View Full Version : Self-defense questions and a personal question

4th June 2013, 09:33 PM
Hello Robert Bruce,

I may have come across a little problem, one that may or may not be common with negs, in many projectors. I've been having some bad core images come about recently--demented really--as well as bad dreams, and the other night Raphael, or someone who claimed to be Raphael, came to me in a dream. His energy was amazing, pure and green. I suppose his presence is a good thing, but the unhealthy part about this dream was that there was another man across the room, a satanist wearing an upside down pentagram around his neck..

The entire dream was crazy... I hit a bong at one point, went into a wormhole, and fell into the lake of fire and was gobbled up by a fire dragon. Many entities were messing with me throughout the dream, stepping on my head as I lie in my astral bed... but there were good things too, Raphael as my grandfather, my sister and I jumping in a pool from our second story balcony, and music. This dream ended eventually and the following night I had had another dream:

The bad man on the left side, in Raphael's dream, was with me and he said he may/will/might limit my projections, he might take away my spirit guides, but I will still have dreams... I understand I should believe nothing he says, as what I believe may become the truth. Your focus determines your reality, as Quigon Gin says. But my question is, is this normal? Do negs usually try to "limit" one's astral projections? And do you have any advice?

I've been doing core image work, which rather upsets my heart area--I feel uncomfortable--and do energy work, when I feel anxious. The other night a surge of paranoia rushed into my head from my heart, and I honestly was going out of my mind, but I sucked the emotions down into my sub-navel storage area and tried excreting them via anus, lol. It worked and I went to sleep to be met by strange gray entities. Have you experienced these threats before? I just now purchased your Practical Self-Defense book, also. :)


Also, a personal question, I noticed in some videos that you have tattoos. It just struck me recently that I get the tetragrammaton on my solar plexus. Would this be a good idea?? Or would simply marking it be better. Thank you for any and all advice you give and have given. Yours, Anders.

Robert Bruce
8th June 2013, 07:11 AM
It sounds like you are experiencing dream tests.

A big part of early testing is for 'gullibility'

For example, if I appeared in your dream and told you that you were going to die if you ever astral projected again, how would this affect you? Would you give my image (real or illusion) that much power over you?

Would you give any dream image power over you?

That is a scary place to be.

Try not to take your dreams personally. Their messages are generally metaphorical and relating to your life path.

Temporary markings are generally better than tattoos for magical purposes. This leaves room for other things, and for changing your mind.
