worrying myself about it), but it would have made the process go a lot more smoothly, probably less painfully, and almost certainly more expediently.

I heard that for the short time, or long time of the rising, you get all the abilities, but they stop and eventually you get them all back through practices or over time.
I don't know what you mean by "all the abilities" or what you mean by "practices". I don't mean to be obtuse, but it seems my point of view has shifted so much that the whole idea of "gaining abilities" just sounds like a video game to me, and not like fluid reality. ;)

25th May 2013, 06:30 PM
@DC: Wow!

@BW: So I should submit myself to my destruction and reconstruction? Is this a type of depression or is it literally I will forget myself and goals in life and everything?

25th May 2013, 07:01 PM
So I should submit myself to my destruction and reconstruction?
Just stop trying to control the process, stop worrying about it, stop trying to figure it out. How it will unfold, I have no idea. Everyone is unique. I was basically completely destroyed, right to the brink of actual death, and then rebuilt. It's not that way for everyone.

My point was that fighting it, trying to control it, worrying about it, fussing over it, trying to make it happen faster, or slower, or less weirdly, or whatever, just makes it take longer and may very well make it more difficult. Whatever "it" ends up being.

Is this a type of depression or is it literally I will forget myself and goals in life and everything?
I never forgot myself. In fact, I got so sick of myself it made me write mournful poetry about it. I never forgot any goals. You're projecting something there. I don't know what it is. I don't think goals come into it anywhere, and neither does forgetting...

25th May 2013, 08:51 PM
Germain 12 , hiya,would you do something for me?? Please.
The next time you have some spare time would you
1) take a look at as many beautiful flowers as you can and tell us what you are thinking about them ( in your day journal)
2) watch the birds in the sky and describe the most interesting one and why?
3) can you give kindness to someone today?excluding mothers and fathers ,they deserve this 24/7.
4) be creative.( your hovercraft for eg)
You are clever enough to know why I am suggesting this but I look forward to reading your replies.

26th May 2013, 04:35 AM
1) take a look at as many beautiful flowers as you can and tell us what you are thinking about them ( in your day journal)
2) watch the birds in the sky and describe the most interesting one and why?
3) can you give kindness to someone today?excluding mothers and fathers ,they deserve this 24/7.
4) be creative.( your hovercraft for eg)
You are clever enough to know why I am suggesting this but I look forward to reading your replies.
This is all excellent advice. Brilliant. I wouldn't have thought to recommend these things, but when I read it, it's like "Oh, YEAH! Great idea!" Thanks, Susan. You made me smile. :)

26th May 2013, 08:44 AM
apart from what susan recommends might I suggest martial arts as well? ; Cft took it too and look at where she is today :-)
I took classical ballet for about a decade and I was the only guy in my class who graduated onto work en pointe.
sometimes a good hard work out really soothes you out and keeps the mind from dwelling on things that are either too petty to be worrying about or simply not worth your cerebral time.

while we are at it i'm going to add in that anyone specially young people undergoing kundalini are best kept away from religious ideas , if someone's earliest childhood memory is feeling the presence of God , they are obviously going to view life thereafter through "God tainted glasses" , so it's natural they'd suggest or introduce ideas like consciousness , the omnipotent and the one true , all knowing omniscient God "expressing itself through kundalini".This might very well be true and work for them in their* particular case.
But it's not the same for everyone , to look at kundalini in terms of a pure energetic change/process is perfectly fine and entirely acceptable.
The young mind is very impressionable also to be told that there is God behind it can also lead to questions like
"Why is God punishing me like this , all this weird stuff going on , what did I do to incur it?"
"I never really believed in God so now he's sitting up there proving to me he exists by doing crazy stuff in body".
"Why did God pick me to torture like this?"
I think there should be room for everyone to make their own mind about it.A lot of people tried to sell religion ,god and consciousness theories onto me in my early years , luckily it was in one ear and out the other and I just didn't buy into it.

I was agnostic way before kundalini and still am , but that's just me , if someone else was "awakened" , "enlightened" or reached "divinity" through kundalini than good for them.

none of this is said incendiary motive , if however it still counts as offensive , deletion is most welcomed by op.

26th May 2013, 02:22 PM
"Why is God punishing me like this , all this weird stuff going on , what did I do to incur it?"
"Why did God pick me to torture like this?"
I once struggled with questions like those. For a long time, I was convinced that God must hate me to send me from His presence and force me to be here, in this material existence that I hated so very much.

Happily, this is no longer how I feel or perceive. I don't actually perceive an objective "God" figure at all any more. Haven't for a long time. But I do perceive Consciousness, though not as a deity or a God. Consciousness is formless (except for the forms of Creation), nameless, without shape.

And as with all things, there should be added: In my experience. I usually put that in every post, but it gets tiresome. People should know by now that I speak from my experience, because what the hell else would I speak from? I'm no fan of dogma and traditions. I only know what I have experienced. Even my interpretation of things I've experienced is subjective.

My advice is always to EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF. If you haven't, and you want to, intend to do so, and then let the process unfold without impeding it. Your reality, as I've also said many times, is YOUR reality. Ultimately, you are the creator of it, or at least, you are the filter and instrument of the creation of the reality that you experience. Don't take my word for it. Find out for yourself.

26th May 2013, 07:26 PM
Specific question was "how was it for you" and "what would you have done to make it beter/easier". What am I going to do, talk about someone else's experience? Talk about some dogmatic interpretation written down by someone I've never met? No, of course I'm speaking of my experience. It's all I have. Personal experience is all anyone has, and if you haven't got the experience, you're just speculating. When and if I am speculating, I say so.

Anyway. Whatever. Done now.

Quoting the entire original complaint, for posterity's sake:

apart from what susan recommends might I suggest martial arts as well? ; Cft took it too and look at where she is today :-)
I took classical ballet for about a decade and I was the only guy in my class who graduated onto work en pointe.
sometimes a good hard work out really soothes you out and keeps the mind from dwelling on things that are either too petty to be worrying about or simply not worth your cerebral time.

while we are at it i'm going to add in that anyone specially young people undergoing kundalini are best kept away from religious ideas , if someone's earliest childhood memory is feeling the presence of God , they are obviously going to view life thereafter through "God tainted glasses" , so it's natural they'd suggest or introduce ideas like consciousness , the omnipotent and the one true , all knowing omniscient God "expressing itself through kundalini".This might very well be true and work for them in their* particular case.
But it's not the same for everyone , to look at kundalini in terms of a pure energetic change/process is perfectly fine and entirely acceptable.
The young mind is very impressionable also to be told that there is God behind it can also lead to questions like
"Why is God punishing me like this , all this weird stuff going on , what did I do to incur it?"
"I never really believed in God so now he's sitting up there proving to me he exists by doing crazy stuff in body".
"Why did God pick me to torture like this?"
I think there should be room for everyone to make their own mind about it.A lot of people tried to sell religion ,god and consciousness theories onto me in my early years , luckily it was in one ear and out the other and I just didn't buy into it.

I was agnostic way before kundalini and still am , but that's just me , if someone else was "awakened" , "enlightened" or reached "divinity" through kundalini than good for them.

none of this is said incendiary motive , if however it still counts as offensive , deletion is most welcomed by op.

27th May 2013, 06:40 AM
I have thought about this with rationality and by having a cooler head prevail.
It does not matter if what I say is correct , in the know or just generally even very accurate , if it's misconstrued as either disparaging or derogatory and the person on the other end assumes it is with incendiary intent and feels offended , that by itself is enough to issue an apology , so I'd like to extend a genuinely well meant unreserved one.

I even left marked my "complaint" (believe me it was not my intent to go complaining or cribbing - this is neither my thread nor my topic ) with confirmation for immediate deletion if in case (as I accurately suspected) it counts as abrasive to someone.

none of this is said incendiary motive , if however it still counts as offensive , deletion is most welcomed by op

Even after reading this if someone chooses still to be offended than an apology obviously is even more so in order.

Also the other reason why I apologized is that where I come from we are thought to respect our elders and practice proper etiquette in their presence , If I have been remiss in this then it is only befitting I feel contrite .

Lastly this isn't some glib sophistry for damage control so please don't take it as one , otherwise I'd still be playing some sort of an inanely sophomoric "I'm right and you are wrong" game.

Aunt Clair
31st May 2013, 11:50 PM
If you search on this site you will see that Robert has written a LOT about Kundalini as have others during their personal events. There is a wealth of information on AD regarding Kundalini.

The rising travels through your body and could actually end up killing me, but bringing me back?
If the person is infirm or has a spinal or heart condition, death might rarely result. Dire results such as NDE or Death are certainly not associated with the first rising which tends to be mild and may be not be noticable.

Contrary to popular advice online the younger the better. Older is worse when it comes to Kundalini because the spine deteriorates with age, negative emotion and experiences block the energy body. Whereas a young innocent has a healthy clear energy body without infirmities and they can and do have kundalini events without issue.

I want to know, if any of you have risen kundalini, how did yours go? I have. I have had a few issues with kundalini because of my spine. I have had two spine surgeries and I have accelerated spinal deterioration. However, most of the K events I have had have been wondrous and exhilerating.

Kundalini rises as fire energy up the spine on the initial run.Tt is important to note that there will be multiple kundalini events.

In my humble opinion and in my experience, Kundalini is the rushing in to the body of a reciprocal energy much lightning is an opportunistic event occurring when the chargew from earth and atmosphere are conducive to it. When the body leaves the neutral tetrapolar state perhaps for example taking on a highly ascended vibration which is mostly water , than the fire kundalini is created like a ripple or a wave in the ether surrounding that magickian and this is felt moving through the body. The trigger points which will cause kundalini events are numerous . Typically this is the maturation or ripening of a nadi. The entire blueprint or mapping is available at birth but typically a human is born with only 3 nadis. The others are there they are just not filled with light , they are not felt, or seen and they are not functioning. It is like puberty or aging. These will occur in a predictable fashion. So the nadis will develop always in the same order on every human being . How many are developed is more like muscle mass or neural pathways; the more pathworking the more nadis will develop , reach maturation and precipitate kundalini events.

A kundalini event will predictably occur for every nadi which ripens from the perineum up to the heart and from there to the crown. Similarly a bed of nadis will develop from the crown descending to the heart and from there to the perineum. After each of the primary and secondary nadis ascending and descending have had kundalini events then there are minor nadis . There are 14 principle nadis of these 3 are primary and there are innumerable nadis over 72. Each will also have a tetrapolar set of kundalini events. The primary energy of kundalini is fire but water and air kundalini will occur in that order. Fire rise up the front first. Water falls down the back , first.The process is eternal and infinite.

What could you have done to stabilize the effects better?
Drinking lots of water and sitting in meditative trance and fasting will prolong the event providing visions and heightened abilities such as the abilities to see clairvoyantly better and project better with more control , for the duration of that event. And there will be a portion of this new ability level which is stable and cumulative although at the peak of the Kundalini event the clairient senses were higher than what results at its end.

Physical exercise, fatty fast foods and distracting noisy minds will slow down, impede or halt Kundalini events.

Have any of you had the full effect of a rise? Yes. Robert has described some of his Kundalini events, you will find this in his texts and here online at AD. Look up Uraeus , for example.

The most profound K event I ever had was the ingesting of a negative kundalni from a patient I exorcised who was mentally ill and chose to descend. I was instructed to remove the external demons , to heal the internal demons by raising their vibration and to consume the black coal/tar like substance in the front base of the spine. This made me want to retch physically , at first. Then a wondrous thing occurred. I was able to see phenomenally well. I flew home in projection and could not lift my vibration to fly up any further than 50 cm off the ground. I flew on the road home and saw colours around all living beings and deceased beings all inorganic material disappeared from view. I saw through walls and bushland and saw every living thing in far range as red blue and green energy. I saw through homes viewing people in beds and through them more people in other beds and I saw all manner of cats and rats scurrying about the streets If you are interested you might search on my little site the River of Enlightenment . I think I probably posted most of the profound k events here at AD though, unsure. I have been at this decades now and I forget where and what I posted and shared.

I heard that for the short time, or long time of the rising, you get all the abilities, but they stop and eventually you get them all back through practices or over time. Not exactly. All abilities will be affected but these will not occur at a high level if there was no basal level. The abilities that have developed already will be the most affected measurably by Kundalini events and the ones which have never developed will be facilitated but pathworking is necessary to continue and maintain development and skills. To develop any clairient ability requires;
energy flow
development of energy centres

For example to develop clairvoyance;
Shen is required. This is a noble fire energy that is cultivated in the head in a tube like subtle energy structure called by Taoist Alchemists; the upper tan tien or th female tan tien. It will be the exact reciprocal energy of the watery energies in the head. Therefore when the water in the head is at a low vibration the fire resulting is of a low vibration , too. The vibration of the fire can be measured by its colour; white is lowest, than orange, than yellow than golden. Golden is what is necessary to have clairvoyance. Then the energy centres of what Robert Bruce calls the brow centre must develop and these are multiple, sophisticated and complex. The new centres grown in a vertical ring around the third eye and then a horizontal ring and on and around the nearby physical eyes, the bridge of the nose, et cetera.

1st June 2013, 04:18 AM
Hello. This is crust800 from the RoE forums. I asked Tom for Attunements and I am starting at Usui Reiki and working my way up to the 3rd eye attunement. Another question. After Usui, it will be Kundalini Reiki. Will it also help with the attunements that they clear out the path for the kundalini energy and would I be able to give Shaktipat directly to people if I know how to do it?

1st June 2013, 04:53 AM
If you search on this site you will see that Robert has written a LOT about Kundalini as have others during their personal events. There is a wealth of information on AD regarding Kundalini.

If the person is infirm or has a spinal or heart condition, death might rarely result. Dire results such as NDE or Death are certainly not associated with the first rising which tends to be mild and may be not be noticable.

Contrary to popular advice online the younger the better. Older is worse when it comes to Kundalini because the spine deteriorates with age, negative emotion and experiences block the energy body. Whereas a young innocent has a healthy clear energy body without infirmities and they can and do have kundalini events without issue.
I have. I have had a few issues with kundalini because of my spine. I have had two spine surgeries and I have accelerated spinal deterioration. However, most of the K events I have had have been wondrous and exhilerating.

Kundalini rises as fire energy up the spine on the initial run.Tt is important to note that there will be multiple kundalini events.

In my humble opinion and in my experience, Kundalini is the rushing in to the body of a reciprocal energy much lightning is an opportunistic event occurring when the chargew from earth and atmosphere are conducive to it. When the body leaves the neutral tetrapolar state perhaps for example taking on a highly ascended vibration which is mostly water , than the fire kundalini is created like a ripple or a wave in the ether surrounding that magickian and this is felt moving through the body. The trigger points which will cause kundalini events are numerous . Typically this is the maturation or ripening of a nadi. The entire blueprint or mapping is available at birth but typically a human is born with only 3 nadis. The others are there they are just not filled with light , they are not felt, or seen and they are not functioning. It is like puberty or aging. These will occur in a predictable fashion. So the nadis will develop always in the same order on every human being . How many are developed is more like muscle mass or neural pathways; the more pathworking the more nadis will develop , reach maturation and precipitate kundalini events.

A kundalini event will predictably occur for every nadi which ripens from the perineum up to the heart and from there to the crown. Similarly a bed of nadis will develop from the crown descending to the heart and from there to the perineum. After each of the primary and secondary nadis ascending and descending have had kundalini events then there are minor nadis . There are 14 principle nadis of these 3 are primary and there are innumerable nadis over 72. Each will also have a tetrapolar set of kundalini events. The primary energy of kundalini is fire but water and air kundalini will occur in that order. Fire rise up the front first. Water falls down the back , first.The process is eternal and infinite.

Drinking lots of water and sitting in meditative trance and fasting will prolong the event providing visions and heightened abilities such as the abilities to see clairvoyantly better and project better with more control , for the duration of that event. And there will be a portion of this new ability level which is stable and cumulative although at the peak of the Kundalini event the clairient senses were higher than what results at its end.

Physical exercise, fatty fast foods and distracting noisy minds will slow down, impede or halt Kundalini events.

Yes. Robert has described some of his Kundalini events, you will find this in his texts and here online at AD. Look up Uraeus , for example.

The most profound K event I ever had was the ingesting of a negative kundalni from a patient I exorcised who was mentally ill and chose to descend. I was instructed to remove the external demons , to heal the internal demons by raising their vibration and to consume the black coal/tar like substance in the front base of the spine. This made me want to retch physically , at first. Then a wondrous thing occurred. I was able to see phenomenally well. I flew home in projection and could not lift my vibration to fly up any further than 50 cm off the ground. I flew on the road home and saw colours around all living beings and deceased beings all inorganic material disappeared from view. I saw through walls and bushland and saw every living thing in far range as red blue and green energy. I saw through homes viewing people in beds and through them more people in other beds and I saw all manner of cats and rats scurrying about the streets If you are interested you might search on my little site the River of Enlightenment . I think I probably posted most of the profound k events here at AD though, unsure. I have been at this decades now and I forget where and what I posted and shared.
Not exactly. All abilities will be affected but these will not occur at a high level if there was no basal level. The abilities that have developed already will be the most affected measurably by Kundalini events and the ones which have never developed will be facilitated but pathworking is necessary to continue and maintain development and skills. To develop any clairient ability requires;
energy flow
development of energy centres

For example to develop clairvoyance;
Shen is required. This is a noble fire energy that is cultivated in the head in a tube like subtle energy structure called by Taoist Alchemists; the upper tan tien or th female tan tien. It will be the exact reciprocal energy of the watery energies in the head. Therefore when the water in the head is at a low vibration the fire resulting is of a low vibration , too. The vibration of the fire can be measured by its colour; white is lowest, than orange, than yellow than golden. Golden is what is necessary to have clairvoyance. Then the energy centres of what Robert Bruce calls the brow centre must develop and these are multiple, sophisticated and complex. The new centres grown in a vertical ring around the third eye and then a horizontal ring and on and around the nearby physical eyes, the bridge of the nose, et cetera.

Hi Aunt Clair,

Are nadis the same as chakras??

You write...Physical exercise, fatty fast foods and distracting noisy minds will slow down, impede or halt Kundalini events.

I thought that Physical exercise is nessessary ....I can understand that fatty food and distracting noisy minds will slow down can impede...but that physical exercise is total unbelievable, why?? Please tell me....


1st June 2013, 05:41 PM
Nadis are where energy channels cross others, while chakras are 'whirpools' of energy, 'ports' of exchange. So no.

1st June 2013, 07:00 PM
Nadis are where energy channels cross others, while chakras are 'whirpools' of energy, 'ports' of exchange. So no.

Hi CFT is it like what they call meridians also??


Aunt Clair
12th June 2013, 11:48 PM
Theoretically, the one who has had sufficient attunements with Shaktipat to free and raise their vibration can offer it to others, yes.

No nadis are not chakras. Nadis are channels of energy flow; small thread sized to worm like to finger size to giant serpent sized tubes or rivers of energy flow.

Chakras are spheroid energy centres these may begin as a nebulous cloud and sprout as a blossom from another but will eventually become spheroid.These occur notably on the spine and at every joint.Secondary chakras will erupt between any pair of active chakras, too.

Physical exercise is necessary but during a Kundalini event , it is not. The aspirant should spend as much time in trance as possible to sustain the event and learn in this deeper meditative state from visions, projections and visiting teachers.

13th June 2013, 07:01 AM
Thank you Aunt Clair.
Then maybe meridians are different than nadis?? I get the feeling from your writing that nadis is still different than meridians...okay?? Thant meridians are thinner then a nadis ever can be, because as I feel a meridian is like a golden thread, glowing like gold.
And nadis is like flowing water, this is the feeling I get from the writings of yours.

18th June 2013, 04:34 PM
I haven't brought this up, or even thought of it, for many years, but skimming the posts made me think of it again - it's an open question for anybody but I'll hope Aunt Clair finds it and offers some input.

Years ago I was home alone and playing my big Steinway and drifted off into an improvisation. This is not something I could really manage on call, but ever so often I would slip away and play music that could be heard once, because once I was done I could not recall anything of the music I had just produced.

A doctor friend of mine caught me in this once and said something to the effect that she could see in my eyes that I wasn't 'present' in this condition.

So, anyway, I'm playing along, forte, and in this mystic trance when suddenly I was thrown off the bench backwards and laying on the floor. It felt like something like a cattle prod had been struck to the base of my spine; an electric shock that travelled up my spine like a rocket. I came to on the floor, wonderstruck.

Could this have been a Kundalini event? I always marked it up as such, supported also by the many changes going on in my life effecting my then career and marriage and etc.

Just curious.

Aunt Clair
4th July 2013, 07:50 PM
eyeoneblack wrote:
Could this have been a Kundalini event?
It could have been a seisure. Not having witnessed it I do not have enough information to say but yes you are right it could have been Kundalini and in the absence of any neurological condition, I suspect that is what it was.

Are nadis the same as chakras??
Here is a more detailed reply regarding the nadis and chakras questions;

Well these are both subtle energy constructs of the human energy body but these are different in that chakras are spheroid or rather like a blossom on a tree
and nadis are tube like structures running the length of the spine once mature.

are attached with a root to the spine and bob in front of it like a spheroid mass of energy. There are principally 7 spinal chakras on the basal human energy body these will cause others to blossom around the spine which is the Tree of Life and manifest more chakras doubling in this manner around the spine so that the spine becomes 28 chakras in a spiral like the double helix of DNA. And between each pair of nested chakras on the spine will develop a core energy nebula which will in time form a more stable spheroid mass and become a new chakra. Robert has written about the rose coloured chakra infernal to the perineum. There is an aqua coloured chakra which manifests at the throat taking colour from the blue mouth/jaw chakra above and the green heart chakra below it. All of the spinal chakras take the colours of the spectrum split in rainbow hues jewelled toned; violet , indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red. Minor chakras occur at every joint and these will cause others to manifest between the joints.

are tube like structures that hold , mature and move energy throughout the human energy body.

The term Nadi means river these are channels of subtle energy tubes which carry energy through the human energy body much like a vascular system of veins and arteries these move through the organs and promote health or block it and irradicate health. There are 3 principle nadis but there are innumerable ones. Some Vedic texts say 72 like the 72 names of Godhead others say 72 000. Vedic texts are the sacred Hindu texts these name 14 of the first nadis to erupt.

We say erupt because they can be seen clairvoyantly wriggling up through the Garden of God/Throne of God like beansprouts but then these become animated and engorged with light from Kundalini and seem like fat little jewel toned worms of four colours; red, blue, yellow and green. Later eruptions are orange and purple nadis. As the nadi matures it is easier to see its pathway and it will have a distinct colour of its own. A nadi is not straight it undulates like tree branches.

For example the 3 principle nadis are ;

Ida is the left pillar of cold wet feminine water or moon energy .It is written in vedic lore that is white but it becomes blue with maturity.

Pingala is the right pillar of hot dry masculine fire or sun energy. It is yellow.

Sushumna is the front middle pillar of earth energy. It is pink to red.

There are 14 named nadis the one that completes the Hermetic tetrapolar set comes later;

Gandahari the rear middle pillar of cool dim wind. It is chartreuse green.

These nadis rise from the perineum to the crown to join a supernal garden bed called the Crown of the Goddess. The energy of the upper garden if lunar and feminine. The energy of the throne or lower garden is solar and masculine.

Kundalini is a reciprocal energy that rushes into the body principally up the spine but in later event following the course of the network created by the nadis so once that network is established from the perineum to the crown then Kundalini can fall down the back in sheets of icy water or in gentle akashic silver rains. Later events will include earth and wind kundalini, too.

You write...Physical exercise, fatty fast foods and distracting noisy minds will slow down, impede or halt Kundalini events.

I thought that Physical exercise is nessessary ....I can understand that fatty food and distracting noisy minds will slow down can impede...but that physical exercise is total unbelievable, why?? Please tell me....Loveia[/QUOTE]

All must be in balance. During a Kundalini event meditation and stillness of the mind and body will prolong its beautiful effect. Physical exercise will make the physical body healthy and it is fundamentally a requirement of life but exercise during a Kundalini event will ground the body and reduce visions and halt kundalini events that have begun. When you think of that guru on the hill in the loin cloth do you picture a man lifting weights, running track and swimming? No, we know it is a man sitting in a lotus pose quietly in solitary meditation. Meditation is stillness not activity. The body will thrive with Tai Chi, yoga, pilates these help move energy but there is a time for motion and a time for stillness.

IA56 wrote:
Then maybe meridians are different than nadis?? I get the feeling from your writing that nadis is still different than meridians...okay??
Meridians are not something in the vedic texts. That term is used in Ancient Chinese Medicine and Taoist Alchemy. For example;

According to the Taoist School of Internal Alchemy, two of these three treasures, Ch'i and Shen, travel by way of the meridians while Ching moves through the bones. The practice of Tai Chi or Qi Gong is used to develop vital energy or Ch'i because the Taoist understand that body practice is the root of spiritual practice. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Lok Hup Ba Fa, and other internal martial arts are used by the Taoist much as Yoga, in its many forms, is used by the Hindu. These practices transform the body into an energy pump.
Spirit Energy or Shen moves through channels known as the "Eight Extra Meridians". Three of these "Eight Extra Meridians" include du mai, which runs along the spine; ren mai, which runs down the front mid line of the body; and chong mai, which runs through the center of the body from the perineum to the
crown. The seven major chakras are located along the chong mai.
From such examples, it seems to me that meridians are synonymous with nadis.
because I can clairvoyantly view a channel that flows where the Taoist alchemist describe the tan tiens. I believe that the wicks or tan tiens are the tubes that flow specifically between the stones. Some Hermetic Alchemists use an archaeic term which I like called stones to name the three major energy centres which Robert Bruce calls energy storage centres. When mature these manifest a fourth which like Gandahari is the wind and like Gandahari it completes the Hermetic tetrapolar set. The wind or princess is the sought after one the awaited one in the pattern of the four Hermetic energies;
Supernal HeavenStone green magnetic positive female wind energy
Head MoonStone blue magnetic negative female water energy
Chest SunStone yellow electric positive male fire energy
Belly EarthStone red electric negative male earth energy

Now the meridians that connect the EarthStone to the SunStone looks clairvoyantly just like a nadi and feels just like one so I can assume that the meridian is a nadi. Within the meridians that connect the stones energy builds up lining it in nested coloured layers like an inner tube within the channel. Certain meridians are called tan tiens meaning wicks because they have a known pattern of building up noble energies from basal ones. For example the Taoists posit that the Hara Line is the conduit from the belly to the heart and that this pathway cultivates Jing also called Ching. I agree where I disagree is in the colour and Hermetic attribute of this energy.

Each stone has a tan tien or wick meridian that connects it to the other stones on the linear path defined by the spine. The Taoists call the energy cultivated in that wick meridian a treasure;

HeavenStone green air reciprocal treasure earth ruby red XIE
MoonStone blue water reciprocal treasure fire golden yellow SHEN
SunStone yellow fire reciprocal treasure water blue sapphire CHI
EarthStone red earth reciprocal treasure air green emerald CHING

the basal energies are pale pastel colours;
salmon red, pale yellow, platinum blue , chartreuse green
the noble energies are like precious jewels;
ruby red, golden yellow, sapphire blue, emerald green and silver akasha

The meridians are in my opinion another name for nadis. I think though that we must percieve the energies and the subtle energy structures clairiently to confirm and expound upon the ancient understandings which are not always exacting and can be highly subjective. It is when we see the pattern replicated universally in many humans that we can confirm the predictable pattern of development of the human energy body.

5th July 2013, 06:01 AM
Thank you Aunt Clair.
I have seen chakras as spinning wortexes and I have felt them too with my hand.
I have seen golden threads glowing in the body thin as venes.
I have seen broader flowing tubes as water thick as rivers in the human body.
I undestand that the magnetism is making it all to flow but there are other things I do not yet understand but I am sure I will in time.
I have experienced etherics and this is still rather collected but when it comes more transparant then it is more complicated to even express it, it is an experienced thing yet more rich than anything els is...more rich than our physical world ever will be.
I am just in the child stage and starting to see more of the whole and I am in awe....wow...life is so interesting and wonderful.
It is a true gift!!
Thank you LIFE as it is LOVE.
