View Full Version : Perineum Pain Carried Over?

7th June 2013, 04:39 AM
So over the last year or so I've slowly been leaving my body spontaneously which started after an increase in lucid dreams. Once I was over the initial shock and fear which kept me (willing myself back into my body), I realized I could "JUMP" past my roof into different dream-like places (which I've always assumed is the astral). These have been some of the most amazing experiences of my life. However, there's one incident that started months ago that has me a bit worried. I decided I would go up to see if I could look at the Earth from space. I did so but was completely distracted with how amazing space was. There was this star/light thing which I intuitively felt was holy somehow. There's no other word for it. I went closer and closer to it and then I felt a pressure in my perineum. I slowly went back down and the pain decreased until I re-entered my body, which upon awakening was completely gone. Time went by and I've had many amazing experiences; sometimes solo, sometimes with dolphins or beings I call "the violet choir". But the pressure would increase a bit everytime and I'd re-enter my body to no pain at all. This got worse and worse and turned into pain until I'd have to will myself into my body to make it stop. The pain was somehow in my astral body but not in my physical body, so realigning to the physical seemed to make it disappear. Then my very last astral experience I remember I started singing, like this weird non-word harmonic, almost angelically. I felt hands starting to lift me up and the perineum pain started to become excruciating as I kept getting higher. I willed myself into my body to make it stop, and about an hour my perineum started aching. I haven't astral projected since, but the pain has become so excruciating at times and has spread to the base of my spine. I realize that this is all root chakra related. I've tried everything I can think of. I've tried Reiki, shamanic extractions, crystal therapy, traditional root mantras and mudras, guided chakra meditations, everything. It's just not going away.

Has anyone ever heard of this? Anyone have any insight or advice? It's something that I can't talk to people I know about without them looking at me like I'm insane.

7th June 2013, 05:59 AM
I've cracked open "Energy Work" by Bruce which has been sitting in my esoteric libraries for quite some time. It looks like he has an entirely different approach to energy healing and I will try that. Hopefully this will help me out. *fingers crossed* Still curious as to WHY though and if this will happen again if I astral project. I'm thinking perhaps my fear of this pain was so bad last time that I've created a system that prevents me from astral projecting, sort of like how fear would keep me form venturing far when I first started projecting until I overcame it.

7th June 2013, 03:39 PM
The first time I read your post I had no ideas at all, which is why I didn't respond until now. But for some reason, something ocurred to me when I read it again now. Here's an idea: Your perineum is where the base chakra is, a chakra associated with survival and the body. But the place you went to was quite 'above' the physical, possibly above the mental plane (although this may be debatable). My understanding is that all energy bodies have areas (chakras?) associated with function- the throat (for example) would be associated with communication in the area you are. So I'm not sure when you're in such a rarefied plane what exactly the function of the base chakra is (place?) so this may give you more information. There is somewhere in this forum a place where this is described. Not sure if it's on a thread written by Korpo, but that's where I'd look first.

8th June 2013, 05:43 AM
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond CFTraveler. :) I'd love to find that thread written by Korpo (possibly) but am not sure what to search for.

I have a very interesting update. So all day I've been doing techniques from Robert Bruce's "Energy Work" although slightly modified. I have an easier time feeling things coming from my "hands" than feeling me using certain tools. But essentially I've been doing the golden net, torch, spray gun, etc techniques all day. I was also reflecting on what I had said that perhaps I have created a "system that prevents me from astral projecting", so when I got off work I laid down and affirmed to myself that "I remove all fear programs preventing me from astral journeying" and BOOM, I've never popped out of my body so fast.

Now before I begin there's something that I think is important to mention that I didn't earlier because I hadn't thought of it. There are times when I feel that I'm being "called" to the astral. Now I'm not trained in these areas (as they've almost always have been spontaneous...and even unwanted at first) and have yet to read my books by Robert on the topic of astral projection, so I will explain it the best I can until I learn the jargon. I can tell when I'm being "called" (or will have a journey that day) based on clues throughout the day. These clues can include:

- vibrating and heating up like I'm plugged into a battery
- swaying side to side (as in feeling like my astral body is beginning to wiggle or rock out of my physical body)
- having a shift in right ear to left ear back and forth that feels similar to having water in your ear (but alternating quickly)

When I have these clues, I've noticed a pattern of experience what seems like a vortex/vacuum wind that will come once I'm in the astral and it will suck me (usually backwards) to some other point in the astral where I'll either learn something or have a very interesting experience.

Now ever since the original perineum pressure (before it became pain and before it manifested in my physical body) I'd feel the vortex come to take me somewhere but have learned through time how to refuse to let it take me. So today that vortex came and I just surrendered to it and I fell back to the plane where my room and body was and past it down into the Earth. This has happened before and the best I can relate it to is shamanistic cultures that believe in "underworlds" or "lower worlds" (not in an evil sense, but the lighting does tend to be slightly darker), because this is also where I've met my strongest animal allies which aligns to a lot of shamanistic beliefs.

So to my surprise instead of being in cavern like places, as I usually am in whatever dimension this is, but rather it was like being in some kind of netherworld full of clouds. For some reason I called out "Who is the maker of this place?!" almost as if asking to see who ruled this realm or whatever. In the clouds I could make out a shadowy figure. And usually I would avoid these type of beings, but instead I got brave and confronted it, asking what it could teach me. Immediately that vortex came and I was in a place (still this weird cloud netherworld) but there was what looked like life-size cut out silhouettes (sort of like you'd see at a comic store or a movie theater lobby) that were all black until I passed them. This place gave me the feeling of a museum or perhaps an art gallery. When I'd pass them they'd light up and I'd see images of situations I knew but had repressed and was unaware of. I recognized all of them though I couldn't place my finger on all of them as some seemed to be from different life times.

Now this is where it gets really weird. As I finished the last image, I saw a room. Inside the room was a warrior looking naked "man" and a bed. The man lovingly "topped" me. (I am a man). And as he "entered" me, I could feel blockages being removed. I know this sounds super bizarre, but I just want to be super honest and open about this. It was perhaps the strangest healing I've ever experienced inside or outside of my body and in reflection reminds me of the sacred prostitute/priestesses of past cultures and civilizations.

Afterwards I called forth a mirror out of curiousity of what I look outside of my body. To my surprise, I didn't see "me" but I saw "me". What I mean by this is that I saw an idealized version of myself, instead of what I really look like. I contemplated this for a while and realized that this was perhaps just how I feel I look like subconsciously with all my image insecurities gone, probably since there isn't a certain form while out of body (as there have been times that I've felt like just an orb).

Anyways. I came back to my body and the pain is gone. There's only slight pressure on my bottom vertibrea but it's not bad at all and feels like it's going away.

I think this experience has served two purposes:

1. Whoever calls me to the astral (I suspect my Higher Self) was guiding me to do healing on a deep shadow work (in the Jungian sense) level to recognize disowned, rejected and suppressed aspects of myself in this lifetime and the next.

2. This has lead me on a quest (perhaps led by my Higher Self as well) to seek out this forum and then to look at Robert Bruce's work and recognize that both are sources of people who understand this whole out of body/astral voyaging thing and has upped my spiritual path to the next level.

Perhaps both were rewarded by having root chakra & shadow issues resolved or at least confronted and the perineum and back pain removed.

As I'm typing this I'm also wondering if that "warrior lover" was my Higher Self or maybe a spirit guide? (though I'm not sure how much they can intervene on things) He felt very god-like (in the sense of like Greek or Roman gods, not the Prime Creator) and familiar.

I'll let you know if the pain goes away or not in the next few days. :)

8th June 2013, 04:13 PM
I have no wisdom, just one or two comments.

I can tell when I'm being "called" (or will have a journey that day) based on clues throughout the day. These clues can include:
I've never thought of it as being 'called', but sometimes I get similar 'symptoms' telling me I can project easily that night/morning.

- vibrating and heating up like I'm plugged into a battery That hardly ever happens (never the temp. issue) but that's why Robert recommends (and I concur) energy work. Always good to have some more.

- swaying side to side (as in feeling like my astral body is beginning to wiggle or rock out of my physical body) That used to happen to me. I'd also feel like the room was spinning the minute my head hit the pillow. Then I knew that night (or the next morning) projection would be a matter of trying.

- having a shift in right ear to left ear back and forth that feels similar to having water in your ear (but alternating quickly) That has happened to me before but I never associated it with projection. Will have to keep it in mind when it happens again.

I'll see if I can find you the link for that article and the chakras in different energy bodies.

Aunt Clair
8th June 2013, 09:56 PM
There was this star/light thing which I intuitively felt was holy somehow. There's no other word for it. I went closer and closer to it and then I felt a pressure in my perineum. I slowly went back down and the pain decreased until I re-entered my body, which upon awakening was completely gone.

...But the pressure would increase a bit everytime and I'd re-enter my body to no pain at all. This got worse and worse and turned into pain until I'd have to will myself into my body to make it stop.

The pain was somehow in my astral body but not in my physical body, so realigning to the physical seemed to make it disappear.

I felt hands starting to lift me up and the perineum pain started to become excruciating as I kept getting higher. I willed myself into my body to make it stop, and about an hour my perineum started aching.

I haven't astral projected since, but the pain has become so excruciating at times and has spread to the base of my spine.

I've tried Reiki, shamanic extractions, crystal therapy, traditional root mantras and mudras, guided chakra meditations, everything. It's just not going away.

Has anyone ever heard of this? Anyone have any insight or advice? .

I suggest you are trying to unplug yourself from the matrix before you are ripe enough to fall off the vine.

Kundalini is a reciprocal force; an equal and opposite force which enters the body whenever a stage is triggered by ascension or descension. Initial and many subsequent kundalini events occur at the perineum where the nadis are knotted together in what is called a kanda (term derived from candle). There are predictable times when the perineum becomes slowly unplugged by Kundalini.

And the gradual stretching and removal of blocks from the perineum affords higher and higher ascension, the elohim realms are the ones where the angels pull you up higher. I feel that your soul recalls these from past lives and knows the way there but hasn't prepared the physical body...yet.

To prepare the physical body the magickian stretches slowly the silver cord which is ever widening,loosening and lengthening as they learn to project to the etheric then the astral and then the higher planes , elohimic planes and Kether. Eventually the silver cord is cut while the magickian is alive, and this affords access to all realms in this and local universes. The barriers are called many things including; the silver cord, the ring pass not, the antekarana, the net of indra, the window on the edge of the universe et cetera.

So, daily ;
energy work
projection within the lower realms
and some kind of energy body work too such as ;
tai chi

Of these Kundalini Yoga is the best for your case.

So bringing energy gently through the perineum from the feet to the perineum and upwards to the heart and then the brow centre and by reciprocally taking energy down from the crown and brow centre to the heart to the perineum, also.

And,you can help yourself by projecting down into the self and healing the area of the perineum; by applying direct energy. It is like a garden of nadis. These are jewel toned worm like subtle energy cords which are watered and fed by energy work,literally.
The Garden of God is the more than 72 000 nadis most of which have origin in the perineum . All are nurtured by Hermetic energies;
Water energy when the soil is too dry
Earth energy to supply grounding and nutrients
Air energy to supply carbon dioxide to metabolize
Fire energy to provide sunlight to promote photosynthesis

9th June 2013, 06:13 AM
Thank you Aunt Clair. That makes perfect sense. And I resonate with your insight because for a few weeks yoga has been coming into my life via synchronicity; stemming from an urge to get back into it up to people saying "you should do yoga" randomly, to just having the words and images (like mats and such) appear in my daily life.

PS. Pain is still completely gone. :)

I'm looking up some kundalini yoga videos right now.

9th June 2013, 04:02 PM
Korpo was kind enough to respond to my question to him about the chakra/energy body connection. To quote him:
"I quote Kurt's list/post here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/sho...490#post107490 (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11748-Thematic-Dream-Journal&p=107490#post107490)

I expand a bit about what that means to Sinera:
http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/sho...172#post110172 (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11852-Sinera-s-Lucidiary&p=110172#post110172)
Some info to help. I'll give him a link to here just in case you have questions for him.

9th June 2013, 08:56 PM
Thanks CFTraveler! What fascinating information! Looks like I have a lot of reading ahead of me. :)

I just dug up my yoga mat from my storage closet and am looking forward to get back into yoga starting today.

Upon reflection, I think that the male figure in the astral trip was perhaps my Animus. I know that Jung scholars debate on the role of the Anima / Animus when it comes to LGBT people, as gender was synonymous with sex back in the days of Jung and was something he couldn't possibly foresee. I've learned to take these things into account when reading older writings. Sort of like how Alice Bailey's writings are a bit homophobic by today's standards but were just a reflection of the cultural paradigm of her time. The whole trip seemed to be inner-work regarding shadow stuff, so a powerful encounter with my Animus would make sense, especially in regards to the root chakra.

9th June 2013, 08:58 PM
Also, I'm curious about that vortex wind thing. Has anyone heard about that? I'd love to understand a bit more what that is.

10th June 2013, 02:41 PM
Also, I'm curious about that vortex wind thing. Has anyone heard about that? I'd love to understand a bit more what that is.
Do you mean astral wind, or transportation vortexes? I've experienced both, the second one being a way to get to the astral. Unless you mean something specifically mentioned in one of those links.

10th June 2013, 03:18 PM
I've noticed a pattern of experience what seems like a vortex/vacuum wind that will come once I'm in the astral and it will suck me (usually backwards) to some other point in the astral where I'll either learn something or have a very interesting experience.

That. :)

10th June 2013, 03:32 PM
Yes, I've used them before. They used to be pretty frequent when I was a newly 'learned' projector and would see them in the RTZ and I'd jump into them and end up in the astral. Later on I would be trying to project and one would appear (as an exit) in front of me and I'd 'lean' into it and off I'd go. (Traveling through a tunnel is a lot of fun, and appeals to the 'surfer' in me). Later on I stopped having all exit symptoms and I'd just phase into wherever I'm going, and those types of effects seem to have disappeared.

10th June 2013, 08:32 PM
Hello, barnowl.

What an interesting thread. All I want to add is that the first chakra has to do with issues of survival, which came to mind when I read this:

I laid down and affirmed to myself that "I remove all fear programs preventing me from astral journeying" and BOOM, I've never popped out of my body so fast.

Fears for your survival could take root (pardon the pun) in your first chakra, or manifest as a pressure there. The farther you've journeyed, the more "psychological distance" you covered. Monroe would have called it going farther beyond the last signpost. People who might have an unconscious ingrained fear that astral projection is part of the death process might fear - even unconsciously as anxiety - that they are in fact dying or in any kind of danger. Such unconscious fear could seek expression through the first chakra.

Each chakras has aspects on each of the planes - so your first chakra exists on all planes in differing degrees of activation. Some people seem to see these as chakras above the crown chakra, but that's my interpretation and need not be correct. Issues can also transfer between the different chakra aspect as energy filters down from the higher planes to ground itself out on the physical plane. Kurt Leland calls this the lightning rod effect, because the physical plane can act as a place where energies can be ground out.

So if you have an astral/emotional or a mental/belief issue, these energies might manifest in your physical body as well, something we also know as psychosomatic effect. People with rigid mental belief structures might also experience inflexible bodies, and so on. Experiencing that effect on the higher planes first and having it transfer to the physical plane next makes kind of sense in this context. By working on the energy level you also brought a kind of resolution to this issue.

You might want to observe what happens on your future travels. If things like these occur, it might also help to ask out "What does this mean?" You might not know whom or what you are asking, but trust an answer will come. It might come in irregular ways, but I found that often an answer finds its way if we are prepared to listen and observe.

Take care,

Aunt Clair
4th July 2013, 04:15 PM
Barnowl wrote;
I've learned to take these things into account when reading older writings. Sort of like how Alice Bailey's writings are a bit homophobic by today's standards but were just a reflection of the cultural paradigm of her time. The whole trip seemed to be inner-work regarding shadow stuff, so a powerful encounter with my Animus would make sense, especially in regards to the root chakra.

Forgive the tangent but can you please explain what you meant by Alice Bailey being homophobic? Can you cite the text or reference ?


4th July 2013, 05:09 PM
"I suggest you are trying to unplug yourself from the matrix before you are ripe enough to fall off the vine." Aunt Clair


Homophobia? nah.

But like Pauls word to Timothy, it merely is a "cautionary" pointer to on/incoming shifts [waves and torrents] toward equalizing gender/sexual/sensual...etc.[1=1][1is1si1][1is(1/0=nothing)si1]=[everything=much ado about nothing][love is nothing if not in love...IS] into the wholeness which neither gender IS, yet is/are in spite of, THAT to be IS of love in love. all the misunderstandings that have spun off "hate-isms" have nothing to do with what Love IS, yet have served to reveal what Love is not.

thus, "androgeny", yet exacted wholeness. Glad YOU Came: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cx-IONXyvw

4th July 2013, 05:55 PM
Forgive another tangent please, .....i just love this pop group, though i know little of them, but this song is a forgotten favourite of mine, thanks for sharing it Tutor & reminding me x x :-)

Glad YOU Came: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cx-IONXyvw