View Full Version : whats the best way to get energy to heart chakra?

17th July 2013, 10:35 PM
By raising energy through feet and then bringing it up to the heart chakra? Or by pulling in energy through hands and bringing it to the heart chakra? In reading Robert Bruce's NEW, I got the impression that the only way to raise energy to the chakras was through the feet, however at the same time I feel like it should be easier to supply the heart chakra with energy through the hands since the energy portals on the hands are of course closer to the heart chakra. What do you all think is the best way to get energy to the heart chakra?

17th July 2013, 11:08 PM
i would first say get a puppy. but, how about instead of imagining to get energy through the hands, try giving energy through the hands, like healing energy. this fascilitates the activity of the heart chakra through compassion for other/s. as far as feet go, it would be like an old fashioned foot washing, where ya wash other's feet, and get yours washed too, again compassion.

any practice must be preceeded by the intent which would be causal to reciprocity. so if one is in need of energy then they would first have it within them to give and so they'd give first. like priming a pump that reaches to an unseen source, but you first have to prime the void from what ya got. the two touch, and adhesion pulls up and out what otherwise would not have been abled to come up and out. priming the pump is unconditionally (intent) giving of yourself, beyond that getting more is still about giving. like one would correctly say, "i am going to give myself a nice long bath", like one is giving themself an expressed gift. folks in a rush say, "I am going to take a quick shower". the golden rule~uncommon sense

so, it is all about intent; and spiritual practice is not unlike physical exercise. ya get what ya give, no pain no gain, no guts no glory...etc.

"Deep is calling unto deep" ~ this is like one between two deeps. say the external deep is calling for more than you have, that "have" being contingent upon the external giving to you. but, instead of giving the external is asking, even to the point of stealing what you in the between have. so you turn inward and call unto deep, you being like a relay between two deeps. the deep answers the deep, but you have to be the conscious relay, aware that it aint all about you. if it were all about you, than you'd not be a relay. the more aware one becomes of this, the more apt is the inward deep to be calling, and the external reach reaches deeply to what? surrender

thus, does prayer in a fellowship, not likeminded per se, just merely unconditionally oriented to come together in answer to such a call. now this gets strange, as such a fellowship may not at all be associatively familiar, perhaps separated by great distance, not even to have met at all in any way. so in faith you realize that if you've been so called to answer such as this that is way beyond your relay capacity to supply, then you are part of many relays just so called. in this event, you turn to the external and pray outloud, as does each relay wherever they may consciously as aware be. obedience

a close examination of the last paragraph would suffice to explain why practitioners often suddenly feel overwhelmed to the point of being used up. thus, to alleviate such feeling being used up, in faith pray. the healer is simply the relay of energy that heals. sounds like the healer is left out of any healing of their own. nope, the relay that one is within the flow, is the through, through which healing energy streams. humility

healing energy is that which works toward wholeness, and not necessarily that which would directly heal an incidental ill. in other words, the patient or other as it were, may indeed be of an unhealable ill, yet in the scope of wholeness, may be healed of the underlying unseeable cause, while the identifiable ill remains. if there be time for the patient's ill to be healed, then that healing would be contingent upon the cause healed. understand that the latter is entirely up to the patient's acceptance through willfully accepting wholeness offered. individual willfulness

wow...overshare i guess.

tmi i suppose, but to say that the past is perfect is to understand the power of forgiveness to one's own past experiences and those concerned. to say that the future is imperfect is to understand how important it is to be constantly readied for that which calls. sobriety

18th July 2013, 12:07 AM
By raising energy through feet and then bringing it up to the heart chakra? Or by pulling in energy through hands and bringing it to the heart chakra? In reading Robert Bruce's NEW, I got the impression that the only way to raise energy to the chakras was through the feet, however at the same time I feel like it should be easier to supply the heart chakra with energy through the hands since the energy portals on the hands are of course closer to the heart chakra. What do you all think is the best way to get energy to the heart chakra? It's not the only way, it's the most general way he does it. I think it may be because it runs energy through the lower storage centers first, so that the higher chakras don't get too stimulated, but it really depends on the reason that you're raising the energy in the first place.

18th July 2013, 02:40 AM
oops! i didn't mean to imply that Robert Bruce's NEW, or that any other method/way was/might be incorrect. I was replying to Libramoon's last question, " What do you all think is the best way to get energy to the heart chakra?"...only.

i usually get a puppy, but right now four dogs is enough. not to mention the neighbor's dogs that lay about our porch. looks like a scene out of HeeHaw at times.

yep, reason/motive, underlying intent which is often undisclosed consciously leaving one unaware. awareness begins with investigating oneself first. it aint pretty, but it is just a mask worn by none other than Beauty...Yours.

Blessings to you and yours,


18th July 2013, 05:37 AM
I have a really effective method of getting any energy point to whir , we learnt it as a part of our program curriculum years ago , it's called "Psychic Screaming" , you basically take which ever chakra you want to work with and scream out of it (there should be absolutely no strain or pressure on the vocal cords , prevent even your throat from even so much as moving) this is a "mental" scream , it sounds easy but it by far one of the more difficult exercise to get the knack of , (if however you're the sort who takes a challenge and goes "i will eat you up for an easy breakfast and spit your bones out :twisted: ) practice will pay you major dividends.

remember it's a scream it's meant to get stuff moving , do not be shy or gentle , that is your'e at least game enough for it anyway.

18th July 2013, 03:16 PM
I have a really effective method of getting any energy point to whir , we learnt it as a part of our program curriculum years ago , it's called "Psychic Screaming" , you basically take which ever chakra you want to work with and scream out of it (there should be absolutely no strain or pressure on the vocal cords , prevent even your throat from even so much as moving) this is a "mental" scream , it sounds easy but it by far one of the more difficult exercise to get the knack of , (if however you're the sort who takes a challenge and goes "i will eat you up for an easy breakfast and spit your bones out :twisted: ) practice will pay you major dividends.

remember it's a scream it's meant to get stuff moving , do not be shy or gentle , that is your'e at least game enough for it anyway. This is an awesome way to clean the 'chakra pipes'- I'll have to give it a deliberate try sometime.

18th July 2013, 04:41 PM
This is an awesome way to clean the 'chakra pipes'- I'll have to give it a deliberate try sometime.

Superb! , i will continue to add to The Psychic Screaming Thread (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?16262-quot-Psychic-Screaming-quot-a-look-at-alternative-energy-workouts) , in case this sparks an interest in someone else too :-)