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20th June 2013, 03:42 PM

I just came back to Indonesia (I stay there since 1 1/2 year) and again I saw a Keris (in western language Kris). I red in the inet and asked some people about it and they told me that they use a Keris (same as the magical sword) to focus their energy in the front of the Keris.

Just with some differences:

a Keris has his one magical powers
a Keris is not for everyone same good, is can be good for you and bad for me
a Keris has its one name only know by his one master which starts the power
a Keris which is bad for you can kill you
some Keris can protect you
any legends talk about different power form Keris such as kill the owner, protect the owner until imorality, flying kerises and so on

I wanted to ask you now if someone has expiriences with Kerises or similar things or if someone would be interested to find out about it with me?

This is the wikilink:♥http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kris

Thanks for your answers and all the best
WhiteMonkey other forum but didnt got all my answers. Maybe you can tell me more.

20th June 2013, 08:00 PM
I just read this somewhere else. Isn't a keris a type of knife?

21st June 2013, 01:04 AM
Knife/sword ya :-) just look the picture in wiki.

21st June 2013, 02:13 AM
Here's a photo of my very handsome Phurpa, or Kila as they're called, which has considerable overlap with the Keris.

Interesting history and use on all sides...



These are often used in ritual attachment cutting ceremonies. The knife is thrust over parts of the body, often the back, in order to remove spiritual attachments. This can leave you on the ground with energy going through you like a live circuit. I had a "cutting" once, and one movement down my back left me on the ground for about an hour. I didn't just fall down, it was like being gently knocked over by a wave of the same energy one often feels right before a projection. These are also used for spiritual "fighting" or literally threatening a neg with attack if it won't stop harassing.


22nd June 2013, 12:56 PM
Wow thats very interesting thank you for sharing this picture of you beautiful Kila with us :)

22nd June 2013, 03:01 PM
I worked retail for a couple years and a young girl asked me about knives, wanting to give her bf one for his birthday. I tried to explain that a knife was a poor gift as she would sever her relationship with her amour. Silly me. She bought the knife.
I had personal experience with this 'sigil' or talisman and hoped in vain she would take my tip. But no.
Never give a lover a knife.

23rd June 2013, 04:10 AM
I cannot really agree with that. Here in indonesia when you go to a shaman he gives you some choises of items he can give you.

Last time i got a talisman a sarung,indonesian tradizional all in one dress, or a knife.
I choose the knife. He said give it to somebody you really love and it will guard your relationship.


23rd June 2013, 05:10 AM
My husband and I got a knife as an engagement present, from his brother who dislikes me rather intensely (don't worry, it's mutual). Still have the knife. And the husband. And the brother-in-law, but what can you do. ;)

23rd June 2013, 04:43 PM

24th June 2013, 04:23 PM
Well, I got that wrong. There were other intervening factors at play which I passed off as knife. Correlations misunderstood. :embarrassed:

24th June 2013, 05:01 PM
I was just being flippant. Don't worry about it. ;)

I will note that when I got the knife I was quite taken aback and asked my not-quite-husband if he thought his brother did it on purpose or understood the symbolism of it. My husband laughed and said, "No. I'm sure he has no idea. He just thinks knives are useful in the kitchen." Which is, I'm sure, true, knowing my brother-in-law. But, yes, I WAS quite shocked, because I did recognise the symbolism there. The thing is, the gift giver did not, and had no intentions or even understanding, and, well, to paraphrase Freud, sometimes a knife is just a knife.

24th June 2013, 07:49 PM
Thanks Butterfly. I get it.