View Full Version : Intense Blue Glow

2nd August 2013, 10:28 PM
Firstly, thank you Robert for publishing these materials and making it possible for someone like myself to get started at no expense. It takes courage to publish this type of thing, and a genuine willingness to help to provide so much of it for free. I look forward to putting the exercises in “Evolution” to use and will report any successes. I’ve started my affirmation list and saying it all out loud. This is only day 2, so at the moment I feel super silly and find myself giggling at the thought of me walking around the house like Patrick Stewart issuing commands to an invisible No.2, but I know this works for I have achieved amazing things in the past by strong, direct positive thought, that the giggling (introversion) will subside and it’s place will be confidence.

At some point I will look into all the other materials available. I feel like this book alone can keep me occupied for a while and once I have some success I can look into the rest. So, forgive me if I am asking a question that is perhaps answered somewhere else.

My questions are as follows:

From what I understand, astral projecting can become second nature and can happen anywhere at any time once a person has a bit of success, control and experience, but in the beginning, should I avoid all sound within my control, or is it okay to have music playing in the background? When I say music I mean music I like rather than spiritual music. I don’t really know what spiritual music is, so if this happens to be a suggestion then please give me an example.

I had an OBE experience when I was 12yrs old. I had been riding my horse for several hours in the snow. Tired, wet, cold and weary I stabled him, did the usual evening routine in the house and went to bed. The next day I had a terrible cold which quickly became bronchitis, possibly pneumonia. I was coughing non-stop and my lungs felt full of fluid. That evening I knew I would never get to sleep unless I took medication. This was a big decision for me for taking medication was not something I was usually willing to do. I got out of bed, took a Tylenol III, sat up for 20min and then laid back down flat on my back. The coughing stopped completely. I noticed how comfortable I was, as if I was on a cloud, and my body had no weight. It was such a pleasant feeling and such a relief to no longer be coughing. I had never ever felt so comfortable before or since, perhaps the Tylenol had something to do with that sensation. Nevertheless, it was then I noticed the posters on my wall were drifting downwards. I watched this completely fascinated for I knew my eyes were closed. I also knew my room was completely black and that I should not be able to see them. I had a sort of night vision, for it was not as if the room was lit up, I simply could see a clear, grey version of the posters on the wall. I then noticed that my “nose” was about 1” from the ceiling. I looked down and saw an intense blue glow around my entire body. Of course, that was when I noticed that I was looking at my own body. I looked back at the ceiling and I suddenly worried that if I drifted through I might not get back. It was then I felt myself rushing back in, kind of like a diver with my "head" pointed downwards. I knew I was controlling this with my thoughts somehow. Problem was, I enjoyed the feeling of being so very comfortable and felt my hands starting to drift in and out. I forced myself to roll over which made me uncomfortable and from there I finally fell asleep. As a side note, there was no vibration, no sound, just extreme comfort and a rising up in the shape and position of my body and then rushing back in again.

My question: What was the intense blue glow – has anyone else seen this? Also, would it be possible for me to float out like that again without the potential vibrations and noise as described in the book?

3rd August 2013, 03:35 AM

Blue On Black: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzrEBt5-KaA

Snows That Fall On The Sahara: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHXyPTmliNs

Lightning Crashes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uNdUi0Yf1Q

Vishuddha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JmkETSSzE4


the word Voice, it is telling "vo" to turn this "ice", as in Voeci, or Voe Ci, which means "turn well|this".

like this statement: comme ci comme ca...neither well* nor poorly', or it means...neither this* nor that', or just plain so-so; a supportive scriptural statement, "I have seen the end of perfection".

interesting is this name..Cici which means blind/sixth

why is all this in the word Voice? voice is sound, sound is first, as in the spoken word, "Let there be light"...and there was light.

sight is of sound given. to heal the blind with the word. to turn blindness to sight. but this isnt particularly physical blindness, in as much as it is spiritual blindness, to see...meaning to have restored spiritual order. this is 33 hz - Christ Consciousness - Blue Light

33 hz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-TZ1FslHak


spoken word/prayer, singing songs/praises, singing the psalms..etc, are the uttermost of importance. the connection of sound/throat and sight.

3rd August 2013, 05:26 AM
Tutor, thank you for your reply. I watched all the videos. I feel as though I have been given gentle answers that have left me with more questions . . . I am off to ponder my thoughts on this. One thing is for sure, I have a lot more to learn, practice and achieve. :-)

I look forward to browsing through past and future posts!

3rd August 2013, 02:34 PM
yep, sometimes what we are looking for or at cannot be put into words per se, requiring a broader sensory array to inform. perhaps being pre-word/thought. but it is our human mission to give word in the covering of the scene seen/felt/sensed. Hey! Look..Behold! Silence may be Golden, however, Spoken is true blue of the Truth, like when one is hurt they say, OUCH!. For what is there, or where is a where like right here, or a who like you, or a why, or a when, or even a how is this now; that is not post-word/thought? even a lie bears a kernel of truth that the telling the lie reveals a liar.

Neti Neti; or the truth is neither this nor that, truth is truth. yet, we require the way* through which allows us our living* beingness, that we may live/be^ the life^.

to thine own self be true. of thine own true self be. of true self own thine BE. thus is Dhar-mah; honesty before heaven and God. so-so

for any of man...kind...

Simple Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmlWA2XnoA8

sumptin like dat

P.S. yep, ponderin is good. dunno bout learning, maybe unlearning is what it is. achieving what? who knows? you're all set and ready just as you humanly are. practice being human, honestly so-so. moderation and understanding with your self is the key.

here is a fun way to aid with the throat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS5eOryeLbM

my wife and i got a large crystal bowl set for the throat chakra, it is the tone G. it's loud vibration is more than enough to bust window glass, like in a china cabinet or a single pane window.