View Full Version : Paralysis problem or can be a tool?

Santu Nightbird
5th July 2013, 02:46 AM
Ok guys,

my wife is having regular paralysis. I never had them, I wish I did so I know what she deals with. I understood not many like them and some "received ideas" about them do not help either.

Did anyone managed to turn this spontaneous "negative" event into the tool for OBE? How?

5th July 2013, 03:28 PM
If your wife is waking up from sleep paralyzed, she is having classic sleep paralysis. If this is a new thing something is happening with her that is waking her up while she is still in REM sleep. Many things can cause it- changes in hormones, a new place, new medications, etc. Some people, especially those who are light sleepers, tend to wake up easily- those people can also have sleep paralysis, but not because something's wrong- they just wake up while their bodies are still paralyzed from being in REM sleep.

It is highly difficult to convert SP into an OBE, because one of the things that characterize SP is that since they're already in REM, they are not lucid and often deep visceral fear is a common part of this. BUT, if she has experience with lucid dreaming, she may be able to conquer the fear, push through it with her mind, and use an exit technique to try to convert the SP into a projection.
If she can overcome the fear and lack of lucidity, she can turn it into a projection- but it will probably be a short one.
I think that if she is experienced she can do it, but if she is not she should try to break the paralysis (not by trying to move) and then get up.
The way I know (that has worked for me better than anything else) to break paralysis is to wiggle your big toe. As silly as this sounds.

5th July 2013, 05:44 PM
I don't get it, but SP also includes breathing paralysis for me which can and will induce panic. When this has happened (and it hasn't for some years) I would fight to move a finger and break the paralysis. Funny thing is, I don't think I could suffocate because if I passed out the SP would end. But I don't know.

Santu Nightbird
6th July 2013, 03:34 AM
Thanks guys, well she has it before sleep. lay down, relax and she knows she is going into paralysis. i would tell her to stand up and move around to break it etc....She knows as well about the big toe but it doesnt work for her apparently once she is in Paralysis. She is kinda easily having the paralysis - that is why i was thinking of how to turn in into AP..... I understood that paralysis could mean the Astral body is already out or going to be out? Or is it because she in her energy body already without knowing and tries to move the physical? Really I would think there could be a way to convert into AP? Fears are for sure there they would make a limitation for sure for sure....no light sleep as well. She knows how to sleep well just like I do haha ;-) Well if somebody has experience of how to convert that would be cool ;-)

6th July 2013, 12:48 PM
Thanks for that. I often 'skim' threads and in this case I missed the point. Now that I better understand I can faithfully say; I do not know (nor never heard of) a waking conversion under those circumstances. Maybe consciousness is too much in the 'here and now'.

Might be doable, though.

6th July 2013, 06:48 PM
If this happens in the beginning of the sleep cycle, then she should still be lucid, and easily convert it to an OBE.

Santu Nightbird
8th July 2013, 01:41 AM
If this happens in the beginning of the sleep cycle, then she should still be lucid, and easily convert it to an OBE.

Oh Traveller that's what I was thinking too, to me it sounds like a natural tendency/ability... What needs to be done? Same as all our techniques for OBE? Just one out once paralysis happened?

8th July 2013, 02:30 AM
Most of the trance techniques involve getting our body to go to sleep while remaining awake- it seems that she's got that part of the process done, so next would be energy body loosening and trying an exit technique, such as the ones described in the topics we have in this subforum.

8th July 2013, 07:44 PM
I may not remember correctly, but I think Bruce didn't imagine that an exit could be made from this state of paralysis. CFT will correct me on this. I.e. the realization of the paralysis denies the exit, which is unaware in the exit mode????

8th July 2013, 11:47 PM
It's not really paralysis, it's more like 'instant trance', they just call it paralysis.

Santu Nightbird
9th July 2013, 03:38 AM
I have instructed my wife to loosen up with : projecting her body up and down through her body
till ceiling and down. Then side ways Etc. then apply rope/steam / And my own adapted steam technique where I blow energy in a steam way from behind my body to make it energized and steaming out... Now lets see;-) I keep you posted. She has got naturally what I work for. We always make jokes in the couple who makes it first;-) well if she is, then I will be happy to learn from her....
. I'm sstill such a beginner in concious exits;-) but journey is exiting;-)