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1st July 2013, 04:00 AM
I was planning on doing three things over the next couple of months and get the most minimal sleep possible because I am dedicating my time to these things. I was planning on doing energy work, mastering the electric and magnetic fluids for both my hands as well as creating volts, and last but not least, programming my IOS and Android app, although mostly the fluids. I feel the mastering of the fluids to be selfless to me as I would benefit humanity greatly with my magnetic and electric hands for healing and other miracles. I plan on tirelessly mastering the fluids, but what is the meaning of tireless? Is it that I will not get bored of failed attempts to accumulate these fluids or like Bardon says, practice, practice, practice because it makes perfect? I have no idea. All I know is I will start soon.

1st July 2013, 04:05 PM
What does avoiding sleep have to do with mastering these things? What's your hurry?

1st July 2013, 06:45 PM
You see, when I was speaking to my mother awhile ago, she told me about experiences she had. I come to the decision that she had an amazing past life, she had seen her heavenly mother because she once woke up crying and had some experience that she knew who it was, she knows when someone is going to die and exactly how they are going to die, she has dreams of people trying to attack the family, she usually wakes up scared but not because of a nightmare, she is clairvoyant, but she doesn't exactly believe in these things. I want to try to wake her up using the fluids. She caught me once reading IIH and tells me I should discard of it. I still have it and practicing with the electromagnetic fluid at the moment. I really want to figure out her past life because I know it is the one, but I can't yet till I possibly master the fluids then ill tell her I'm gonna guide her to her past life because ith the fluid, you could do anything. I really feel she has a strong spiritual development from a past life and now she got the resources. It's strange. Everyone around me has all of these woken up abilities and are just normal and take it for granted and here I am trying to get it but I'm the only person who is into this tuff yet I don't have anything. Is there something bigger to that?

1st July 2013, 06:51 PM
Still not clear on what this has to do with sleep deprivation. To be perfectly honest, although sleep deprivation has occasionally caused mild hallucinations (stuff like patterns on wallpaper moving around) and also a kind of waking dream flight of fancy (basically, hypnogogics when I'm still technically awake; not at all valid as a "vision" or message, just the mind wandering off in weird dreamy directions), I am never better off for being deprived of sleep, nor is my mysticism improved in any way. Rather the opposite, in fact. Being sleep deprived is not that different from being drunk, or drugged, or some other less than optimum mental/emotional/physical state. I don't recommend it.

The phrase "tireless" just means you keep at it, and you don't quit. It's actually something of a misnomer, because that word should imply that whatever you're doing doesn't make you tired, but that's not how it's used. It just means you don't give up, you don't stop, you don't give in to things like boredom and apparent lack of progress, etc. You keep on keeping on.

1st July 2013, 07:11 PM
then there are the other effects that come after sleep deprivation , being cranky and irritable tops my list , I also turn short tempered and tend to snap at things I ordinarily wouldn't.
other important things like driving motor vehicles , making basic decisions requiring logic and ratiocination decline steeply (using a stove , and leaving the gas running) this is can affect the sleep deprived person hurt himself and or himself and others.
(imo) the most consequential effect of sleep deprivation is impacting the brain on a neural level :
Slow-wave sleep is considered important to consolidate new memories.[5] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow-wave_sleep#cite_note-5)
Sleep deprivation studies with humans suggest that the primary function of slow-wave sleep may be to allow the brain to recover from its daily activities.

I'm not sure what would happen to the brain if it doesn't recover from it's "daily activities", I think GMAN will volunteer bravely to be the guinea pig on this one *chortle chortle*

1st July 2013, 07:54 PM
Hi Germain 12,
My own personal habit that I have that needs nurturing is my impatience. I see things I like and get them straight away.not always the right decision ,sometimes yes.
Look at the beautiful designs of famous buildings,the works of art in beautiful cathedrals,famous paintings that are so valuable.
None of these were built quickly, or designed quickly. They are special because they were precisely thought out,time was taken and the best result came.
My opinion ,my feeling, is that you are way ahead of abilities for someone of your age and I will say it again I believe you are someone to watch out for when I am old and using my Zimmer frame, ( 10-15 years) but you must take your time to learn and not give yourself a time frame.
That's all I'm suggesting....don't give yourself a time frame. Practice,practice,Practice.
Said with kindness.

1st July 2013, 08:15 PM
and i love to sleep so much , i wish i could sleep as much as i ever wanted , all the time everyday .

Sometimes i'm very self-indulgent do just that , get home in on the weekends , at my folks place , where the clothes get miraculously washed themselves , food makes itself and climbs into the refrigerator , then i just disappear under the sheets turn off my beeper and my cell , not to be heard of till I can't physically bear to sleep anymore ; body aches and cramps (usually i'm a real trooper about this I just rub some dirt in it and walk it off) and back into the bed i go!

The more well slept i am the better it is for people around me ; so that counts as being good samaritan and if this is procedure is done correctly (takes years and years of delectable practice) can give you a good insight into what la dolce vita is all about.

1st July 2013, 08:33 PM
You know Susan, that is absolutely true. I for one always put some type of time frame and then realize now that I have all the time I can get. I just remember reading that section over and over again in Initiation Into Hermetics before working on the magnetic and electric fluids that I should live in the Now. Only going back to the past when absolutely needed and the future if you are able to shape it yourself. I had to ennoble myself to think of the fate of humanity. So many things going on in the world, I just want to grab myself a copy of the book of destiny and read off everyone and just change it. I feel the opportunity is in those two fluids in which anything is possible and only God himself could deny you of an effect. I wanted to put a ton of effort especially in these two which become the electromagnetic fluid. If I may ask if anyone has made it this far, I could already do the inductive method with eyes open but I still tend to hold my breath.

1st July 2013, 09:37 PM
and i love to sleep so much , i wish i could sleep as much as i ever wanted , all the time everyday .

Me too! I have such fun sleeping and dreaming that getting up is a bummer. I have a healthier dream life than I do in reality. I am so entertained when I sleep it's a real downer to wake up and face another day of physical/material matters. I wish dying would be like dreaming - that's a little goth isn't it?

2nd July 2013, 08:14 AM
I wish dying would be like dreaming - that's a little goth isn't it?

lol yes i guess.

2nd July 2013, 09:18 AM
I wish dying would be like dreaming
Who's to say it's not? And who's to say all of reality isn't just the dream of a dying god or something?

2nd July 2013, 04:11 PM
Who's to say it's not? And who's to say all of reality isn't just the dream of a dying god or something?

Well, yes! Vishnu dreams our existence, and we are ourselves but a dream. Woo-hoo. :) No fear.

2nd July 2013, 04:35 PM
You are the dreamer, and you are the dream.

(I'm quoting Star Trek, by the way. ;))

(Because I'm a nerd.)