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View Full Version : Would Like to start a MAP grp

22nd June 2006, 01:04 AM
Would like to start a mastering astral projection group so that I might stick to the days better and have a little group of ppl to encourage others to stick with it. If anyone is interested just post here or send me a pm. Saw a thread from way back of ppl doing this and sounds like a great idea, but it was posted over a year ago. :P :P

22nd June 2006, 09:07 PM
I feel so lonely lol, everyone is so far ahead of me wants me to rush to get up to the good stuff so I know how to help ppl better. Seems like im the only one here that is new to all this. Time to get down to business and start doing the 12 day guide to Mastering Astral Projection. Cut it down to include a weeks work in 1 day thus 12 days. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Maybe even awaken my Kundalini to help me along.

24th June 2006, 12:44 AM
I'm still working on the MAP program (Part I). Having a group would be nice, however I'm working at a relatively slow pace now, an exercise about every two days. Work keeps me rather busy, and I'm not in a hurry, so I'm treating it as a 6-month program, more or less. Looks like you're going the opposite way, from your "12-week" plan.
Good luck with that.

25th June 2006, 01:29 AM
I am on day 3... going pretty fast.. one a week. :shock:

I will do day 4 tomorrow...

25th June 2006, 11:15 PM

Not over a year ago :P

That group imploded though (there was some hosting problems and most ppl weren't that active anyway).

I'd have joined you, but I have come to realize that there are other things that I should focus on in life before learning AP. Good luck making a new group though :D

btw I wouldn't recommend hurring through the program, you won't learn it that way :wink:

26th June 2006, 05:16 PM
Hey, that group sounds like a cool Idea, I have yet to complete MAP, I keep getting caught up in summit else. Must have started it seventeen times by now lol :P :P

yeha so don't rush it, in your 12 day compressed program you will be lucky to get anything like what you are supposed to feel by the actual day 12 :shock:

26th June 2006, 09:33 PM
Day 4: toes.

Toes are hard. Had a very hard time "feeling" any toe aside from my big and index one. Guess I will be practicing this.

Monkey mind was put to rest by a sprinkler, of all things.
It is hot here an tried it out side under the cool of a tree. The sprinkler was going.. was not sure how that would work out... but its constant rhythmic clicking did the trick...

26th June 2006, 10:14 PM
Believe it or not, the hissing in my ears does the same thing for me. Sometimes I've gotten so much into it that I can change the pitch, and found that hypnagogics come sooner too. Or at least it seems like it.

26th June 2006, 10:36 PM
LOL... why compress it so much?

I was part of that original group... It didn't seem to work out though.
I have continued a lot of deeolpment work along the way though and I have had some advancement towards OBE without using MAP (I've found astral dynamics more helpful!)

So no I wouldn't like to join a group as I am going at my own pace, working outa lot of life stuff along the way as well.

27th June 2006, 12:24 AM
I was kidding about compressing it into 12 days. I understand that we all go at our own pace, but it would be nice to make a grp that could give insight and the motivation that we sometimes loose doing something else thats not really important. Like I used to think I didnt have alot of time for stuff but I had all the time in the world I just had to make room in my so called tight schedule. The idea that we wouldnt really have to be on the same page or same part of MAP but that we could help pull each other thru MAP.
Tony could be on day 4 and Andy is on week 4, Tony has problems with something and Andy had a little problem with the same thing but overcame it faster can give tips to Tony how to do it the way he did it and give him encouragement.

What I'm trying to say is... Its easy to give up when there is nobody rooting for you and we sometimes loose track of why we started going down that path to begin with. Then the doubt of yourself sets in and you give it up, but when someone is rooting for you and can push you the xtra mile you get there faster than you regularly would.

Hope I didnt confuse anyone, the post seems kindof blah but im a lil' outta it right now. If Interested in joining a MAP grp send me a pm and ill try to put together something

Best Wishes,

Tony C.

30th June 2006, 07:52 PM
Well we have a few ppl already interested in making a grp, if your interested you can either post on this thread or you can post over in a thread at the site http://www.astralbb.com/ you will have to register with that sites forums.

Best Wishes,

Tony C.

18th July 2006, 10:43 PM
This isn't a bad idea at all, I just restarted the MAP program after going halfway through it and then getting busy. But how do you start a group? I guess just post information on your progress and ask questions?

All I know is that my toes are emitting the greatest feeling I've had in awhile. Its like the happiness and good feeling that comes when being tickled, but minus all the uncontrollable laughter. Its just really pleasent. It started happening recently when I restarted the program and focused on the energy body. I'm hoping that I can make this feeling flow throughout my aura because I've been able to move it to the bottom of my spine, but I can't hold it for long in the leg areas or body areas.

Well its a start.

30th August 2006, 07:55 PM
I'm into starting and haven't begun yet. I've begun a couple of times and gotten off-track, so I'll be starting all over again from scratch.

Are you folks interested in starting on a particular day and sticking with it day to day or just staggered depending on where you're at??


30th August 2006, 08:12 PM
I just got a new group started up we are on day 6 of Mastering Astral Projection so you wouldnt be that far from us when you started. Do you want to join us. When we talk we Instant Message on AIM and if we dont see each other on AIM then we will send each other an email every 3 days of our progress thru each day. If you want to join us just post here and I will get in touch with you or you can PM me. We are following the 90 day program like it is in the book.

Best Wishes,

Tony C.

30th August 2006, 08:25 PM
Hi there,

Yes, I'd like to start. I might need some help getting up and running with the AIM as I haven't used it before but I catch onto things quick.

I'm already doing the daily journalling to remember dreams, keywords and such, haven't been doing the NEW energy work, but have all the materials I need--book, bwg, etc.

So--count me in!


31st August 2006, 01:17 AM
Can I join also? I do daily meditation, but I have trouble staying with the MAP program. This group will help me keep up-to-date as I like having people to share my ideas and experiences with. I've gotten to day 26 then I stopped, I got to day 8 then I fizzled away again...So I can join right with you guys. I'll start day 7 tomorrow and keep a journal.

AIM - Nuzzi x5

Best wishes,

31st August 2006, 01:24 AM
Hi Spite

Check the thread titlled "MAP Group" or something like that. I just started it up for us all to use. You are welcome to join! Talk soon!
