View Full Version : Pulsations from my hands??

26th July 2013, 02:02 AM
I'm hoping someone has had a similar experience or can explain this to me. I was spending a quiet evening with my husband when I had an overwhelming urge to place both of my hands on his chest. After several seconds, I began to feel like my left hand was pulsating into his chest and in return, his chest was pulsating against my right hand. I don't mean like a heartbeat, but an actual pulsating force that was visible to both of us. We both felt it and just as I felt like something profound was about to happen, he got scared and pulled away. No, this was in no way Sexual. However, since the experience, I seem to have a glow about me all of the time. People have said how radiant I look. I also feel like I have this huge secret that I want to tell, only I don't know what it is. Please tell me somebody out there can at least tell me where to look for answers, because Google isn't much help when you don't know the words for what you want to know!

26th July 2013, 04:39 PM
I have no idea what this means, except that it seems to have involved the heart chakra. I suggest you use affirmations to ask your HS to clarify what happened, and expect a dream.

26th July 2013, 04:49 PM
yeah CFT, i was thinking that your offered meditation practice would work here, the one where you and hubby sat facing with palms touching. this seems to have to do with an obstruction, more or less shame and/or guilt, not being real but real enough. this seems as a chance toward removal. must be a whole lotta love with this pairing, i reckon so. i reckon any higher self eventually reveals as two partnering souls long parted that now in the twain humanly reemergent within a brevity to become as one a-gain at long last. twin souls perhaps. but, what is brevity but that which works to dis-proves us as strangers, if we but let go of that which estranges, things, and just be as we are, as one is. the things availed to us return to dust and ash, being does not return but to being, ever being....to return home where the heart is, where two become as one proof proved.

good luck to yuns, never give up on what is You and your Love.

Into Dust: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBQZ4M2Uv5c