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5th July 2013, 11:47 PM
How out of nowhere there are new epidemics? Just not too long ago, a new virus is spreading and they found it at the end of may. It seems to spread fast and kill fast. Is this a possible way to kill a person when it is their time? It seems every time we have a cure for something new, there will be something that pops up and it is a new incurable virus until a cure comes. Anyone got any guesses on this phenomenon?

6th July 2013, 12:35 AM
drug resistance has a lot to do with it , most bacteria viruses have evolved over time to adapt to most if not all antibiotics.
MRSA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mrsa) is one notable example used to explain how this happens :-
After 72 hours, MRSA can take hold in human tissues and eventually become resistant to treatment.

remember every time you don't finish off an exactly timed course of antibiotics you leave some mutated bacteria behind ; that bacteria (or bacterium) then pass on the information to other bacteria how they evolved resistance to that particular antibiotic medication and the so called vicious cycle continues.

genetic reassortment itself a natural phenomenon however , that's how the influenza virus constantly undergo genetic drift and or genetic shift to result in strains the human DNA has yet to evolve response to.
Multiple medication to treat HIV also coerces the virus to mutate further and gain resistance to AZT (the prototype medicine) and the like.

there was once a time when ebola and marburg or the more recent swine and avian flu's were considered rapid and fatal , however since you didn't particularly pick on an example to talk more about (i'm assuming alarming) material , i'd say you'd best go with information rather then theory about epidemics.

because if you go by theory than more of those come up and before you know it , it's 3 a.m and your'e on a website reading theory material and by 5 a.m conspiracy theory itself start's seeming plausible.

in my case i was like "what! wait , are you telling me there is no such thing as mass lemming suicide?" :shock:

when that doesn't satisfy your sensationalist thrill seeking cravings and agenda (yes i read a LOT of glossies) you start looking up urban myths , by the time you cover urban myths , you want to start looking into this new internet "meme" stuff (there is much much more of it than you can shake a fist at) , and some of it is REALLY scary , for the LOVE of god how the hell can anyone explain adult men with fully functional gonads addicted to unicorn cartoons "my little pony friendship is magic" , i.e "bronies" (bros loving ponies hence ending up as bronies) saying "ain't nothing wrong with it" , yeah right , way to go , that's how you represent the Y chromosome , that's showin 'em for sure.

but that could just be me only thinking out loud , because even when i was young i was wondering about stuff like that , like how in smurfs there is this one and only smurffette and the rest are all well....you know smurfs.

i think i was pointing out distinction between recognizing someone else getting their cheap thrills selling you sensational or alarming material and you by yourself picking up something and putting the mental tag of "must look into later" onto something and then totally forgetting about it and rambled off into digression.

and that my friend's is why i will never switch to decaff :D

6th July 2013, 01:56 AM
At the end, I went back to read your post over again and I did it much faster and taking deeper breathes (don't know if I spelled that right.) It sounds about the same as me and I too will never take decaff :)

6th July 2013, 08:28 PM
I too will never take decaff :)

some people are very sensitive to caffeine i think , i can take about 3 to 4 cups of really strong over brewed tea and still not get the bright eyed bushy tailed feeling.
my folks don't buy coffee anymore because i end up drinking all of it , if it's instant and not ground , I hate beans.

7th July 2013, 01:54 AM
You know I have to confess I haven't been reading long posts for health reasons (I haven't been feeling well and haven't been able to concentrate much) but I read this one and I'm glad I did. It made my night. DC, you're funnier than you know.

7th July 2013, 08:29 AM

7th July 2013, 06:06 PM

And I'll second that! Well thought and right down the line, DC. :)