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20th June 2013, 09:32 AM
I thought about this topic for quite awhile. I thought maybe it would work now. I thought that if I could suggest to another person that while they are hypnotized, I can double unhypnotize them and figure out the truth of illusion. I can get them to reach the state of samadhi without them even knowing what it is because they are being controlled by their subconscious. I would tell them that they will have power over their subconscious at the end and thus be able to do many things like breaking their mental barriers and pretty much do anything because they subconscious can make things happen. Sigils are implanted into the subconscious. Think it will work?

20th June 2013, 02:14 PM
I thought that if I could suggest to another person that while they are hypnotized, I can double unhypnotize them and figure out the truth of illusion.

I don't understand what you mean by this.

But hypnosis is an incredible powerful tool that can be used to work through issues and reprogram ourselves, if done well. So with regards to the rest of your post, I see no reason why it wouldn't work, as long as the person in question has a strong desire for the result, and doesn't have any conflicting beliefs that would get in the way. So my advice is to identify these beliefs and work on them first.

20th June 2013, 07:05 PM
That makes total sense and I haven't thought of that. I guess I only have a certain amount of people it would work with.

21st June 2013, 02:29 AM
Not so sure something like this would work. I believe the mind, both conscious and unconscious may require gradual orientation to the transcendental depths Samadhi can bring one to, otherwise should an experiment like this work, the brain may be so startled it would likely fight off any gains quickly after it came up for air, if you could even arrange a hypnosis that tricked out. Sure, there are the very rare folks out there that hit instant enlightenment and have no clue how, and don't care one whit, but I tend to think they were primed for such grace by cyclic existences before. Probably many of them.

Now on the other hand, there are definite brain adjustments that can be made to induce enlightenment, at least temporarily. Like say, take away someone's ability to form words and attach them to concepts. This can happen with stroke or other injuries. Have a listen to Ann Senghas's (http://www.radiolab.org/2010/aug/09/) stroke experience for a taste.

It's interesting to know that there are research companies looking into how to induce enlightenment with interesting results. You'll have to Google that if interested.

But yeah, I have no real idea beyond that.


21st June 2013, 02:48 AM
Well, it never hurts to try. We don't know until we try it so we only have opinions. I will record it in a journal.